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  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    And i am exporting it as a .fbx file. (Can't import by .smd, otherwise it'll just crash
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    And i am exporting it as a .fbx file. (Can't import by .smd, otherwise it'll just crash

    fbx allows you to toggle the z-up and y-up, try toggling this to the opposite of what it is. What program are you using that exported a smd that causes a crash? smd has been my rock for years
  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    nevermind i figured out the problem: I accidently exported my models as .DMX files, instead of .smd. I exported as .smd, and it's working perfectly fine now! thanks guys
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    nevermind i figured out the problem: I accidently exported my models as .DMX files, instead of .smd. I exported as .smd, and it's working perfectly fine now! thanks guys

    Nice, smd ftw, time to happy dance
  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    Haha, By the way do you know how to compile .smd files to .mdl? sorry if I'm being annoying by asking too many questions..
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    Haha, By the way do you know how to compile .smd files to .mdl? sorry if I'm being annoying by asking too many questions..

    Well the importer will kick out .mdls to steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items, and the zipped content to steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\content\dota\models\items. Anything not in the importer would be manually compileing it. I have not done it with Dota only tf2 but its really the same. Write the .qc, make sure everything is where it is needed, and feed the .qc to studiomdl.exe and the rest.......

  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    Alrighty then, gonna have to figure out what that all means tomorrow I guess
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Here's the old way to recompile before all the ingame importer fancyness. something something uphill both ways through the mud something something

  • kingofwar1994
    I'm working on a weapon for Terrorblade, but when I open the weapon files downloaded from the technical requirements page, they appear to have no meshes for the weapons in them,
    hope to get solution for this.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    FBX has never given me any issues, but if you are working with a non autodesk program, smd's are the way to go and overall seem to have the most compatibility.

    Vovosunt wrote: »
    Funnily enough this never helps. When you get errors it's usually from something else X_X

    @Mohsen: If nothing works,you can try decompiling the naga mdl files and importing the smds you get from that. The weapon smd should have one bone and the weapon model. Try skinning to it. (It's probably the hardest way, but that's how I got my QoP weapon rigged properly)

    It would have to be that or export controls, I've made 3 naga sets and she doesn't have a bone rotation problem on her weapons. I have made a qop set too. The bone rotation problem with that wasn't too hard to trail and error into place :)
  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    Ok spuds, so I read your tutorial, and I heard of this program called VTFedit. Do I need to use it? And are there any other programs I need that I missed in the tutorial? (Other than notepad ++)
  • Prosomogy
    Blade of Seven Entities
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    The community might like it man, but personally and I am sure many share this POV with me here, those recycled KAas concepts are getting stale :/

    No offense to you or KAas as you both doing awesome work. Just more creativity is what we are starving for!
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    Vayne4800 wrote: »
    The community might like it man, but personally and I am sure many share this POV with me here, those recycled KAas concepts are getting stale :/

    :thumbup: Its well made, but I think the designs could be pushed further
  • Zeaufort
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    Zeaufort polycounter lvl 10
    Hello Polycount, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm having an issue with a test export into Dota from max 2015 via fbx.

    I've tried different versions of the exporter, copying the transforms from the body mesh, and of course, resetting xforms. However, when I view the model in Dota, by some sorcery... well see for yourself.


    I notice that the fbx files gaben has generously provided have a mysterious 39.37 scale, and odd rotations, but I'm sure I've eliminated that as a cause for this. Oh, and Y is up, convert dummies to bones and skin deformations are checked.

