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The Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge (Challenge 1 & 2)

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3DKyle interpolator

Hello everyone, welcome to the Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge. 
Like the previous challenge that was ran by Tejay, this is going to be running everyone 2 weeks to give people a little longer to work on the materials.

How it works
  • Every 2 weeks a new reference will be shared to be recreated, you are also encouraged to find your own reference, as long as it still fits the topic for that bi-weekly substance, for example if we share a mud reference, you can gather you own mud reference. 
  • You can be creative with the reference and make it look either realistic, stylized or hand-painted, it is up to you.

  • Try and give constructive criticism, giving and receiving this should help each of us artist grow.
  • This is a Substance Challenge, so stick with that software.
  • You can post Wip's and finished materials here. 
  • Don't share work you've done in the pass, if you done a material before, try it again don't try pass old work off as something you did for this. 
  • Final material renders to be rendered in a real-time engine (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, Cryengine, Stingray, IRay is also accepted).
  • This is a learning experience for all, don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • Learn all that you can and do share what you also learn. 
  • Please be respectful to each and everyone. 

We have a channel in the Allegorithmic Discord group where you can share WIP's and final images as well as discuss the challenge, Click here to go to it.
If you have any other questions in relations to any of the Allegorithmic's software, use the appropriate channels for those questions.


Challenge 1 - Bricking it! (Brick Wall) || Time Limit 30th Jan - 14th Feb.
Every portfolio needs one. Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.


Challenge 2 - A marble-ous texture (Marble) || Time Limit 15th Feb - 1st March.
Be free with this, make a single marble texture, make marble tiles, just loose your marbles and have fun! 

Next Challenge

For those finishing up the marble and brick, make sure to keep them in this thread. 


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    JAKEALEXDUN polycounter lvl 3
    Hey guys, loving the posts so far! I want to know allot of you have the sort of overhanging grout/cement coming over the bricks like the brick layer did a lazy job. How did you do that? i really feel it would be interesting to know, i might be able to chuck it into my bricks. Ive seen Kid.in.the.Dark's Kazperstan's and 3DKyle's awesome grout.
    Anyway here's mine so far :)
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    JAKEALEXDUN polycounter lvl 3
    Hey guys, loving the posts so far! I want to know allot of you have the sort of overhanging grout/cement coming over the bricks like the brick layer did a lazy job. How did you do that? i really feel it would be interesting to know, i might be able to chuck it into my bricks. Ive seen Kid.in.the.Dark's Kazperstan's and 3DKyle's that have done it real well.
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    JAKEALEXDUN polycounter lvl 3
    Hey guys, loving the posts so far! I want to know allot of you have the sort of overhanging grout/cement coming over the bricks like the brick layer did a lazy job. How did you do that? i really feel it would be interesting to know, i might be able to chuck it into my bricks. Ive seen Kid.in.the.Dark's Kazperstan's and 3DKyle's that have done it real well.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Here's my entry for the marble tiles challenge...
    Thought I'd mix it up a bit and decided to make something a little more prestigious and royal hall like :D

  • Gruckel
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    Gruckel polycounter lvl 8
    @Zombiecrackers That's a really cool pattern and inlay.

    @Kazperstan Still loving that pattern, gotta try the tips you gave earlier as well, thanks again!

    @Freezy Demon Nice work, I'm so happy I don't have to walk across a floor like that daily.

    @derphouse Got something going there! What would've made the scratches? Would be nice to see some less intense scratches in the middle and the deepest ones more focused on the areas around the edges of the tiles, as if things would've gotten stuck there.

    @makinmagic3 Would be nice to see some more variation in the cracks, nice!

    @Merlynn Huge improvement, really liking the new color version!

    @JoachimC I completley adore that roughness, it looks so, so, just real.

    @ninetitle will be nice to see the final outcome of this, very interesting blend.

    @Turks looks nice, wouldn't mid seeing it cracked and broken ;)

    @N4meless really nice pattern and a great presentation.

