4k Blu-Ray seams stupid, we are years away from 4k in the home. I really hope there's mention of the occulous rift, I'd love a console to support VR, but I doubt it'll be in this presentation. I'm expecting/hoping for; 3 games, a rough release date, the controllers, talk of the new playstation network, and at least one gimmicky thing.
4k Blu-Ray seams stupid, we are years away from 4k in the home.
Sure but might as well pop a compatible drive in there now, if they're planning on having another long cycle console. Sony are pushing the 4K format the hardest of all; rolling out 4K cameras and the like. Either there will be a compatible drive from the beginning or it'll be part of a PS4 Slim.
4k Blu-Ray seams stupid, we are years away from 4k in the home.
It's not at all stupid. If you followed CES, that was one of the biggest topics for TVs. For a system that will be around for minimum 5yrs, it makes plenty of sense to include support now. Not to mention, Japan has already been making the transition (linky).
Blu-ray was a big selling point for the PS3. It was the cheapest choice when blu-ray players first hit the market, and still remains one of the best choices. Why not do the same with 4k?
I really hope there's mention of the occulous rift, I'd love a console to support VR, but I doubt it'll be in this presentation.
Same here, support for the Rift would make the PS4 significantly more interesting then just about anything else to me, except for maybe full Unity support and an indie-friendly approval process (make it as easy or more then Steam does).
except for maybe full Unity support and an indie-friendly approval process (make it as easy or more then Steam does).
PS Vita desperately needs something like this. In fact they better blow people out of the water with their Vita lineup this E3 or I reckon it's gonna die a faster death than the PSP.:thumbdown:
Yeah, japan is already pushing the transition, and 8K are on all talks. TV manufactures, and TV companies does not want to invest twice, with 4k and 8k.
If i recall well Panasonic presented a 22" Tablet PC with 4k resolution.
Blu-ray may be obsolete, but not all people have access to a 100mb internet access, so the blu-ray discs will be used for a long time. BTW, PCs are still using DVDs and we don't see games sold in blu-ray format. At the end, we have boxes with 4 dvds!
Hard copies are not obsolete, and to be honest, I hope they never do. I hate having content tied to the internet. I won't get on that soapbox now, as I have state my opinion many times in the past, but I prefer to have my content offline (especially when it's often cheaper for some damn reason).
Still, just like many parts of the world still can't stream 1080p from providers, HD ready (720p) and full HD (1080p) TV market penetration is still far from what I'd call "global". Plus DVD still has a huge market, and even PC games aren't sold in BRs yet.
Pushing to 4k is pointless, even for a console designed for X number of years. Sure, put it in there, but it will serve 0,000000001% of the market.
Curious about what's gonna be announced, but as someone who has both consoles but has seen the PS3 collect dust as I don't care about most of their exclusives (Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, LBP, Motorstorm, etc), I'll probably be sticking to a PC/next Xbox combo.
See, I'm the opposite. My XBox isn't even connected to my TV anymore. I got tired of them tying everything to Gold. Sure, they have the right to do so, and I understand that's how they make a lot of their money, but if I can do the same on my PS3, for free, then I will. The exclusive honestly never drive me to either system.
4K content is coming, even if you think it won't serve most of the market. The big thing at CES, were devices that fed 4k, but down converted for 1080. I suspect Sony would do the same. I bet next year, most TVs support 4K. So most people buying new TVs will have 4k. It will grow faster than I think you're envisioning.
I should note: I think it's stupid that 4k started coming the instant that everyone converted to 1080, so I'm not a big fan of it right now. I just think the industry is going to cram it down our throats.
I've always been expecting higher resolution displays to come to monitors first, and you need at least a 46in tv to really see much of a difference between 1080 and 4k, or a computer monitor. It probably depends on how much Sony plans to push 4k tvs in general in the next 3 years.
Oh I know its coming Notman, I just dont think it will stick, just like 3D didn't. Or at least that it will take much, much longer than they think, just like full HD and BR.
I totally agree on Live Gold being a huge ripoff to anyone not in the US or UK, but it's still down to the games. I like the MS exclusives, the XBLA stuff, the way the system works, it's a pros / cons thing.
Sounds mostly like BS to me, but maybe there's some truth in there. This parts a bit worrying:
"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use. Sony's new online service will be called PlayStation World, our source says, replacing PlayStation Plus."
thing is, i'm already a playstation plus subscriber. because it gives me far more benefits than being a microsoft gold subscriber does.
if the ps4's "playstation world" offers the same kind of things that playstation plus does, i don't see any reason not to subscribe to it. however if the value for money isn't there, and all i'll really be getting is the ability to play multiplayer online... then i won't subscribe. i have a PC that i can play online with, and most of my ps games are largely single player anyway. our multiplayer games are usually kid friendly and we just play with the kids.
