Thanks man, now I'm all unsure I wonder if there's some perspective/posing combo that's causing the arms to look short? He's posed in zb so along with the rotation I had to move the arms up a bit as well to keep the shoulder shape. His arms are bent down and slightly in along with the slight arching of his back, which is what I think is causing them to look short.
Here's an un-posed mostly straight on shot for comparison:
Yeah Scudz I think they're short a bit. The elbow should line up with the belly button and the wrist lines up with the crotch.
Here is the first shot of my work right now, very early in my current project:
I still have so much to do, haven't even really thought about lighting, post-processing let alone more props than grass, spruce and the terrain. Going to add more and more now when I've got my scene set up.
Honestly the terrain was annoying to set up, feels very buggy to me.
I might have gone too far with the saturated colors but I'll probably bring into a more realistic or even darker mood later. I might still be influenced by Far Cry 3 and all :poly136::)
Looking good man, need to get some height and colour variation into your grass though!
Should be pretty easy in the vegetation editor, just change the size variation amount, and get it to use the terrain colours!
I'm putting together a few pieces for my new website I'm working on. This was an experiment in mixing stylized shape language with a bit more realistic texture treatment.
I'm putting together a few pieces for my new website I'm working on. This was an experiment in mixing stylized shape language with a bit more realistic texture treatment.
So much awesomeness, nice work everyone keep it coming!
Here is an item for an FPS style game texture needs some more love, but its getting there. Going to reduce it to a 1024 x 1024 texture when all is said and done. C&C welcome, make me cry lol .
Sukotto, cheers dude:) I was talking about supes with a friend who goes to the gym a lot, and he say's he's seen plenty of guys with that kind of arm-to-body ratio, but it may actually be that his torso is too long. I've tried both adjustments here, left is longer arms, right is shorter/raised torso:
@Dan! - thanks man! That Croc is also sweet! @future-fiction - fantastic! I like how the metal looks, I hope I can achieve that readability of material in my character.
@Guedin - yours is one of my favorite from the competition, its just perfect! please finish it in time
Working on my CgHub Bioware challenge as well. After a lot of time cleaning up the bakes, I finally started texturing:poly142:
I'm putting together a few pieces for my new website I'm working on. This was an experiment in mixing stylized shape language with a bit more realistic texture treatment.
Just wanted to say your most recent posts on here have been awesome, I am so glad to see some more stuff from you, for me your always an inspiration. Loving the work, can't wait to see the new site, if you could keep your old stuff around that would be nice or pack it up for us on some site to remember those good old days. :thumbup:
Yes Renaud Galand that's pretty damn good looking I agree with the comment below. :thumbup:
Love that hallway. So so beautiful, and very well done. I'd say don't fade the wireframe in and out, it blocks the art.
I'd say just make a beautiful video of the environment, then have still images showing all the other stuff, like the wireframe, the tech info, and all that, and just put it on the same webpage. It's distracting and ugly in the video. Also, get rid of the program list in the video. Gets in the way. And maybe darken your email area too. That draws my eye to it too much.
About done with the modeling on this guy, here's a quick polypaint test to give me an idea of what's the plan for the final texturing. Next stop, posing
Seriously ???? Nobody commented on this ??
I love it! The polypaint adds so much. It almost feels like 2D (maybe thanks to this thin outline).
Seriously, killer work dude !!
Wood texture I'm working on. My dissertation project is about making an environment without using photo sourced textures, so I'm currently experimenting with creating effects in photoshop.
finally finished up my high poly for the Cleopatra Showdown model I didnt get a chance to finish hopefully will be able to take this through to completion. dabbling with mental ray. cross posting as well.
ysalex: very nice progress, you're taking big steps with every new asset you do
skuldsama: i think you are missing the edginess of Robs drawing, you have the silhouete down, but it needs to reflect in the facial lines as well. ive that face some planes!
and here are some small steps i do with making this thing printable and functioning. still faaaaar away from even thinking about sculpting. right now, the wings are hollow with wiring channels, to set up the propellers and position lights, will need to put in some space for a small motor per propeller (damn why did i forget about this, as if wires on the propeller would do anything ) - still need to set up channels for the front prop and real position lights.
