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Changed this guy and posed him some time ago but i was lazy enough to not upload it. Until today.
Here you have a link for the Artstation page and an extra GIF with viewport look
Thread : http://http//polycount.com/discussion/164824/likeness-sculpting-portrait-ben-kingsley-done#latest
Portfolio : https://www.artstation.com/artist/antsyik
model in : Zbrush/Maya
Texture in : Mari
Render in : Vray
Comp in : Photoshop
Mostly done with character, going to make a portal gun then pose and light him
-Modeled in Maya, Textured in Substance Painter, Rendered in Unreal
Rendered with Corona.
Crosspost here: http://polycount.com/discussion/165966/learning-zbrush-would-love-some-feedback#latest
Crosspost: http://polycount.com/discussion/160868/japanese-inspired-street-ue4#latest
Texturing for the BaseWeapon done, next Attachements
Probably going to retweak the ground and get a bit more information out of it.
latches and trims: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/P2Ly3
closeups and veiwports: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/z5gmQ
Video of full scene: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/P2L2Z
X-post: http://polycount.com/discussion/166158/baal-diablo-2#latest
Product info:
Product info:
Made a revolver.
This is the finished High Poly of 1 of 5 game assets I'm making for a brief based of Necris Concept Art. The screws are floating geometry. Game Asset will be made from this in the coming days.
based on this concept https://br.pinterest.com/pin/314689092693611438/
I need some feedback on her, I feel she's a bit boring
@sjstyles dude thats awesome materials you have on her
@Antonioneves i really like that hand painted scene man.
So many good looking stuff guys
Some statues for my scene. Would love feedback to improve!
Very nice!
Here is my contribution.
Check out the screenshot:
Here's a video - watch in HD with audio -
More info is here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QW1L4
Made this H&K MP7A1, feedback are always welcome !
Still working through some of the base high poly work right now, hopefully I'll get the bakes all sorted over the weekend
Everyone has been posting some kickass work!
Relight, rerender and material fiddle on this sculpt again. Cheers!
A hard surface sketching demonstration I did for my students. It started as a loose sketch and then I polished just the front part a bit.
Hello again! I'm still working on my Doctor Who fan Art.
Here is the Phone model update for Real time is approximately 2k tris without the telephone cord.
It's rendered direcly in sketchfab
Ps if can suggest me a more poly efficient method for the cord wire I love you !
you can check the 3d here https://www.artstation.com/artwork/41vrY
Cross topic - http://polycount.com/discussion/166060/kyle-horwood-texture-art-sketchbook#latest
Looking good Lovo! can't wait to see where this goes :-)