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  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    my new favorite artist: ippei gyoubu.


    responsible for the new dr pepper campaign in Japan






  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    hawken, I would SWEAR you did each of those.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18

    The World War II in Europe Book List.

    The following is a list of books from my collection dealing with the European Theater of Operations, Primarily Northern Europe,more specifically the Netherlands, on the ground. It does not cover Africa in depth, nor does it cover the Pacific Theater , or the Asian Theater. It does not cover ships or aircraft, ot the list would be endless. It does cover ground vehicles. This is just what I hve in my collection which the focus is primarily referential, and visual, rather than technical, or political.

    General Atmosphere

    Europe In The Spring, Claire Boothe, Alfred a Knopf Publishing.
    The Germans, Gordon A. Craig, Meridian Publishing.
    The Streamlined Decade, Donald J. Bush, Braziller. Industrial Arts and Everyday items as well as buildings from the 20's to the war.
    A Pictoral History of the World War II Years, Edward Jablonski, Wings Books. Period Photographs of the war years.
    CARS of The Thirties and Forties, Michael Sedgwick, Beekman House. This has cars from around the world and discusses imports and exports, as it turns out U.S. made cars and trucks from the late 30's found their way into the middle class in Europe, government fleet sales because of their mechanical reliability, as well as their native cars either being low cost for the "masses" (Fiat Topolino, Tatra T87, and the KDF Wagen later to become the VW Beetle), to the high end (Mercedes, Opel, BMW, rolls Royce, Delahayes, LeLages and Talbot-Lagos). Lots of color phtos and good tecnical drawings.

    American Art Deco, Eva Weber, Dorset Press. Again more for general atmosphere, this books maysay "American" in the dcover, for a world wide phenomenon, where a lot of international designers worked for American companies, and vice versa. From buildings to radios to furniture, this book is a valuable reference.

    Propaganda The Art of Persuasion World War II , Anthony Rhodes & Victor Margolin, Book sales. A comprehensive look at the Axis and allied propaganda of WW2, especially posters used by the invading powers in conquered territories. You will need ubiquitous posters plastered on the walls and kiosks to get theat special atmosphere that only these sorts of posters can give.

    Civilian Fashions

    The J.C. Leyendecker Collection, Steine & Tabara, Collectors Press. Men's Fashions and the masculine Ideal from the 20's through the late 30's
    Everyday Fashions of The Thirties as Pictured in Sears Catalogues, Stella Blum, Dover Books from the depression to the beginning of the war..
    Everyday Fashions of The Forties as Pictured in Sears Catalogues, JoAnne Olien, Dover Books.From the war, and war austerity measures until the Dior looks
    Costume Design in The Movies, Elizabeth Leese, Dover Books. The biggest influence on fashions for women, other than Paris
    Fashion for Men, Dianna De Harly, Holmes and Meier. The biggest influence on fashion for men, was British Royalty, and the Prince of Wales was a shapr dresser.


