Let 2016 begin! Past WAYWO threads:
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
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You can check more shots of it on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/stabile
High Poly Modelling in Maya. Decided to make a production version of the 3D motive tutorial which mostly used floating geometry for the details.
Full rez images can be found on ArtStation.
We are ready for halloween.....
3D model & texture by CGART Team.
This is my second attemp in 3D animation, any critique is welcome. Software used 3ds Max plus the fun i had while making it ^^.
Well I'm here to share that Lazy Save 1.6.2 is out!
With it comes a host of new features.
Custom UDP locations are in for Donators
Relative Path Saving is in!
New Mode : WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) -> no need to have groups to save quicker
Check out WYSIWYG Mode and Relative Path Saving in action below
Find more info and the change logs here
This is a Game res oil drum that I first modeled out in Maya up to a high res then exported out to Zbrush to dent up a bit, after that I brought it back into Maya. I created a much lower game res model then baked a normal map and ambient occlusion for the details then pulled it out again to hand paint in Substance. when I completed my work flow I put it all back together within Unreal Engine 4.
Different renders and concept orthos here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oy5bO
Would love to know what you think in order to better my results
x-post from my WIP thread here:
Hello Polycounters! This is just a small teaser of the lamp pack that I've been working on for the Unreal Marketplace. Altogether there will be 10 lamps (well one of them is a torch really) with multiple LODs, up to 4k materials, and user-friendly controls to turn lights on/off, change the light color and so much more! They will be shortly available on the Marketplace. Hope ya dig and any questions or criticism are most welcome!
Hey. This is just from my perspective, so take it as you will. It's pretty good, especially for an early effort. My main critiques would be this:
1. The beach ball seems to go from rather light, to very heavy. It's really bouncy, then it just sits there. Perhaps look at a little more residual bounce at the end?
2. When the ball bounces on the board, it doesn't seem to move much. I don't know if that's because you're trying to show that the ball is really light, or if you are going for the understated approach. It may even just be my personal preference, but it seems like a little more movement in the board and a little bit of rebound when it hits the ground again might make it a little closer to real life.
I hope this helps. As I said, it's still a really good job, better than when I started out. Keep pushing.
Sketchbook - Viking Scene
Finishing touches ahead!
Not all about mine, but check out the other entrants and vote accordingly.
modo render, photoshop edits, going to attempt all modo ^ above.
My inspirations where who are we, why are we, and pyramids, cells, atoms, spear of destiny, if you check the thread you'll see more.
I'd appreciate anyone helping a 3d brother out in the like and comment discussions, i am only 15 days or so in.
More shots here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NoDA1
Thread with bigger gif/screenshot here http://polycount.com/discussion/172077/wip-shiva-finalfantasy-xiv#latest
Here`s my workthread for it if you want to see more renders , and bigger resolution.
Link : http://polycount.com/discussion/164621/the-beast-nature-s-executioner-vickgaza#latest