The set is well made and I love the relic on his side, but I don't feel like the staff design really sells the set. I imagine the staff is supposed to be the focal point along with the turban, and right now its a pretty boring shape and has a lot of repetitive small detail, but no interesting large detail. Also, maybe re-using the eye design on the relic as a brooch on the turban would be cool
I think you're right @Vextrakt and I'm managing to change the whole staff, cause I dont like it too , about the turban and the rest of clothes, I think I will add some jewelry as worn by Touareg nomads
Dont know if I'm the only one to think that this set is not ugly design wise , but the execution is downright horrid ;the chain from the horse has more resolution then the head , the textures are incredible low rez and muddy for a 512x256 . Hope I'm not beeing mean , but I said the first time I saw it that its impossible that it will get in .
example of way better texture quality:
AndrewHelenek : I dont really mind it , but I feel that valve lowers the quality that is needed becouse they know that it will be bought by fans of the particular esport .
AndrewHelenek : I dont really mind it , but I feel that valve lowers the quality that is needed becouse they know that it will be bought by fans of the particular esport .
See, where I have the problem is the products relation to the organization. Stuff like ESWC and Star Ladders Hud, The original Defence courier with the logo on the rear of the sheep, Nexons' Baekoo Courier, because of how influential White Tigers are in Korean culture, The Ukrainian colors in the Flying Weaselcrow. Things like this I love to get behind because I know that the product is 100% related to the organization and I can show off in game that I support it just like going out and buying a jersey for a sports team I support.
I mean, how does a CK Hud relate to the preimere league? I really like the hud, but I don't really care to watch the preimere league. So if I purchase it, did I buy it to support the preimere league, or to get a cool hud? A more extreme hypotical example, the Yankees Baseball team starts selling action figures that have absolutly nothing to do with baseball. Cause that totally makes sense.
Some really nice stuff here. This is my first Dota item, figured I'd start small and do a ward. I was having some problems with gifcam so here is a link to the animations
See, where I have the problem is the products relation to the organization. Stuff like ESWC and Star Ladders Hud, The original Defence courier with the logo on the rear of the sheep, Nexons' Baekoo Courier, because of how influential White Tigers are in Korean culture, The Ukrainian colors in the Flying Weaselcrow. Things like this I love to get behind because I know that the product is 100% related to the organization and I can show off in game that I support it just like going out and buying a jersey for a sports team I support.
I mean, how does a CK Hud relate to the preimere league? I really like the hud, but I don't really care to watch the preimere league. So if I purchase it, did I buy it to support the preimere league, or to get a cool hud? A more extreme hypotical example, the Yankees Baseball team starts selling action figures that have absolutly nothing to do with baseball. Cause that totally makes sense.
Just my 2¢
I'm also going to shut up now, hahaha!
well, i think we are entering a new era of cosmetics, time to stop working with third parties when there is still time =]
We should trust Valve in keeping the quality high!
When the goal is to make the game and tournaments completely community driven - there will be sacrifices, in which organizations and tournaments are looking towards maximum profit, but they do provide esports content.
Why get a good team of artists to make a insane courier (expensive option, they're professionals that know what they're worth), when you can look at the workshop, find a old one that never got in - and in reality no hopes of getting - and tell the artist u get 10% of sales when its been so long he probably forgot about it (I feel this is what happened with the Penguin.)
It's almost as if the workshop is going corporate - work with organizations to increase your chance of success, in what is a volatile market.
I totally agree with you. I won't mind as much if the quality of the item they're bundling with the tickets are top-notch, but the last few items bundled were just plain atrocious.
You know, I really want to trust Valve, but letting the penguin and this set get in (and some other sets that are very questionable) kind of make me doubt them.
I've been struggling the past few days to get my items to import correctly - in blender, the shoulders (and sleeves, not shown for clarity) fit like a glove. When it gets imported in game, there's a gap between the item and the model, and it floats above her shoulders.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The item is bound to the clavicle (front), shoulder (top), and spine (back). This is my first 3d model, and I'm not sure if the problem is with my model, the rigging, or the import/export process. @.@ Any help would be appreciated!
Yup, it's because the workshope page CM model is outdated. The cm model in-game is a little slimmer. I don't believe it's a uniform scaling from the neck up, but in your case your item probably won't be affected by that.
I think sponsored stuff would be ok if it followed the same selection standards from the rest of the submissions.
Wanna promote an item? No problem. Wanna advertize the shit out of it using a known media channel/team/event? No problem at all.
But to give free pass to a set with such a bad retopo and texture quality just because it is linked to an event doesn't feel right, absolutely.
Topology and usage of texturespace is not the first concern.
Why it allows everyone to participate, you feel extra bummed out to spend some time to try and make everything look not-pixely. But in the end they're right, the player pays for what he sees, topology does not concern him at all, not to say that a lot of people play on very low settings and everything is pixelated and smudged anyway.
So if the set doesn't look too bad, has tons of positive ratings (though i think people voted for "badass" video first, which raises another question about usage of promo materials), it's pretty much okay to go with the league/tournament.