    Sorry to bother you all with this, but I'm running out of systematic troubleshooting methods now. I'd like to avoid making sacrifices to the old gods if I can help it.
  • Aris Atherton
    I'm testing my Spirit Bear for Lone Druid in a local server within Dota 2. The problem is, when it runs, it plays the running animation once and then freezes on the last frame and skids until it reaches the place you told it to go. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

    Edit: Never mind, I solved it.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Ok spuds, so I read your tutorial, and I heard of this program called VTFedit. Do I need to use it? And are there any other programs I need that I missed in the tutorial? (Other than notepad ++)

    Depends on what you need, VTFedit just lets you save images as vtf files with a bunch of options. If you're just importing through the ingame importer, you'll pretty much never need it.
  • kingofwar1994
    some ppl tells me that is some programs appear things what others programs not appear it,
    is that true? because im using MODO and still beginner with it, need some help guide about it if someone had some experience with, add me on steam please if possible,
    steam name: ҚĩЙģǾƒ₩λŘرآو
  • kite212
    Offline / Send Message
    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    some ppl tells me that is some programs appear things what others programs not appear it,
    is that true? because im using MODO and still beginner with it, need some help guide about it if someone had some experience with, add me on steam please if possible,
    steam name: ҚĩЙģǾƒ₩λŘرآو

    No idea what you are trying to ask here, plz clarify
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys, I finally finished my Earth Spirit set! Thanks to Spud, belkun and anyone else who commented on it to help make it better!
  • kingofwar1994
    kite212 wrote: »
    No idea what you are trying to ask here, plz clarify

    not good English, what i want to say is, if someone have MODO program just try to open terrorblade weapons from technical requirements, see if it visible or not, because its not with me...
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    not good English, what i want to say is, if someone have MODO program just try to open terrorblade weapons from technical requirements, see if it visible or not, because its not with me...

    Does not look like it has anything to do with Modo, it looks like the .fbx files don't actually have the weapon meshes inside them, only the rigs

  • Kramolnik
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    Kramolnik wrote: »

    That chestpiece is very unnecessary, tasteless, and feels very disrespectful to the character. PA's breasts are covered (With armour!) which is a liberty that not many of the dota ladies are granted.

    The detailing on the weapon and shoulders are nice, but i'm struggling to find a reason for making an item that is a half exposed pair of breasts for an otherwise heavily armoured set.
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Artypi wrote: »
    That chestpiece is very unnecessary, tasteless, and feels very disrespectful to the character. PA's breasts are covered (With armour!) which is a liberty that not many of the dota ladies are granted.

    The detailing on the weapon and shoulders are nice, but i'm struggling to find a reason for making an item that is a half exposed pair of breasts for an otherwise heavily armoured set.

    But you can't normally see her breasts on her base model so he had to model them. I hate this argument about it being tasteless, as if women in real life exposing cleavage are indecent or some shit like that.

    Edit: She also has a pretty face exposed, should that be covered up as well in your opinion?
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    darkkyo wrote: »
    But you can't normally see her breasts on her base model. I hate this argument about it being tasteless, as if women in real life exposing cleavage are indecent or some shit like that.

    why do we NEED to see them? instead of "i cant see her breasts, so i must model them!" why not "i cant see her breasts, so i'm going to be a creative designer and make something that isnt intentionally sexualising a character and embraces that she wears armour"
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    darkkyo wrote: »
    But you can't normally see her breasts on her base model so he had to model them. I hate this argument about it being tasteless, as if women in real life exposing cleavage are indecent or some shit like that.

    Still, I don't think it makes a lot of sense to have a lot of heavy armor everywhere on the set and then some obviously gratuitous cleavage for no apparent reason. It really conflicts with the rest of the set design.
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Artypi wrote: »
    why do we NEED to see them? it's a joke

    You don't need to but some women's garments happen to do just that, why not have a single armor set out there that does it? The argument can be justified both ways. Why does it NEED to be covered up?
    belkun wrote: »
    Still, I don't think it makes a lot of sense to have a lot of heavy armor everywhere on the set and then some obviously gratuitous cleavage for no apparent reason. It really conflicts with the rest of the set design.

    I guess for me it looks like it fits just fine. It's a corset, and the tops of the breast being exposed doesn't really take away from the look of the chestpiece + shoulders. In my opinion it is just tasteful enough.

    But that's my opinion and I know most here will see it differently so that's all I'll say about it.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    darkkyo wrote: »
    You don't need to but some women's garments happen to do just that, why not have a single armor set out there that does it? The argument can be justified both ways. Why does it NEED to be covered up?

