onilolz / zaphk / tvidotto - i'm really excited for your collaboration, love the idea and progress so far!
anuxi - nova is looking magical! i'm liking the look of those elegant long whiskers :O
Cool stuff Dry! Really love the first orange tabby, rocking the mischievous Cheshire cat smile The other options are nice and eyecatching too though hmm
@Frump: looks great! love the shield, and the painting on it is a nice final touch.
We went on vacation the other day, and came home with an idea for our next project. we're gonna make a courier! We've got an animator friend who's been chomping at the bit to start doing Dota stuff, so I'm really excited to be able to get him involved. Here's the concept we've got so far
The two on the right look the best for a dire/radiant courier.
Man that Rubik ward is sweet, instantly readable for him.
Well i figured out my earlier problem, totally didn't need another bone, i didn't think so.
Thought? Im def going to add more geo for deformations for the back piece as i have a lot more room poly wise for it. Need to make the lod0's for everything as well, kinda did that backwards, oh well.
Neox: I would make the metal ligher (like his armor ) and maibe add diferent contrasting parts on the head . Atm It looks verry nice in the loadout ,but it doesnt read verry good in the game IMO.
Anuxinamoon tnx<3
Finished the presentation image +icons ; gonna upload it later today
Soon done with the basemodel of my demonic charger or what the hell i'm going to could call it.
Need to add those extra plates and chains/collar before baking.
I'm quite a long time Dota 1/2 player, I would like to play with you guys sometime. But, unfortunately I'm quite busy, since a lot of shit happened the last few days. My father passed away and everything is quite hectic at the moment. Take care guys, might see you guys maybe in a long time.
they should be immortal...
take your time man, that wound heal slowly, for me it took a lot of time to accept that change in my life, but with time it becomes less painfull
Neox: I would make the metal ligher (like his armor ) and maibe add diferent contrasting parts on the head . Atm It looks verry nice in the loadout ,but it doesnt read verry good in the game IMO.[/IMG]
i agree but it's not the brightness of the metal, , well it might be but it doesn't really work much brighter, as the brighter material together with the spec just burns out. The values are taken from his orginal hammer. It is more a problem of too many details on too small screenspace, we really need to balance this further. i'll try to split the seperate parts from another more, i already have layers doing this but its not enough
Bronto - Hopefully the final doesn't disappoint. Insaneophobia - It's the traditional Dire logo. It was the one always used in-game until about two weeks ago. Andyk - It's looking pretty cool, I like the bridle. Hudston - Heh, that's good to know. Paskie, Spudnik, Sukotto, Dry - Thanks dudes!
I should stop finishing these in the early morning after staying up all night. I gotta go pass out now. Turns out making a mount + set is a lot of work.
Not sure if this have been mentioned already, but some nice news about Handplane from here:
We dont consider steam workshop submissions something that would require a commercial handplane license. Workshop users can use the free noncommercial handplane build for their submissions.
There's a nice video on the link comparing normals baked from different programs after being imported on Source. I've tried it out on a Meepo pickaxe I finished recently, and the shading on it is just much much better after using Handplane.
Hawt, then throw them into SFM's model viewer, it respects all the masks; once you have it set up, it's a matter of just moving the compiled files the Dota importer makes into the directory you're using for SFM. You're doing your promos a disservice with such flat lighting.
Hawt, then throw them into SFM's model viewer, it respects all the masks; once you have it set up, it's a matter of just moving the compiled files the Dota importer makes into the directory you're using for SFM. You're doing your promos a disservice with such flat lighting.
will I be able to replace them with higher resolution textures?
will I be able to replace them with higher resolution textures?
Yep; It's just replacing the importer-made .VTFs with your own, which can be any size. Also, any time I need to take promo shots, I replace the default hero textures with the high-res Workshop zip ones.
Yep; It's just replacing the importer-made .VTFs with your own, which can be any size. Also, any time I need to take promo shots, I replace the default hero textures with the high-res Workshop zip ones.
right, I'll probably redo the collection icons when I get out of class
mihalcean: That set is looking great, like every items from it!
@Anuxi: Looks great, but I'm not so fond of the buttrfly like hair(wings). From the top view it looks a lot better though.
I didn't had much time lately, but here's some small progress on the high poly horse for CK. Did a quick polypaint so plz don't look to much at the current colors. Comments are always welcome!
Should i be concerned that my Kunkka Set COMPLETELY disappeared from the workshop? I cant find any of the items on either the first or second page and the set is not even on the first page of the collections page. Last light all items were on either the first or second page, and the collection was near the top of the first page.