The seat can be lifted up, but i think i will have to reinforce it, so you can't break it so easily, with real metal it would be stable enough, but with resin - i don't know :X
Will have to rebuild the yaw rudder so that it actually can be moved, add the mechanics for the front and rear tires so he can stand on the ground. Oh well sooo much work :O
the yellow box is the size of the motor i currently own, i bought 3 ultra cheap hand fans, only to see that it is too huge for the side propellers, i'll need to buy smaller motors for those...
i think thats way more complicated than just adding 2 smaller ones, its not that they are expensive or anything. i'll just have to carve a bigger whole out of the propeller base and there is enough space for this
Also i don't want to stuff the exhaust too much, i am only going to do one printable solution but 2 prints, one bigger one with working engines, handpainted etc. as the biggest reward of our kickstarter campaign and a smaller print, unpainted without moving parts but on a base of clouds or smoke from his exhaust.
On another thought, i think having 3 motors might make fixing stuff if anything breaks easier, because you won't have to disassemble the whole plane to get to an engine, but just need to open one of the motor chambers. Though, i'm not an engineer ^^
Hi poly! This is my result from schoolassignment. We had a week to accomplish a hard surfaced object and our goal was to push ourselves and make polygonial eyecandy
I decided to do a car tire because the object would have complex geometry which I haven't tried making yet.
After a week and a major crash which resulted my files go corrupt, I got this!
Feedback, critics for a student eager to be a part of the gaming industry
[QUOTE=Farfarer;1758751 think thats way more complicated than just adding 2 smaller ones, its not that they are expensive or anything. i'll just have to carve a bigger whole out of the propeller base and there is enough space for this
Also i don't want to stuff the exhaust too much, i am only going to do one printable solution but 2 prints, one bigger one with working engines, handpainted etc. as the biggest reward of our kickstarter campaign and a smaller print, unpainted without moving parts but on a base of clouds or smoke from his exhaust.
On another thought, i think having 3 motors might make fixing stuff if anything breaks easier, because you won't have to disassemble the whole plane to get to an engine, but just need to open one of the motor chambers. Though, i'm not an engineer ^^ QUOTE]
Id go with a cell phone vibrator. Its as small of a motor as it gets. The speed might be to much, but itll certainly work and look cool
if we can make it, i think we might be able to sell it as a kit, for you to assemble and paint on your own.
The one we have in mind right now will be a very limited edition, like 5 planes or so, as they all will have to be painted and all. I doubt anyone would want to paint 10 or more of these :X
mot sure about the small prints for the kickstarter campaign, it would kind of undermine the worth of them if we would sell them after the kickstarter, but maybe we could limit them with engravings and being signed or something like that.
This is awesome, but the one thing that bothers me is the right hand and the pose in general. I may be being overly picky here, but Superman looks like he's just landing all dainty like. I've always prefered the way Alex Ross paints Supes (especially in Kingdom Come), looking all god like as he's landing, taking a simple pose and making it larger than life. Something like this:
@LowPolyFreak -- intershinp? that is nice enough to get a job As posted before ... I would just have a nice video showing off the art, then have still images to explain your process. This will allow the viewer to take as much time as they want to study your wires, textures etc... nice work dude!!!
Yeah Scudz I think they're short a bit. The elbow should line up with the belly button and the wrist lines up with the crotch.
Looking good man, need to get some height and colour variation into your grass though!
Should be pretty easy in the vegetation editor, just change the size variation amount, and get it to use the terrain colours!
that´s one model for the dota 2 workshop made by scratch
still working on my modeling skills with fur, but in game looks better =]
and here are the animations with the old model
3500 tris lod0
3000 tris lod1
512px textures
I'm putting together a few pieces for my new website I'm working on. This was an experiment in mixing stylized shape language with a bit more realistic texture treatment.
- BoBo
I really like this but for some reason it feels slightly feminine. I have no idea why. It might be the lips. Or the eyes. He just looks so perfect.
Here is an item for an FPS style game texture needs some more love, but its getting there. Going to reduce it to a 1024 x 1024 texture when all is said and done. C&C welcome, make me cry lol
Illustration for my iphone game.
Sukotto, cheers dude:) I was talking about supes with a friend who goes to the gym a lot, and he say's he's seen plenty of guys with that kind of arm-to-body ratio, but it may actually be that his torso is too long. I've tried both adjustments here, left is longer arms, right is shorter/raised torso:
Its the high cheek bones, I like it though, it makes him look evil and almost snake like.
@future-fiction - fantastic! I like how the metal looks, I hope I can achieve that readability of material in my character.
@Guedin - yours is one of my favorite from the competition, its just perfect!
Working on my CgHub Bioware challenge as well. After a lot of time cleaning up the bakes, I finally started texturing:poly142:
Wish I could say I got more than this done this week.
Still working everything up on this:
and the big time waster is mental ray, which is kicking my ass. I've had basically a week-long headache.
