mega wip~~
doing a kinda assassins creed loading screen thingy with katarina from league of legends
gonna have her run-jumping and double jumping. also thinking of adding her W and E into the mix maybe even when you're in the air :O
was thinking of putting a teemo somewhere that you can gank, but meh
not sure why the land doesn't have any impact to it.. cameras fault?
Here's a shot of the environment block out for you guys to check out OGRE Profile is going to be a simple side-scroller, but will eventually grow into a story-driven platformer/beat-em-up series in the future. Many of you guys might be wondering what O.G.R.E stands for: I basically want it to symbolize, "Inner brute force." Since the story for OGRE Profile is still in development, I also had another idea of making it represent a secret military experiment called, "The O.G.R.E Program" Bio-Mechanical Super Soldiers. Let us know if you guys have any thoughts!
Hey Guys, havent posted in a while! Here's some warm up stuff I've been doing, mainly to do some sculpting and high poly modelling, after being on mobile spec for a while. Also used it as an opportunity to try out marvellous designer a bit, which seems pretty nice to use.
Fast and ugly UV Mapping of my new weapon im working on, just from the side, to have a quick and dirty look of the end result: (Just moved the reference picture in the UV Shell ^^ )
hey I'm new to polycount forums, I've heard of them but spend most of my time on deviantart, unfortunately that site is more geared towards 2d art, so I thought I'd join polycount , here is my most recent model, I rendered it in keyshot and added the background with after effects.
@ Baj Singh : haha cool. Characters. I will see you in the Comicon comp. I am keen to see what the theme is.
@ Fred2303 : AWESOME as always.
Going to hold off on this now. I am not happy with it but whatever.
I am trying to learn some Blender stuff and I am sick of having this hang over my head..... + the Comicon comp over at GA is going to start up soon.
Cross post from my thread. Last post probably before the New Year! Done with this for now, switching mindsets to a different project for a job application right now, once that's done (whether I get the job or not) I'll be right back to the Deckard sculpt.
A lot of cool stuff! Fred's keyshot render at the top of the page is awesome! I feel so outclassed, but that is a good thing I think. Found some time to make some progress on my scene.
Also, I made this handy material guide for Ddo. You guys can download and use it as you please. It certainly makes it easy when doing quick flats without a bake.
Happy Holidays everyone... a bit of Layendecker fun [took some liberties with the original, I admit :poly142:]
Ho Ho Holy shit man, that's awesome. I just think it's bad because the only see the dog's butt, but I don't see any way to change the composition so we could see his face...
@ljsketch : a thief with bright pink details ? That's not really sneaky imo ^^. At least some cleavage could make a good diversion while she's pickpocketing XD.
mega wip~~
doing a kinda assassins creed loading screen thingy with katarina from league of legends
gonna have her run-jumping and double jumping. also thinking of adding her W and E into the mix
was thinking of putting a teemo somewhere that you can gank, but meh
not sure why the land doesn't have any impact to it.. cameras fault?
I'd really appreciate any polycount love, and everyone have a wonderful holiday
There's some serious problems with the upper back/arm muscles that will need some fixing in my next attempt
Tried to get a paint shader working in UDK
Thanks mannn!! yeahh I wanna make sure my first game is simple and clean on (mobile), before jumping into a larger scale sequel on steam.
X-posting new wip:
Fake advertising.
Cheers, more soon!
katzeimsack - haaa thats ace!
where can I get it; Walgreens?
Ha, so this is how Dr. Manhattan was really formed. I like it!
space chick
Some people have asked how I painted the characters for my scene so heres a workflow image.
C&C welcome
@Fred2303: dayum, dat armor
Thank you for an early Xmas gift!:thumbup:
Merry Xwing-mas all!
thanks to Jaz for the pinup drawing XD
Figuring out soft surfaces, turns out it's harder than I thought.
@ Baj Singh : haha cool. Characters. I will see you in the Comicon comp. I am keen to see what the theme is.
@ Fred2303 : AWESOME as always.
Going to hold off on this now. I am not happy with it but whatever.
I am trying to learn some Blender stuff and I am sick of having this hang over my head..... + the Comicon comp over at GA is going to start up soon.
Happy Holidays everyone.
See you all soon.
duncan: love the new take on red.
Here's a shot of a character I been working on for just over a month.
You can see some of the progress on my SB thread
Here's a HQ video of it for those that are interested:
Also, I made this handy material guide for Ddo. You guys can download and use it as you please. It certainly makes it easy when doing quick flats without a bake.
Ho Ho Holy shit man, that's awesome. I just think it's bad because the only see the dog's butt, but I don't see any way to change the composition so we could see his face...
@ljsketch : a thief with bright pink details ? That's not really sneaky imo ^^. At least some cleavage could make a good diversion while she's pickpocketing XD.
Duncan I hope you'll come back to her eventually!