    The Kriegsmarine (volumes 1 - 3), John R. Angolia & Adolf Schlict, Bender Publications. In depth examination of every issue item pruduced by the Navy of the Third Reich. Good photos.
    Uniforms and Traditions of The German Army 1933 - 1945 (volumes 1 - 3), John R. Angolia & Adolf Schlict. The definitive books on uniforms and equipment of the German Army under Hitler.
    Army Badges and Insignia of WW2, Guido Rosignoli, Blanford Colour Series. Badges nd rank systems, and awards explaind for most of the participants of WW2.
    German Uniforms of The Third Reich 1933 - 1945, Brian Leigh Davis, Blanford Colour Series. This books shows every uniform of every government department, and political organization of the Third Reich, showing that indeed, Himmler wanted to replace civilian clothes with distinctive uniforms for every branch of government.
    World Army Uniforms 1939 to the Present (1980) by Mollo, McGregor, Smith, and Chappell. Blanford Colour Series.This book combines world Army Uniforms of World War II 1939 - 1945, and World Army Uniforms Since 1945. A companion to The Armed Forces of World War II by Mollo & McGregor.
    Waffen SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs, Andrew Steven & Peter Amodio, Windrow & Greene. From a series of books where they find models to fit vintge uniforms and pphotograph them with good backgrounds and excellent photographic equipment. Arrainged chronologically.
    Wehrmacht Camoflage Uniforms & Post War Derivatives, Daniel Peterson, Windro w& Greene. Same as above, but a catalog of camoflage patterned uiforms used by the German Army, and armies after the war.
    World War II Infantry in Color Photographs, Laurent Mirouze, Windrow & Greene. Arrainged Chronologically by theater and campaign.
    Allied Soldiers of World War Two, The Editors of Armes & Militaria Magazine, Histoire& Collections. Selected articles from the superb, large format magazine Armes et Militaria portraying models wearing complete vintage uniforms ande photographed in studio with excellent cameras and lighting. The magazine covered all wars and all fronts, but these books collect the most representative of WW2.
    German Soldiers of World War Two, The Editors of Armes & Militaria Magazine, Histoire& Collections.
    Same as above, covering the multifarious uniforms of the Germans in combat.
    Spearheading D-Day, Jonathan Gawne, Histoire & Collections. The Editor and author of Armes & Militaria magazine ut together a book about the unfiorms , and equipment of the various American services participating in the invasion of Normandy. Very thourough.
    The U.S. Army Photo Album, Jonathan Gawne, Histoire & Collections. A collection of Photos shot by army photographers using Kodachrome Color slides during WW2, bring the conflict to life that grainy Black and white never does. Researched and duplicated from the U.S. National Archives. Crisp period photogrpahy taken all over the U.S. and Europe.
    The U.S. Army European Theater of Operations Collectors Guide, Henri-Paul Enjames, Histoire & Collections.This is the definitive book on every piece of eqyuipment used by the U.S. Army in Europe, from uniforms to radios, to furniture, to official stationary, to pigeon carriers, It's all here in excellent color photos.
    The British Soldier 1944 - 1945 Volume 1, Jean Bouchery, Histoire & Collections. A very thorough book on the uniforms, insigin and equipment of the British Soldier in Europe. Excellent color photos and selected period photos.
    Insignis of World War II, Leslie McDonald, Chartwell Books. A comprehensive book on the insignia of rank, and unit, and award used in WW2.
    The World War II GI in Color Photographs, Stephen Windrow, Motorbooks. Chronologically arrainged posed, and colored photographs opf models wearing vintage uniforms posing with vintage military vehicles in candid shots. Very good phtography, and as a bonus, in the back is the Sherman Grizzly owned by our club now, that was featured at the end of Saving Private Ryan.
    Field Equipment of the Infantry 1914 - 1945, Robert Fisch, A Greenburg Publication. THis is an odd book. Very thourough, and does include Dutch infantry equipment (though not a full uniform), as well as Vintage B/W photos taken of the Armies participating in the boxerRebellion of 1900. Wha tmakes it weird is the author posing with multiple copies of himself in the vintge uniforms in the center section. Entire units of well acoutered clones. IT does cover a couple of the minor participants of WW2 well such as the Danes.
    German Army Uniforms of World War II, Krawczyk, Motorbooks. Uniforms of various branches of the army in color photographs shot in a studio.
    The Armed Forces of World War II, Andrew Mollo, Military Press. This is the basic reference for the uniforms of all combatant countries participating in WW2. It builds on the previous work by Mollo, and the artist McGregor, and compliments it by adding Naval and air force uniforms and rank systems. Used to be a Borders Books staple.
    Silver Wings, Pinks & Greens, John A. McGuire, Schiffer Military History. A book about U.S. Army Officer's Dress Uniforms and "Class A's", specifically those relationg to the Army Air Corps. Thorough Detailed, and in color.
    Gear Up!, John A. McGuire, Schiffer Military History. The companion to the above book, this covers the flight uniforms and equipment such as goggles, Oxygen Masks and Mae Wests of the U.S. Army Air Corps. Color Photos as well as Period Black and white photos.