I don't know if this is a wip or not, but I'l mention it for the heck of it.
1- Where is the ward eye ? the yellow eye is the most important thing.
2- is it gonna be all white like that ? or were they wip textures ? white textures are not allowed as far as i know ...
Alright! It's in, yay! Super pumped to have this finished. Really hope you guys like it. You know, aside from giving a middle finger to his traditional colors.
please give us some thumbs if you dig it, thanks for looking!
Alright! It's in, yay! Super pumped to have this finished. Really hope you guys like it. You know, aside from giving a middle finger to his traditional colors.
please give us some thumbs if you dig it, thanks for looking!
The set turned out great, and i think giving the traditional colors the finger was the right call on this one
How long should animations be (frames/sec)? I never found anything specifies the duration of animations.
Can't you just decompile the stock mdl and view the animation that way? Or try loading the mdl in the SFM or CS:GO hlmv to view the default animation. You should match what Valve has included for the default to avoid the looping before the full death cycle finishes.
Am I the only the who thinks its wrong to give old work to an esport organization to brute force it into the game? :smokin:
What do you guys think? First the Penquin, now this.
Look, thats my brothers set and I do agree that the horse has some uv space issues, but comparing it to the penguin is too far of an over-exaggeration, and you are just being rude. To be quite frank, I think the resolution on the horse is borderline acceptable to fit in the dota 2 realm. and not to mention, the resolution on every other slot seems flawless to me. From what I see, nobody is having a problem with this set besides you, a lot of people seem to be buying it as its #1 on top sellers.
I'm happy for him that the set got in sure, but there's issues that people have pointed out.
The problem I feel most people are having with the set is the fact that its old and the reason it got in (most likely) is that its attached to a tournament/team/whatever and was effectively put in only because of that connection. If Valve wanted to put a CK set in there are better choices IMO. The quality isn't really an issue, but the comparison between the two items is the same. The penguin was put in because it was attached to a team and not because it was a high quality piece, there are some amazing couriers still in the Workshop. Its a slippery slope that contributors don't want to be a part of...Its just concerning
I think you have been heavily misinformed. When esp sent them the ck set, Valve said it had to go under "quality control", meaning they have to approve the items before they go in. They also mentioned that the submissions would have to go through the workshop and receive good ratings as well. I sitll have no theory to why the penguin was accepted, but the Valve my brother and esp dealt with made it pretty clear they wouldnt just accept "any" items, they would have to be with good quality. and better choices for a ck set? is just an opinion like you said.... What isnt an opinion tho, is that this CK set has the most ratings compared to any other ck set on the workshop, so statistically speaking it is the most popular ck set on the workshop.
I'm happy for him that the set got in sure, but there's issues that people have pointed out.
The problem I feel most people are having with the set is the fact that its old and the reason it got in (most likely) is that its attached to a tournament/team/whatever and was effectively put in only because of that connection. If Valve wanted to put a CK set in there are better choices IMO. While its nowhere near the bad quality of the penguin courier, the comparison is the same. The penguin was put in because it was attached to a team and not because it was a high quality piece, there are some amazing couriers still in the Workshop. Its a slippery slope that contributors don't want to be a part of...
Look, thats my brothers set and I do agree that the horse has some uv space issues, but comparing it to the penguin is too far of an over-exaggeration, and you are just being rude. To be quite frank, I think the resolution on the horse is borderline acceptable to fit in the dota 2 realm. and not to mention, the resolution on every other slot seems flawless to me. From what I see, nobody is having a problem with this set besides you, a lot of people seem to be buying it as its #1 on top sellers.
The only comparison to the penquin that I made was the fact that both of the items were older items already presented on the workshop months ago. The quality isn't even the issue for me. Personally, I acutally like the set, it has a very cool bad ass feel that fits.
I was never being rude. My arguement is simply on the use of older items for esport orangizations and that in my opinion, feels cheap in comparison to working along with the content creators to create something designed specifically for it. And, personally, I feel it was and is a worthwhile and interesting discussion. And people have already brought up and shared fantastic points that have also slightly altered my own perspective on the issue.
The only comparison to the penquin that I made was the fact that both of the items were older items already presented on the workshop months ago. The quality isn't even the issue for me. Personally, I acutally like the set, it has a very cool bad ass feel that fits.
I was never being rude. My arguement is simply on the use of older items for esport orangizations and that in my opinion, feels cheap in comparison to working along with the content creators to create something designed specifically for it. And, personally, I feel it was and is a worthwhile and interesting discussion. And people have already brought up and shared fantastic points that have also slightly altered my own perspective on the issue.
How long should animations be (frames/sec)? I never found anything specifies the duration of animations.
They're isnt much information on the ablity ward. In reguards to couriers and wards, framecounts are never an issue. Ive had a 300 frame death animation, 1000 frame idle. 500 frame walk cycle.
As far as the ward goes, personally, I never saw any animations on any of them, I just assumed juggs ablity ward didn't support animation. Looks like its time to research the depths of dota.
Alright, sorry just my misinterpretation. I thought u were just talking about the quality of it.
