This is based off an original concept from creature box the fat guy took like 3 or 4 hours i have a timelapse that i will post at some point i guess haha if anyones got tips on rendering it would be great thanks
I have been doing some more tinkering to the lighting and materials
dude he looks really good but tone down that hair on his belly it looks like giant thick hairs or scars or something, personally Im not a fan of the revealed belly at all perhaps even give him an undershirt/vest there.
Heya Rayph! I am a big fan of Q3 and its art as well.
Maybe its just my eyes or my monitor, but your color work often lacks contrast and punch, IMO.
I've done a little PS hackjob on your painting to show what I'd change to spice it up.
Scooby- That's a great example but I tend to punch the contrast way up toward the final steps of the painting, it still has a ways to go...I agree though its always a battle but to much to soon tends to ruin any nice subtle touches to color.
Hey guys. I am always inspired when i get onto this forum. Here is the WIP of the Slave Hauler. based on a concept by Elijah McNeal
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That is just stupidly beautiful. xD :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Epic work and a monsterous ekranoplan!
p.s. Minor crit: You flipped the image but not the text ;P
here's an update on my comms tower scene:
new thread:
dude he looks really good but tone down that hair on his belly it looks like giant thick hairs or scars or something, personally Im not a fan of the revealed belly at all perhaps even give him an undershirt/vest there.
Some more cross-post updating!
caution NSFW
There is more detail such as springs, screws etc but the effect has kinda blurred those out
Dug up an old painting with new determination to finish it, a quake 3 fanservice wallpaper haha
and a quick dota2 armor sketch I did, turned out to be unusable, oh well
Maybe its just my eyes or my monitor, but your color work often lacks contrast and punch, IMO.
I've done a little PS hackjob on your painting to show what I'd change to spice it up.
Trying to push the difficulty each week
Digital Rocks always play with my emotions :thumbup:
Just some fan art doodles I've been doing with my own touch.
Based on the monthly n00b challenge #2.
Special thanks to Bev [Coffee-120] for Grub concepts~
Aaaand more + wips found:
Bra-fucking-vo, dude. Looks like so much fun to play with..
I want one!
975 Tris
but I wanted to 'finish' this so I could stop opening it up. ;P