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The Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge (Challenge 1 & 2)

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3DKyle interpolator

Hello everyone, welcome to the Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge. 
Like the previous challenge that was ran by Tejay, this is going to be running everyone 2 weeks to give people a little longer to work on the materials.

How it works
  • Every 2 weeks a new reference will be shared to be recreated, you are also encouraged to find your own reference, as long as it still fits the topic for that bi-weekly substance, for example if we share a mud reference, you can gather you own mud reference. 
  • You can be creative with the reference and make it look either realistic, stylized or hand-painted, it is up to you.

  • Try and give constructive criticism, giving and receiving this should help each of us artist grow.
  • This is a Substance Challenge, so stick with that software.
  • You can post Wip's and finished materials here. 
  • Don't share work you've done in the pass, if you done a material before, try it again don't try pass old work off as something you did for this. 
  • Final material renders to be rendered in a real-time engine (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, Cryengine, Stingray, IRay is also accepted).
  • This is a learning experience for all, don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • Learn all that you can and do share what you also learn. 
  • Please be respectful to each and everyone. 

We have a channel in the Allegorithmic Discord group where you can share WIP's and final images as well as discuss the challenge, Click here to go to it.
If you have any other questions in relations to any of the Allegorithmic's software, use the appropriate channels for those questions.


Challenge 1 - Bricking it! (Brick Wall) || Time Limit 30th Jan - 14th Feb.
Every portfolio needs one. Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.


Challenge 2 - A marble-ous texture (Marble) || Time Limit 15th Feb - 1st March.
Be free with this, make a single marble texture, make marble tiles, just loose your marbles and have fun! 

Next Challenge

For those finishing up the marble and brick, make sure to keep them in this thread. 


  • derphouse
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    derphouse polycounter lvl 4
    Nice looking patterns people got going! Here's my progress so far. More of a generic marble wall.


    I'd really like to hit that rough diffused look like the ref, but it still feels too smooth atm.
  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    @Adelphia @Gruckel @3DKyle thanks for the feedback guys :) It really helped. Still not overly happy with the result but it's some progress I guess. Trying to go for tiles next.

    @Budd nice pattern and @rgbeard that looks great!

  • JayS
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    JayS polycounter lvl 8
    Here's how my marble came out, I used different reference again for something more random d:
  • Budd
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    Budd polycounter lvl 2
    @JayS nice colours!
    @merlyn thanks! yours is looking much improved from the first draft already, if you were to change something making the white pattern less repetitive would give it a more natural look imo  :smile:
  • Budd
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    Budd polycounter lvl 2
    Made a few adjustments, think its looking better now, crits welcome.

  • Moist
  • bobmartien
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    bobmartien polycounter lvl 11
    @Budd Man, I love the black & White pattern !
  • Gruckel
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    Gruckel polycounter lvl 8
    @acealmighty13 thank you, that's what I'm going for and that looks great, "destroying" my plates is next on my list.

    @Kazperstan cool, thanks for sharing, that looks super intersting!

    @3DKyle you're absolutely right, thanks! Really looking as if though it could've come from a photo, awesome.

    @Adelphia than you and right back at you :)

    Got some really nice looking marble going on here everyone!
  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Finally made a start on this challenge! I really want to create some cool looking patterns to blend the marble with but for the time being I've focused on just getting the main marble effect down CC welcome as always :)

  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    Lunch time update!

  • Freezy Demon
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    Freezy Demon polycounter lvl 5
    Some great looking marble here!
    This is my first attempt at creating marble, CC welcome :smile:
  • derphouse
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    derphouse polycounter lvl 4
    Nice looking shape @Kazperstan, integrates very well!

    Some progress:

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Made the detail a little more subtle and a bit of pattern work!

  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    Freezy Demon: Cool pattern. I'm just wondering if I can walk on that floor without loosing balance.