    Doughboy to GI, Kenneth Lewis, Norman D. Landing Publications. This used to be the definative book on the uniforms and equipment of the U.S. Army in WW2, until The U.S. Army European Theater of Operations Collectors Guide, was published. It's still good, and well organized, but black and white loses to color.
    America's Finest, Gary Howard, Greenhill Books. A history as well as a photographic guide to the Airborne Forces of the U.S. Army in WW2. Units that were very active in the Netherlands in WW2.
    Canuck, Michael A. Dorosh, Pictoral Histories Publishing. This coveres theuniforms and equipment of Canadian Armed forces and WW2, and a little bit of the experience of those that served. Also active in operation in the Netherlands. Good black and white and color photos and humorous explanations on occasion.
    Soldat Volume I - III: Equipping the German Foot Soldier in Europe and Africa, Cyrus Lee, Pictoral Histories Publishing. If you could not afford the Angolia books from Bender Publishing these were the next best thing in terms of uniform and equipment guides for the researcher and re-enactor. Good Photos, and good explanations.
    Nazi Regalia, Jack Pia, Ballentine Books. An old classic, and part of the "Violent Century" series, this book covers insignia and political symbology of the Nazi Party.
    Collector's Guide to the Waffen SS, Robin Lumsden, Hippocrene Books/Ian Allen Publishing. A small, but nice book in color on the uniforms, and insignia of the Waffen SS. some notes on counterfeits and preproductions.
    The Black Corps, Robin Lumsden, Hippocrene Books/Ian Allen Publishing. A collector's guide on the Algemeine SS, specifically the Black uniforms from their inception until their retirement in 1938. If you see a black Uniform during the war in a movie, it's wrong.
    Detecting The Fakes, Robin Lumsden, Hippocrene Books/Ian Allen Publishing. A book about not getting ripped off when buying vintage Third Reich medals, equipment and insignia. Very thourough. Also good for finding good reproductions you wouldn't mind losing.
    The New Infantry Drill Regulations, U.S. War Department, Telegraph Press 1943. A common book, often found in used bookstores,this book details what was expected of a U.S. Army Recruit in WW2. This superceded the Infantry Drill Regulations of may of 1941, and is noticeably thicker, but many of the illustrations are the same.
    FM 21 - 7 Infantry Scouting , Patrolling, and Sniping, War Department, 6 Feb 1944. This explains the tactics and modes of movement and operational conduct of U.S. Infantry inthe field in Europe.
    National Geographic Magazine, June 1943, The National Geographic Society. The familar Old yellow magazine. This issue has a map of th world situation to date, as well as a large section describing American systems of rank, and insigina for all the uniformed services at the time, very thourough.
    Handbook of German Military Forces, War Department, March 1945, Reprinted by the Louisianna State University Press 1994. Thos was the official Handbook, originally distributed to Officers of the U.S. Army, ina binder as a classified document. Pages would be issued as they were updated, and this is a complete reprint of the last update before the end of the war in Europe. Very very thourough.
    American Military Belts and Related Equipment, R. Stephen Dorsey, Self published. Military belts, puches, and bayonets from the revolutionary war to the late 1960's. Illustrated, and photos.
    German Mountain Troops, Bruce Qyuarrie, Patric Stevens Publishing. Photos from the German Bundesarchives of period Photographs taken by German combat photographers of bergtruppen in action.
    Men At Arms Series No. 112, British Battledress 1937 - 61, Brian Jewell, Osprey Publication. A passably illustrated work on the development and evolution of the British Battledress Uniform, that influenced Uniform design from the war until Viet Nam. Good B/W photos.
    Men At Arms Series No. 234 German Combat Equipments 1939 - 45, Gordon Rothman, Osprey. A well illustrated work on the various belts andinfantry equipments issued to German forces during the war,showing it's evolution and rapid declinein material quality after 1943, but not workmanship.
    Elite Series No. 1 The Paras, Gregor Ferguson, Osprey. A thicker, well illustrated book on the history, uniforms and equipment of the British Parachute and Glider regiments. Very active in the Netherlands in 1944.
    Volume One Oberscharfuhrer 6. SS Gebirgs Division Nord, Bill Costly, Last 100 Days ETO. Extreme detail here. bill Costly was a replacement soldier and served in the last 100 days of the War. Even though he was 18, he took notes and souvenirs with the idea of cataloging the arms and equipment of the troops he fought and the prisonershe captured. This is "hat to boots", from underwear and socks to winter coat inventory of the items from a particular German soldier from the 6th SS Mountain Division. This shows what one German soldier was to have been issued or was likely to have carried. All studio photos, in Black and White.
    Volume Three Obergefreiter Jager Batalion Light Infantry Division, Bill Costly, Last 100 Days ETO. As above, this was for a German Army Corporal, with the same level of detail as the above, showing the varience in equipment between the army and the S.S. (As well as the economized materials and tailoring of late in the war) Volume Two of this Series was Bill Costly's Own Uniform from his unit. the 80th Division of the Third Army. U.S. Army.

