As soon as someone on these board mentioned that face tatoos are passe I've realised how often they are used (especially in commercial games). He was right, even though it suits the model it might be better with something different. (blame whoever said it, not me! )
[/ QUOTE ]
As are soldier chicks with cybernetic boots and tig o' bitties.. but it doesn't stop people from makin' their models that way.
the upper body looks good, sadly those legs look horrible. I'd vote re-working the legs. I can't give suggestions on how at the moment, but they take away from the rest of the model in my opinion.
JBoskma: Yeah I agree with iMag, those legs don't really fit - it's like you haven't spent very long designing them compared to the body.
Also on the back of the hand - it's totally flat like a box with some subdivisions, pretty much same with the palm ... I think i mentioned it before but it should have more of a curve from side to side - make it look natural not like a box!
Good work tho.
JBoskma: I noticed the flat hands too, before I read Mop's post. Kind of disctracting. About the legs, I would try giving him real goat's legs and much bigger hooves. The tiny hooves don't seem like they can support his hugeness. But overall, it's got tons of personality and I really like it.
I love the model from the knees up. From the knees down it all looks wrong to me. The ange of the knee to shin is too sharp and doesn't seem to form properly with the smoothing.
Otherwise, awesome model.. love the work on the belt.
EDIT: Heh, I left the window open where you write a response to threads open for about 15 minutes. When I had it open your update was the last post. So thats why my C&C is written as if no one else had responded.
Sorry guys, need to move on. The double folded legs looked crap, so did the normal feet. This legs are refferenced of mr Incredible his legs, and I like them.
Thought I'd comment on this as it seems others have glazed over it. You mentioned you're just blocking in the colours but I much prefer him as it is. Looks pretty good to me this way.. very cartoony, very nice. Perhaps SOME colour for some highlighting but otherwise he looks neat. Good job man :P
I think a few hours spent drawing out and modelling possible leg designs would be well worth it. Do you have a really tight deadline for this, or something?
IMHO some sort of legs like Sully off Monsters Inc. would suit this guy a lot better, the main problem with the legs he has at the moment are they really don't look like they'd hold his weight, not even in a cartoony way (like Mr Incredible style). I think big feet are definitely needed, or at least bigger hooves - those tiny ones just look stupid (and not in a funny way, just in a "wrong" way IMHO).
Also the legs are really far apart.
But hey, if you totally have to rush this and make it not as good as it technically could be, then, by all means go right ahead
I guess I meant something like this:
Dunno, I just think it suits him better and gives him a nicer balance.
What do you think?
Fair enough if you're losing interest, it happens to us all ... but I think if you've come this far with the model and are gonna texture it too - you should try and make it as good as possible, yeah?
Well, like I say, do a bit of drawing yourself - it's actually pretty fun to just paint over those renders with weird ideas
I think another thing I didn't like about the previous version was how he had this massive belt and obvious trousers around the waist, and they just kinda... became part of the leg - you should keep the pants nice and baggy and obvious i think. Or make them shorts. Or even a skirt, lol
I like MoPs legs but I liked the hoove idea you had Boskma. Perhaps mixing the 2 would be best? And MoPs right.. you've come far enough with the model to give it the attention it (now) deserves. Right? hehe.
hey, thanks adam. the man paying the bills agrees with you, so not much more was done to the texture. here's a shot of where he's at now. need to add some teeth and a tongue.
hey! that reminds me of an idea I had where instead of people building nice maps to play in, they just made nice 'moving still life' scenes to put behind the menu. (see the background01 maps to see what I mean)
Things could happen over time in them (like the train going over the bridge in one of them, birds flying about etc.), there could be a little comp to see what one is the nicest.
oDD: Doing it like that is perfectly fine. In fact it'll be easier to UV-map that way, too. And the vertex count will be lower with the way you have it now, which is good news for game engines.
Making weaponmodels and tweaking the beta3 of my q3arena mod .
Take a look if you like - info : http://mods.moddb.com/3983/ and downloads : http://www.captowervincente.de (see mod).
Have a few nice days with the family or just happy hollydays, all.
Finished the model and skin and have been playing around with the cel shaded look. Tons of thanks and credits for The_Bird for this shader!
Gotta rig her next which I hate to do
Working on some architectual stuff and getting away from solely characters for a bit just to make myself more well rounded. Here's an aqueduct I made last night. Played with Max's renderer today and was happy with this result. I'll probably model buildings around the Aqueduct and then texture everything. This is a spare time project.
KevinCoyle : Ql texture dude . I like the face alot . But the eyes are lacking depth . Try adding some more hilight on lower part of cornea to make a concave look . You should also add some more hilights onto face . Great work so far .
lkraan : Great looking girl . The cell shader is awesome . She looks like she has been painted .
Anway here is what I did this week . I decide to finish my Frankenstein .
hi guys, I'm posting a WIP shot here, because I've some problem in anatomy and I think that is visible It would be great if somebody could take a look and give me his feeling about this.
Feel free to paint-over I anything else. I've take some documentation but I think it's still wrong
Thx in advance
I Think that the main wrong part is near shoulder and breast hmm
I've spent the past three months and then some working on our house fulltime (on top of my fulltime job - so tired), so my art hasn't gone anywhere. I did want to post in here to say that the standard of work in here is stunning, and a joy to look through _b
Got armour on him so the geometry is done. This may be it for a bit, as I have some research to do in the rigging department, as well as Massive Black next weekend and a trip on the 14th. Enjoy!