  • makinmagic3
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    makinmagic3 polycounter lvl 11
    Had a go at the marble and might try and add some sort of design to it (like tiles or a pattern).
  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    Slowly getting there. @Budd I worked on the tiling, thx :smile:

    My biggest problem right now, I can`t figure out how to randomly rotate the pattern per tile. I guess this is done via the pixel processor as well? I would be grateful for any tips.
  • JayS
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    JayS polycounter lvl 8
    Budd said:
    @JayS nice colours!
    @merlyn thanks! yours is looking much improved from the first draft already, if you were to change something making the white pattern less repetitive would give it a more natural look imo  :smile:
    Thanks! :) yours is looking great aswell
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Hey all, cool stuff so far! Here's some random thoughts on the last few posts. :)

    @Merlynn Nice! I like what you've done with the coloring, blending in some yellow with the greens. As for the pattern itself, like you say this is feeling a bit tiling too much. Getting a rotated pattern per tile may fix it but I'm not sure what the best practice is for more complex patterns. For now on mine, I've done the cheap shortcut of using a checker pattern to blend my marble with itself in a 90 degree rotated version of itself.

    @makinmagic3 I like what you've done. :) The only thing I can really say is it somehow feels a bit like a repeating pattern to me, but I can't quite put my finger on where it would repeat... Curious to see where you take tile patterns.

    @Zombiecrackers Cool, I can't wait to get into the patterning stuff myself. Only thing I can say is the marble pattern probably wouldn't continue when it crosses into a different color/stone. 

    @derphouse Interesting color choice, I feel it sits nice in the lighting you've chosen. I'm not sure about the scratches though. They're not feeling super grounded or realistic to me.

    @Freezy Demon That floor would make me sick in real life :p It's looking cool already though. Maybe try lowering the contrast between the different colored tiles to make it slightly easier on the eyes? And maybe the marble pattern itself could be a bit larger as it's feeling a little bit noisy right now to me. But yeah, definitely a more original one, it stands out.

    @Kazperstan Also very cool with the patterning. No idea how to do that yet myself. I like the color of your background stone as well. If the edges on the green stone are gold I would say try to make them stand out a bit more as they are feeling a bit flat and blending into the background stone.

    Here's my effort so far. Slowly but surely getting there, but I think I'm going to need quite a bit of tweaking to get it to look right. 
    If I find the time I also want to look into some fancy patterns to spice it up. For now I've been focusing on making it feel like marble in the first place.

    CC more than welcome! :)

  • ninetitle
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    ninetitle polycounter lvl 8
    Hi, here is my work in progress of my recreation of this tile :

    rough serpentine

    striped marble : 

    Feedback is very welcome, particularly for the serpentine.

    Now I will have to find a good tutorial to blend them correctly and add some weathering and dirt.
  • Turks
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    Turks polycounter lvl 9
    JoachimC: Nice job, simple and too the point. The roughness map works nicely too. When I read marble my mind jumped right to freshly buffed/polished floors. I'll have to add a bit of wear to my own. Can I ask how you achieve the marble pattern not continuing from one tile to the next? I can't quite piece together the nodes needed to do it. Is it just masks? 
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Turks said:
    Can I ask how you achieve the marble pattern not continuing from one tile to the next? I can't quite piece together the nodes needed to do it. Is it just masks? 
    @Turks Thanks! I like to add wear and tear to things to make them feel more realistic, but it's always a delicate balance to make it feel right. I may have overdone it already on this one a tiny bit. :) As for breaking the pattern per tile, it's just a mask for now. I've not gone deeper into creating an interesting tile pattern like you have, so by just using a checker mask I can get away with a very simple blend. With more complex generators and patterns I fully assume this will become more complex as well. Here's the nodes if you're interested.

  • Budd
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    Budd polycounter lvl 2
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    Great work as normal guys. I never updated my own version so going to be working on it more tonight over the stream. 

    I'm planning on the last day to do a live stream feedback session. Let me know if you are interested in having your material on this.
    For now here is some feedback. 

    @derphouse Your scratches are coming off a little to strong. Try making them a little more subtle and break it up with a slope blur or something to make them more jagged. 

    @Merlynn This is coming on nicely. I think @Shriken uses a pixel processor to change up rotation based on each stone/brick. Try doing something like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h4Cm3EYRAc&list=PLB0wXHrWAmCxOEZkYTabwzTEvAE9gBuPY&t=3706s&index=9

    @JayS This is looking nice, however, I feel you got your bloom to high and maybe even the exposure. Tone that down and it will be more readable. 

    @Budd This is coming on well. Really digging the colors. Roughness is looking good too. I think you could do something with the edges to keep it more interesting like a small trim or something. 

    @Moist Looking good, I feel your marble could do with a little more variation.

    @Zombiecrackers This looks nice. Try giving your pattern a slight blur and on the side of the stone you can see it looks rather jagged. Marble is looking nice, less like steak as some were saying. 