    Vehicles and Equipment

    VW at War, Michael Sawodny, Schiffer Military History. VW's contributions to the German War effort in photos, mechanical drawings a d color paintings. the Kubelwagen was nearly as ubiquitous as the American 1/4 Scout car, a.k.a. The Jeep.
    German Battletanks in Color 1934 - 45, Schiffer Military History. Color paingings and black and white Photos of various Armoured Fighting Vehicles used by the German Ground forces, showing types and markings.
    StuG III German Assaut Gun, Fraser Gray and Bruce Crosby, Fraser Gray. A self Published and thorough examination of a self propelled Infantry support vehicle based onthe Panzer Mk III chassis. Used untl the end of the war, and ost war by Finland. A common tank-like vehicle.
    Strassen Panzer: The German Scout Cars, Walter J. Spielberger & Uwe Feist, Aero Publications. A history of the Wheeled Armoured Cars used by the Germans from the end of WW1, untilthe end of WW2. Drawings, Black and White Photos.
    British and American Tanks of World War II, Peter Chamberlain & Chris Ellis, Arms & Armour Publications. The catalogue of tracked vehicles used by Britan and the U.S. in WW2, including experimental models that neversaw service, and also including some armoured cars and Halftracks. With Technical drawings and period Black and White Photos.
    Standard Catalog of U.S. Military Vehicles 1940 - 1965, Thomas Berndt, K Publications. This catalogs every wheeled vehicles used by the U.S. Army (and many of the Allies) in good Black and White photos, usually of restored vehciles, but some period photographs. Comprehensive to say the least.
    The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Firearms, Ian V. Hogg, Chartell Books. This covers just about every firearm made from the beginning to a couple of years ago, classified by type. so that rifles are grouped with rifles, and then by country, and then chronologically, so you can see the evolution of the types. Thourough , in color and inexpensive.

    There are probably others that are in storage that I do not have access to, but these should give one a fairly thorough grounding on visually

    This does not include magazines like Armes & Militaria, Military History, G.I. Journal, Airpower, Wings, Air Classics, Sea Classics, WW2 Magazine, or any others like that too numerous to list.

    If you need clarification, or subjects, please ask.

  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    The Wikimedia Commons is a useful place to search for various references, like anatomy too. Not the greatest resource, but pretty dynamic.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Timex just posted this in GD:

    Urban Ruins - http://www.opacity.us/
  • Eric Chadwick
    Good one MoP/Timex.

