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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    A grenade for the -500 thread:)
    256x256 diffuse, alpha and spec
    218 tris
    Rapante: sweet car, but is it bent or is that just the way the polys make it look?
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    here is a second set before I hit the sack... *yawn* :poly125:
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    ploon & Vladino : I really like your stuff!!

    plop! time to create the beds!!

  • sama.van
  • Art-Machine
    Hey Sama.Van, I hope you currently have a game job cuz your pieces are straight up SquareEnix DS quality.
  • Lez
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    Lez null
    Been lurking around here too long, so challenged myself to a low poly guy.

    With a background as animator this is essentially my first go at a character, all the comments and tips in this thread is just awesome for someone in a learning process. Thanks for all the inspiring work everyone!

    Anyway got a question about how one usually tackles the seams when texturing, took me ages to get a ... decent result. Do one use like 3d paint tools or is it simply lack of experience (probably the latter). Texuring was a hassle :(.

    So he is rigged and will probably try to make some kind of a fight when I get around to make another low poly character. Enjoy.

  • Art-Machine
    Only tips i can think of for seams in textures are :

    - Make sure your UVs are straight and not tilted slightly (if it's not some crazy organic shape).

    - Put seams in the less visible areas and where seams would naturally be in something like clothes or between 2 things. As much as possible hide them in places like inside legs and arms, and where the arms cover the torso.

    -As for the middle seam, most of the time characters like the one you made are only made in one half, and then mirrored horizontally to make 2 joined symmetrical pieces, so the middle seam is usually a non-issue. Model your mesh symmetrically, then delete one half and just texture the half you're left with. When you're done, duplicate and flip, and merge together, to recreate a full model.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    looks like I missed all the fun.

    Vladino looking forward to your update on that planet!
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Sama.Van, I hope you currently have a game job cuz your pieces are straight up SquareEnix DS quality.

    Thanks! But no I don't have job. I try to find but I don't success... I'd like to leave Japan but I don't really know what kind of company is looking for low poly stuff enough normal map.

  • ploon
    Rick Stirling - cheers man, I appreciate your comment!
    Sama.Van - Love your stuff too, you keep inspiring me.:)
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    OMG Sama, I want that Stars & Moons bed!
    I was browsing Keith Thompson's gallery yesterday when i saw this Atomic Kamikaze Jet and just had to model it because it sounded so cool (and man does that guy have some crazy fucking concept art). It's a touch over the 500 limit (it's 547), with a 512x128 texture.


    EDIT: In case the first image link is really slow and doesn't always show up here's an alternate link.

  • portergraphic
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    portergraphic polycounter lvl 17
    That atomic blossom looks awesome!!
    Great work!
  • bounchfx
    yeah sama, apply to places that are looking for low poly artists! there's no way they can turn you down!
    That atomic blossom looks awesome!!
    Great work!

  • Art-Machine
    yeah sama, apply to places that are looking for low poly artists! there's no way they can turn you down!
    Yeah also it's pretty rare to find someone that's only into DS style graphics, usually they have to break your arm to get a modernized 3d artist onto a DS project. So i don't see why they dont hire you in Japan other than a possible language barrier or straight up Japanese racism. Im sure lots of places in Canada and the US would take you without much issue.

    Also You should put a lot of these pieces together into an environment with characters staged in such a way that it looks like shots from a finished game. That would have great impact for the portfolio, and when they ask you the what game it is, you say it's just a scene you made and blow their minds.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    sama.van - I have a question for you... I'm in the middle of making a character, much in the style of Final Fantasy and Zelda, but what should I do about the void under his clothes, where his legs meet his upper clothing? Say on a female model too, where the persons legs would go into the dress. ATM I've blacked out that area, but I'm sure it will look a little strange to see a big black dot when my character rolls or something...? Thoughts?
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    odium : I do that like that :


    Basically I cut the top part of the legs, and I create a cone under the dress.
    More easy for animation and saving some polygons ^_^.

    bounchfx : I'd like to try but where? Someone know a company they will need a very low poly artist?

    Art-Machine : Yes I'm actually working on the background... But didn't have much time this last week :( .. I hope to find a work quickly!

