Does anyone know how to give an item a custom detail map? I'm still working on my Lone Druid set, and the True Form and the bear both have a blue Detail map that gets applied to the designs on their backs when the player uses Rabid. The Form of the Atniw, which is the True form for the Atniw set changes the Detail map to a scrolling orange and red texture instead of the default plain blue. Anyone know how I can accomplish this? I would like to change it to look green.
Man, good job on the custom particles Can't wait to dive into this aspect of item creation - I hope you guys will put together some tutorials/guides about it someday !
Hi guys! I've done a lot of lurking lately here (mainly for inspiration). I've decided to take a shot at uploading my first workshop item after a couple weeks of struggle against Mac OSX's DotA 2 import menu not working. Not amazing but just putting something out there!
Need some feedback on this sword! Originally the concept was to make a Daedalus inspired sword for Dragon Knight, but I think I had a bit 'too' much fun playing with the textures that in the end it looks like something more in the style of Doom, but I still quite like how it looks on DK.
Also, some general feedback on the textures would be great! First time trying 3D Coat, and it's just an awesome piece of software.
Need some feedback on this sword! Originally the concept was to make a Daedalus inspired sword for Dragon Knight, but I think I had a bit 'too' much fun playing with the textures that in the end it looks like something more in the style of Doom, but I still quite like how it looks on DK.
Also, some general feedback on the textures would be great! First time trying 3D Coat, and it's just an awesome piece of software.
oh my god im in love with it!!!!!! it looks great on dk!!!
If it's tastefully done then people don't need to go berserk about it. You're making people censor their work based on your own preferences and opinions....
There are skimpier base models in Dota than that PA set right there. Just relax everybody!
I think there was more than valid critique on the subject, which has ramifications that are deeper than just purely aesthetic design choices, and there's something a little disheartening about people lining up like vultures waiting for the kill over this. I'm not trying to stir up animosity or drama, I'm just saying that as artists we are should force ourselves to look a little deeper at what is being communicated by what we create, and whether or not that message is beneficial or degenerative.
Let's stay focused and not resort to whatever the hell was that happened last week. You know what I'm talking about. Workshop Thread is for workshop items and critique, not to bash others.. just keep it civil!
I think the main problem for it is the repercussions of the item getting in. What happens if it gets in? What does that mean for every other female hero current and in the future?
I do think that discussion on these topics is valid and important as long as people don't resort to name calling and insults. When the discussions is kept civil, I think this is a really valuable thread for it. I'm less fond of pages and pages of people posting their work and nobody posting any critique whatsoever. It makes this thread feel like advertising space.
This is what I'm concerned with. Discussion is fine, absolutely.
I think the main problem for it is the repercussions of the item getting in. What happens if it gets in? What does that mean for every other female hero current and in the future?
What scares you? And what you thinking happens in the future?
What scares me?
Basically change that just makes things worse and worse. And from what I can see, this would just start a chain reaction to every other female character
What happens in the future?
More female heroes and more items to follow suit to these types of items.
The real question is, Is this going too far?
My opinion, its a yes.
Correct me if I'm wrong but no one was offended, so whats the hub-bub?
It was close to getting a bit out of hand, plus consider it preventative maintenance. It's fine to talk about it and the repercussions, just please keep it classy.
I very much appreciate a discussion like this when its constructive.
As most of you creators know it takes a long time to create these sets and so most of you will also know that this concept and model were completed well before the other PA set with the open chest was posted last week and that discussion ensued.
We did read those pages and that's why we included the covered chest version as well, we posted both and that way we felt we could let valve/fans decide which way they want to keep the lore of this character.
Didn't mean to offend anybody, just wanted to give people the choice. Hopefully people click on the link, check out the set and see we offered a second version right from the get go.
hmm for the uncover version chest plate i personally think is reveal too much and looks like too loose for that... i'd like to see some black shirt/bra/ something dark cover partial like my doodle above XD
The problem is when one person does it, everyone else will start doing it too. Just like particles/styles.
Were particles/styles a detriment to a character? No, but this affects the image character.
Its kind of like if you see an stereotypical orc with giant muscles and axes and both hands, and you decide to change it and give him a knight's full body armor. It changes how you view the character.
Assassins are usually covered (and even in the base model she is) Why change that? Sure you can add tatoos like on the Axe set to define character more, but this is taking something from the character and it makes PA a different hero in terms of character.
offtopic.. actually is rly ontopic but whatever
we finished our blue version of agha with blue custom particles and all stuff,we really apreciate your feedback because we really worked like maniacs on these 2 and we hope we did something cool
cmmon guys this is total non sense ,what? someone raged before on the dazzle base model?
no need to rage at pa too so if valve accept it that's it ,their game their rules.Simple as that.
Speaking of nipples and such, we've got new and complete animations for our Bearzky courier (by MaxOfS2d), and reworked his design slightly because no hockey in Dota.
Since I have weapon about halfway done for sniper so I figured I'd go all the way with the theme and make a set. Been a while since I made a set so this will be fun. Started with the concept today. Think it will look good on Sniper? Have not seen any set with a vampire slayer theme yet. What do you guys and gals think?
