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polycounter lvl 20
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hawken polycounter lvl 20
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Yes Marcus Aseth, although I usually paint on a 2048x2048 plate and scale that down. Reason I paint on a 2k is purely because I find it more comfortable to using my Cintiq.
  • Delko
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    Delko polycounter lvl 17
    Free_Fall wrote: »
    Who can guess the car? :)
    1002 tri's

    I'm sure there's some places to optimiza.. but I'll look into that later!

  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator

    some doter 2 fanart.

    still haven't figured out how to get alpha working in maya yet. in high quality it does all sorts of weird flickery things or turns the entire model semi-transparent

    Does your video card support Viewport 2.0? If so, you can try setting the transparency to 'depth peeling' and bumping up the quality slider. Nice model and texture BTW.
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Optinium wrote: »
    Yes Marcus Aseth, although I usually paint on a 2048x2048 plate and scale that down. Reason I paint on a 2k is purely because I find it more comfortable to using my Cintiq.

    I see,I didn't thought to do it since was my first handpainted character and I realized it only today watching to your work,would have been so much easier if I had this knowledge in advance...:)
    I was painting super zoomed in a 512x512,felt like doing pixel art almost :poly142:
  • Anthony44
    Wow what a pain 10 min. to save a file but I am fab now [URL="Orc (click to view in 3D)
    thumbnail_448.png"]Orc (click to view in 3D)
  • Amaury
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    Amaury polycounter lvl 7

    The blockout of my low res diorama project is pretty much done.

    The whole thing is sitting at 1712 tris and the character 756
  • kez-muff
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    kez-muff polycounter lvl 9


    That is soo cool
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    So, yeah, this is my first post.
    I'm actually the lead designer of a litlle indie game, the game is based on low poly models and pixelated textures like 90' games but with awesome next gen effects.

    You can see this boat in the first level of EBT (indev title)
    character : 304 tris
    Texture file : 128*128 - png with alpha


    that looks really cool, fml, I wanna see/know more about this :O
  • Ki11a_FTW
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    Ki11a_FTW polycounter lvl 3
    If anyone remembers the blindwolf that was cut from halo\halo 2


    Probably still some room for touching up, will do before I make animations for it.

    Diffuse is 256x256, while the specular and normals are 512x512.

    Total of 862 polies. I made this to eventually animate\release as a Halo Custom Edition tag. Hence the low resolution.

    I still have to bake ambient occlusion now that I remember. You'll probably see me post an update soon.

    EDIT: Also, the feet will be rigged to fit the stance it has in the picture i posted above my model.
  • nellyb
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    nellyb polycounter lvl 5
    I'm loving this thread.
    Been following it for a while now, thought I should contribute:

    I did this pumpkin the day before holloween, for fun / practice:

    These are some models for a mobile game that I just released:
  • nellyb
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    nellyb polycounter lvl 5
    So, yeah, this is my first post.
    I'm actually the lead designer of a litlle indie game, the game is based on low poly models and pixelated textures like 90' games but with awesome next gen effects.

    You can see this boat in the first level of EBT (indev title)
    character : 304 tris
    Texture file : 128*128 - png with alpha


    I would like to see more of this project, do you have a site or blog for this?
  • ThunderCloudStudio
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    ThunderCloudStudio polycounter lvl 4
    Some low poly space ship for space shooting game on IOS
  • ThunderCloudStudio
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    ThunderCloudStudio polycounter lvl 4
    haha nice animation !
    Just a small thing here for gamejolt contest#10, Cube Party! xD



  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    God, i work soo much slow with my soon-to-be-fixed laptop...


    Hopefully, i can finish this tomorrow before getting it fixed.:thumbup:
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    Working more on the textures for this. I think I need to adjust the geometry for the hair.

  • Tetriswizard
    Oh god I hope someone recognizes this. The guy who did the original painting is just a god of art in my eyes, and this is my favourite piece he has done. Just something about brains suspended in glass tanks fascinates me.

    Will get around to finishing it some other time. Whole robot so far is 8.4k polys, but without the brain it is about 7.5k
  • minorthreat
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    minorthreat polycounter lvl 7
    Magma Dumpling
    622 tris
  • Fashoomp
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    Fashoomp polycounter lvl 10
    After watching the Legend of Korra finale, I wanted to model one of the dark spirits.


    Finished up the base mesh, weighing in at 312 tris. Does anyone see any big topology problems for unwrapping/rigging this fella?

  • Rokugan
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    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    First time I try to make a low poly model, I have so many things to learn but it's a good start imo ^^

    620 tris

    Wire: 5lsh8.png

    Final thing: 5lrP3

    quick test in mixamo to see if it deforms well for my needs:
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Did a low poly axe for DOTA2 over the weekend, submitted yesterday to.

    LOD0 ended up as 294 tri's and the in-game LOD1 was 216 tri's :D

    Be sure to rate up coz I love you <3 :P


  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    One of my first models
  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    One of my first models

  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    One of my first models. 1177 tris
  • Tomm
    darkmag07 wrote: »
    Working more on the textures for this. I think I need to adjust the geometry for the hair.