    @MrSunabouzu wow, awesome, but, which country are you from, I don't think I could stomach walking into a mall like that.

    @Budd cool, I'll put that in my lobby... That is, if I had one.

    @Soph=) sublte and nice veins, looks very expensive!

    @K nice, the green part feels almost jade like.

    @JAKEALEXDUN pretty much just directional warped a noise and used a Max blend to make it look as if though it ran over the bricks.

    @Kid.in.the.Dark That looks totally rad!

    Parameterized my marble to get some easy variations, too much fun this!

    Totally fell in-love with marble and wanted to keep practicing Unreal Engine, so I created this little scene to show off the versatility of the substance.

  • BlackFenix_URS
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    BlackFenix_URS polycounter lvl 7
    Marble material for marble tiles challenge, first try

  • Darkmirth
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    Darkmirth polycounter lvl 4
    I think I'm gonna stop for now... :)
  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    All wrapped up on this one! 

  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks dude :) and really feeling those material spheres you got there. Great job!
  • ninetitle
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    ninetitle polycounter lvl 8
    @BlackFenix_URS you might want to mask adjacent tiles and apply some transformation, it's really easy to see the noise used for the color pattern.
    Other than that good job.

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Did some more tweaks here and there and messed around with a dirty mossy type one, pretty happy with how its looking of course there's always more that could be done, but not too bad considering I still have a lot about designer to learn! :) 

  • M.Petersen
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    M.Petersen polycounter lvl 6
    Hi everyone! didn't post on polycount for a long time now, but I simply couldn't ignore this topic! so I gave it a try, and this is what I got so far.
  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    @Gruckel thanks! Great work on your side as well.
    @Darkmirth nice colors. I really love the green marble :smile:
  • plord
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    plord polycounter lvl 5
    Hey hey, trying to catch up this thread (noticed it a few days ago). Here's my contribution to bricks, mostly based on Wes stream and some of my previous exp with SD :D
    Tried to create that blobby grout (http://i.imgur.com/IPKwSdG.png) but have no idea how to approach that, tried the directional warp and noises on my mask for grout but I could not build it up like here. Also trying to work a bit on presentation of work, so I will be super-thankful for some critique here :D

    Awesome thread!

  • ninetitle
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    ninetitle polycounter lvl 8
    I hit a roadblock on my substance, I just can't find a way to replicate this kind of rough look : 

    extracted from reference

    here is my latest iteration:

    Someone has some idea on how to improve it ?

    your substance is really beautiful but I doubt moss would grow on a refined surface without some damage
  • troubleonsaturn
    Hey everybody, here is my first contribution to the challenge for week 2. No bitmaps used, all Substance. Good looking stuff everybody!

  • Darkmirth
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    Darkmirth polycounter lvl 4
    Here are Marmoset Toolbag renders as promised...

    @ninetitle If I'm not mistaken it seems to me that you lack the little white dots present in the reference picture. Try adding more BW spots, transform them at /2 and then mask off parts to kill off obvious repeats, ,and afterwards I'd probably play with blending them in using overlay or Add and with levels to cancel any excess grays and get through satisfying amount of noise/dirt... Also it might help to create a working normal map just to better visualize it as you work (and you can even try adding a sharpen node to normal map to get that fine "tinge" out of it)...

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5

    your substance is really beautiful but I doubt moss would grow on a refined surface without some damage
    Yes I agree buddy it was more a little test than anything :)
  • Martoon
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    Martoon polycounter lvl 2
    C&C are welcome, sorry for the late post. Been Lurking for a while decided to jump ship and join. 
  • flaviat
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    flaviat polycounter lvl 2
    Hi ! My first submission. Procedural Substance rendered with Unity !!
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Wow everyone has been busy. So much to catch up on! Bit of a wall of text but here's some comments on the previous posts. My own effort is found below.

