Home Quixel Megascans




  • Eric Ramberg
    @3dpolys - both of your problems are due to bugs, we had previously not noticed this so thank you very much for reporting this! We will make sure this is fixed as soon as possible!
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    So I've just started messing around in the new Quixel Suite today after purchasing the academic license a couple weeks ago. Ndo was pretty easy to catch onto after messing around with the Ndo2 demo awhile back. However, I'm having serious issues in Ddo thus far.

    1. Every time I make any type of change to any layer/group whatnot, the 3do previewer keeps pushing my spec and gloss sliders all the way back to 100%. I then bring them back down to a suitable level.....rinse and repeat after every change.

    2. Even after selecting the option to have Quixel at topmost, when I maximize the viewer I can't get the Ddo editor on top. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong??

    3.The textures just don't look good at all. I have a 2k map with settings at 256 px/m (model is about 15 feet tall) and a resolution of 80% so my machine doesn't explode. The tiling and overall look of everything is just bad.

    Thanks for any help on these issues I'm having. I need to get this prop textured for school and might just end up having to go the old fashioned route. I just really wanted to get a little familiar with this tool-set and it's workflow.
  • emaema
    @emaema - What happens if you don´t download the update, will the program run?

    quixel is running and I am working on it properly but the problem is only as I tell you
  • Eric Ramberg
    @spectre1130 - Hi! hopefully this will answer all your questions:

    1 - Thank you for reporting, this is however not a bug, they always reset when you load a new map or change settings. I understand that this might be annoying but its due to the PBR nature of the suite, and changes to spec or gloss should be made on the texture themselves not on a master slider. Hopefully this won't screw up your workflow to bad!

    2 - Maybe you set 3DO to topmost as well, and they are fighting over the glory of being on top :)

    3 - The reason why your texture doesn't look that good is probably due to texel desity, 256px/m is very low, i would say try 1024 at least! and hopefully your texture will look a lot better!

    @emaema - Okay, thank you for reporting this and hopefully you can keep on working as intended for time being? :)
  • Eric Ramberg
    @gordon robb the number of polygons doesnt matter! if you use xnormal remember to check "monochrome" :)
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    Hey Eric, for some reason when I add a smart material in group it will sometimes add about 5 of those smart materials with no mask. In this picture I had already deleted two of them, and one of layers that's named the same out of the four was actually already there. tumblr_nc201dXd331qbdjxvo1_1280.jpg
    Anyways, I would just delete them and carry on about my way, simple enough, but a lot of times it messes with the 3DO previewer. It might actually move some layers around but I can't tell exactly. I've had it happen twice before this and reloading the project doesn't fix it. Normally what fixes it is fidgeting with the layers. I haven't quite figured out what pushes it back to normal yet though. Anyways, just thought you guys should know. Using Creative Cloud.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @CJFerguson - Thank you very much for this report, its seems to be a bug indeed! I usually never add smart materials inside a group so that might have been why I´ve never seen it, but that should of course be possible! Thanks!
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    It actually has the same thing occur with regular materials I just found out: tumblr_nc25z2lYD81qbdjxvo1_1280.jpg
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    @spectre1130 - Hi! hopefully this will answer all your questions:

    1 - Thank you for reporting, this is however not a bug, they always reset when you load a new map or change settings. I understand that this might be annoying but its due to the PBR nature of the suite, and changes to spec or gloss should be made on the texture themselves not on a master slider. Hopefully this won't screw up your workflow to bad!

    2 - Maybe you set 3DO to topmost as well, and they are fighting over the glory of being on top :)

    3 - The reason why your texture doesn't look that good is probably due to texel desity, 256px/m is very low, i would say try 1024 at least! and hopefully your texture will look a lot better!

    @emaema - Okay, thank you for reporting this and hopefully you can keep on working as intended for time being? :)

    Hey Eric, thanks so much for the quick response.

    Okay so I did adjust the px/m last night I think to 1024 and it was looking much better. I just thought the size of the prop in meters would be too big for a texel density like that. I guess I was backwards. Okay so the sliders in the 3do viewer is not a bug?? Just weird I guess because it just blows everything out. So I need to manually adjust all the mats' spec/gloss levels to get everything in check I guess.

    I will also try and see if changing the topmost settings lets me work full screen in viewer whilst having the Suite UI usable on top.

    p.s. I love the Suite, but I am assuming getting a great looking texture with subtle details has a bit of a learning curve.

  • Eric Ramberg
    @CJFerguson - this is just getting wierder! does it happen everytime?

