jgall21, you mean thats your refrence. As thats a model from Terminator Redemption. You might have wanted to have said that up front.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure thats what he ment since he said that he was getting ready started on his first model and that is already a completed model and skin :P.
SouL, fantastic as usual, the hair looks a little dull from this far back, maybe add some brighter highlights? I like how you have him in the re4 setup with the knife in his right hand :P, but I think you could up the detail on the knife personally. It just looks a bit dull and boring compared to the rest of the model, jsut my two cents tho. I know this is an old piece of yours, but it's nice to see you work on it again, it looks really good .
Yeah... that bastard armpit. It's really unavoidable unless I were to add a bone to control the movement of the vest. Here's an all black version witha new knife that Eclipse proposed:
Excellent stuff Soul. The texture on his clothing is really excellent.
His flesh textures look really "dead" though, there's no saturation or colour variation there. Also I thing the overall flesh hue is too yellow, maybe try a little more red? Maybe that's just my monitor settings. Or yours!
Damn, Soul! I'm having so much trouble getting a pair of shoulders to deform even remotely like that and there you go with a 'the weighting sucks'! BTW, is that a specular map goin' on or just good texturework?
Flachdrache: looking damn organic...is it a gib for when you blow someone up in Doom3 or something?
@MacD - jepp, ment to be a stomache (gib). First i wanted to add a footprint, like someone walked over that thing :P but that would have been useless detail (model too small ingame).
My first steps in zBrush and this are the highpoly versions but normalmap looks like the same. After fixing the Uv i may be pimp the stuff i made for Nexuiz. ->
Skin Shader (Tom Bardwell's) adapted with my fumbling stoopid fingers, trying to get something half decent. *Just seen arshlevon's skin shader thread - wowzers.
I didn't do the model, just the texture. It's for an HL2 old west mod I'm helping out with. This will be the hand you see in the first person view holding the weapon. Gotta' work on giving the arm more of a tan still.
Realy like that soul, i remember you posting that before, i realy like that black and all black version, although the other one does a realy good job at recreating an old model into now aday graphics.
I really like the "judge - frog". Cool character.
Model is coming along to, good choice to make the glases round like that and not as square as on the concept.
Smo: biggest tip would be to adjust your color palette. The yellow highlights give him an unnatural skintone. More pink, less purple, more white less yellow.
He's unwrapped and Malekyth is rigging him while I make textures for him. He weighs in at around 9960 polys including weapons ( top one is called Little Anger, bottom one is called Great Fury).
JBoskma: Cool frog! You sure picked up modelling fast...
Rorshach: Very nice work, I like it a lot. The thick light lines you've got around the silhouette are kinda destroying the form in some of the lighter areas though, I think it'd look better just on a solid colour/gradient backdrop...
I'd be interested to see how his torso would bend/twist when animated... that armour looks pretty solid!
Really cool design though. He looks very sculpted and massive ... very "there", if you know what I mean.
TGZ: I'd say the black heiroglyphs are a little too cluttered and dark right now, lighten the blackness up a little to fade them some, and maybe space the glyphs further apart to avoid this "overcrowded" look that's going on at the moment... if you want to
looks damn nice like the desing of the chara and stuff but looking at it from a realistic point of view he isnt able to move since i dont see any parts that can be moved without killing himself ^^
Thanks for the replies.
He will have a number of land and airborne mounts.
You're right about the lighter rim spoiling appreciation of the arms, and aye, I expect the armour will do some nasty twisting ingame, but most of the mech designs I worked on professionally are worse so I didnt want to be held back too much by that.
He's meant to look like moving would cause him pain, Fomorians like to both give and take pain as they have nothing to do with realism at all.
I'm likewise excited to see him animated as he's the most fun I've had in ages.
Rorshach: Oh sweet! Will he kill you if his nine atendants manage to crank his massive eyelid open?
All jokes aside your continual comments and work on celtic based concepts got me going on my own research and interpritation. As soon as I have something solid I'll be posting it.
Steak:heh, I actually considered having a pet demon there to crank open his eyelid but scrapped the idea as it would eat up polys and reduce his ability to look like he's in charge.
I plan to have one the Fomorians carrying a sawn off castle cannon that a pet demon reloads for him though, so the idea of an attendent found a new home
started putzin about with this last night in xsi so i can say i've modelled *something* in the past while.. definitely like where it's going so i may take it farther.. BladeWing
A bit of an Update. Armour will be shiny, but somewhat distressed Bronze in UT, with envoronmental shaders. Flat color version because I cannot figure out how to render in Maya well, and I know what the shaders will look like in UT.
SO now it's time to rig him and get to work on the animations.