    @Zombiecrackers I like your pattern, but I think your colors and contrast need some balancing so they sit better together. I personally think the marble has too many light tones and the green moss is a bit too light as well. And as @ninetitle said, I don't believe moss would grow on gold that looks so smooth.

    @rgbeard Very subtle marble you've got there. I like it, feels real.

    @wpetrosky Well done, looks just like your ref and feels very realistic!

    @kevAkom Also quite realistic looking, cool! The only thing I can say is I can spot the repeating due to the somewhat more saturated yellowy spots that stand out.

    @K Definite improvement there! The colors are working much better now imho.

    @JAKEALEXDUN Cool, good start. :) This tutorial helped me a lot for making the bricks, including the grout, I think it was posted by someone earlier but couldn't find where so here it is again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpsLg44gSg8

    @Gruckel Thank you! :) For my final I think I may have now taken it a bit too far in terms of shininess but I still think it could look fairly real. I really like yours too! Cool variations and the gold totally pops!

    @M.Petersen Looking good. A simple but effective pattern. You could try playing with some randomization in the tiles, their height, rotation, position to add more detail.

    @plord I think you're not too far off with the grout to be honest. I do think you've gone a bit overboard with the horizontal offset of the stones as you're creating some 'crossroads' in your grouting in places. That might also be due to your tiling of the material on your cube. As for your presentation I think that's also going in the right direction. You could exaggerate the lighting so there is a more clearly lit and clearly shadowed side, to show off how your material reacts. And I don't think you really need the horizontal bands in your renders, they are just empty space hiding your work in this case. ;)

    @ninetitle I think it's improving! At first sight some things I guess you could try is more contrast in the smaller noise layers, and adding some subtle straight lines/scratches. Maybe also increase the size of your medium/large siz@Gruckel

    @Martoon Good start! Personally I would prefer if the brick color variation itself was a bit more subtle, and adding your own very subtle color variation in the brick color itself. Basically moving it from one spot to another and not make it so tied to the bricks. Either that or go full-on patterned brick that has been consciously laid out in a certain way by the builders.

    @troubleonsaturn @Kid.in.the.Dark @flaviat and @Darkmirth Loving it! Great work and great presentation.

    And finally, here's my effort. Calling it done for now, I learned loads again. :)

  • Romannn
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    Romannn polycounter lvl 2
    Here is my vision of marble :D My first submission, rendered in Toolbox

    Feedback is welcome
  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    @JoachimC  Thanks for the tips! Yes I agree the contrast could be tweaked and yea the moss was only a little mess around I was going crazy with the nodes haha! :)
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    Great work everyone, sadly I won't finish mine on time as I've been ill and tomorrow i'll be sorting out the update. 
    The new challenge will start on the 2nd, so you'll have tomorrow to finish up with the marble. 
  • PJPayne
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    PJPayne polycounter lvl 7
    Romannn said:
    Here is my vision of marble :D My first submission, rendered in Toolbox

    Feedback is welcome
    I see the plasma you used (I'm assuming you used plasma there?) is moving on to the different colours of tile. I would think that pattern would be part of the marble material itself, so then I would make a separate plasma to apply to just the white parts so that it does look like it is actually different pieces of marble cut to make squares. 
  • Romannn
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    Romannn polycounter lvl 2
    PJPayne said:
    Romannn said:
    Here is my vision of marble :D My first submission, rendered in Toolbox

    Feedback is welcome
    I see the plasma you used (I'm assuming you used plasma there?) is moving on to the different colours of tile. I would think that pattern would be part of the marble material itself, so then I would make a separate plasma to apply to just the white parts so that it does look like it is actually different pieces of marble cut to make squares. 
    Yeah you are right, made this on a late night dont think about that :D i will add a simple transorm node. No this are Cracks but they are distorted with different nodes. I posted on Artstation a screenshot of the nodes: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4qJmW

  • ThePowFin
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    ThePowFin polycounter lvl 5
    @flaviat looking good! Almost like if you had an image and just created it out of it, awesome! :) Saw a similar reference on my searches.
    @PJPayne Looks nice and clean. Maybe the marble veins could be broken up a bit more with a small warp. :)
    @JoachimC would be nice to see your reference image. I don't think I've seen marble just like that. Looks cool, though.

