I can confirm this. I have made an update upload of my Riki set few moments ago and everything works fine now File size display correctly. Previously file size was showing only MB of promo PSD file uploaded with actual model.
I can confirm this. I have made an update upload of my Riki set few moments ago and everything works fine now File size display correctly. Previously file size was showing only MB of promo PSD file uploaded with actual model.
Finially, a shame they don't answer in the threads on dota2 dev forums though. I was waiting for an answer there..
MurathIII - That courier is amazing :O Sweet animations, though I feel the ground courier death animation is a bit... underwhelming, in the sense that he has this big build-up and then just falls flat.
Before I forget again, the weapon for the WK set I'm working on is pretty much done;
I should have given the icicles more texture resolution, and I still struggle with sculpting details big enough to show up properly in-game. But I'm learning! I can keep those things in mind for the rest of the set!
need some critiques on my dragon wings =( I feel that they are good but at the same time something may be missing, maybe something small. Adding in textures for the back facing wings like a ribbed texture or a scaled texture doesnt seem to work well atleast when I implement it. Kinda of a plain person maybe haha. Maybe its just me overthinking because of a comment.
Look at the skirt, then look back at the wings.
Color matching would help a lot. The skirt also has some sculpted trim, not just a line painted around it. The trim frames it, adds some design, etc..
need some critiques on my dragon wings =( I feel that they are good but at the same time something may be missing, maybe something small. Adding in textures for the back facing wings like a ribbed texture or a scaled texture doesnt seem to work well atleast when I implement it. Kinda of a plain person maybe haha. Maybe its just me overthinking because of a comment.
My first thoughts are its way too flat, the materials don't work, and the colors are all wrong. The flatness is coming from a lack of a good normal mad in combination with your other masks, specular and rimlight. The ideal thing would be to make high poly wings with all your details so you can bake these to a normal mad, and get other lighting information from bakes. This could go along way resolving its flatness. The material just reads as cloth right now, but i feel the color is more important. The red does not match her colors, and it is just flat red. Read the dota art guide. you should better match her colors and add some more value to the color. The white trim does not help at all seeing as how her default trim is a gold/yellow color. Personally I never tell myself my work is "good". To me my work can always be improved and this mind set has helped me become a better artist over the years. Hope this helps, If I have time maybe I will do a quick paint over later or something
hey guys, i kind of liked the idea of recreating some dota item and i was working on a rapier, i would like to hear from you any advices!
I hate game-items on heroes. At least It should all have similar style (since now items made by different artists and all looks different) and use the same model for each hero, not like 3 different Radiance. Anyway, rapier looks pretty nice.
I don't mind hero items, as long as there done well. This is definitely a case of it being done well. With custom anims as well? Even better.
Did a different version of the blades for Bloodseeker. Some people were saying it looked like the joint between blade and cuff looked a little weak. Tried to bulk it up with the new one on the left. I think even if i go with the old cuff Ill keep the new blade with the elbow hook. I also wouldn't be able to mirror the cuff texture with a buckle soo.. i dunno.
I hate game-items on heroes. At least It should all have similar style (since now items made by different artists and all looks different) and use the same model for each hero, not like 3 different Radiance. Anyway, rapier looks pretty nice.
Yes but in this case rapiers actually works for kunkka
@trevor - it still doesn't have the rotating ability.
@GhostDetector, Yeah i'm ok with it not flipping. It doesn't visually break in any way. I tried to create a version in which the blade looked like it could flip in a mechanical way, but the animation is literally a single frame. So it would be just for looks and the reason for the mechanism was lost, it was just making it look far too busy.
Congrats on the featured item guys! We are one step closer to new bloom, that replay feature is really unexpected, but seems pretty cool
Edit: Im reading people saying that test is updating today, so event tomorrow, so hopefully a schema update tonight, get a preview of more lovely items added
Or schema update now http://tf2b.com/updates/d2t
This is the first of at least 2 plus releases during the event, so more to come....
Hope we get even more cool stuff then! Most of the single items on this batch are just with a horse or something on them, with very few stuff related to actual spring. Would love some more variety
o_o I was just looking through the test client and it appears that they've added(or are in the process of adding.. its a bit buggy) particle support to the item importer... Can anyone else confirm?
Hope we get even more cool stuff then! Most of the single items on this batch are just with a horse or something on them, with very few stuff related to actual spring. Would love some more variety
Well the Luna set featured on day 3 page is missing from this schema, so maybe next wave of items will be full of dragons
So many items! So little time! Really excited for this event, and of course a well deserved round of applause and pats on the shoulder for those who got their items accepted!
And even more items will be added later?! Damn, it's almost hard to contain my excitement.
Grats on getting items in the game! Looks like they pushed in all the high quality stuff too - the death prophet set, the ember crane set, jeremy klein's stuff, onilolz/zaphk's summons collections, etc. It's all so good.
I'm holding out that my item comes out in the next wave!