    Because functional armor wouldn't have an open spot right over your vital organs.

    darkkyo wrote: »
    I hate this argument about it being tasteless, as if women in real life exposing cleavage are indecent or some shit like that.

    This is a can of worms. As polycount is a community of artists, maybe keep the critique on the art and realize a community is full of people with different opinions, ideologies, and virtues.
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    heboltz3 wrote: »
    Because functional armor wouldn't have an open spot right over your vital organs.

    This is a can of worms. As polycount is a community of artists, maybe keep the critique on the art and realize a community is full of people with different opinions, ideologies, and virtues.

    I just said that all of these are opinions, and I think that tastefulness is an integral part of any art critique. Tastefulness regarding obscenity, integrity, style and design, and anything else that might apply. I didn't mean to open a can of worms, in fact I'd go as far as to say that the first person to call it tasteless and disrespectful is the can-opener. I feel like showing a little skin is hardly disrespectful. As for the critique that it's not covering up vital organs remember that Mortred is supposed to be a character that's hidden from the line of fire most of the time. Like I said earlier, if you're going to make that argument then you could make a similar argument about why her face isn't covered/protected.
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Guys you know nothing about female armors!! 0_0


    End of story :D
    Saying this I upvoted PA all the way :)
    ps. Even lore-wise she is an assassin not a knight.... she could be naked as well.
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Showing a little skin isn't disrespectful at all, but context is key.

    Why would she have a boob-window in this scenario? Is it because it's something PA's character would want to wear into battle?(nope) Or is it to be titillating to the viewer?(bingo)

    Either way it feels like a lazy and cheap addition to an otherwise great set. Out of all the female characters in dota 2 PA is by far the least sexualized and I'd argue that's a defining part of what makes her character different. Heck, broodmother would be more likely to wear that outfit and she doesn't even have boobs :P

    Konras wrote: »

    Stuff like this would be enough to turn me off a game entirely, it tells me that the developers would rather have a player demographic of 13 year old boys than make women feel welcome to be playing their game. :X


    Thanks you, sums it up right there.
  • BladeofEvilsBane
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    Showing a little skin isn't disrespectful at all, but context is key.

    Why would she have a boob-window in this scenario? Is it because it's something PA's character would want to wear into battle?(nope) Or is it to be titillating to the viewer?(bingo)

    Either way it feels like a lazy and cheap addition to an otherwise great set. Out of all the female characters in dota 2 PA is by far the least sexualized and I'd argue that's a defining part of what makes her character different. Heck, broodmother would be more likely to wear that outfit and she doesn't even have boobs :P


    Stuff like this would be enough to turn me off a game entirely, it tells me that the developers would rather have a player demographic of 13 year old boys than make women feel welcome to be playing their game. :X

    thank you pres for your very eloquent summary of my thoughts
  • cottonwings
    heboltz3 wrote: »
    Because functional armor wouldn't have an open spot right over your vital organs.

  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    MdK wrote: »
    There is plenty of topless male heroes for the 13 year old girls.

    I haven't played the game, I'm just going by the image I see up top, if it's a korean mmo I believe you though hah.
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Heck, broodmother would be more likely to wear that outfit and she doesn't even have boobs

    Woah. Arcana anyone?
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Stuff like this would be enough to turn me off a game entirely, it tells me that the developers would rather have a player demographic of 13 year old boys than make women feel welcome to be playing their game. :X
    This is the type of argument that bugs the crap out of me. It's misogyny disguised as being female-protective. You try to express that representing a woman with less clothing on is sexist because "that's what immature/sexist guys want" but what you're really doing is speaking for women when you don't know what women want. How do you know some women don't own baring some skin? In some games and MMOs men might enjoy playing as a ripped, shirtless dude but is that seen as sexist? More often than not, video games are power fantasies and for some women that look might be what their fantasy entails.
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Guys you talk like PA would be some kind of warrior or other type of knight. She is an assassin. MP3 posted above was from LC dialog line. LC is warrior so its the way she should be dressed up.
    Well show me one assassin in full armor from any fantasy genre and I will understand your sudden shock about PA. Otherwise in my eyes your just making storm in glass of water.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    In my opinion, a lot of this can be properly solved by 2 things.
    1. do proper research on armor and fashion design references for pieces.
    2. stop using games as reference, and justifying bad decisions by bad game art.

