Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Man 1 - 2 hrs is impressive! Its really hard to speed through handpainted stuff. Great work!
Try it yourself ! do a jellyfish and gave yourself 2hours
Some freelance stuff I did last year:
HOLY CRAP! Is there a lot of demand for work like this out there? I'm going freelance and this style is totally in my wheelhouse!
Lovin these fire-arms man! Sick look.
The look isn't as good as the initial cliff imo:
Haha, as your direct competition I'm sad to inform you that there is none... you can trust me :poly142:
On a more serious note, there definitely is demand although it depends on what 'a lot' means to you.
As you know mobile games market is huge, indie scene is huge and there's all kinds of hand painted and cartoony games being made.
Someone with your experience and portfolio shouldn't have difficulties finding jobs in this field.
But that's just theory.
Sometimes I get more offers than I can handle. Sometimes I don't get any at all. Sometimes I get just crappy underpaid offers.
I'm actually getting back to freelance after a longer break, and I wasn't very proactive in terms of advertising so I don't know what's the current situation.
Market is big but at the same time each year there's more and more skilled freelancers out there and many of them are getting increasingly desperate.
So who knows what it'll look like in next few years.
One thing I learned is, it's very desirable to become recognized for having some specific skill, specialization or style that not's super common.
The way I see it there's 2 types of clients: ones that email 25 freelancers and hire one - and clients who specifically want -your- art in their game.
The second type is obviously the best to work with, pays best and so on. So, having some specialty helps to attract this type.
In my case, I made a big nature themed texture pack, which resulted in lots of people wanting to hire me specifically to paint textures of grass and rocks and stuff.
I'm sure it can work with any other type of art, as long as what you make stands out in some way or fills some niche.
Es6, Odow - thanks!
btw I made some furniture too:
My Fixomancer here was posted a while back, but I figure I might as well throw her into this thread too. If anyone knows who I need to show her to for the upcoming Borderlands project at Gearbox, that'd be awesome.
And these little duders were a few models I did this last year for Lionheart Tactics. The team over at Emerald City Games is super awesome to work with, by the way. I hope I have the chance to work with them again soon.
I actually made a subreddit for hand painted stuff. If anyone wants to check it out here's a link to it
more screens!/content/28234
They had a lot to say about my pieces in particular, so I figured it'd be a real shame not to at least take a stab at polishing them up. This involved a good 10-20 extra hours of work on the pieces.
The footnotes of what's different:
- Changed the material breakup for the inhibitor so it's closer to a 70/30 split now.
- Added more intimidating badass fore-plate based on their suggestion to push the owl motif.
- Upped the general rendering of all things across the board. Hopefully this hasn't pushed the contrast into a oblivion, but it's so easy to get carried away :B Haha
- The Creep den got the biggest make over, as I completely scrapped the trees and major rocks.
- I replaced the rocks with sharper ones, mimicking the intense jagged edges of summoners rift.
- I also made it a point to spice up the trees while cutting down on polys where I could. The trees are both somewhat complex planes. As well, I attempted to push them more towards an area in the mood where they felt more attached to their surroundings. (the evergreen trees just didn't feel quite right next to the foreboding skull and lava.)
In any case, this has been one of the most challenging but rewarding learning experiences of my artistic career. Can't wait till the next contest comes up! Thanks polycounters for all your help along the way. Don't know where I'd be without this community.
Ancient Dagger by MMKH on Sketchfab
pigart and Nakaroo Awesome weapons you two!
Jedairusz, anglorum, Rocket Brian, Blaisoid Great work!
MMKH Cool knife. You have a lot of good detail on it but almost too much. It's quite busy with all the color variations, scratches and highlights. When you begin to zoom out, a lot of that stuff is hard to see anyways and can become a little muddy. Tone that down a bit and maybe push the red/ orange in the handle a bit more to contrast the greenish tint of the blade. Keep up the good work :thumbup:
Any way this's my last works (Working on blender) :
Goblin Character:
The rig
Cannon Model (177 poly , 512X512 tex):
Eh...meine espanol no bueno.
Table thing.
Odow: You're making me hungry! (Been following in your thread too.)
Fancois_K: The table could use some ambient occlusion where the different types of boards meet each other.
...And everyone else nice job! This is some high quality work we've been seeing lately.
My latest character texture for Churbles:
Good job, looks great!
hey! nice job on the sword so far, i assume you based this off of Rob Sevilla's sword?
when you are painting in a WoW style, you want to make sure your details are chunky, so bigger gashes. lighting is probably the most important thing, so make sure to light your planes accordingly, WoW swords are usually lit from top right. make sure you paint in AO, also give the metals a warm and a cool tone, usually that helps bring them to life a bit more, and do small tiny color dodge prick highlights in needed areas only. add some color bounce, and oxidation and/or rust, and injecting other colors into the materials helps a lot too, i would recommend to reference Tyson Murphy's work
i hope this helps a bit, i went over it fast, not sure what texture size this is, but WoW weapons are 256x256, if you work in that size and do a sharpen at the end, i think that'll help push it more! great job, especially being new to the style
They are part of my Bakery Scene ~
Dude I love these!!!
What are you working on now?
Could use some input on these -
I've been trying to hit this hand painted look via Substance Designer. Pretty happy with it, but I know there are some areas it could be better.
I did this skull over my lunch to try and kick some rust off my low poly / handpainted stuff.
Here's one of the latest skins I worked on for LoL.
Maddy, that Katarina is awesome! love that face and hair ^__^
My son Jonas and I decided to play around with the settings a bit!
Feedback much appreciated. All done procedurally via Substance Designer. Would love to know how close it is to getting that style.
Everything in this thread looks so awesome! Here's something I did for class. Any critiques would be lovely. I really wanna get a better grasp on this style.
@Jvoye - awesome little well! I love the texture!
Low Poly Sword by MasterBeard on Sketchfab
Nice to see some stuff from you man! I'm digging your well's style.
My suggestion for you, is to add more ambient occlusion and color variation on your textures.
You are on the right way man! Looking forward for more updates