Grats on getting items in the game! Looks like they pushed in all the high quality stuff too - the death prophet set, the ember crane set, jeremy klein's stuff, onilolz/zaphk's summons collections, etc. It's all so good.
I'm holding out that my item comes out in the next wave!
You and me both
But congrats to everyone! Regardless of what gets accepted its great to see Polycounters come out in full force, I don't think one item shown so far hasn't been made here.
He's pretty cool!
I can confirm this. I have made an update upload of my Riki set few moments ago and everything works fine now File size display correctly. Previously file size was showing only MB of promo PSD file uploaded with actual model.
Finially, a shame they don't answer in the threads on dota2 dev forums though. I was waiting for an answer there..
That's looking amazing, I love the idea and u sure got my vote!
It's too cute to kill
and loved the facial expressions, doing that with bones is for the few brave out there, congrats =]
hey guys, i kind of liked the idea of recreating some dota item and i was working on a rapier, i would like to hear from you any advices!
Before I forget again, the weapon for the WK set I'm working on is pretty much done;
I should have given the icicles more texture resolution, and I still struggle with sculpting details big enough to show up properly in-game. But I'm learning! I can keep those things in mind for the rest of the set!
Hope you like it!
My presentation is not the best but i'm glad i'm done now.
What program do u guys use to make .gifs I tried several but i always have problems using them..
I tried to use that one, but do u need to use screenmode on dota2 than?
Because i never seem to get the window in front of the game..
I will give it another try!
Edit: well it works, had issues before when doing a windowed view for dota 2, but thats fixed a long time ago so it works fine now.
@GhostDetector thanks for the suggestion, i will test with blue!
Best looking rapier, and the animation is looking great for a rapier style sword as well, cant wait for the finished product
Anyways here, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221737285 is the workshop page as is when I initially thought it was good enough. Then here is where I tried to change it. http://imgur.com/N6eA16Y http://imgur.com/VkKL475
using the in games mask doesn't help the rim and fresnel doesnt do much and the specular just makes everything look artificial dragon wings atleast.
Look at the skirt, then look back at the wings.
Color matching would help a lot. The skirt also has some sculpted trim, not just a line painted around it. The trim frames it, adds some design, etc..
To me that's what the wings need.
Thanks, has been adjusted... got hat tex, beard is on the way, will post update soon
My first thoughts are its way too flat, the materials don't work, and the colors are all wrong. The flatness is coming from a lack of a good normal mad in combination with your other masks, specular and rimlight. The ideal thing would be to make high poly wings with all your details so you can bake these to a normal mad, and get other lighting information from bakes. This could go along way resolving its flatness. The material just reads as cloth right now, but i feel the color is more important. The red does not match her colors, and it is just flat red. Read the dota art guide. you should better match her colors and add some more value to the color. The white trim does not help at all seeing as how her default trim is a gold/yellow color. Personally I never tell myself my work is "good". To me my work can always be improved and this mind set has helped me become a better artist over the years. Hope this helps, If I have time maybe I will do a quick paint over later or something
I hate game-items on heroes. At least It should all have similar style (since now items made by different artists and all looks different) and use the same model for each hero, not like 3 different Radiance. Anyway, rapier looks pretty nice.
Did a different version of the blades for Bloodseeker. Some people were saying it looked like the joint between blade and cuff looked a little weak. Tried to bulk it up with the new one on the left. I think even if i go with the old cuff Ill keep the new blade with the elbow hook. I also wouldn't be able to mirror the cuff texture with a buckle soo.. i dunno.
Yes but in this case rapiers actually works for kunkka
@trevor - it still doesn't have the rotating ability.
Day 3 is up. Congrats to those whose items the page is showing off!
Also, Phoenix! Cosmetics for Icarus will be interesting.
Edit: Im reading people saying that test is updating today, so event tomorrow, so hopefully a schema update tonight, get a preview of more lovely items added
Or schema update now http://tf2b.com/updates/d2t
This is the first of at least 2 plus releases during the event, so more to come....
Hope we get even more cool stuff then! Most of the single items on this batch are just with a horse or something on them, with very few stuff related to actual spring. Would love some more variety
the alpha on the chains works sometimes and not others , hmm... might have some grey pix in there?
gz to that
where you got that info from ?
Schema update from the test client http://tf2b.com/updates/d2t
Well the Luna set featured on day 3 page is missing from this schema, so maybe next wave of items will be full of dragons
And even more items will be added later?! Damn, it's almost hard to contain my excitement.
Joy! Grats to everyone else who got items in, looking forward to see what else will be added.
I'm holding out that my item comes out in the next wave!
You and me both
But congrats to everyone! Regardless of what gets accepted its great to see Polycounters come out in full force, I don't think one item shown so far hasn't been made here.
You guys are not the only ones, I see 0 Gyro items so far, so there is still hope :poly122:
Hopefully the amount of Polycount items in this update will prompt Valve to revisit the Polycount chest