Since I have weapon about halfway done for sniper so I figured I'd go all the way with the theme and make a set. Been a while since I made a set so this will be fun. Started with the concept today. Think it will look good on Sniper? Have not seen any set with a vampire slayer theme yet. What do you guys and gals think?
garlic on arm, it's cruel :E Unless, of course, he does not want to snack.
Finished this little sword for DK! Concept by foxclover and particles from TheHorseStrangler! I was expecting to do something way simpler, but got a bit carried away, and I really really like the final result personally, specially with those sexy particles!
Guys need your help once again :poly136:
I've found this little quirk with the tint map.
(I'm assuming black is tinted and white is not; Valve needs to fix their guide)
So basically on the left is the original model (in hlmv) and it has tint, next is my model with tinted horns (black mask) and not tinted hair (white mask), and left is the same hair model with full tint.
As you can see the specular seems to disappear on the fully tinted model.
It is not an issue with the base color, at least as far as I can tell (I've lightened the base color and still got no specular).
It's also interesting to note that her hair in the model preview in the game itself is not tinted.
(Sorry for the messy writing)
An Ethereal Blade for Morphling.
Also, some general feedback on the textures would be great! First time trying 3D Coat, and it's just an awesome piece of software.
oh my god im in love with it!!!!!! it looks great on dk!!!
Full custom effects and all!
Now we pray to the Volvos!
Thanks once again
@andumy,@Shock: add some depth to the rocks on the scepter and you will be golden
@MdK: my thoughts exactly :poly009:
Its only been a couple days! We need rest!
What is going on? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE
@Darren Pinard
Read the last 6-7ish pages of this thread.
There are skimpier base models in Dota than that PA set right there. Just relax everybody!
This is what I'm concerned with. Discussion is fine, absolutely.
What scares you? And what you thinking happens in the future?
What scares me?
Basically change that just makes things worse and worse. And from what I can see, this would just start a chain reaction to every other female character
What happens in the future?
More female heroes and more items to follow suit to these types of items.
The real question is, Is this going too far?
My opinion, its a yes.
Also totally a closed shirt one too.Good move on covering duh bases.
I used to think about Arcana for Windranger with stockings and biggest boobs( my dreams is ruined( :poly117:
i'm so sorry, sweaty Ranger...
It was close to getting a bit out of hand, plus consider it preventative maintenance. It's fine to talk about it and the repercussions, just please keep it classy.
I very much appreciate a discussion like this when its constructive.
As most of you creators know it takes a long time to create these sets and so most of you will also know that this concept and model were completed well before the other PA set with the open chest was posted last week and that discussion ensued.
We did read those pages and that's why we included the covered chest version as well, we posted both and that way we felt we could let valve/fans decide which way they want to keep the lore of this character.
Didn't mean to offend anybody, just wanted to give people the choice. Hopefully people click on the link, check out the set and see we offered a second version right from the get go.
Thank you for pointing that out ill update it right now.
hmm for the uncover version chest plate i personally think is reveal too much and looks like too loose for that... i'd like to see some black shirt/bra/ something dark cover partial like my doodle above XD
The problem is when one person does it, everyone else will start doing it too. Just like particles/styles.
Were particles/styles a detriment to a character? No, but this affects the image character.
Its kind of like if you see an stereotypical orc with giant muscles and axes and both hands, and you decide to change it and give him a knight's full body armor. It changes how you view the character.
Assassins are usually covered (and even in the base model she is) Why change that? Sure you can add tatoos like on the Axe set to define character more, but this is taking something from the character and it makes PA a different hero in terms of character.
Sorry, just had to do it
we finished our blue version of agha with blue custom particles and all stuff,we really apreciate your feedback because we really worked like maniacs on these 2 and we hope we did something cool
Also the collection here
no need to rage at pa too so if valve accept it that's it ,their game their rules.Simple as that.
We hope you like it!
I'm glad to finally see Gondar getting more support.
Characters that fit their universe and whose designs compliment their personalities are the best eye-candy.
Alia for president.
Also that bear courier IS my spirit animal. Now if only he had a beer bottle..
Fantastic work.
allow me to rephrase my last statement
don't create characters solely to be eye-candy
Here is a guide how to decompile morels. After you will decompile mdl you will get .qc file as well as .smd files
For .vtf you just need to extract them from materials folder in dota .vpk (see tutorial)
And sadly I dont know what .mlv files are
Thanks, I was just about to give up on this forum for lack of answers to anything. Your help is much appreciated.
garlic on arm, it's cruel :E Unless, of course, he does not want to snack.
I've found this little quirk with the tint map.
(I'm assuming black is tinted and white is not; Valve needs to fix their guide)
So basically on the left is the original model (in hlmv) and it has tint, next is my model with tinted horns (black mask) and not tinted hair (white mask), and left is the same hair model with full tint.
As you can see the specular seems to disappear on the fully tinted model.
It is not an issue with the base color, at least as far as I can tell (I've lightened the base color and still got no specular).
It's also interesting to note that her hair in the model preview in the game itself is not tinted.
(Sorry for the messy writing)