I have the same problem as some other people: 3DO does not show the material (just the default grey sphere or any other default mesh), no matter how many times i try to update it.
I downloaded the helmet sample scene and it doesn't show anything either - neither the material, nor the mesh. I've tried everything, from setting up my own projects with different assortments of maps to projects with a normal only. I tried reinstalling - it did not help either.
As a note - I have two Photoshop versions: CS6 and CC. Quixel launches CS6 by default with the aforementioned problems. If I try to direct it to CC - it just doesn't work at all, can't even start it.
Five days of this stuff, I just don't know what to do.
Hi guys, I've run into what I think is a fairly large bug in NDO. I'm going to record a video in the near future but basically.
Whenever I have NDO open and draw a selection or alter a sleection in Photoshop (CTRL-T), 2/3 times the selection will just jump to the edge of the screen whenever I let go of my tablet.
I have tried multiple wacom drivers and nothing seems to fix the problem.
Once again, I will have a video but it's a pretty frustrating issue to have.
@beefaroni- This is a very anoying bug, fortunately there is a solution for it until the bug is fixed: in the menu for the suite, klick "Make 3do topmost" this should solve it for now.
@bertmac - Iยดm sorry, this has me quite stomped, gonna have to report this to dev team! Really sorry for any inconveniance this is causing you!
@ZuiQuan - This is usually caused by characters in the path to either the suite or your projects that the suite doesnยดt recognize. Do you think that might be the problem in your case?
@jamestkirk - The video was captured on a i7 laptop with 16gb RAM, SSD hard drive and a Geforce GTX 680M. some loading screens where edited out to keep the video to the point.
Switching the layer visibility is one of the heaviest operation for the program, Holding down the shift key hides the layer in PS but keeps it in 3do, perfect for a quick preview.
Regarding improving performance i would say one of the biggest things is your own workflow, for instance holding down alt key while performing an operation bypasses 3DO and keeps everything super fast. I do that when I dont have to preview my changes right away, there by im saving a lot of time.
If you where to upgrade your computer for performance gains i would recomend RAM first and foremost, then GFX card, you already have a fast processor!
@ZuiQuan - This is usually caused by characters in the path to either the suite or your projects that the suite doesnยดt recognize. Do you think that might be the problem in your case?
Yes, been a long time since I last problems with software because of non-English characters in the path, so I didn't even bother. Thanks.
ok, thanks for this.
To add... when it locks all buttons in PS, i can still switch to other open psd files. but these are mostly empty specially the ones i created with Ndo
So lets say 5 files are open 3 are from quixel , Ao Cavity and my Ndo normal map
The others are just opened jpegs from the internet.
Then all are locked and the one from quixel are empty.
I can still save and i need to restart PS to get it to work again.
Before this i close the suite but even when both are closed, it says in the windows task manager that the suite is still thinking and have to close it with a end task.
I know its a beta but i am using ndo since version 1.2 and i have to say there is still some work to do. my over all usage experience the last 4 days are horrible.
To be honest i didn't have one nice session without any errors..
PS: this is no rand i am not angry i just do not write English that good.
Hope it helps the team finding the error i have
@Bertmac - Thank you very much for reporting this and explaining everything we really apreciate it! Im so sorry youยดre experience hasnยดt been as good as it should! Hopefully these things will be fixed with the next patch and you can use the tools as they where meant to work. thanks again1
What file format and settings are recommended to create the ID maps? I tried again with bucket fills and a png format and I still get 7 instead of 3. Thanks! Cheers~
Novian I tend to create all my maps in TGA format and ID map without any antialiasing so that there are no random colors appearing due to smoothing from one color to another.
My problem right now is that I don't get any texture detail at all.
Modeled in modo.
Baked in xnormal. No curvature or colorid map added. I have tried with these on three other models so far and they didn't help my problem so I'm not using them for now.
You HAVE TO use Color ID map even if you have only one material. I think, this is your problem where you can look at.
