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  • JimmyRustler
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Latest sculpt.

    Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist.

    Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    I love the Allison Brie, Korra, and Hawkeye! They're pretty spot on. I think the Mabel Pines could still use a bit more work. It's a bit hard to take such a characterized person and sculpt them in a different style.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, thank you! Yes, it is hard to capture likeness if i'm using a different style from the original, but i want to practice on it. Still tring to capture her cuteness!

    Here's Mabel with a little tweak here and there.

    If i'm watching something new, and turn out it was awesome, i always had a sudden urge to do a fan art of it.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Something to throw into the pile of my work. A quick one, revision come later.
    Can't resist to do Kiryuin Satsuki once i see her in short hair. My kind of kawaii.

    Kill la Kill surprisingly good and deep, huh, i'm amazed.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Still need improvement.

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8

    Maybe i'll do Junketsu later too, but in it original form.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    HP done. Working on lowpoly now. Just a bit improvement overall.
    Tweaked her anatomy a bit, especially hand and mouth.
    Made her hair to have a bit more substance, add buttons on her shirt and tweaked overall folds.
    Fixed the belt on her skirt, and used new pattern on her shoes.

  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    She is looking real nice! Keep up the great work.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks! Hope i do her justice though.
    Going to model a handbag and pedestal for final presentation, since the design is a bit to simple.

    Been tinkering with lowpoly these days, and manage to bake this morning. Had to relearn everything, haha.

    Still need to cleaned it up a bit before going berserk into texturing.
    Here's the texture placement

    Is there any tutorial on how to tackle handpainted PBR rendering for character out there?
    Wanted to learn them, but found none.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    You have some really solid work, and I'm especially impressed at how varied of styles you are working.

    If I was evaluating all of this as is, as a portfolio for a job application, my biggest complaint is that there isn't enough finished work. Lots of busts, partial textures, or screengrabs without presentation lighting.

    If you are still just focusing on learning and technique, this is fine, but I would also suggest taking the pieces you are most happy with, while you still like them, and make some more finalized presentation. Larger images, full body assets with textures, with a pose and lighting. Your joker character is probably the best at this.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you for the kind words and feedback. Appreciated them.
    I realized i've abandoned a lot of project because i was bored too quickly, and my motivation is not as high as i expected.

    I'm doing a bust mostly because i worked on my low-spec laptop, so i'm keeping it simple and not add too many detail. And just like you said, with this limitation, i'm trying to explore every different styles i could do.

    I'm not really good at presenting my model, and i always wanted to quickly posted them so i could get a feedback. I don't really want to spend hours tinkering with rendering.

    But with all of that, i'm still definitely trying to up my game though. Probably starting with my Satsuki here.
    Thank you again for the feedback!

    Anyway, cleaned up the bakes, added base color, and giving her a quick pose.
    There will be a bag in her left hand in the final presentation, so for now, ignore the awkward floating hand.
    Only AO + Base Color + Normal now. 13k tris so far.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    This is looking really good man! I think the cloth work is especially nice and what's really selling it. I think the hand is gonna look a bit awkward regardless of the bag tho. Anatomically it looks slightly off, and I think drawing attention to it with this pose isn't the best idea. anyway, looking forward to seeing the final piece!
  • Jakub
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    Jakub interpolator
    You got a really nice style :) Drow Ranger is my favorite :)
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, honestly i suck at hands. But my rig is pretty basic and still wonky, so probably thats why it looks a bit off.
    Thanks, and i'll keep working on it.

    Hey, thanks. But truthfully, looking back at it made me realize my mistakes, haha.

    Anyway, since poopinmymouth mention my Joker, i actually wanted a long time ago to re-render it since it was the first model i actually spend much of my time and felt proud of it. But i used multiple maps for each part of the body, and it looks like a pain in the ass to fix them, so i don't bother to try.

    But i definitely tried it today though. Took me some time, but worth it, i think. Here it is.

    And here's the material, nothing fancy.

    EDIT - sketchfab

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Alright, so I'm bad with words so here's a paint-over


    Essentially a few proportion changes. Bigger/lower eyes, shorter face and longer nose. Some adjustments to the hair are also good. I do like the direction so far.

    That joker is really cool by the way :).
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the kind word and paintover.
    I thought it was good at the time, but now that you have pointed it out, i'm looking back at it, it does look off. Will fixed it.

    Anyway, update on Satsuki Kiryuin texture.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Last WIP. Still need to refine overall texture.


    I'll tone down the environment a bit, kinda makes it hard to focus on my char.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8




    Finally done, kinda rushed, but happy with the results.
    Suggestion are welcomed, i could probably fixed them later.

  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    Nice work! That is definitely Satsuki.

    I think for presentation it works better for you if the borders on the comic strip image are not red. Its a strong color and it takes away from the main subject presented. The others are great though!
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    The shading on Satsuki's legs look really off to me, like a muddy AO bake or something. Her face is spot on though and nice job on those wrinkles!
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you for the suggestion. Agreed that it was too bright, I'll do something about it.
    I'm so glad that i could nailed her likeness. :)

    Ah, yes, her legs, i see it. I was sleepy at the time i posted the presentation shot, and i didn't realize my mistakes. Definitely will have to check them out.
    Thank you for the kind words. Wrinkles used to be my enemies, so i'm glad i could get past that. Still not satisfied with her skirt though, but my poor laptop already giving it up. :(

    Anyway, the textures i used in the presentation are in 4096, but for sketchfab, i resize it down to 1024.
    And i actually could crunch down the tris count, especially at her face area. But since my original target was 15k, and i strike below that limit, i didn't do anything about it, haha :poly124:

    Thanks again for the suggestions and criticism. I'll do a final tweak at her model before moving on to another project.
    My realistic skill is kinda rusty, so i'm thinking of continuing my Allison Brie bust for my next one.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    I forgot that i had this lying around on my hard drive.
    This will be my next project to finish. Based on fightpunch 'dude 8' concept.