    BARBEERIAN : I really like , but did you finish? You don't add some reflect effect in your texture? Kind of metallic stuff.... and Light... and shadow?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Ah, pretty much what I had done, only I used a dark void there. I think I know what you are getting at though with the under clothing, thanks for the help :D
    [quote=sama.van;926435BARBEERIAN : I really like , but did you finish? You don't add some reflect effect in your texture? Kind of metallic stuff.... and Light... and shadow?[/quote]

    I'd definitely like some nice reflection effects on the glass, but TBH I'm horrible at painting glass effects (need to find a decent technique). I did paint some light into the texture (and baked AO and handpainted some shadow), but it's pretty thin. I'll try and make it a little more noticeable.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    wrong thread:(
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Wrong thread _oz :p
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    ahhw man, second time. I hate it when this thread comes on top of the 'what are you working on' thread. hehe
  • Art-Machine
    sama.van, Look at games that use that kind of low poly stuff, hit them first. Part of getting a job in the game biz is to know the companies and what they make, don't you have a DS? Boot up the games you like with 3D in them, look at the title screen, there's your answer.

    Springing to mind is SquareEnix right off the bat. Ubisoft makes several DS and Wii titles some of which are made at the Montreal studio (where i work) like the Dogz, Catz, Horsez series. Also you have the french advantage with them. I would give you more but I don't really have that many 3D DS games, I follow the more next gen studios since that's what I like to work on.

    There should be lots of companies looking for guys like you what with the PSP, DS, and now Iphone on the scene. Not to mention the low cost downloadable game market.

    Also, please think about making some pieces in a different style than this one. Showing only this cute style might hurt your chances getting hired on other types of games. What you have going for you in these pieces is clearly technical cleanliness, and good artistic skill. Now show you can vary in style! (when you're done with this scene)
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    sama.van, you should make your own thread and dump all your stuff in there.
  • El Z0rR
    Reworked this thing a bit. Tweaked the glass and painted in light & shadow.

  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Just putting toget the start of a small DS spec project. Early days but only spent a few hours on it:


    EDIT: The tree has an alpha mask that wont draw atm, but i've got it up and running on the DS...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Quite a small update to show you how things link together more:

  • nkoste
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    nkoste polycounter lvl 18
    Nice Odium! Getting a strong zeldaish vibe from it. The tiling on the foliage is very obvious, but it only looks good and only adds to the ds look. The tree is interesting.
    Perhaps the stairs could be pushed a bit more. The steps are somewhat plain. Some more interesting brick or stonework would look better I think, maybe with a yellow tint.

    Nice work!

    El Z0rR: Cool!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Well, the foliage I'm a bit oh and arr over atm, which is supposed to be grass btw, but yeah, I dont want it to be too bland, but detailed too... I'll look into trying to find a happy medium.

    The tree uses alpha masking but not in that shot, thats all. Its still a bit of a WIP, so don't worry too much.

    The stairs are a flat plane, its all texture/depth work. The texture is, now that you mention it, a tad plain, and the crazy thing is I was originally going to go with a more yellowish tint.

    Thanks for the feedback so far though, I'll look into editing a few things and let you know!
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    sama.van, el zorr, and odium: I love the projects you guys are working on , this type of stuff is my favorite to watch grow and evolve :D
  • bounchfx
    odium: what size texture maps are you using? 64 or 128? I'm going to assume 64.

    I also love watching these low poly projects evolve. I'd do more myself but that's already what I do all day :poly105: aha.

    keep up the awesome stuff fellas!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    64x64, with a 128x128 on the character.
  • Art-Machine
    I'd even say its a little "too" Zelda. It's fine to draw from your favorite styles but don't forget to put your own spin on it (and making him blue doesn't count i think :P). Or else you're just showing that you can clone stuff.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Erm... Its set in a world of Pirates, so I think it may get a little less Zelda ;) Plus I haven't even given him a head yet lol :p But I do see what you mean. Theres only so much you can make a cartoony game based on the Zelda style gameplay that doesn't look like Zelda, even more so when you are limited to such low limits. Even Final Fantasy etc on DS can look like Zelda most of the time ;)

    EDIT: Reading that back it sounded a little rude, didn't mean to. But even still, I've drawn inspiration from Zelda DS, Zelda Snes, Final Fantasy DS, Chrono Trigger, even such gems as Animal Crossing even. But looking at them all, they all have their own selling points, their own "heart", but you could copy/paste certain elements from each game and honestly not know what each part was from. TBH, gameplay wise, I'm going for a more SNES Zelda style instead of the strange DS over simple style, plus no boats :p

    But yeah, Its set with a pirate theme, so there will be all sorts of locations and visuals styles I'll be exploring.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Besides the character, I think the roundness of shape and solid shading on the tree makes it look "Zelda." Maybe it'll seem less so when you get the alpha working, but maybe also you could add some of the dingy greens in the edges of the grass areas to the lower regions of the tree? That might help tie the props together, too.

