This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I tried to pose him for fun.. I might actually try to animate him at some point, seems like a cool opportunity to learn animating.
and sorry, no more spam, I know I should probably make my own thread or whatever.
Dang, how is everyone so good at painted textures?
is the tutorial really that good, or it more a case of people who already have really solid painting skills picking up modeling?
What tutorial is that?
Everyone is likely referring to 3D Motive's Hand Painted Weapon Texturing by Tyson Murphy
Watched it myself and it is indeed a gem, especially for beginners to both simply modeling and texturing.
Too bad I have to somehow come up with $29 a month, with no job, I am at college (Live in the UK)
god damn it.
Little battleaxe I did, took about 5 minutes, around 600 tris.
Sure ^^ Here are some that I compiled together the other day:
Most are 1024x1024 and some are 512x512.
It's totally random, and so different from what I've been doing lately I don't really know what to think
166 tri's. 256x256 texture (could lower to 128 but looks nice as-is. Technically I could have more polygons or higher texture because game isn't very intensive, not much on screen at once).
Fudged the texture a bit because the dark greens were too dark so I just soft-selection'ed and tweaked the HSV, but it still looks fine I think. Could be better done from-scratch with those colors but I don't feel it's worth it. At first I just had one layer of "bush" on the texture but it felt too empty so I had two. All layers of geometry use the same texture, the berries are just hidden by the geometry (and hey, berries grow inside bushes too so no big deal).
Was trying to emulate the style of the bushes found here, But not exactly 1:1, so my style still shows through a bit.
Also here's a highres version of the texture that I painted:
wow! lovely textures!!
That's good! The only advice I can give is:
You could also paint the bottom pieces with vertex colors to generate some contrast, might make it interesting. But just slight, no need to go crazy!
working on Kida from Disney's Atlantis 238 tris so far
While its certainly not the same as Tyson Murphy's tutorial, this individual recorded a time lapse of him applying everything he learned from that very tutorial. Show's a lot of the same techniques and workflows if you can pick it apart. Hope it helps!
Here is a playlist of a few other decent ones as well:
Any feedback?
I'm actually the lead designer of a litlle indie game, the game is based on low poly models and pixelated textures like 90' games but with awesome next gen effects.
You can see this boat in the first level of EBT (indev title)
character : 304 tris
Texture file : 128*128 - png with alpha
Here's a little contribution from me, a couple of stylized low-poly houses I did for a freelance client:
unwrapping of 893 tris is done
handpainting can be exhausting.. ^^
btw this is my first lowpoly of this kind
i did some Dota2 items, but they dont be topologized like this.
So it would be very kind if you could let me know where i can improve
Thanks for posting!
some doter 2 fanart.
still haven't figured out how to get alpha working in maya yet. in high quality it does all sorts of weird flickery things or turns the entire model semi-transparent
Make sure it uses the alpha channel for the transparency and not the RGB channels. If all else fails, you could save out your alpha mask as a separate image.
Need to practice my handpainting skill, so i decided to do a hotline miami diorama, based around on this art.
Just done with the protagonist
Gonna reduce the tris later, going to start texturing.
Hope this doesn't fail like my FNV diorama...
Was a good try showing me this, but I cant see any of his techniques, brush types, layer tips or anything, its a bit of an eye sore to learn from
How did you get that pixelated look in the texture ?
When I try to paint a low res texture it always looks blurred even in toolbag or unity
U need to disable texture filtering in your engines or whatever u use, good sir.
Thanks a lot
Working on this to get out of my slump. She's sitting at 995 tris, but I want to adjust the shape of her face. I'm not looking forward to doing "real" texturing. Shout out to Demon Princess for posting her lowpoly female base character as I referenced a lot of the topology from that.
Edit: Because why not.
Colors look too grey, there is no contrast.. make hilights brighter i think..
Did another one of these things
1002 tri's
I'm sure there's some places to optimiza.. but I'll look into that later!
I was wondering,wich resolution is the diffuse texture in your weapon?
In case it is 512x512,you paint it directly at that resoluzion or you paint it like at 1024x1024 then scale it down?