@Novian - Let me know if you're still having problems.
@Vipera - You are right, its better to always use a color id map even if its one-coloured, a bug that is on the "To do list". But missing texture detail is almost always due to two things, either the path to the suite or the project contains characters that are not yet supported. Or the patch wasn't installed in the same place as the suite was originaly.
Ok, so the mismatched colors from the ID Link Editor do come from PS Color Management settings, which breaks everything I thought I knew on the subject.
I've been using sRGB, and preserving embedded profiles. - This gives me the skewed colors in the ID Link Editor. (and terrible matching of what was clicked / what gets assigned)
If I use Monitor RGB, no management of documents, the colors appear correct in the Editor. (with normal color/assignment matching)
It's just strange since the *_colors.png opens in PS fine, using any document management option; just in the ID editor.
Hello Quixel,just tried the Beta and I'm really satisfied with the results so far,but I'm having a little issue : when entering the Mask Editor my 3DO object goes black and even when applying something nothing comes up on the texture
Here is a screen to show you what happens,the top screen is when Mask Editor is opened and the bottom one is when it isn't
Thanks to all for your help. I found that .psd format works. I will also try tga. So that issue is fixed. Unfortunately I too am suffering from the disappearing suite issue. Both nDO and dDO just disappear during use quite often. This occurs with or without running as administrator.
Any ideas?
Thanks again!
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) PS CS3 Extended (Primary SSD for OS, secondary 2TB WD for storage/projects) <-- if it helps.
Small milestone, but progress non the less
I finally able to get ddo loaded and tweaked abit of materials, tilll...
My wife pulled my away for honey-dos lol
Cant wait to get the grasp on everything...
but I had fun, soooooo me happy
Quixel : Thanks for the tip,i have found the problem and it was related to the installation : when upgrading to Quixel Suite 1.3 i think that the Suite has lost or can't find some of it resources,causing a few issues here and there,bu then removed the whole Quixel Suite,reinstalled it and upgraded it from the 1.3 update which i found in the temp folder,and now everything is OK
Also,wanted to thank you for this public Beta,it really helps to test the software and see how hard your team has been working to provide such a good software,Thanks !
3do button does nothing. when i click it "loading mesh and textures" thing appears for a moment. then, nothing happens.
i have win8.1 32 bit, photoshop cc, amd fx-8350 cpu and amd hd7970 gpu.
Hi eric, sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but i can't get ndo 2 or the quixel suite to run at all on my machine. if i try to run ndo, it tries to load then just gives me a "ndo has stopped working" and that's it. If i try to run quixel, the tool bar with all the seperate programs shows up in photoshop, but if i click any of them, the toobar disappears but the program never loads. How can i fix this?
When i start a new PRj ( 5 maps plus 12 color= id's)
I'll get this.
As you can see most is gray. In this example only the scratched metal and bronze managed to show up.
The other materials are empty.
next to this, there is the problem that i get double selection mask( shown in the pic)
@bertmac - i would think that either there are some unsupported characters in the path to the suite or your project files, or the patch is installed at a different location than the suite was! Could that be it?
Out of curiosity what are supported characters for path names? I changed my path last night and Windows ate my file. Have to start over now but I want to make sure I take the path into account so that the Suite works correctly. I updated the Java and will try it again (didnt get a chance last night).
How to heck everyone is getting Suite work Exept me???
Not just you. I still can't get it to work and have problems almost at every step 8(
At first I thought it is because I installed Suite in custom location.
Uninstalled, downloaded again and installed everything by default.
First thing I've noticed is that Suite was 1.2 and since I can't get latest version from website I tried to get it from updater.
At first try it failed with a lot of "error opening file for writing" in x86 part of setup. Had to repeat the whole thing and setting write permission to the root suite folder manually. That seem to fix it.
Alas, default install location didn't change anything for me - NDO still crushes suite w/o error messages and DDO doesn't show any materials.