    @spectre1130 - Good to hear it looks better, i have a really big problem remembering texel density myself, i usually also get it backwards :D Does your textures look blown out? are you using the ones included in the suite or your own?

    Also check out these awesome tutorials for more tips and trix!
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    @CJFerguson - this is just getting wierder! does it happen everytime?

    @spectre1130 - Good to hear it looks better, i have a really big problem remembering texel density myself, i usually also get it backwards :D Does your textures look blown out? are you using the ones included in the suite or your own?

    Also check out these awesome tutorials for more tips and trix!

    Right now I'm just using the textures/mats included in the Suite.:)
  • Eric Ramberg
    @spectre1130 and they are still too bright?
  • slinedberg
    Tried searching for a solution but could not find one.

    I start Quixel (and then PS starts by itself), set it to Cryengine calibration profile.
    Add a "empty" 128.128.255 normalmap. Then i add a simple material (concrete in this case)

    Then go under export and export all maps. Then this happends. Only Albedo and Ao_map is then in the export folder.


    When I click "OK"


    Quixel Suite 1.4

    Adobe Photoshop CC v.14.0

    Windows 7 64x
  • Eric Ramberg
    It seems quite a lot of people have problems with the Cryengine export, we will take a look in to this and post our findings shortly! Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!
  • slinedberg
    It seems quite a lot of people have problems with the Cryengine export, we will take a look in to this and post our findings shortly! Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!

    Thank you for your extremly fast respons and all your hard work with this wonderful program :)
  • slinedberg
    It seems quite a lot of people have problems with the Cryengine export, we will take a look in to this and post our findings shortly! Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!

    Btw, is the Cryengine calibration profile added in the export or can I simply save the textures in photoshop and export them that way?
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    It doesn't happen every time Eric. I haven't figured out the pattern.
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    @spectre1130 and they are still too bright?
    When I change a setting on a pre-loaded mat, yes, when the 3do previewer updates everything is totally mirror shiny almost. I haven't tied to look and see if the actual gloss/spec map reflectance values change when this happen. i would assume that would be a bug then. I'm going to be getting back on that project shortly tonight. I'll update if anything jumps out at me.
  • Eric Williams
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    Eric Williams polycounter lvl 16
    This isn't as much a bug, but kinda silly, least to me :P

    In the smart material broweser under metal, parkerized there is "clean gun metal" and "metal gun clean" same thing in reverse, shrug. Guy must have cleaned is gun one direction, then started from the other end of his gun and cleaned it again coming up with two slightly different materials, giggle.
  • Borx25
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    Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
    ndo still doesn't work for me. when launched from the suite nothing appears and suite crashes without message, when launched directly from it exe (doesn't matter if its the x64 or x86 version and also if photoshop is open already or not) it stops responding and crashes. DDO works fine.

    photoshop cs6 64 bit (english)
    win 7
    quixel suite 1.4
    launching everything as admin
  • Eric Ramberg
    @slinedberg - No thank you for the bugreports :) They are invaluable to us! The calibration is added in the export, but until we get this bug sortet you could try one of the GGX profiles as i believe that is what cryengine uses. I wouldn´t bet my life on it however but it might be a temporary solution until we get the next patch out! Sorry for this!

    CJFerguson - Okay, thank you for reporting this! If you figure out the reason for this i would be forever greatul if you shared it with me :)

    @Spectre1130 - It acutally sounds like you have a bug, sometimes when there is a problem with either the mesh or input maps the result looks "Chromed" or shiny in 3D0. Would you mind trying one of the sample projects from the wiki: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples
    to see if it still looks to bright?

    @Eric Williams - This is my bad :D I think i made a duplicate and just named them wierdly! We haven´t begun to clean up among the smart materials yet but we will probably do a sweep when the beta ends :)

    @Borx25 - Just going through the most common errors here to see if we can narrow it down

    -Latest Java installed?

    -Does it matter if you launch PS before or after the suite?

    -Any non alphanumerical characters in the path?

    -Installed on a network drive?