Working on her eye and skin materials now:
Just wanted to say your most recent posts on here have been awesome, I am so glad to see some more stuff from you, for me your always an inspiration. Loving the work, can't wait to see the new site, if you could keep your old stuff around that would be nice or pack it up for us on some site to remember those good old days. :thumbup:
Yes Renaud Galand that's pretty damn good looking I agree with the comment below.
I might do some game art again some day
Finished my latest thing, more images in its topic:
Love that hallway. So so beautiful, and very well done. I'd say don't fade the wireframe in and out, it blocks the art.
I'd say just make a beautiful video of the environment, then have still images showing all the other stuff, like the wireframe, the tech info, and all that, and just put it on the same webpage. It's distracting and ugly in the video. Also, get rid of the program list in the video. Gets in the way. And maybe darken your email area too. That draws my eye to it too much.
Seriously ???? Nobody commented on this ??
I love it! The polypaint adds so much. It almost feels like 2D (maybe thanks to this thin outline).
Seriously, killer work dude !!
Muzz: Nice gesture in the pose
My morning warm up:
Wow, I really love that style with that texture treatment! Amazing work.
That's improved a lot since your last post, looking great!
@Ysalex love the bust shes got a lot of character
finally finished up my high poly for the Cleopatra Showdown model I didnt get a chance to finish hopefully will be able to take this through to completion. dabbling with mental ray. cross posting as well.
skuldsama: i think you are missing the edginess of Robs drawing, you have the silhouete down, but it needs to reflect in the facial lines as well. ive that face some planes!
and here are some small steps i do with making this thing printable and functioning. still faaaaar away from even thinking about sculpting. right now, the wings are hollow with wiring channels, to set up the propellers and position lights, will need to put in some space for a small motor per propeller (damn why did i forget about this, as if wires on the propeller would do anything
The seat can be lifted up, but i think i will have to reinforce it, so you can't break it so easily, with real metal it would be stable enough, but with resin - i don't know :X
Will have to rebuild the yaw rudder so that it actually can be moved, add the mechanics for the front and rear tires so he can stand on the ground. Oh well sooo much work :O
the yellow box is the size of the motor i currently own, i bought 3 ultra cheap hand fans, only to see that it is too huge for the side propellers, i'll need to buy smaller motors for those...
Also i don't want to stuff the exhaust too much, i am only going to do one printable solution but 2 prints, one bigger one with working engines, handpainted etc. as the biggest reward of our kickstarter campaign and a smaller print, unpainted without moving parts but on a base of clouds or smoke from his exhaust.
On another thought, i think having 3 motors might make fixing stuff if anything breaks easier, because you won't have to disassemble the whole plane to get to an engine, but just need to open one of the motor chambers. Though, i'm not an engineer ^^
Here's a character I'm working on for my animation final project. Going for the hand painted style of texturing.
I decided to do a car tire because the object would have complex geometry which I haven't tried making yet.
After a week and a major crash which resulted my files go corrupt, I got this!
Feedback, critics for a student eager to be a part of the gaming industry
Also i don't want to stuff the exhaust too much, i am only going to do one printable solution but 2 prints, one bigger one with working engines, handpainted etc. as the biggest reward of our kickstarter campaign and a smaller print, unpainted without moving parts but on a base of clouds or smoke from his exhaust.
On another thought, i think having 3 motors might make fixing stuff if anything breaks easier, because you won't have to disassemble the whole plane to get to an engine, but just need to open one of the motor chambers. Though, i'm not an engineer ^^ QUOTE]
Id go with a cell phone vibrator. Its as small of a motor as it gets. The speed might be to much, but itll certainly work and look cool
Also, can I buyz the print when its done :>
if we can make it, i think we might be able to sell it as a kit, for you to assemble and paint on your own.
The one we have in mind right now will be a very limited edition, like 5 planes or so, as they all will have to be painted and all. I doubt anyone would want to paint 10 or more of these :X
mot sure about the small prints for the kickstarter campaign, it would kind of undermine the worth of them if we would sell them after the kickstarter, but maybe we could limit them with engravings and being signed or something like that.
I'm currently working on this little lady. In case it happened to pass you by, she's the queen of hearts.
This is awesome, but the one thing that bothers me is the right hand and the pose in general. I may be being overly picky here, but Superman looks like he's just landing all dainty like. I've always prefered the way Alex Ross paints Supes (especially in Kingdom Come), looking all god like as he's landing, taking a simple pose and making it larger than life. Something like this:
Again, I'm probably being overly picky.
they're about 80% uv'ed, textures this weekend i think!
@ BoBo - the shapes you have there on his face are amazing!
Finished the Hipoly of this old character..