    @Kazperstan Is this suppose to be marble? I mean it looks alright if I got to be honest :P really digging it. Loving the subtle cracks on the marble. 

    @Freezy Demon This looks really interesting Freezy, very distorting however, I feel if that was in a VR game, everyone would just fall because it's kind of confusing. Don't get me wrong though, it looks really nice though. Marble looks very nice. Try playing with your roughness. 

    @makinmagic3 This looks pretty nice. I'm loving the veins. With your normal put a invert just before that as your subtle normal still shows in the lighting but the details look like they are sticking out and might look better with the details going in. Try adding some variation into your roughness as well. 

    @JoachimC Really looking nice, I feel the veins could maybe be to thick but depends on your reference. Liking the roughness very nice :) 

    @ninetitle This is a interesting pattern you have chosen, I look forward to seeing how yours turns out. I think your marble could do with some veins now even if it is subtle like this. 

    @Turks This is looking nice, I again feel your roughness could do with some love and in regards to the marble itself, the thing that sticks out to much is the pure white bit on the middle part just the second/third tile down. (if you don't know what I mean I'll upload a picture next time). 
  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    3DKyle said:

    @Kazperstan Is this suppose to be marble? I mean it looks alright if I got to be honest :P really digging it. Loving the subtle cracks on the marble. 

    oh.. its actually wood. Guess I need to burn my harddrive and start again  :p
  • derphouse
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    derphouse polycounter lvl 4
    @JoachimC @3DKyle Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I am trying to figure out how to hit a good look for marble scratches, similar to my reference. I did a bit of work on them, but not happy still, and not sure how to progress. I used a normal blur, but might try the slope blur.

  • ninetitle
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    ninetitle polycounter lvl 8
     thanks , I'm more looking to replicate another kind of serpentine, this:

    will need a lot more work.
    I created a mask to blend the two kind of marble :

    now I only need to figure out a way to blend it in a realistic way.
    I would be grateful for advice on that and feedback . 

  • Mr_Derk
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    Mr_Derk polycounter lvl 2
    Hey guys spent the last week or so working on this in my free time.



    I know there are some changes to be made with the black marble but I feel I captured the essence of it enough to call it done. 
  • makinmagic3
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    makinmagic3 polycounter lvl 11
    JoachimC said:

    @makinmagic3 I like what you've done. :) The only thing I can really say is it somehow feels a bit like a repeating pattern to me, but I can't quite put my finger on where it would repeat... Curious to see where you take tile patterns.
    3DKyle said:
    @makinmagic3 This looks pretty nice. I'm loving the veins. With your normal put a invert just before that as your subtle normal still shows in the lighting but the details look like they are sticking out and might look better with the details going in. Try adding some variation into your roughness as well. 

    @JoachimC Yeah I understand what you mean about the repeating pattern, I think it's to with the major/ larger veins and how I've blended them.

    @3DKyle I thought something looked odd with the normal :D Will add some variation to the roughness also.
  • rogelio
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    rogelio greentooth
    Beautiful stuff everyone!
  • Turks
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    Turks polycounter lvl 9
    I think I'm calling this done Any critiques are appreciated. Thanks for the feedback guys!
  • N4meless
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    N4meless greentooth
    I'm done with it, i learned a lot ! thx for this challenge ! @3DKyle

  • MrSunabouzu
    Hi! Long time lurker, thought I'd finally register and follow along with the substance challenges. Decided to try something weird with the pattern, like it came out of a early 2000s mall that has especially garish taste. Would love crits!

  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    @Mr_Derk Cool pattern! All I'd say is the roughness could use some more detail for my tastes, but you have followed the ref nicely. :)

    @ninetitle Very nice recreation of the ref pattern. As for the serpentine you have a good start, nice color, but it could use more detail (some layers of veins and noise) and contrast.

    @3DKyle Thanks! I've been playing with the marble veins generation and coloring today and got to a place where I'm a bit happier with it. There should be more variation in there now.

    Everyone else, great progress! :) 

    For mine, I completely fell into the rabbit hole of creating parameters rather than an interesting tile pattern for the floor. I've hooked up a ton of variables and am trying to create a floor age slider that wears down the material more over time. 

    Fairly young and fresh tiles

    Experimenting with aging it, one slider and a bunch of functions to have it drive my parameters

  • Budd
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    Budd polycounter lvl 2
    @3DKyle   Cheers, i was thinking that it needed something around the edge too.