    Sorry that its not working as intended, but we´ll get you sorted! :)
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Hey .. is it possible in 1.4 to alter / paint on the MaterialID map (eg color picking and painting with a hard brush to apply a material to a new part of the texture) at all ...? Because that would be MEGA useful.
  • Shiva3D
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    Shiva3D polycounter lvl 9
    Im a new in DDO and have a few problems.
    1) Im working with production renders like Vray, so, will be greate to have Shader and Export Presset close to Vray standarts and gamma 2.2
    2) Megascan materials and custom materials do not work with Bump maps.. its very bad for me.
    Even in creatind custom materials i don`t see slot for bump map.
    3) Ok, I can use normal maps.. but - DDO do not work correctly with Normals.. only blend but not possible to create some New normal, for example - step from paint layer to metal layer, or masked skretches..
    4) seem most effect from old version of Ddo its lost? dirt leaks and so on..
  • Borx25
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    Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
    copying my last post so all the information is together:

    ndo still doesn't work for me. when launched from the suite nothing appears and suite crashes without message, when launched directly from it exe (doesn't matter if its the x64 or x86 version and also if photoshop is open already or not) it stops responding and crashes. DDO works fine.

    photoshop cs6 64 bit (english)
    win 7
    quixel suite 1.4
    launching everything as admin

    your questions:

    i think i have the latest java version, same result if i launch ps before or after the suite, the paths are:
    C\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
    default path for the suite was in users\public\etc, maybe that's the reason...
    on the main drive

    windows is in spanish and photoshop in english just in case it matters.
  • Bertmac
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    Bertmac polycounter lvl 17
    @Bertmac - its possible with custom textures! But the tradition leaks and trips from dDo legacy will most likely make a return in to the new suite later on! :)

    Good and nice to hear

    marks wrote: »
    Hey .. is it possible in 1.4 to alter / paint on the MaterialID map (eg color picking and painting with a hard brush to apply a material to a new part of the texture) at all ...? Because that would be MEGA useful.

    Well you can paint directly on the mask in photoshop to add/subtract from a layer.
  • Kettlewitch
    Hey Guys,

    when I downloaded 1.4, I was getting versions of some problems posted here.

    The suite was crashing or apparently not running (but it was running in task manager/background).

    If run directly from the .exe, Ddo was appearing behing PS and Ndo/3Do were highly unstable (crashing).

    Anyway I think the 1.4 installer is making a new desktop short cut to the 32 bit exe on some 64 bit machines (or something like that)

    I deleted the new 1.4 suite desktop shortcut and made a new one directlty from the suites 1.4 / 64 bit .exe and everything works a charm now.

    photoshop cs6 64 bit (english)
    win 7 64bit
    quixel suite 1.4

    Sorry if I missed it already being mentioned but it may help some of you out...

    While I'm here.....It's back a few pages but a problem Dexyn had with a white screen appearing when you run the suite.....

    I found this to be an incorrecly rendering 3do window and if you just click and move the window to resise it, everything goes back to normal and works fine.
  • Podden
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    Podden polycounter lvl 2
    I wanna make my own calibration profiles for unity 4s default shaderset but having a hard time adding my own cocked texture to the alphachannel.
    The default unity profile is not suited for Cross-App mode because there is no gloss map in the alpha channel of the diffuse texture.
    I found a function "AddAlphaMap(map, "Gloss")", where you can add specific maptypes to the alpha channel but what if I would like to multiplay gloss and specular first?

    Also, does the "BlendMap" Function affect the Alphachannel, too?
    Thanks in advance
  • Podden
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    Podden polycounter lvl 2
    I want to write my own calibration profile, but having a hard time adding my own alpha channel to a map.
    The default unity profile is not suited for Cross-App mode because there is no gloss map in the alpha channel of the diffuse texture.
    I want to multiply the gloss and specular map and put in in the alpha channel of the albedo and then add the AO map to it:
    case "Albedo":
    var map = GetMergedMap();

    var SpecMap = GetMergedMap("Specular");
    BlendMap(SpecMap, "Gloss", BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
    BlendMap(SpecMap, "AO", BlendMode.MULTIPLY);

    AddAlphaMap(map, SpecMap);

    BlendMap(map, "AO", BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
    return map;

    AddAlphaMap seems to only want a maptype, but my own map. Is it possible to use the AddAlphaMap this way? And also, does BlendMap affect the Alphachannel, too?
  • hooblegooblin
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    hooblegooblin polycounter lvl 5
    @CJFerguson - So everything is working correctly now? Apart from that the colors need a certain degree of separation, file format is alos a factor, png or tga is the way to go!

    @hooblegooblin - So is everything working satisfactory now? :)

    At first I thought everything was resolved... :p

    But on the third run since the uninstall/reinstall process, the issue had returned:


    Also, is there a way to change the image dimensions within Quixel? I load in 2048x2048 AO, ID, and albedo maps and they appear as 1475x1475 after generating a base map within Quixel.
  • VonKoz
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    VonKoz polycounter lvl 8
    I'm running the latest Quixel Suite version, and PS CS6. I tried applying a scratched Metal Smart Material to my texture and I get this error

    Error 78: Cannot set property IDInfluence.
    -> materialMask.IDInfluence = 100;

    followed by
    System.Runtime.Interop.Services.COMException (0x80042260): General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.