  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    @Romannn Nicely done and nice presentation. :) Only thing I'm not sure about is how much effect the marble veins would have on the roughness. Looks a bit strong on yours.

    @Zombiecrackers That's fair, you have to experiment! That's what learning is all about.

    @3DKyle Get well soon! Thanks for organizing, I should be present again for the next one.

    @ThePowFin Thanks. I must admit though I didn't follow just one piece of ref to recreate, just looked at a bunch of marble that I liked, experimented with it and ran with it. I may have taken it a bit too far from actual realism... Here' some of the images I looked at the most. :)

  • rgbeard
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    rgbeard polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you @JoachimC , I like the dirty warn look of your marble.
    @Romannn Looks cool! I especially like the roughness. 
    @Darkmirth Sweet stuff!
    This challenge has been awesome! You all have help motivate me to push the marbles I'm doing for my current portfolio project and mix them with this.

    Here is a mix of the marbles I made during these 2 weeks.

  • plord
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    plord polycounter lvl 5
    My marble substance, rendered in Iray (tried MT but could not achieve anything cool as You guys above :/)  This is a bit rough with pattern but have little time and really wanted to make it before next week of challenge so I can slowly build up my material (more from trying things and less from tutorials :D)

    @BlackFenix_URS This is good, find some resources on hiding the tiling and keep going!

    @Darkmirth This is amazing, this is one substance or different studies? 

    @Zombiecrackers The marble alone looks great! Nice colors! Pattern and moss alone also cool (no idea how to make them yet :D) but I do not feel it with marble :D 

    @JoachimC whoa! didn't notice these crossroads, too much focus on building graphs :D about the presentation: I liked the first one with a block of substance 'sticking out' of the image but yeah, in second zoom image those bars was a really bad idea. Thank You very much for tips and of course, great substance mate, maybe smaller veins or lighter color for them? Reminds me of splatter of mud a bit :)

    @Romannn Something like that was my first idea haha :D Looks veeery nice, one thing - as somebody mentioned - to break those 'veins' from floating from one tile to another and maybe bump the white marble a little up on normal? :) 

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Messed around with a new marble, I think this one is a much better base marble than my first try :) CC welcome as always!

    And thank you for the kind words @plord means a lot! :) I really like the style of tile you have looks really nice, if you push the grout lines a little more you could end up with something really nice!

  • ThePowFin
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    ThePowFin polycounter lvl 5

    Here are also my renders. Mostly used my generator and then gave them some additional touches.

    @plord Looks good. I like how thin the veins are. Could maybe use a bit of a warp to break it up a bit. Not sure if your reference shows so smooth lines, though.
    @Zombiecrackers Looks nice. Might look cool to make some of the veins thinner. Maybe you could also add a subtle secondary pattern to the lighter part, just like in the first reference image of the pinned post?
  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Messed around a little more still wanna push some of the colours a little before I'm really happy with it!

  • Romannn
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    Romannn polycounter lvl 2
    @plord Your material also looks very nice, yes i fixed the issue :D
    @rgbeard Thx, i like also your material,how you achive this nice green color?
    @JoachimC I saw so many referenences, without this roughness it looks so shiny, very hard to get it right.

    If someone interested can have this material for free :)

  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    Didn't have much time to put into this one. Played around with some exposed parameters, though.

  • Bruno Afonseca
    Great job folks! I really love a bunch of the materials here. @Soph=) 's one looks super natural, I'm jelly!
    Here's my attempt at it, I'd rework the base marble if I had extra time but I think this is okay!