    @MrSunabouzu  looking good, there are/were a few malls in my area that must have used the same designer as that one :P , you might want to try and break up the white lines that are crossing multiple tiles though, unless they are supposed to cross them then disregard that! :)

    Made a few subtle changes to the marble textures, playing around with a border of sorts, not sure if this is too much though. Crits?

  • Soph=)
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    Soph=) polycounter lvl 12
    @Budd You have nice natural shapes going on, I like!

    @JoachimC  Your top render is working better, I think the bottom render your chipped edges are too big (unless its a stylized floor? do you have a ref?) maybe check the scale of your noise in the slope blur if that's whats driving it.

    @MrSunabouzu Good effort, your marble texture looks a little low resolution? 

    @N4meless The white marble is looking nice. Maybe add some smaller 'vein' details into the black version and add some variation to their color. 

    @Turks Nice, you could add some gradient and subtle height changes to some of the tiles to give more variation

    Done a couple more renders below

  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    Wow! Great marble guys!
  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    Here is my take on the challenge. Renders of the subgraphs are on my topic here.

  • Xpecto
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    Xpecto polycounter lvl 2
    Hello! first time posting here, played with substance for a few weeks and really liking it so far!

  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    @JoachimC ,@3DKyle thanks for the feedback guys. Really helped to work on this rotation problem. Here is what I got so far. I worked on the surface as well, adding scratches and some broken off edges on the tiles.
    Experimenting with colors also:

    I might try a pattern next using them as a base :)

    @Budd and @Turks nice pattern. I think the trim works very well on your tile @Budd.
    @Soph=) are you going to mix that with the black marble you did before? That could look pretty cool.

  • ThePowFin
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    ThePowFin polycounter lvl 5

    Here's something I was thinking of going forward with for the final rendering. The crack generator still needs some work. It's amazing how cool looking patterns one can get with adding gradient map on top of these grayscale versions of such 'marble generator' node.
  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    K said:
    Here is my take on the challenge. Renders of the subgraphs are on my topic here.

    Really nice! Any advice on getting the text to go around the outer circle like you've done here been racking my brain trying to work out how to do it :)
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    @Budd Nice pattern! It really stands out and I could see it in the middle of a hotel lobby or something. If I could say anything about the border, the details on it might be a bit too small in relation to the rest of the pattern/graphic, if you know what I mean.

    @Soph=) Thanks, you're absolutely right. I was going a bit mad yesterday night when I discovered parameters and went totally overboard. Below is a version with more subtle details. I love your white marble, and the gold feels very nice too. I'd almost want there to be less grouting lines to make the white marble stand out more and give it some more space.

    @K Nice use of the text node there. I do feel that your green and blue colors are a bit too saturated, but maybe that's what you were going for?

    @Xpecto Cool pattern. I think maybe the material as a whole is a bit too reflective and clean.

    @Merlynn This has definitely improved, well done! :) I feel you've maybe taken the grunge/noise a little too far for how shiny the rest of the stone is.

    @ThePowFin I like your use of a central ornament in a different material but I'm not so sure of the border around it. Your marble veins are great though!

    As for mine, I've toned it down again from yesterday. Trying to focus on lots of tiny details to make it feel more realistic rather than over the top damage. Also trying out some different lighting and presentation in Marmoset for fun.

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Thought I would take a nice render of what im working with at the moment, text could use a bit more work it was super fiddly to get right!

    A version without the coloured text :) 
  • picto
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    picto null

    This one is really nice!
    Well done @Soph=)
  • rgbeard
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    rgbeard polycounter lvl 4
    @Soph=) nice marbeling (:. Here is a simular white marble that I'm working on.

  • wpetrosky
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    wpetrosky polycounter lvl 6
    Attempting to capture the look of the first image reference.  Dem warps   :)
  • kevAkom
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    kevAkom polycounter lvl 7
    My go at marble!

  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    Looking great guys!

    @JoachimC Yeah i see what you mean. Ill match some more muted references :).
  • Valravn
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    Valravn polycounter lvl 7
    My attempt  at marble. I had a real hard time getting the shapes right for this one. Anyone have any tips on getting those streaks right?

    By the way, great work on this one everybody. Love seeing all these awesome materials!
  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    Updated the materials based on feedback. Thanks guys!
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