    I'm at a loss. Between this and my id links not working up my initial set up. I'm blocked from continuing with my project.
  • hooblegooblin
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    hooblegooblin polycounter lvl 5
    Updating to 1.4 from 1.3 fixed the issue... for the time being. I'll see if luck is on my side. :p

    Edit: And on the second run of Quixel Suite after updating, the problem is back. Argh.

    Edit 2: It seems I can get Quixel to run once without errors if I reinstall the current version. So my current workaround involves reinstalling Quixel Suite every time I want to use it.
  • Voidnaut
    I can't seem to get a previewer in Ndo... -It doesn't pop up, and I can't seem to locate any manual on/off option like the one I can see in the video-tutorials? Am I missing something really basic here?

    I'm using the 1.4 Beta on Windows 7 with PS CC. Also, I'm running it on a Bootcamp iMac, if that has any relevance...
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    Hello everyone, running into issue with normal maps.

    When I try loading in a normal map in latest version and "flipping y" there is no change. I have to do this manually. (in source file)

    Also, is there any way to change the tangent basis for the preview/rendering/generation of normals in quixel suite? This would be a useful setting.
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    So 3DO isn't displaying textures on my mesh for me. They show up fine on the cube, plane or torus, but nothing at all on the mesh.

    Possibly related, whenever I load the mesh, it's always batching two projects for reasons I don't understand; there's only one material. Anyone know what's up?
  • Olninyo
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    Olninyo polycounter lvl 10
    I'm considering updating my old free version of dDo (5.3 possibly?) to the new open beta quixel suite. Are there any incompatabilitys that would make this a bad idea, will I be able to open existing dDo projects in the new beta version? It looks pretty different from the videos I've seen.


  • Eric Ramberg
    @marks - You can open the color id file, repaint it and then "Reimport inputs". There have been some reports on bugs with reinporting a new ID color map though, so are looking
    in to that. Also Im happy to report that upgrades in general to the Color id system are in motion!


    1 - you are correct, we are making a push soon for offline renders and v-ray are certainly one of them!

    2 - Megascans are compatibale with bumpmaps, you can add a bump map at any time in your project! What sort of problems are you having with bumpmaps?

    3 - Try adding a bump map to your project. Everything you add or tweak in the bump map will automatically blend in the normal.

    4 - Some features have been striped from the legacy doo, but we are looking to reintroduce some of the old features in to the new ddo :)

    @borx25 - Try to install the suite on another harddrive, for instance d:, do you get the same crasch?

    @kettlewich - thank you SO much for reporting this! I cant describe how much this helps!

    @Podden - Unfortunately this is a bit to technical for me, we´re putting together a guide right now regarding this! You can go through the existing calibration profiles because the
    functionallity you are requesting are included in some of the profiles. Sorry for not providing a better answer, but its coming soon!

    Just make sure the blend occurs before creating the alpha channel, and it should work!

    @hooblegooblin - we´re working on a release this week that will hopefully solve this problem!
    I´ve had the tiling bug myself, wierdly enough only on projects with a texel density of 2048 upon creation.
    If i create a project with a Texeldensity of 1024 and the reinport inputs and change it to 2048 it works!

    Is that the case for you as well?

    The problem with the image dimensions might be one of two this, maybe the work resolution is set above 100?
    It might also be due to units being selected instaed of pixels in PS preferenses.

    @Vonkoz - does this happen with all materials or just the scratched metal?

    @voidnaut - are you running the whole suite? 3DO need to run at the same time as the previewer, maybe you are
    looking at an older video where the previewer was built in to NDO? :)

    @nfrrtycmplx -

    Hmm strange, should work! thank you for the report we will look in to this!
    Sorry there is no function for changing tangent space currently.

    @Meloncov - this might be a problem with your mesh, there is a guide on the wiki on the setings needed for ddo to work, http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=objexport maybe this will help!

    @Olninyo - The projects cannot be opend from Old dDo im afraid!
  • Olninyo
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    Olninyo polycounter lvl 10
    @Olninyo - The projects cannot be opend from Old dDo im afraid!

    Thanks for confirming Eric!
    So if I go ahead and install the new quixel suite, will my old version of dDo be able to to exist alongside it or can I only use one version at a time?