    I'm tweaking overall detail atm, but i had to lower my subdivision level to show my whole model, because i always got 'low memory' problem. Excuse my low spec laptop, haha.
    Will separate some parts so i could give a little more detail on each parts.

  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    That's so freaky lookin! lol Detail is lookin pretty nice, how have you been doin the clothing? Sculpting? Or marvelous? Orrr? :P
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    nickcomeau wrote: »
    That's so freaky lookin! lol Detail is lookin pretty nice, how have you been doin the clothing? Sculpting? Or marvelous? Orrr? :P

    Cloth is sculpted manually. Haven't tried marvelous yet, but it seems interesting.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Little bit update

    This is the concept, 'Dude 8' by Fightpunch.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Finally have the time to go back 3d modeling again!

    Redoing my fan art of Musashi Miyamoto from Inoue Takehiko's manga 'Vagabond'. WIP.

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Musashi lowpoly WIP. Just need to do his crazy ass hair next before doing overall tweaking.  Had no idea how to make a decent alpha hair though....

  • artofmars
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you for the link!  I'm going to try it.
    I've been pulling my hair out these days trying to make his hair to look right. Hopefully those tips will help.
  • artofmars
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Holy shit man. Thanks again for the help! Cant wait to try it out myself!

    To keep my post a little bit informative, here is the kind of hair i like to achieve in the final presentation

    Hopefully i could do justice to Inoue Takehiko's amazing art in 3d form.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks again, @artofmars , at least now i know how to do hair, even though it still unoptimized

    Update. Hair poly count is way too high, and reducing them would be a pain in the ass. I guess i'll leave them as it is for now until i learn some new tips. Will do overall tweak next, so ignore his beard and the ugly shadowing on his top hair for now.

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Think im done with this. Lots of room for improvement, but my laptop kept freezing on me. Need to invest on new computer to work with.

  • artofmars
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    artofmars polycounter lvl 10
    looking good, i think you need to darken the overall tone of the skin under the beard hair and desaturate it.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the critique. I'll keep that in mind when i revisited him later on.

    Anyway, started another character, Shinobu Oshino, or Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade from Monogatari Series.  Just in time for Kizumonogatari hype. Not really happy with her face, and havent touch her feet yet.

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Done with the Highpoly, now onto the lowpoly!

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Lowpoly done and baked!

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Putting my Musashi Miyamoto on Sketchfab. There's still many slight errors in many places, though.
    EDIT: Linking sketchfab to polycount is kinda broken, i guess

    And putting initial color and lighting on Shinobu.

    Still not sure whether to go traditional handpainted, or  simple anime-like coloring.  
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    This looks great!
    I'm curious what rendering engine/environment you are using for this last piece?
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    It was nothing fancy, in fact i have no idea what i was doing lol. It's Marmoset with three point lighting + upward blue directional lighting. I wanted to have her shadow color to match with Kizumonogatari poster (check google, can't linked it now),  a bit  blue-ish purple. Can't seem to get it right tho, so i just mock everything up till i find the one i liked best.

    And the texture is just baked occlusion with simple color on top of it.  Havent touched anything at all, except for her eyes. Im going to posed her first before touching her overall material maps.

  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Aha I see.
    Well I like it :)
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, thanks.
    I liked the results too, but it might change after i'm done editing the overall texture material though.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8

    Last WIP from me. Going to do overall texture work now. I wanted her to look like Persona Dancing All Night character style, so i ditch the lighting, but still not sure if i could nail it though
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8

    Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade, or Shinobu Oshino, from Monogatari Series anime. Reference taken from her design in Kizumonogatari arc.

    Honestly, not that happy with the textures, i'm lacking skill, so i'll leave it like that for now till i learn some more. Feedback appreciated.
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Practicing a lowpoly and stylized female character after months not touching 3d app. Supposed to be Jennifer Conelly, but i'm not that good with likeness.

  • artofmars
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    artofmars polycounter lvl 10
    I would definitely bring some more warmth to the face, looks like your AO might be set to multiply changing that to a low color burn could add some more warmth. 

    I also feel like there can be more variation and contrast in the gloss map.

    Looking very clean and the stylized wrinkles looks nice!
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    artofmars said:
    I would definitely bring some more warmth to the face, looks like your AO might be set to multiply changing that to a low color burn could add some more warmth. 

    I also feel like there can be more variation and contrast in the gloss map.

    Looking very clean and the stylized wrinkles looks nice!
    Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try to make it more warm. And i have to admit that i don't exactly know how gloss map actually works, i'm just trying to copy some other people works and see the changes myself to further my knowledge.

    Definitely going to keep those in mind as i started my new projects. Thanks again
    EDIT: Heres the model in sketchfab viewer
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Getting back on my Hotline Miami fanart. Going to do a diorama of the promotional poster, with pixelated PS1 era spec, seems like a perfect fit to it. Each character model is below 500 tris, with 256x256 map.

    Have done 4 model so far, Jacket with Aubrey (Pig) Mask, the Girlfriend/Hooker, the Russian mafias and a dead one. Going to add variations of the enemies by using different textures, hair, and weapon.

    So far, only finished the texture of Jacket, and the dead mafia.

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Slow, and still unfinished. Having a hard time to find motivation as usual.

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