Photoshop CC and QS 1.3 both run as administrator.
@ eric
eeeeeh ok ,
Well i don't know if i understand you right but.
the suite is installed in the default public folder, and the project( psd files) are on my desktop 2 folder down.
Anyway until now i always used the metallic button during the start of a new project.
After i uncheck that it seems to kind off work. Still the same ghost layers with double selections, but not all folders are empty anymore. So in the end i still have to replace some selection materials.
I've bought the suite few monthes ago, waiting for the release.
Back from holiday, I've updated the suite and now, I've a strange issue with my ddo window, it's totally empty, all the menus are working, smart and megascan material are applied, but they never appear in the layers window which remain desperately empty, tried a rollback, same issue now...
Something to do or just pray that this problem vanish with the release ?
Made a discovery: after I zip a layer, if I duplicate the resulting group, the suite crashes. Hope this helps. Updating java did help with the overall stability of nDO.
@Dimwalker - yes it really should, I'm somewhat stomped by this since you are using a sample project and everything else look correct. would you mind telling me all your specs?
@izanamya - Could you zip your entire project and upload it somewhere so we can take a look?
@bertmac - same for you, zip your project folder and upload it, would be really helpful!
I downloaded the helmet sample scene and it doesn't show anything either - neither the material, nor the mesh. I've tried everything, from setting up my own projects with different assortments of maps to projects with a normal only. I tried reinstalling - it did not help either.
As a note - I have two Photoshop versions: CS6 and CC. Quixel launches CS6 by default with the aforementioned problems. If I try to direct it to CC - it just doesn't work at all, can't even start it.
Five days of this stuff, I just don't know what to do.
Thanks for the response. But no i did not solve it. i did try it on an other machine but same thing there.
Whenever I have NDO open and draw a selection or alter a sleection in Photoshop (CTRL-T), 2/3 times the selection will just jump to the edge of the screen whenever I let go of my tablet.
I have tried multiple wacom drivers and nothing seems to fix the problem.
Once again, I will have a video but it's a pretty frustrating issue to have.
Windows 8.1 : Intuos 3 : Photoshop CS6 + CC
Video of bug.
Nope, spoke too soon, happens with or without OpenGL enabled
@bertmac - Iยดm sorry, this has me quite stomped, gonna have to report this to dev team! Really sorry for any inconveniance this is causing you!
@ZuiQuan - This is usually caused by characters in the path to either the suite or your projects that the suite doesnยดt recognize. Do you think that might be the problem in your case?
@tach - PBR is the default one!
@jamestkirk - The video was captured on a i7 laptop with 16gb RAM, SSD hard drive and a Geforce GTX 680M. some loading screens where edited out to keep the video to the point.
Switching the layer visibility is one of the heaviest operation for the program, Holding down the shift key hides the layer in PS but keeps it in 3do, perfect for a quick preview.
Regarding improving performance i would say one of the biggest things is your own workflow, for instance holding down alt key while performing an operation bypasses 3DO and keeps everything super fast. I do that when I dont have to preview my changes right away, there by im saving a lot of time.
If you where to upgrade your computer for performance gains i would recomend RAM first and foremost, then GFX card, you already have a fast processor!
ok, thanks for this.
To add... when it locks all buttons in PS, i can still switch to other open psd files. but these are mostly empty specially the ones i created with Ndo
So lets say 5 files are open 3 are from quixel , Ao Cavity and my Ndo normal map
The others are just opened jpegs from the internet.
Then all are locked and the one from quixel are empty.
I can still save and i need to restart PS to get it to work again.
Before this i close the suite but even when both are closed, it says in the windows task manager that the suite is still thinking and have to close it with a end task.
I know its a beta but i am using ndo since version 1.2 and i have to say there is still some work to do. my over all usage experience the last 4 days are horrible.
To be honest i didn't have one nice session without any errors..
PS: this is no rand i am not angry i just do not write English that good.