Should i be concerned that my Kunkka Set COMPLETELY disappeared from the workshop? I cant find any of the items on either the first or second page and the set is not even on the first page of the collections page. Last light all items were on either the first or second page, and the collection was near the top of the first page.
There's something with the workshop, i guess they're revamping something.
yeah i counted 20, 0 star items on the first and second pages alone, something is extremely wrong, and I'm very upset that my set just up and vanished completely.
I looked... and my bow for Medusa was spending the last few days on the second & third row, with a flirt here and there on the first. Now It's gone... I went as far as page 15 and didn't see it. My mask for Medusa (which previously wasn't near the first page) is now on the first page - weird.
I think I will upload it by tomorow night . Cheers
Old set
thanks for looking! feel free to PM me if you're interested in making stuffs.
onilolz / zaphk / tvidotto - i'm really excited for your collaboration, love the idea and progress so far!
anuxi - nova is looking magical! i'm liking the look of those elegant long whiskers :O
Cool stuff Dry! Really love the first orange tabby, rocking the mischievous Cheshire cat smile
Hunter and I finished up our Rubick Ward collab, here it is in the workshop -- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150650241
...now off to work on my long abandoned Crystal Maiden from the polycount contest
Sadies I love that ward
The two on the right look the best for a dire/radiant courier.
Well i figured out my earlier problem, totally didn't need another bone, i didn't think so.
Thought? Im def going to add more geo for deformations for the back piece as i have a lot more room poly wise for it. Need to make the lod0's for everything as well, kinda did that backwards, oh well.
@drywall: haha those cats, too cute those little critters
@sadies: cool ward, saw it already on the store grats for the most popular of the day!
okay, one weapon a day, keeps the doctor away
Anuxinamoon tnx<3
Finished the presentation image +icons ; gonna upload it later today
Drywall: 4th all the way :O
Need to add those extra plates and chains/collar before baking.
Tell me what you think.
they should be immortal...
take your time man, that wound heal slowly, for me it took a lot of time to accept that change in my life, but with time it becomes less painfull
best wishes for you
DAT HAMMER mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
i agree but it's not the brightness of the metal, , well it might be but it doesn't really work much brighter, as the brighter material together with the spec just burns out. The values are taken from his orginal hammer. It is more a problem of too many details on too small screenspace, we really need to balance this further. i'll try to split the seperate parts from another more, i already have layers doing this but its not enough
steph: thanks!
Really awesome work guys :thumbup:
Insaneophobia - It's the traditional Dire logo. It was the one always used in-game until about two weeks ago.
Andyk - It's looking pretty cool, I like the bridle.
Hudston - Heh, that's good to know.
Paskie, Spudnik, Sukotto, Dry - Thanks dudes!
I should stop finishing these in the early morning after staying up all night. I gotta go pass out now. Turns out making a mount + set is a lot of work.
i really like your set man, but the presentation could make it feel quite a bit more hot and glowing
Also frump that set turned out great! Good job
Frump: Awesome work!
Textures done! I can't wait to see TVidotto animations
Now back to Luna!!
I'm working on making this a complete set.
I still need to design the Bracers and Tail.
hey Neox: that hammer is pretty bad ass, very well done.
streaming dota stuff tonight
There's a nice video on the link comparing normals baked from different programs after being imported on Source. I've tried it out on a Meepo pickaxe I finished recently, and the shading on it is just much much better after using Handplane.
workshop link :http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151007613
I linked it in mah stream Mihal! Very nice!
Luna texture first pass.. lemmie know what you guys think
please go upvote them here
I love the hair and the overall greyish blue colour. I never liked Luna but this set definitely looks awesome.
because it's hard to pull off dota's shader style in blender.
also on an unrelated note I'd like to say Happy birthday Anuxi, going by what deviantart is telling me
will I be able to replace them with higher resolution textures?
Yep; It's just replacing the importer-made .VTFs with your own, which can be any size. Also, any time I need to take promo shots, I replace the default hero textures with the high-res Workshop zip ones.
right, I'll probably redo the collection icons when I get out of class
@Anuxi: Looks great, but I'm not so fond of the buttrfly like hair(wings). From the top view it looks a lot better though.
I didn't had much time lately, but here's some small progress on the high poly horse for CK. Did a quick polypaint so plz don't look to much at the current colors. Comments are always welcome!
UPDATE: The collections page seems to be fixed for the most part.