This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Hey, I made a cardboard box monster too!
Not sure what to do with eyes though (if I even give it eyes) 136 tris.
I'm not sure if anyone's pointed it out yet, but his thumbs are on the wrong side of his hand!
Lol that is very cool! I like him without eyes xD
I would make a clever logo.. black bold letters, a company name starting and ending with O.. like, i don't know.. OmO ?
Yes, I know the thumb was in the wrong position, it was a funny mistake and since I had the intention of changing the whole topology of the hand I left it that way xD
ok, I cleaned my topology a little bit and changed the chest, armpit, hands I added a new cut on the hips and on the ankle and thats about it.
I didnt touch the back though, and I think its a little messy there, should I change it?
I also unwrapped the mesh to begin texturing, I will show you when Its done. First time I texture a model so dont put your hopes up too high xD
666 tris, that must be a sign or something xD
WOW! Your wheels are genius. Such a very smart way to get lower polycount. I am always trying to find new ways of cutting down tris, and I think what you have done should be a standard approach. This is truly some super smart stuff going on. Nice!
I know its messed up that I know this but its really 676
made something for a small scene Im doing for class
I both love and hate painting woodgrain
only 465 tris
easily could be lower but since this isnt for anything other than renders then its not a bit deal.
I think I'm done here?
Probably going to make some birds and a rooftop for a pedestal...
currently making a "high poly" model of the fire-selector switch to generate a nice normal map which I will project onto a simple plane though that's not going too well
The top stripe on the texture I wanted to reserve for some UV warping to animate eyes or whatever. But now I'm not sure if fish even blink at all.
Anyway, curious to hear any advice on the topology, texturing and stuff.
1.2k tris
5.4k tris
Workshop thread:
mutation, decomposition ... and referns
Just over 1.2k tris
This is my version of the chess piece the rook
This is my quick speed model of my version of the chess piece the rook
And a really bad seam where the "head" (no anatomical structure at all) meets the body...
More info?
My ref from web
I am a newbie, just one month learning on my own.
And critique and tips are welcome.
Batman Triangulated
Batman normal poly
Batman normal cape
Batman subdivided cape
Batman side view
12 tris each.
Also an aircon/fridge unit to attach to them as I had plenty of UV space. - It's 10 tris.
The normals & AO were baked out using render passes in Mental Ray. It has a lot of advantages over hi-lo poly, or programs like Crazy Bump and nDo.
Crits and comments welcome.
Creative way of putting it.
You should make a thread for this design or call the thread Onmioji works, then post this up and post wire frames with this design preferebly front,back and side and possibly some 45 angle shots one from front 45/ and back 45.
Then you'll learn a lot more, I see the concept leaves some room for your own interpretations, the concept was ruff as well it seems, or some sort of quicky and nothing more.
Post a thread become awesome!
I love all them lowpolys.
awesome and pure!
Hi, looks very nice. Could you perhaps elaborate a bit more on your exact normal map generation techniques or perhaps provide a link explaining it? I have tried to generate normal maps myself this week and I wasn't very sucessful:
high poly selector switch:
poop normal map
I'm at the start of my two year course in Games Art.
We were set the task of making a low poly dumpster / rubbish bin model to go into a game. It had to be less than 650 tris.
It's finished now and handed in for marking but i'm just curious to see what you guys think for my first attempt at something like this.
Crits welcome, and for anyone wondering the AO is indeed baked into the diffuse map.
Thanks in advance guys.
Thank you
I've just set up a blog a few hours ago but there are not many stuff to see.
You can see all my lowpoly work on my deviantart page :
You can find a link in "EBT playable version", it's a graphical demo.
Base skeleton model
no triangle counts?
I need to do some more tweaking, especially at the back.
@ ImPeRaToR: I don't actually have any documentation for this process. Despite the fact that it's quite involved (lots of little steps and things to remember), I've been developing it over the last year so I remember most of it off the top of my head. I'll look at writing up a tute very soon.
As for the dramas you're having with your normal map, it looks like your high poly has a lot of sharp edges (from the screengrab) so that will give you very shallow looking normals. But I'd also ask how you're applying your normals inside Maya? I've produced some very poor normal maps in the past but never had them appear like that in the viewport. Could you elaborate? Maybe I can help.
he should have hair at the back of his head but I can't get blender to render it :I
whiketan,it will be a little later, when I'll paint and put to sketchfab
One thing you'll then quickly notice, I think, is that your model will feel very flat because of a lack of shading.
You also seem to be modeling a bunch of stuff that would be better handled by merging models and good texturing. Like the wrap around the hat, the part where hands enter gloves, and the eyesockets of the demon pauldron. You could save a few polygons and have less chance of animation glitching/intersections if you simplify such things. (I know, the hat and pauldron won't be animated much...)
Flumba - weird, but nice. I've grown rather fond of looking at pure polygons through the years. It looks like you've got a glitch near the nipple, though.
Alquist - that's because Blender only uses single-sided triangles, so you have to manually copy and flip those hair polygons to be shown from both directions.
(all engines work like this, really. It's just that 3DS max has a function that will copy/flip for you in real-time)
kosai - don't forget mirrors!
Delko - those newer planes are uglier and look to be messier than the first. I take it this is because they're more common enemies and you've got to be more sparse with polygon counts?
Also, I'd probably make the water texture a more regular sine wave, to fit better with the abstract look of the game.
Imperator - You're probably better off painting a heightmap in photoshop and throwing it through xnormal or something. Your plane just isn't going to be able to capture much three dimensionality. And like someone else said, your shapes are too sharp, which means that (because of a lowres texture) there's not really any normal information to capture.
skillstrengthorluck - next time you're better off simplifying shapes. For example you've currently got 4 wheels of ((5*6)*2)+8 triangles, wheel loops + centers, which makes for a total of 272 triangles just for the wheel; about half your total budget. You'd be better off making them a simple 8~10 sided conical cylinder for only 128~160 triangles. That would leave you with some triangles to smooth out other shapes. Your main box is very sharp for example.
That is indeed an excellent suggestion and one that seems quite obvious upon reflection. Especially since not a lot has been gained with the geometry that I couldn't have produced with texturing alone. (Mainly with regards to the wheel centres).
Depending on how much spare time I have I may go back and attempt to make this change, and even if I don't it's definitely something I'll bare in mind for future models.
Thankyou very much for your input.