    Sheeta! looks great so far, only thing that's bugs me are her lips, I think they'd look better simplified, like here.. just a simple line


    maybe try to make her hair more dark and brown, also push her skin color more to the yellow/orange and notice that shadow underneath her nose.. it's these little details :poly136:

    well anyway, that would be my take on her.
  • Fashoomp
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    Fashoomp polycounter lvl 10
    So I ended up playing around with shaders to try and get that dark outline. The one on the left is all with shader materials (other than the face), and the one on the right is hand-painted. I'm trying to find a happy medium. Does anyone know of a method to get jagged ink outlines with a shader?

  • Denny
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    Denny polycounter lvl 14
    I'm just guessing but I suppose you could experiment with a cartoon shader having three shades. The middle shade could be used as a mask for adding a jagged edge, either by some extra shader math or by using a texture in that mask.
  • Tili
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    Tili polycounter lvl 7
    Fashoomp wrote: »
    Does anyone know of a method to get jagged ink outlines with a shader?


    As you know most shaders use the dotproduct of the normal and the view vector to generate this cell shaded effect you have now. What you can do is instead of using the dotproduct to pick a color, you can use it to sample a mask and then sample the color using the mask.

    This is how you do masking with shaders in UDK: http://www.chrisalbeluhn.com/UDK_Advanced_Vertex_Painting.html
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 17
    I think you should try something with a gradient texture, a multiply and a clamp, to get a simply tweakable transition area, control of jaggedness-direction, and self-illumination (by having the glowy eyes be just as bright on both the light and dark texture).

  • Onmioji
  • crocoraffe
  • Fashoomp
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    Fashoomp polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Tili and Snader for replying. In the meantime, I just want to get it looking right in Max, then I'll definitely read up on that UDK tut. Thanks!

    As for what you said Snader, I'm not entirely following, and I'm not sure how to go about setting that up. I've created a light and dark version of the texture, but where am I plugging in all these maps. I'm also unfamiliar with the terms clamp and lerp. (I've read up that it's linear interpolation, but I'm not entirely sure where it applies). I'm not asking you to do it for me, but a kick in the right direction would be appreciated.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 17
    Both terms are hard to explain what they precisely are, but I'll explain how you'll use them.

    CLAMP is to limit a variable between two values. I'm clamping between 0 and 1 because we don't want 'negative color', and because UDK uses 1 as the 'maximum' for a color (like 255 in a regular RGB bitmap). You can exceed that value, and set it to 2 or even 100, but it will bloom/glow and we don't want that in this case.

    LERP, what you need to know right now is that it's like layer masks.

    You have two textures and the LERP blends them together, it interpolates between the two textures based on the mask color. A white pixel in the mask means you see one texture, black means you see the other, grey means you see a bit of both.

    Multiply and subtract are simple maths you'll understand what they do, but this is why I use them: I multiply the color value so there is more contrast between pixels and you get a quicker/sharper transition with the LERP. That, however changes the image from a 0~1 image to a 0~8 image. Which means it is far too bright. So I subtract 2 (this is a value you'll have to experiment with depending on your textures) to get it looking nice. But then we have a value range from -2~6, which has negative colors. So we clamp it to 0~1 and then we have a nice usable blending mask.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    Tomm wrote: »
    Sheeta! looks great so far, only thing that's bugs me are her lips, I think they'd look better simplified, like here.. just a simple line

    maybe try to make her hair more dark and brown, also push her skin color more to the yellow/orange and notice that shadow underneath her nose.. it's these little details :poly136:

    well anyway, that would be my take on her.


    Yeah, I was trying to get better at painting lips but this subject is not a good candidate for practice. I've taken it out. And her hair definitely has a reddish tint to it, but I agree that I had gone too far in the red direction. I also adjusted her skin to be more orange/yellow and I think I'll keep it.

    Any other suggestions? Still probably a few more hours of work I need to put into this to polish it up. I'm trying to sort out the mouth and tried to just close it up and paint inside, but I'm not liking this solution and might cut out that geo all together.
  • Athos06
    hi all, this is the first model I made, I'm a newbie and I'm trying to learn lowpoly modeling so basically I ve been reading the whole thread looking for wireframes and I've downloaded the TF2 low poly model I found somewhere on the forums.

    This is what I managed to make, a base model for a game character, 606 tris:


    I would appreciate some feedback and some help with the topology, because I'm such a mess with that right now, and I think mine sucks, specially the shoulders/armpit area, and the back and inside hips maybe.
  • Amaury
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    Amaury polycounter lvl 7

    WIP of the character from my diorama
    i'm beginning a basic rig with point helpers, i've never done that before
  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    А lot of mistakes, that I realized later.