    As for using yellow on the steps, definitely! You used it in the rocks, so again, I feel the palettes should match. Cool project, anyway; nice to see some DS-spec environment that isn't cel-shaded.

    edit: yeah, IMO you should definitely put all the colours and detail that are in the grass into the tree, and the colours from the rocks into the steps. I did a little paintover (for my own musing) and it looked a lot more unified to me. However, I of course wish for you to decide this on your own! Splendid work so far.
  • Art-Machine
    odium wrote: »
    Erm... Its set in a world of Pirates, so I think it may get a little less Zelda ;) Plus I haven't even given him a head yet lol :p But I do see what you mean. Theres only so much you can make a cartoony game based on the Zelda style gameplay that doesn't look like Zelda, even more so when you are limited to such low limits. Even Final Fantasy etc on DS can look like Zelda most of the time ;)

    EDIT: Reading that back it sounded a little rude, didn't mean to. But even still, I've drawn inspiration from Zelda DS, Zelda Snes, Final Fantasy DS, Chrono Trigger, even such gems as Animal Crossing even. But looking at them all, they all have their own selling points, their own "heart", but you could copy/paste certain elements from each game and honestly not know what each part was from. TBH, gameplay wise, I'm going for a more SNES Zelda style instead of the strange DS over simple style, plus no boats :p

    But yeah, Its set with a pirate theme, so there will be all sorts of locations and visuals styles I'll be exploring.

    Np, didn't sound rude to me. Of course that was all just my point of view i mentioned. I would like to point out that you mention how all those games, although they look alike, manage to pull of their own distinct spirit. My message is just to remember that, to make it your own. Stop looking at the other games, you clearly know them well enough!

    If you can pull that off, you'll get something that looks 'shipped' AND unique at the same time.

    All artistic philosophy aside, It's prety nice that you can actually get this running on DS. Makes me miss the days i could easily program 2d sprite games in QBasic. Not so easy to just jump into game programming now that its 3D :P
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    it doesn't have the super saturated and flat color fill look of the top down zelda games, I think it's fine actually, though I think the texture of the grass makes it look like layered lily pads/leaves than grass.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I made the steps a little more brown/orange, and also changed the grass tile slightly so it didn't look as poo. I've also started on some foliage sprites, which is what this is about... Do these sprites (ignore the positions, its just a test) look ok? I have three versions. Lord knows how I'm gonna get the grass looking good enough lol:

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    looking sweet odium, blend on the path could be more "drawn" if you get what i mean. also maybe add some grass at the bottom of the of the cliff texture to break up the lines
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Was thinking about that last night, I'll be changing the grass to dirt blend so its more like, well, grass, and has large chunky blades. Should look better. Same with the rock wall.
  • JesterBox
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    JesterBox polycounter lvl 18
    Thought I'd post this here. Going of the WB animation.


    Why won't certain verts just frikkin WELD!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    JesterBox wrote: »
    Why won't certain verts just frikkin WELD!
    most likely because your normals are not unified but instead random or different from the faces of the verts you want to merge. Check backface culling to be sure that the normals are unified.
  • dactilardesign
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    dactilardesign polycounter lvl 10
    Hi all.
    Here is a small update of my "twilight DS" models. There are links to the java 3d preview.
    Characters are around 350 triangles, and textures 128x128



  • Imogia
    Hello, I'm brand new around here, but it's been quite a time I have been looking here and ther on polycount. Tonight I made it, I finally suscribe ^^

    I got some charas that fit here




    I welcome any advices that can help me to improve!
  • Rokkx
    Posting them would be the first advice I could give Imogia :]
  • nkoste
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    nkoste polycounter lvl 18
    Imogia: The first two are really nice. What kills the third one is the green skin colors. It's too saturated and could use some shading and color variation.

    Besides that I think your work has a nice edge to it.
  • Imogia
    -> Rokkx : You didn't see them?! how that can be?! it's very strange indeed :/ nkoste did see them actually oO could tell me what exactly appears? is there no image at all, or the little white square with the red cross meaning that there is a problem with te image display?

    -> Nkoste: thanks for your advice on shadows! I think that this is effectively what I need to work the most.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Rokkx wrote: »
    Posting them would be the first advice I could give Imogia :]

    Seems to be a problem at your end, the images show up fine
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