they upped the polycount quite a bit (its now 3000-3250 up from 2000-2250) after re-evaluating their engine. about the non-realism, that was mentioned in the reply i got from them. i tried to make it realistic, but just goes to show i need to practice more
Nice one Dazzles. I agree with mop about the naval though. And his pecs are too cartoony. They stay the same thickness and pinch all the way around. Give them a bit of meet and roundness where the nipple is on the curve. They are normally a bit more square than you currently have them.
Played with this some more tonight. Yeah TGZ, looks like Im turning him into that Demon I think. Fixed the cartoony pecs. Still working on abs of course. Therm, no he aint rigged. Im taking some creative license with the pose. The navel is actually the right height. It's just an optical illusion 'cos his lower belly is sticking out and the crotch isn't pulled down low enough yet.
some more texturin on the monument, and a 'light post' for the walkways that'll be on the level.. gonna look into whether i can do the effects i want to put in the space between the sections within hl2's engine or if i should just add some polies and texture in a surface (hoping for the former).
It's been a while since I posted anything. Heres some high poly models i've been working on and off for a while now.
All done in max.
2nd attempt. Some of you might remember him from one of the comp over at cgchat. I changed his proportions a little and i'm going to give it some clothing/mechanical parts.
Third attempt at high poly modeling.
Looking great Daz, would mind posting a shot of the low poly cage wires?
looks cool man, the monster thing would have probably taken 1/10th the time u spent on it if u did it in zbrush, but I can understand why u'd want to model it all up in max. looks cool.
the chick is cool too, nice nipples. the eyes may be a little too big/too wide apart, hard to say though, maybe shape up the eyelid a little more? it just looks like 2 spheres bulging out of her face. nice model tho.
Awesome woman there Shadows.
The monster is good too, I love the arms, but the face's detail seems fairly random and doesn't show much structure IMHO. Nice how you set it up with the materials, it almost looks like a Zbrush model.
Shadows: I'll show you mine If you show me yours ;-)
Fantastic stuff mate. She's got a very realistic look to her. Only stuff Im not sure about are the fake boobs and the clavicle. Will post some wires when I get home later!
Shadow: To be honest I don't like the monster in it's current form. those "tits" look really out of place. like you took them from the chick and merged them with the beast. a big beast like that should have breasts that compliment the overal look.
mr_Rockstar : Yea that's what I wish I would have done, the wire is getting quite messy,heh.
And you're right the eyes are to far apart.
MoP : Some of those random lumps and alot of them are random , hehe, will be removed. Mainly the ones inbetween the eyes and the roll of fat on the neck.
n30g3n3s1s : "He's got breasticles too" lol and they are going to be hairy too.
Daz : hehe here you go Jayden wire Sibup wire, quite messy but I guess it would do the job for normal mapping.
The boobs need some touch ups they are supposed to be natural, I think I just need to soften up the transition between the top part of the breast and the torso and maybe getting rid of some of that canyon :P. The clavicle and the neck muscle needs some work aswell.
Great work on the model. I hope similarities wont be too bad on the finished peices. If you are turning him into the red demon then no worries, ours have a crustation like shader for skin textures.
Then again, I've been seeing more and more similar concepts and mdoels lately. Guess I need to get cracking.
Nice shadows. About the same density as I tend to get to I think. Yeah i think you're right about the boobs. It's where they transition into the body at the top and the outer sides that makes them look silicon. Wire:
Cool Downsizer. Hadn't seen those before. Yeah my fellow was based on that Demon sketch I did ages ago. He's a lot leaner than your guy I think. I wouldn't worry about him looking too similiar. My model is early days. It's just a bare muscular torso and a head without a mouth. Oh, I guess that's pretty similiar ;-)
hey, im working on a model of vash, from trigun, and it just doesn't seem to look right in the face at all. Im trying to make a model of him thats not anime, a more human form. any help would be great.
DamienB : looking good. I think the nostril moves a little bit too. I'd reduce the strength of the smile, it's a little weird to see this men smiles like that. But yeah, like Vitaliy says, it can be EVIL
n1 damien, he has that dead look like "you dont want none of this shizz" while still giving a lot of life to the character himself. I agree the nose is a bit wanky, would like to see alittle more definition around his adams apple but minor gripes.
heh DamienB thats looking awsome although i wouldnt call that a smile but more of an evil Grin .. none the less lookin great.
as for crits what the others said about the nostrills and we want those wires.
thanks guys i really appreciate the feedback .. this is very much a learning process for me right now ..
you guys inspire me and hearing good words from people like Daz really means a lot ..