    Cheers, Olly.
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    Hey Eric! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure before when I tried to export maps from the Suite I pretty much just set up the options like here: tumblr_ncb95j9jmZ1qbdjxvo2_500.jpg
    And then hit export and it was a one click process. I don't know what I did now, but now it's creating another document this is what happens: tumblr_ncb95j9jmZ1qbdjxvo1_1280.jpg
    Which is fine. I can still get the maps, but maybe I did something wrong or when I changed a setting photoshop said, whoa, hey buddy. I can't do that one click thing anymore. I think when I exported before it was at 50% and maybe 8 bit, but I'm not sure.
    Any ideas?

    Edit* Actually I don't think I can get the maps I want because when that save dialog pops up I can't actually save as a TGA.

    Edit 2* Oh so I changed it to 8 bit and now it exports. 16 bit plus TGA doesn't work. This might be a problem with my small understanding of file formats.

    Edit 3* I've selected other file formats and exported and now gone back and selected TGA and it doesn't give me an option to select 8/16 bit which I assume is the normal way it's supposed to work, and maybe being able to choose those was itself an error
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    mhm so i have been trying to export my project with the new Generic PBR (GGX) setting but i get the
    Error 8800:
    - The parameters for command "<unknown>" are not currently valid.

    exporting with any other setting works fine though (tested marmoset 2, uncalibrated and UE4 )

    also i can't reduce the preview size anymore, clicking one of the options simply does nothing.
  • McBaguette
    I have a problem in that I run Ndo, I made ​​a selection I transform it, then nothing


    When I run DDO and 3DO anything either, the model will not load
    I'm on the trial vertion
  • McBaguette
    I have a problem in that I run Ndo, I made ​​a selection I transform it, then nothing


    When I run DDO and 3DO anything either, the model will not load
    I'm on the trial vertion
  • rickky
    I just install the upgrade 1.4 and ndo doesn't work anymore. I can create a project but if I create a path or a brush line the botton of the setting is totally blank :(
  • neupher
    Not sure if anyone else has had this but for me it seems that everytime I re-install or update Quixel, my "Use Graphics Processor" option gets ticked off in the Performance options tab.

    Always noticed this as a sharp drop in the draw quality in PS, jagged lines etc.
    Currently using Photoshop CC 2014.

    Not that much of a big deal when you can just re-tick the GPU handling back on, but just thought of sharing this in case others have had the same, or maybe it's non-quixel related after all.
  • Kettlewitch
    @ Eric Ramberg

    No problem mate, as someone with no natural artistic ability I can't describe how much the suite helps!

    I should have mentioned that 1.4 works fine the first time you launch it after upgrading to 1.4, the problems only occur on subsequent suite launches. My presumption being the installer uses a different launch path to the shortcut.

    Anyway keep up the great work :)
  • Borx25
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    Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
    "@borx25 - Try to install the suite on another harddrive, for instance d:, do you get the same crasch?"

    same crash on a external drive when launching from the suite and same freeze in the background leving the ndo.exe in there using 26mb or ram when launching from the exe.

    must be something corrupted in my registry or something like that.
  • McBaguette
    Hi !

    I have a big bug


    suddenly Ndo is not usable as DDO and 3DO,
    the mesh can not be exported, Further profits me nothing has the current happiness, please help me,

    I have a free vertion

  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I'm having trouble getting Cross-App Mode to work properly.

    Currently, the only program that appears in the Application dropdown after pressing the Cross-App Mode button is Steam, and that only happens when I launch Steam from the notification area of the taskbar. Toolbag 2 never appears in the dropdown list, nor does any other program.

    Photoshop CS6 and CC (same results for both)
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Intel Core i5-3570K
    32GB RAM

    EDIT: After further testing, it looks like Zbrush will also intermittently appear in the list. Still no Marmoset, though.
  • bakagone
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    bakagone polycounter lvl 10
    I'm having an huge error since today which completely prevents me from working ><

    Error 8800 : General Photoshop error occured. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
    -The object "red channel of merged layer document "NAME OF MY ID MAP.png"" is not currently available.
    -> executeAction (id54, desc11, DialogModes.NO);

    This photoshop error occur when I press "create base" at 40%.
    It is followed by a DDO error message

    System.Runtime.InteropService.COMException (0x80042260):General Photoshop error occured. This functionality may not be available in this version of photoshop.

    I am on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, and using Photoshop CS5... I know ddo is made to work on CS6 but no choice >< I get used to work with some Photoshop errors, but this time it just prevent me to work !

    Any advices ??
  • bakagone
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    bakagone polycounter lvl 10

    I tried with the trial version of Photoshop CC... same problem :(
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