weird giraffeman ears. haunting because the features are so cutesy.
nice work, love the color variation in the eye/cheek area.
grats on the feature gamasutra btw. my main criticism is that tounge , it need thickness.
Still working on this one. Custom model for UT2K4. Planning on Custom animations as well. Got the opacities, and the colors about right, A little unsure about the fur texture though.
Full turn around
3379 Triangles, and planning on another 1000 or so for the "team Skin" items, wither armour or equipment or some sort of costumery.
I am unsure as to wahat direction to go with the costumery, though whether it should be tribal, ancient, modern, or Near Future. Suggestions?
Scott: I reckon Tribal stuff would work well with this model. Also a bit of a break from the norm these days, I think ... everything's futuristic or fantasy... give that wolf some real-world tribal get-up!
MoP Thanks for the suggestion. I 'll use the turn around as the basis for a Photoshop turn around to explore some concepts. Thanks.
Mr.Toast Skin tones and skin texture looks good. About the only suggestion I would suggest is to revisit the eyes. The outside corner of the eye it slightly above the inside corner of the ey, so that tears, and the duct that may get into the eye, get moves to the tear suct at the corner with blinking action. The sharpest corner you have on the inside side of the eyes are a corner up towards the brow and brisge of the nose. Revisi that, and you will have a nicer basis for blinks and expressions.
Finishing the last remaining model for my mod.
Here is a quick render of the guardbots and the first i made a uvmap for .
and a nude front
Now up to texture the models - hope to get overall more consistence skins if im doing it that way .
A bit of a departure for me, inspired by both B1ll's site here and Daz's fantastic Moff tutorial. I've never modelled like this before, but I'm finding it quite liberating. Oh and I'm aware that my 'loops' are all over the place../me fixey later.
thanks! The tip is supposed to be very dark metal, not entirely black. But I was lazy and thought it will be very small ingame anyways
unfortunately I couldn't draw separate specular maps because of the engine. So they are all painted on the diffuse map. The "trick" of doing them is making them in 2 separate layers: one blurred rather large highlight, scratched a bit with the eraser. then the second where you paint randomly almost white points in the brightest areas with a 1pixel brush. Sometimes I set the layers on colordodge, this gives some color variation
Quick rig animation test. Used morph targets and the bone + skin tools in 3dmax 5. My first go at animation, don't expect spectacular stuff. http://www.rainysaturday.com/JBoskma/devil.avi
getting back to work on my thug model, baggy pants have been a bitch for me to texture, also have to unmirror the top part of jeans when iam done to get the crotch area lookin right
Thermidor - Glad to hear it works for someone else, I think I'm gonna stick with this method. B1ll, you've gotta make that step-by-step tut, if only for my sanity. Ghost_rider, thnx - I hope it'll be worth the effort.
weird giraffeman ears. haunting because the features are so cutesy.
nice work, love the color variation in the eye/cheek area.
grats on the feature gamasutra btw. my main criticism is that tounge , it need thickness.
These are all WIP for a HL2 mod I started entitled "Tavern Tales"
Full turn around
3379 Triangles, and planning on another 1000 or so for the "team Skin" items, wither armour or equipment or some sort of costumery.
I am unsure as to wahat direction to go with the costumery, though whether it should be tribal, ancient, modern, or Near Future. Suggestions?
Not too sure about the pores and skin marks on the last render though - it kind of takes away from the cartoony feel in my opinion.
Mr.Toast Skin tones and skin texture looks good. About the only suggestion I would suggest is to revisit the eyes. The outside corner of the eye it slightly above the inside corner of the ey, so that tears, and the duct that may get into the eye, get moves to the tear suct at the corner with blinking action. The sharpest corner you have on the inside side of the eyes are a corner up towards the brow and brisge of the nose. Revisi that, and you will have a nicer basis for blinks and expressions.
Here is a quick render of the guardbots and the first i made a uvmap for
and a nude front
Now up to texture the models - hope to get overall more consistence skins if im doing it that way
Coding and animating my Firebrand model
I seriously need to remodel this a third time.
telegator, for fun and practise
a mask i did for school
I've been thinking about doing a step by step , if anyone is interested that is.
unfortunately I couldn't draw separate specular maps because of the engine. So they are all painted on the diffuse map. The "trick" of doing them is making them in 2 separate layers: one blurred rather large highlight, scratched a bit with the eraser. then the second where you paint randomly almost white points in the brightest areas with a 1pixel brush. Sometimes I set the layers on colordodge, this gives some color variation
Cheap....balls of granite huh? :X
Still have a few things I wanna tweak, but he's finally alive and kicking.
Nice work Nate, how many guys are you making for that mod?
[/ QUOTE ]Should be 8 of them before it's released. Fun fun!
And hey Hazed, turn that green into red and we got ourselves a Nazi, OH NOES!1!
[image]http://ee.1asphost.com/Gleep/lil' coo dude.bmp[/image]
[image]http://ee.1asphost.com/Gleep/Lil' dude ref.JPG[/image]
[image]http://ee.1asphost.com/Gleep/normal lil dude.JPG[/image]
I should start do'n some 3d again. Nobody seems to care about concept drawings.