@JKMakowka: i dont think the upper legs are short but i will see about tweaking it ... from the front view the proportions seem to be allright .. maybe it's the angle in the perspective
Working on a mech for a project im doing with some colleages. The concept was the heavy type, but im now making a normal version on which i can build for other mechs. Its getting a little different from the concept though.
Just one of the various things I'm working on, I was fooling around with max and zbrush
A nice stylized old man, based off a ink drawing I had done last year.
I don't know Jerome...he's still looking pretty cartoony.
that one ugly redneck.. yuh... add him a john deer cap !!!
quick texture,uvw, and model correction for a friends projet.
2 day of work. and first really " anatomicaly correct" human in year ;D
'got to love those monster.
Check it.....this sucka keeps on smilin'....he feels like a bean popper to me but, thats not what ctrl-z was going for....going for that smile shape, and I got one, albeit a dirty smile but, a smile nonetheless.
Looks cool, DamienB. Question, though. Are the teeth intentional? Like, all same size, and way too many visible. It really adds to the creepy look of the last smile, so that's why I'm wondering.
some more texturin on the monument, and a 'light post' for the walkways that'll be on the level.. gonna look into whether i can do the effects i want to put in the space between the sections within hl2's engine or if i should just add some polies and texture in a surface (hoping for the former).
Just finished my texture for the release the heads thread but since I posted a wip here i'll post the final beauty here.
polycount's 4000
Ok he's done, now for his sword and shield.
All done in max.
2nd attempt. Some of you might remember him from one of the comp over at cgchat. I changed his proportions a little and i'm going to give it some clothing/mechanical parts.
Third attempt at high poly modeling.
Looking great Daz, would mind posting a shot of the low poly cage wires?
the chick is cool too, nice nipples. the eyes may be a little too big/too wide apart, hard to say though, maybe shape up the eyelid a little more? it just looks like 2 spheres bulging out of her face. nice model tho.
The monster is good too, I love the arms, but the face's detail seems fairly random and doesn't show much structure IMHO. Nice how you set it up with the materials, it almost looks like a Zbrush model.
Fantastic stuff mate. She's got a very realistic look to her. Only stuff Im not sure about are the fake boobs and the clavicle. Will post some wires when I get home later!
And you're right the eyes are to far apart.
MoP : Some of those random lumps and alot of them are random , hehe, will be removed. Mainly the ones inbetween the eyes and the roll of fat on the neck.
n30g3n3s1s : "He's got breasticles too" lol and they are going to be hairy too.
Daz : hehe here you go
Jayden wire
Sibup wire, quite messy but I guess it would do the job for normal mapping.
The boobs need some touch ups they are supposed to be natural, I think I just need to soften up the transition between the top part of the breast and the torso and maybe getting rid of some of that canyon :P. The clavicle and the neck muscle needs some work aswell.
That very much resembles a race of beings from a prototype game I'm developing, that Robert Cirrilo concepted for the project:
Great work on the model. I hope similarities wont be too bad on the finished peices. If you are turning him into the red demon then no worries, ours have a crustation like shader for skin textures.
Then again, I've been seeing more and more similar concepts and mdoels lately. Guess I need to get cracking.
Cool Downsizer. Hadn't seen those before. Yeah my fellow was based on that Demon sketch I did ages ago. He's a lot leaner than your guy I think. I wouldn't worry about him looking too similiar. My model is early days. It's just a bare muscular torso and a head without a mouth. Oh, I guess that's pretty similiar ;-)
's been a while...
still learning
just grabbed that tonight, having a ball running around building shit. but i need more blocks, damnit. thinking of whipping up some.
Here is an AVI of his smile shape in action.
smile sucka
awesome looking shit dude
copy and paste it, how can it improve?
as for crits what the others said about the nostrills and we want those wires.
you guys inspire me and hearing good words from people like Daz really means a lot ..
@JKMakowka: i dont think the upper legs are short but i will see about tweaking it ... from the front view the proportions seem to be allright .. maybe it's the angle in the perspective
Im trying to make a less anime looking vash. It has no ploycount unless someone wants it for a game then i guess ill do that.
A nice stylized old man, based off a ink drawing I had done last year.
I don't know Jerome...he's still looking pretty cartoony.
quick texture,uvw, and model correction for a friends projet.
2 day of work. and first really " anatomicaly correct" human in year ;D
'got to love those monster.
it a referee from a rollerball-like sport
Below is an AVI of this fool in action.
Check It
I'll bust out the control cage on the flipside.
working on texturing that. :P going very slowly tho...
didnt show up a first.... feck... ah well