Hope it helps the team finding the error i have
thanks again
Thank you sir, I shall try that this evening!
You HAVE TO use Color ID map even if you have only one material. I think, this is your problem where you can look at.
@Novian - Let me know if you're still having problems.
@Vipera - You are right, its better to always use a color id map even if its one-coloured, a bug that is on the "To do list".
I've been using sRGB, and preserving embedded profiles. - This gives me the skewed colors in the ID Link Editor. (and terrible matching of what was clicked / what gets assigned)
If I use Monitor RGB, no management of documents, the colors appear correct in the Editor. (with normal color/assignment matching)
It's just strange since the *_colors.png opens in PS fine, using any document management option; just in the ID editor.
Here is a screen to show you what happens,the top screen is when Mask Editor is opened and the bottom one is when it isn't
Any ideas?
Thanks again!
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) PS CS3 Extended (Primary SSD for OS, secondary 2TB WD for storage/projects) <-- if it helps.
@Fansub - Glad you like the beta, sorry youยดre experiencing problem. Would you mind trying one of the sample projects from the wiki: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples
Just to see if those have the same issue, just to narrow it down a bit!
I finally able to get ddo loaded and tweaked abit of materials, tilll...
My wife pulled my away for honey-dos lol
Cant wait to get the grasp on everything...
but I had fun, soooooo me happy
Also,wanted to thank you for this public Beta,it really helps to test the software and see how hard your team has been working to provide such a good software,Thanks !
@Fansub - Awesome
i have win8.1 32 bit, photoshop cc, amd fx-8350 cpu and amd hd7970 gpu.
How to heck everyone is getting Suite work Exept me???
I'm running windows 8.1 and photoshop CS6
When i start a new PRj ( 5 maps plus 12 color= id's)
I'll get this.
As you can see most is gray. In this example only the scratched metal and bronze managed to show up.
The other materials are empty.
next to this, there is the problem that i get double selection mask( shown in the pic)
I guess i do something wrong
Thanks in advanced
Not just you. I still can't get it to work and have problems almost at every step 8(
At first I thought it is because I installed Suite in custom location.
Uninstalled, downloaded again and installed everything by default.
First thing I've noticed is that Suite was 1.2 and since I can't get latest version from website I tried to get it from updater.
At first try it failed with a lot of "error opening file for writing" in x86 part of setup. Had to repeat the whole thing and setting write permission to the root suite folder manually. That seem to fix it.
Alas, default install location didn't change anything for me - NDO still crushes suite w/o error messages and DDO doesn't show any materials.
Photoshop CC and QS 1.3 both run as administrator.
Since my experience didn't change much, more info could be found in my previous post:
eeeeeh ok ,
Well i don't know if i understand you right but.
the suite is installed in the default public folder, and the project( psd files) are on my desktop 2 folder down.
Anyway until now i always used the metallic button during the start of a new project.
After i uncheck that it seems to kind off work. Still the same ghost layers with double selections, but not all folders are empty anymore. So in the end i still have to replace some selection materials.
But getting there.
@dimwalker - same for you, are you absolutely sure there are only alphanumeric characters in your paths?
Reason I'm asking is that is the most common reason for material not having "texture"
Yeah, default one:
here is how opened DDO_SDK_Helmet looks like
shouldn't it show current material?
I've bought the suite few monthes ago, waiting for the release.
Back from holiday, I've updated the suite and now, I've a strange issue with my ddo window, it's totally empty, all the menus are working, smart and megascan material are applied, but they never appear in the layers window which remain desperately empty, tried a rollback, same issue now...
Something to do or just pray that this problem vanish with the release ?
The out come of the 2 maps are completely different but with the same settings.
Keep up the good spirit , its getting better everyday
@izanamya - Could you zip your entire project and upload it somewhere so we can take a look?
@bertmac - same for you, zip your project folder and upload it, would be really helpful!
@Novian - Good to hear Java helped, sending bug to dev team, thank you!