    There is nothing wrong with showing off skin, that's not the point. Design integrity of the concept is pretty much on trial here. What is showing off massive cleavage bringing to this character, to this piece? Why is it there? How functional is this armor? How is this justified? Is it in place with Dota as a game? How bout PA as a character? What is the lore that would justify the character walking to a blacksmith and having this crafted for her to wear into battle?

    So many of these questions could be completely annihilated with real world reference from both fashion and armor design.

    Honestly the piece makes her look stiff, it looks choking to wear and incredibly uncomfortable. I would not imagine one could move very easily in the armor she is wearing, and that probably has to do with the verticality of the promo image. It seems very masculine in the shoulders and helmet, and then boobs. I think your overall execution is good, but the concept is flawed due to lack of research and reference.
    Konras wrote: »
    ps.Even lore-wise she is an assassin not a knight.... she could be naked as well.

    Also, I'd like to read the rulebook that says this is okay.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Give PA a reason to expose cleavage because I can't think of one
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    darkkyo wrote: »
    This is the type of argument that bugs the crap out of me. It's misogyny disguised as being female-protective. You try to express that representing a woman with less clothing on is sexist because "that's what immature/sexist guys want" but what you're really doing is speaking for women when you don't know what women want. How do you know some women don't own baring some skin? In some games and MMOs men might enjoy playing as a ripped, shirtless dude but is that seen as sexist? More often than not, video games are power fantasies and for some women that look might be what their fantasy entails.

    Do you really believe that armor was designed to appeal to women?

    MdK wrote: »
    I was talking about Dota 2 :P

    Oh, well I actually can't think of a single male hero that's sexualized at all... AM maybe? But the fohawk ruins that :P
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    darkkyo wrote: »
    You try to express that representing a woman with less clothing on is sexist because "that's what immature/sexist guys want" but what you're really doing is speaking for women when you don't know what women want. How do you know some women don't own baring some skin?

    (I'm a woman...)
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Do you really believe that armor was designed to appeal to women?

    Have you seen male armor in Tera?
    That's some effective armor there! Your opinion is a double standard when it comes to Tera(and Tera is one of the more extreme examples of bare-skinned armor as it is).
    Artypi wrote: »
    (I'm a woman...)

    ... and? I was talking to president.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Do you really believe that armor was designed to appeal to women?


    Oh, well I actually can't think of a single male hero that's sexualized at all... AM maybe? But the fohawk ruins that :P

    Antimage definitely
    beastmaster, maybe axe..
    juggs maybe
  • cottonwings
    This Terra model is nothing compared to this.

  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    there's a reason I made this in the first place
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    darkkyo wrote: »

    ... and? I was talking to president.

    You violently dismissed my opinion, and when pres makes a post that i wholeheartedly agree with for being my thoughts but more eloquently expressed you make the suggestion that he doesnt know how women feel.

    I really dont know where you're trying to go with this.
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Artypi wrote: »
    You violently dismissed my opinion, and when pres makes a post that i wholeheartedly agree with for being my thoughts but more eloquently expressed you make the suggestion that he doesnt know how women feel.

    I really dont know where you're trying to go with this.

    I don't claim to represent the desires of all men just as you can't claim to represent the desires of all women. Whether or not you were a woman had nothing to do with my opposition to your opinion. Things like this are left to preference and opinion.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    darkkyo wrote: »
    Have you seen male armor in Tera?

    That's some effective armor there! Your opinion is a double standard when it comes to Tera(and Tera is one of the more extreme examples of bare-skinned armor as it is).

    2. stop using games as reference, and justifying bad decisions by bad game art.
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