    Low poly Warhammer orc (click to view in 3D)
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Submitted a blade for Sven :3

    Check it out here :3

  • Harianrhod
    Hi, here is one of my first object from a concept found on pinterest (don't remember the autor, sorry about that), and first handpainted texture, it's not very detailed but it will come, I didn't thought it'll take so long ^^

    Around 900 tri

  • hardware
    darkmag07 wrote: »

    Yeah, I was trying to get better at painting lips but this subject is not a good candidate for practice. I've taken it out. And her hair definitely has a reddish tint to it, but I agree that I had gone too far in the red direction. I also adjusted her skin to be more orange/yellow and I think I'll keep it.

    Any other suggestions? Still probably a few more hours of work I need to put into this to polish it up. I'm trying to sort out the mouth and tried to just close it up and paint inside, but I'm not liking this solution and might cut out that geo all together.

    the whole face is a bit high
    the eyes shouldn't go higher than the top of the ears
    nose should come down to match the cheeks
    bump the mouth down accordingly
    i guess

    from the side it looks like she has too much chin
  • Delzhand
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    Delzhand polycounter lvl 8
    Athos06 wrote: »
    hi all, this is the first model I made, I'm a newbie and I'm trying to learn lowpoly modeling so basically I ve been reading the whole thread looking for wireframes and I've downloaded the TF2 low poly model I found somewhere on the forums.

    This is what I managed to make, a base model for a game character, 606 tris:


    I would appreciate some feedback and some help with the topology, because I'm such a mess with that right now, and I think mine sucks, specially the shoulders/armpit area, and the back and inside hips maybe.

    This is actually pretty similar to my first pass at a low-poly base, and actually pretty good! There are a few issues that jump out right away, though. Because I had the same issue I can say you're going to have severe issues animating it in the hip/waist area. Ideally you want that area to have more of a V-shape to it so when the leg bends and the hip that it doesn't "fold" or pull the back vertices way out of the way.

    Consider something like this:


    Also, if you're really striving for low-poly, consider leaving out individual fingers. I've opted for really blocky hands because, frankly, I don't want to animate hands that will never be a focal point. There's a happy middle ground, though - a simple "mitt" with fused fingers controlled by a single joint, and a thumb on the other side.

    You've also got some odd topology in the chest area. Try to keep your model "banded" - that is, it should be clear where you've extruded from most of the time. Incidentally, I think you've probably got the vertices in more or less the right spot, but the faces just need some rearranging.

    This is very rough, and I wouldn't use it as a template, exactly:


    But it does show some other things I noticed, like bringing the shoulders out a bit and the waist in.
  • elec²ron
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 17
    I'm going to echo Delzhand a bit here.

    Not having individual fingers is perfectly acceptable. It removes a lot of hassle which means you can focus on larger issues such as getting the proportions of a body right and getting good meshflow.

    And even if you have got the basics down, for lowpoly models fingers are a nightmare - they can account up to a third of the polycount. Which means you often have to go for specific methods (you shouldn't bother with on your first model) of hands such as gloves with a separate index finger, or a fixed pose, or merging fingers halfway.

    So just sticking with boxy hands is fine for now.

    edit: while looking through old files (to find the hand images) I came across something I made a few years ago but apparently never posted. It was made following these
    three posts, and weighs in at 266 triangles with a 256².
  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    Fanart for birthday of some 2d artist

  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    hardware wrote: »
    the whole face is a bit high
    the eyes shouldn't go higher than the top of the ears
    nose should come down to match the cheeks
    bump the mouth down accordingly
    i guess

    from the side it looks like she has too much chin


    Normally I would agree with you, but nearly every reference I have shows that the eyes of characters in this film are just above the ears. I did move the eyes and nose down a bit.
  • ImPeRaToR_
    gonna model the whole AK family with different magazines/drums and attachments for a imaginary non-fps tactical game, this is supposed to be an AKM :) Not fully finished, was wondering what you are thinking at this stage.

    139 faces

  • ImPeRaToR_
    Just a small thing here for gamejolt contest#10, Cube Party! xD




    This made me chuckle, very nice :D
  • Aerial_Knight
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    Aerial_Knight polycounter lvl 8
    crocoraffe wrote: »

    Awesome work! do you know of any good tutorials on this subject?
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Hey thebamboobear, I love this little guy :D

    Just 2 new pictures: the shield for the Brain Boss, and the first asset for the 3th (and last) tileset, a battleship. It is obviously higher poly than 1000 tris but as it is a big environment asset which is made for several different props I guess that it is OK.

    full thread of this project here.


  • RLPudding


    this is so awesome. would you mind if I reuse this idea/concept for a little gamethingy I try to make? it was supposed to be a jump'n'run puzzle platformer thingy with a factory worker as main protagonist. but is now turning into a dungeon crawler thing and this would make the perfekt enemy.
  • thebamboobear
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    thebamboobear polycounter lvl 9
    @ImPeRaToR_ and tucho: haha thanks, I'm glad someone like Bob, lol

    @RLPudding: Not sure what idea/concept you would reuse since he is just a walking cardboard box xD but sure!
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