Honestly, with Sony being the first to reveal, and with how much hype is around this, it better be one amazing conference. They need to go into details about the machine. Show a game or two, but don't make them the focus. Talk about price, release date, specs, features, and talk about some of the rumours, like always online DRM and no used games. Focus on the machine, and leave the games to E3. We don't need a cheering crowd as we watch trailers for games. Not at a conference with this much hype. Features and specs. If they focus on games with not many details about the system itself, they are going to fail in my eyes. If we leave with more questions than answers, they blew a HUUUUGE opportunity. This has way more hype than an E3.
Yes, in your User CP.
Controller I hope is development also.
Another shot.
Looking forward to tomorrow!!
My predictions; we won't get a price tomorrow. We might be shown different HDD models though.
Also, 4K Blu-Ray exclusive compatibility; I'm calling it.
Sure but might as well pop a compatible drive in there now, if they're planning on having another long cycle console. Sony are pushing the 4K format the hardest of all; rolling out 4K cameras and the like. Either there will be a compatible drive from the beginning or it'll be part of a PS4 Slim.
It's not at all stupid. If you followed CES, that was one of the biggest topics for TVs. For a system that will be around for minimum 5yrs, it makes plenty of sense to include support now. Not to mention, Japan has already been making the transition (linky).
Blu-ray was a big selling point for the PS3. It was the cheapest choice when blu-ray players first hit the market, and still remains one of the best choices. Why not do the same with 4k?
Same here, support for the Rift would make the PS4 significantly more interesting then just about anything else to me, except for maybe full Unity support and an indie-friendly approval process (make it as easy or more then Steam does).
PS Vita desperately needs something like this. In fact they better blow people out of the water with their Vita lineup this E3 or I reckon it's gonna die a faster death than the PSP.:thumbdown:
Congrats for being in one of the few places in the world that even has that infrastructure. The vast majority does not.
If i recall well Panasonic presented a 22" Tablet PC with 4k resolution.
Blu-ray may be obsolete, but not all people have access to a 100mb internet access, so the blu-ray discs will be used for a long time. BTW, PCs are still using DVDs and we don't see games sold in blu-ray format. At the end, we have boxes with 4 dvds!
Pushing to 4k is pointless, even for a console designed for X number of years. Sure, put it in there, but it will serve 0,000000001% of the market.
Curious about what's gonna be announced, but as someone who has both consoles but has seen the PS3 collect dust as I don't care about most of their exclusives (Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, LBP, Motorstorm, etc), I'll probably be sticking to a PC/next Xbox combo.
4K content is coming, even if you think it won't serve most of the market. The big thing at CES, were devices that fed 4k, but down converted for 1080. I suspect Sony would do the same. I bet next year, most TVs support 4K. So most people buying new TVs will have 4k. It will grow faster than I think you're envisioning.
I totally agree on Live Gold being a huge ripoff to anyone not in the US or UK, but it's still down to the games. I like the MS exclusives, the XBLA stuff, the way the system works, it's a pros / cons thing.
Sounds mostly like BS to me, but maybe there's some truth in there. This parts a bit worrying:
"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use. Sony's new online service will be called PlayStation World, our source says, replacing PlayStation Plus."
if the ps4's "playstation world" offers the same kind of things that playstation plus does, i don't see any reason not to subscribe to it. however if the value for money isn't there, and all i'll really be getting is the ability to play multiplayer online... then i won't subscribe. i have a PC that i can play online with, and most of my ps games are largely single player anyway. our multiplayer games are usually kid friendly and we just play with the kids.
Roughly 9 hours.
Grand can get a full nights sleep in then!
I'll just leave this link to gamesindustry.biz here, in case someone is interested in watching it live.
There are many places to watch it btw. but anybody got a place where they'll stream in real HD since i'm watching it on my tv.
Meanwhile...Dead Space 3 Co-Op
I hope so!! Home is why I have a job right now!
Honestly, with Sony being the first to reveal, and with how much hype is around this, it better be one amazing conference. They need to go into details about the machine. Show a game or two, but don't make them the focus. Talk about price, release date, specs, features, and talk about some of the rumours, like always online DRM and no used games. Focus on the machine, and leave the games to E3. We don't need a cheering crowd as we watch trailers for games. Not at a conference with this much hype. Features and specs. If they focus on games with not many details about the system itself, they are going to fail in my eyes. If we leave with more questions than answers, they blew a HUUUUGE opportunity. This has way more hype than an E3.
Can't make any promises :P The official stream has come to life.
Can't wait!