  • Darkmirth
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    Darkmirth polycounter lvl 4
    @plord  different substances, each one was a different approach or extension of happy accidents whilst making the previous substance.
  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    Here is my final image. Figured I could give the tiles a try since the challenge was prolonged by a day :D The edges could use more work definitely, but I will call this done for now. Great work everyone and thanks for all the feedback!

  • Arucia
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    Arucia polycounter lvl 4
    Hey there, first time joining in and thought I'd share my results for the marble substance, any feedback would be more than welcome! One is the straight marble substance and the other one is me attempting a pattern with it.
  • Freezy Demon
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    Freezy Demon polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks all for the feedback! Changed the roughness quite a bit on this one and played around with lighting in Marmoset Toolbag 3.

  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    Arucia: I'm sure it's a sweet material, only wish it covered more of the canvas because I can't really see it.

    I wasn't too satisfied with my last pattern, so I tried again:

  • wingaersheek
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    wingaersheek polycounter lvl 6
    Great seeing everyone's work! Marble was quite a fun challenge for me, and though I'd take another pass at this eventually I'm going to call it done for now. Pretty happy with my results, seeing as I've never attempted something like marble before!

    @Gruckel - Absolutely love the metal veins you've got going on! But I feel like your scene doesn't quite do it justice. It's maybe too busy with cracks for the eye to read the shapes easily and quickly. The metal veins - my favorite part! - get a little lost in the render of the scene, too. I wish there were sections that weren't as cracked/worn so that part of the material would really show!

    @Darkmirth - Awesome variety you've got going there, super impressed by the colors and shapes. For some reason the Marmoset renders don't seem to do it justice compared to the earlier image you posted.

    @JoachimC - Loved seeing this develop. The tilted tiles and shapes for some reason read very "space marble" to me, which is a cool look. What nodes did you use/start out with to create some of those lighter shapes? I'm really digging the overall look!

  • PJPayne
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    PJPayne polycounter lvl 7
    ThePowFin said:
    @flaviat looking good! Almost like if you had an image and just created it out of it, awesome! :) Saw a similar reference on my searches.
    @PJPayne Looks nice and clean. Maybe the marble veins could be broken up a bit more with a small warp. :)
    @JoachimC would be nice to see your reference image. I don't think I've seen marble just like that. Looks cool, though.

    Oops I think you may have seen me quoting Romannn and thought I posted the marble one, I haven't posted a material at all yet :P 
  • 3Rton
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    3Rton polycounter lvl 7
    Hopefully going to be able to make the next one bit better quality but.... marble I guess.

  • PolyBrother
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    PolyBrother polycounter lvl 7
    Didn't have a lot of time towards mine. I think it turned out looking more like granite, which is a similar material. I'll have to re-assess the "swirl" patterns that are more associated to marble. This was good study though, with a focus on roughness maps being the key, along with albedo.

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    New Challenge is up! Click here to go to it!

    For those finishing up the marble and brick, make sure to keep them in this thread. 

  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks very much! I realize I may have gone a bit far with it but I still like how it turned out. :)
    I like yours as well, nice colors in the green and white stones! The grouting could read a bit better I would say as I'm currently not sure if it's grout or gold. If you'd like to take this further you could play with tile placement (height, rotation, offset etc.). This one looks very clean and new but the roughness you've got going works well already though.

    Below is some of my thinking on how I did the marble shapes. The zoomed in images of the graph are of the first step because that's too hard to read in the first image. The Cells, Creased and Edge Detect nodes are what helped me a lot on this. I hope it makes some sense? :) 

  • solkar
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    solkar vertex
    My second try with marble. Color is quite close to my reference but the complex veins are missing. I got the tiles which I thought would be much harder.

    This is the reference I used.

  • kimkir
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    kimkir polycounter lvl 13
    I'm a little late posting... 
    I'm really new to Substance, and this was a really fun challenge.  I welcome any comments/critique! 

  • sZXZ
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    sZXZ polycounter lvl 2
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