    In a similar vein, not sure if I got this from polycount or not...
    Welcome to Underground Ozarks, a site all about urban exploration in the Ozarks area. You'll find information and pictures of abandoned places, sewers and drains, ghost towns, and more. If it's in the Ozarks area, or just close enough to drive to, and you're not supposed to go there... We'll get it on the site eventually.
  • Eric Chadwick
    UK location-scout photos, tons of places, well-catalogued.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, that's a great site, Eric! Thanks!
  • Timex
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Hot nekkid turtle action!

    A friend brought a couple of his many turtles into the studio today for me to photograph.

    Here are the results:

    Turtle Power!!!
  • Timex
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Holy crap that's an awesome site Timex, thanks!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    If you need insanely high res diffuse, normal and spec maps of earth:

  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Anyone remember a site that had links to great pics of convicted criminals? I seem to have lost it.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    goddit, thanks Poop: http://thnom.tehunlose.com/model_resource/
    and Thnom of course!
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    I was wondering if anyone knew of a good link for human body modeling references. I am having trouble modeling the muscles in the leg.
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    snake85027: Take a look at the illustrations from Gray's Anatomy - http://www.bartleby.com/107/indextn11.html
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for the reply, i have references but im not use to modeling characters so i dont even know if my edge flow is right, how can i post it up so you can look at it?
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    SOme Jet refernec,e including shots of the engine and other details. Excellent reference for Jet construction as well

  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Just found this awesome site by accident when doing a Google image search:


    Basically it's really high-res skull photos of hundreds of different animals. Could be really handy.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty awesome site their mop. Love those sites; simple just text but when you click the links - all the images you'd ever need :]
  • Thegodzero
  • Weiser_Cain
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nice one wink.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    opacity has already been posted
  • Jaco
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Huge collection of animal reference:
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Huge-resolution photos on a wide range of subjects:

  • Weiser_Cain
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice link, Weiser_Cain - thanks!

    Here's a good one for clothing reference. Good for finding out folds and stuff.


    They have nice high-res images for most of the clothes in there, just select a product and click the "Show Details" button.
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    was in majorca over the weekend and it stopped raining long enough to go for a stroll laugh.gif so I took some pics. I hope they're of some interest for level design/texture artist use, sorry that they're not in some kind of nice thumbnail browsing format, just a dir. Keep going for some nice doors and shutters smile.gif.

    I like these particular: 81,82,87,90-92,97,100,106,111,139,142,144,146,150,153,162,181,189-190.
    theres a zip of em all in there too down the bottom, 35 meg.


    if anyone would like to host the zip of all the pics full rez (150meg) give me a PM, my hosted bandwidth is a bit restrictive. I don't even know if itll cope ok with that lot.
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I got the Zip file in about 30 seconds so it can't be that bad. I probably raped your bandwidth though so now nobody else can get the pics... cheers! tongue.gif
  • rooster
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    is it wrong to get turned on by pictures of jet engines?
    if it is I don't want to be right!
  • flaagan
  • Weiser_Cain
  • JKMakowka
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    walking sticks!
    the antique ones have some nice designs to pinch for your decoration http://www.walkingstickshop.co.uk/index.html
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    NewTek Texture Collection's. You need to register but some cool stuff on it - http://img478.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tikkker7ka.jpg hehe.

    Textures from some debunked game. The quality ain't too bad but they could do as test textures or quality placeholders.

    Not sure if this has been posted but looks alright smile.gif

    Great resource - check the different sets. Really good resource to get textures out of.

  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Forgive me if this has been posted before
  • Justin Meisse
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18

    dunno if posted before or not.
    just a bunch of images of urban decay in and around ontario it seems.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    This site has Blueprints for all sorts of things; cars, trucks, motorcycles, modern planes, ww2 planes, tanks, ships, weapons, trains, star wars, star trek, humans, etc.

  • Ruz
  • dnorth
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    dnorth polycounter lvl 18
    Quirky site for clothes reference and/or character concept ideas:


    Kind of fun to look at too - some whacky characters...
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18

    just posting here from another thread for future reference
  • rooster
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