I stopped working on my regular DM map, and started work on this map, for CounterStrike: Source. It's going to be based on Venice, Italy. It's approx 3% complete.
Been trying Vahl's Doom 3 tutorial. Having a direct exporter from Blender is REALLY nice. No more POS3d!
And then there's this, which isn't worksafe and isn't entirely my creation (made a script for snapping a lowpoly mesh's vertices to a hipoly one's for better normalmap making, snapped one of my models to the geometry of that Aiko 3.0 basemodel and used that for normalmap generation).
I've tried to get the Doom 3 SDK to work but it doesn't compile and I don't know why (the list of errors is so long the first ones are scrolled out of my console's history by all the following ones and since this is C(++) the first ones are the only relevant ones as they usually cause all the others). Does the SDK not work with the MinGW32 or do I need some kind of external libraries? (or maybe I need to configure SCons some more)
As soon as someone on these board mentioned that face tatoos are passe I've realised how often they are used (especially in commercial games). He was right, even though it suits the model it might be better with something different. (blame whoever said it, not me!
[/ QUOTE ]
As are soldier chicks with cybernetic boots and tig o' bitties.. but it doesn't stop people from makin' their models that way.
blocking out the colors.
(click for 800k Animated GIF)
Guess what props I´m using
edit: working on it
Also on the back of the hand - it's totally flat like a box with some subdivisions, pretty much same with the palm ... I think i mentioned it before but it should have more of a curve from side to side - make it look natural not like a box!
Good work tho.
Phil: Danger Girl!!!!
Otherwise, awesome model.. love the work on the belt.
EDIT: Heh, I left the window open where you write a response to threads open for about 15 minutes. When I had it open your update was the last post. So thats why my C&C is written as if no one else had responded.
If you're happy with it, however, then so be it. Gla dyou're enjoying working on this model.
blocking out the colors.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thought I'd comment on this as it seems others have glazed over it. You mentioned you're just blocking in the colours but I much prefer him as it is. Looks pretty good to me this way.. very cartoony, very nice. Perhaps SOME colour for some highlighting but otherwise he looks neat. Good job man :P
I think a few hours spent drawing out and modelling possible leg designs would be well worth it. Do you have a really tight deadline for this, or something?
IMHO some sort of legs like Sully off Monsters Inc. would suit this guy a lot better, the main problem with the legs he has at the moment are they really don't look like they'd hold his weight, not even in a cartoony way (like Mr Incredible style). I think big feet are definitely needed, or at least bigger hooves - those tiny ones just look stupid (and not in a funny way, just in a "wrong" way IMHO).
Also the legs are really far apart.
But hey, if you totally have to rush this and make it not as good as it technically could be, then, by all means go right ahead
Dunno, I just think it suits him better and gives him a nicer balance.
What do you think?
Fair enough if you're losing interest, it happens to us all ... but I think if you've come this far with the model and are gonna texture it too - you should try and make it as good as possible, yeah?
I think another thing I didn't like about the previous version was how he had this massive belt and obvious trousers around the waist, and they just kinda... became part of the leg - you should keep the pants nice and baggy and obvious i think. Or make them shorts. Or even a skirt, lol
Yeah, she's lame right now and I haven't worked on defining her face (or much else)yet.
(Bigger version found here.)
Things could happen over time in them (like the train going over the bridge in one of them, birds flying about etc.), there could be a little comp to see what one is the nicest.
here is my walther p22 i'm working on.
i Got a question, should i leave the model like it is now in the below picture or should i add more verts and weld everything.
Take a look if you like - info : http://mods.moddb.com/3983/ and downloads : http://www.captowervincente.de (see mod).
Have a few nice days with the family or just happy hollydays, all.
[edit] Added a couple more for fun
here is the current image that I made changes on
Asthane i really like her body, her face is very wide, but maybe you were after anime look and you like it more that way...
anyway i'm done with this, nothing special but another step for me
Finished the model and skin and have been playing around with the cel shaded look. Tons of thanks and credits for The_Bird for this shader!
Gotta rig her next which I hate to do
lkraan : Great looking girl . The cell shader is awesome . She looks like she has been painted .
Anway here is what I did this week . I decide to finish my Frankenstein .
Feel free to paint-over I anything else. I've take some documentation but I think it's still wrong
Thx in advance
I Think that the main wrong part is near shoulder and breast hmm
here's a messy face mesh and a dumb box with a boring texture
Got armour on him so the geometry is done. This may be it for a bit, as I have some research to do in the rigging department, as well as Massive Black next weekend and a trip on the 14th. Enjoy!
I stopped working on my regular DM map, and started work on this map, for CounterStrike: Source. It's going to be based on Venice, Italy. It's approx 3% complete.
Although I don't know how well open water like that works in CS maps.
Been trying Vahl's Doom 3 tutorial. Having a direct exporter from Blender is REALLY nice. No more POS3d!
And then there's this, which isn't worksafe and isn't entirely my creation (made a script for snapping a lowpoly mesh's vertices to a hipoly one's for better normalmap making, snapped one of my models to the geometry of that Aiko 3.0 basemodel and used that for normalmap generation).
I've tried to get the Doom 3 SDK to work but it doesn't compile and I don't know why (the list of errors is so long the first ones are scrolled out of my console's history by all the following ones and since this is C(++) the first ones are the only relevant ones as they usually cause all the others). Does the SDK not work with the MinGW32 or do I need some kind of external libraries? (or maybe I need to configure SCons some more)