Working on this landmate from the Intron Depot 1 artbook from Masamune Shirow. This has taken me forever so far. I am going to work on the legs, arms and front of the cockpit that folds in front of the character.
I have to find a way to scan the image from book without bending it too far (messes up the binding and the pages will fall out )
Thanks Sectaurs.
Working on some harder edges on the 2 toes in the back.
I have an unfinished anime chick model that I'll make a sexy pilot out of. First I have to finish the landmate.
I fear the unwrapping
Ikraan : cool one, looks a lot like appleseed landmates (book3) is it one of those ?
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It's from the Intron Depot artbook 1. There are 4 in total with different themes. This first 1 is general and contains a wide variety of art. The 2nd one is called Blades and contains chicks with swords, the 3rd one is Ballistics and the 4th one is Bullets and both have a lot of weapons and mech designs. Awesome books.
Hey Cheapy, these last two models are neat! I'd be interested in seeing some shots of the microgargoyle at thumbnail size with a bit of animation slapped on it. This would have been a nead npc model in the Spyro days indeed.
I like this head too, she has a distinctive looks that is different from the bland and overdone superfemale. Looks just like my aunt actually
Great work Ikraan, turn this into highpoly please! IntronDepot4 was the gift from my sister for last Xmas, great book, especially the part about the unreleased PS1 shooters with all the HUD faces and expressions. Funny how Shirow uses 3D as a raw concept tool too.
Oh, that new male head is absolutely awesome b1ll.... your faces always have a lot of character, look realistic while still being exaggerated... very cool!
And hooray for CheapAlert, this looks like a good start, make her a body!
Something very womanly about it. Check the lips and nose, I think it's mainly the nose that's feminine (and anatomically pretty wrong) at the moment.
It definitely looks like a woman, not a teenage boy. So you're doing something wrong :P
Oh, that new male head is absolutely awesome b1ll.... your faces always have a lot of character, look realistic while still being exaggerated... very cool!
n00b here. I would like some feedback on the mesh and how I can improve it. I'm supposed to have 1500 polies complete, so I guess I'll have to scrap this car and model a more square one.
Not only i'm doing scottish adolescent's heads i'm also doing my own concepted weapons
No, this is NOT a sniper rifle - this is a flamethrower with an auxiliary air-pressure-powered rocket shooter (of flames, filled with gas out of empty rocket capsules)
n00b here. I would like some feedback on the mesh and how I can improve it. I'm supposed to have 1500 polies complete, so I guess I'll have to scrap this car and model a more square one.
Looks good so far, if you really want to stay within the poly limits, then leave out small trim polys like the stuff around the back window and the detail on top of the front. A texture can take care of that.
Nope, own concept. Perhaps a more simple mechpilot-style suit would have worked better but that'd be too much of a change now and I'd like to finish skinning a model again (been some time since I last finished that).
Wanted to model something ordinary yet technical. Not sure how far I'll take this scene. Lots of things are still off and sloppy to get my shapes down first.
n30g3n3s1s: Great texture and model! The fingertips looks little weird as does the boots. Girlish
...still in WIP.
Though it'd fit nicely into UT...
I made this yesterday starting from a box in gmax. There sure is alot of nice hi-poly work in this thread.
I have to find a way to scan the image from book without bending it too far (messes up the binding and the pages will fall out
And the mech can walk. Created the legs in between things.
ikraan: that thing is badass. i'd like to see some harder enges on the feet/toes though. will you be making the pilot, too?
Working on some harder edges on the 2 toes in the back.
I have an unfinished anime chick model that I'll make a sexy pilot out of. First I have to finish the landmate.
I fear the unwrapping
And he is now textured, 64x64x8 on a strict global palette i did.
Ikraan : cool one, looks a lot like appleseed landmates (book3) is it one of those ?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's from the Intron Depot artbook 1. There are 4 in total with different themes. This first 1 is general and contains a wide variety of art. The 2nd one is called Blades and contains chicks with swords, the 3rd one is Ballistics and the 4th one is Bullets and both have a lot of weapons and mech designs. Awesome books.
Not bad work so far, I guess you are going for a not so realistic style?
i love the shape of those limbs. all five
I like this head too, she has a distinctive looks that is different from the bland and overdone superfemale. Looks just like my aunt actually
Great work Ikraan, turn this into highpoly please! IntronDepot4 was the gift from my sister for last Xmas, great book, especially the part about the unreleased PS1 shooters with all the HUD faces and expressions. Funny how Shirow uses 3D as a raw concept tool too.
here the chick I pimped a while ago, still not done, and I havent move further either Lol OUPS
And Im working on this head as a small tutorial. I started working on the texture, Mostly done with the rough, Ill show later.
i have others stuff, but been busy with work lately, and LAZYNESS AHAHAHAHA
And hooray for CheapAlert, this looks like a good start, make her a body!
See him live here lol
It definitely looks like a woman, not a teenage boy. So you're doing something wrong :P
Oh, that new male head is absolutely awesome b1ll.... your faces always have a lot of character, look realistic while still being exaggerated... very cool!
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What MoP said
[img] LEGEND OF ZELDA-0.jpg[/img]
No, this is NOT a sniper rifle - this is a flamethrower with an auxiliary air-pressure-powered rocket shooter (of flames, filled with gas out of empty rocket capsules)
n00b here. I would like some feedback on the mesh and how I can improve it. I'm supposed to have 1500 polies complete, so I guess I'll have to scrap this car and model a more square one.
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks good so far, if you really want to stay within the poly limits, then leave out small trim polys like the stuff around the back window and the detail on top of the front. A texture can take care of that.
Yea the video erm... SOON!!! lol