So I found this mesh laying around in my HD I forgot to finish, She's supposed to be a base model that I can add to and scale for diffrent characters, based mostly on comic book style porportions... yes rather large chest and long legs. She's also built to fit the stock biped from epics female merc series... This isnt ideal but I wanted to leave it so she could fit on stock animations if I just wanted a rather fast turn around work flow of modeling and skinning for my personal practice, as well if I want to edit her more so I can build my own biped to match. The part that throws me since this is my first female model(Ive done lots of masculine models) is her upper torso looks a bit small.. not sure if its just me since im used to modelin riped male figures.
Oh she weighs in around 1800 tris, she's not totaly optimized because I want to leave options open when I model more into the diffrent characters.
The weighting sucks.
watch that clipping on the armpit.
jgall21, you mean thats your refrence. As thats a model from Terminator Redemption. You might have wanted to have said that up front.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure thats what he ment since he said that he was getting ready started on his first model and that is already a completed model and skin :P.
SouL, fantastic as usual, the hair looks a little dull from this far back, maybe add some brighter highlights? I like how you have him in the re4 setup with the knife in his right hand :P, but I think you could up the detail on the knife personally. It just looks a bit dull and boring compared to the rest of the model, jsut my two cents tho. I know this is an old piece of yours, but it's nice to see you work on it again, it looks really good
His flesh textures look really "dead" though, there's no saturation or colour variation there. Also I thing the overall flesh hue is too yellow, maybe try a little more red? Maybe that's just my monitor settings. Or yours!
Flachdrache: looking damn organic...is it a gib for when you blow someone up in Doom3 or something?
@Soul - damn nice skin ... and a rambo2 knife ?!
@MacD - jepp, ment to be a stomache (gib). First i wanted to add a footprint, like someone walked over that thing :P but that would have been useless detail (model too small ingame).
My first steps in zBrush and this are the highpoly versions but normalmap looks like the same. After fixing the Uv i may be pimp the stuff i made for Nexuiz. ->
Edit : lotsaspelling
Model is coming along to, good choice to make the glases round like that and not as square as on the concept.
Here's my WIP:
I'm modeling a flower for a Maya Software Class Project. I think the class is making me gay.
[Edit]Gawd, that sentence sounds gay....Earthquake, you wanna date?[/Edit]
[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome model! reminds me of the protoss in good old starcraft
noserider: it all depends on who you give the flower to
now gimme some tips!
well if hes blind on his right eye*he is blind right oO*maybe you should add a scar or something dunno just my idea ^^
He's unwrapped and Malekyth is rigging him while I make textures for him. He weighs in at around 9960 polys including weapons ( top one is called Little Anger, bottom one is called Great Fury).
Bags of character there JBoksma! Makes me think of Wind in the willows!
Quick little scene made up of 3 256 textures. Have many more textures to go to finish the room up. Still very early WIP.
JBoskma: Cool frog! You sure picked up modelling fast...
Rorshach: Very nice work, I like it a lot. The thick light lines you've got around the silhouette are kinda destroying the form in some of the lighter areas though, I think it'd look better just on a solid colour/gradient backdrop...
I'd be interested to see how his torso would bend/twist when animated... that armour looks pretty solid!
Really cool design though. He looks very sculpted and massive ... very "there", if you know what I mean.
TGZ: I'd say the black heiroglyphs are a little too cluttered and dark right now, lighten the blackness up a little to fade them some, and maybe space the glyphs further apart to avoid this "overcrowded" look that's going on at the moment... if you want to
looks damn nice like the desing of the chara and stuff but looking at it from a realistic point of view he isnt able to move since i dont see any parts that can be moved without killing himself ^^
He will have a number of land and airborne mounts.
You're right about the lighter rim spoiling appreciation of the arms, and aye, I expect the armour will do some nasty twisting ingame, but most of the mech designs I worked on professionally are worse so I didnt want to be held back too much by that.
He's meant to look like moving would cause him pain, Fomorians like to both give and take pain as they have nothing to do with realism at all.
I'm likewise excited to see him animated as he's the most fun I've had in ages.
All jokes aside your continual comments and work on celtic based concepts got me going on my own research and interpritation. As soon as I have something solid I'll be posting it.
I plan to have one the Fomorians carrying a sawn off castle cannon that a pet demon reloads for him though, so the idea of an attendent found a new home
Magical armor for a geomancer. Very work in progress.
SO now it's time to rig him and get to work on the animations.
Oh she weighs in around 1800 tris, she's not totaly optimized because I want to leave options open when I model more into the diffrent characters.
They look like shininess maps for eyes or something
And I'm probably 100% wrong there.
Neo_God: Heh, that's looking pretty cool. Nice idea.