Even if he was - I was - there's nothing rude in thinking a set is not in good quality standards, nobody was resorting to personal attacks nor making criticism in an unrespectful way.
I still think the set design is good, but judging by the outer source renders used in the promo material and the overall good quality of accepted items it could've looked way better.
Good to know that being attached to a third party event isn't a free pass to the Shop, though, that changes things a lot.
well yea. I only replied to his and not yours cause i "thought" he was comparing the penguin courier and his set in same realm of quality, was just a misinterpretation. Its totally fine if you think set could be better, I also think it could be better as well. I didnt really find his usage of UV space the best.
Even if he was - I was - there's nothing rude in thinking a set is not in good quality standards, nobody was resorting to personal attacks nor making criticism in an unrespectful way.
I still think the set design is good, but judging by the outer source renders used in the promo material and the overall good quality of accepted items it could've looked way better.
Good to know that being attached to a third party event isn't a free pass to the Shop, though, that changes things a lot.
Everyone hating on the penguin. I'm going to make an apple and a window courier to complete the set. Alternatively a zombie Steve Jobs that gets more miniature every level-up and a Bill Gates with money effect that drains gold from your wallet any time you are near him - maybe causes your computer to crash at a pivotal moment.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make items for Puck? I can't find the model for him anywhere so I assume you can't? But I know there is one item for Puck. Can someone please clarify if it is or isn't possible to make items for puck. Thank you!
Hey, if you want to vote up my new set please feel free to do so. I always feel weird when people ask me to vote up their stuff and I don't actually like it very much - and then I pretend that I voted it up - or I just don't respond. Am I am ass? I can honestly say I have never given a down vote because I know how much that kills when you put so much time into something. I don't give up votes out like candy either - maybe I need to be a little more liberal.
Hey, if you want to vote up my new set please feel free to do so. I always feel weird when people ask me to vote up their stuff and I don't actually like it very much - and then I pretend that I voted it up - or I just don't respond. Am I am ass? I can honestly say I have never given a down vote because I know how much that kills when you put so much time into something. I don't give up votes out like candy either - maybe I need to be a little more liberal.
I give upvotes to items that look good in-game.
I only give down votes to people who changed the entire hero (style, color) just for their set (like that anti mage set that NaVi made).
Everyone hating on the penguin. I'm going to make an apple and a window courier to complete the set. Alternatively a zombie Steve Jobs that gets more miniature every level-up and a Bill Gates with money effect that drains gold from your wallet any time you are near him - maybe causes your computer to crash at a pivotal moment.
I think you're right @Vextrakt and I'm managing to change the whole staff, cause I dont like it too
@kite212 thx man I will do my best
Am I the only the who thinks its wrong to give old work to an esport organization to brute force it into the game? :smokin:
What do you guys think? First the Penquin, now this.
example of way better texture quality:
AndrewHelenek : I dont really mind it , but I feel that valve lowers the quality that is needed becouse they know that it will be bought by fans of the particular esport .
See, where I have the problem is the products relation to the organization. Stuff like ESWC and Star Ladders Hud, The original Defence courier with the logo on the rear of the sheep, Nexons' Baekoo Courier, because of how influential White Tigers are in Korean culture, The Ukrainian colors in the Flying Weaselcrow. Things like this I love to get behind because I know that the product is 100% related to the organization and I can show off in game that I support it just like going out and buying a jersey for a sports team I support.
I mean, how does a CK Hud relate to the preimere league? I really like the hud, but I don't really care to watch the preimere league. So if I purchase it, did I buy it to support the preimere league, or to get a cool hud? A more extreme hypotical example, the Yankees Baseball team starts selling action figures that have absolutly nothing to do with baseball. Cause that totally makes sense.
Just my 2¢
I'm also going to shut up now, hahaha!
Wanna promote an item? No problem. Wanna advertize the shit out of it using a known media channel/team/event? No problem at all.
But to give free pass to a set with such a bad retopo and texture quality just because it is linked to an event doesn't feel right, absolutely.
well, i think we are entering a new era of cosmetics, time to stop working with third parties when there is still time =]
How so? Considering the ever growing number of third parties influencing dota, if anything that side of market will only continue to grow.
We should trust Valve in keeping the quality high!
well there is no way we can influence that anyways so whatever... valve does what it does
When the goal is to make the game and tournaments completely community driven - there will be sacrifices, in which organizations and tournaments are looking towards maximum profit, but they do provide esports content.
Why get a good team of artists to make a insane courier (expensive option, they're professionals that know what they're worth), when you can look at the workshop, find a old one that never got in - and in reality no hopes of getting - and tell the artist u get 10% of sales when its been so long he probably forgot about it (I feel this is what happened with the Penguin.)
It's almost as if the workshop is going corporate - work with organizations to increase your chance of success, in what is a volatile market.
Even so, That set is just downright bad, even by my standards, which are low.
I totally agree with you. I won't mind as much if the quality of the item they're bundling with the tickets are top-notch, but the last few items bundled were just plain atrocious.
You know, I really want to trust Valve, but letting the penguin and this set get in (and some other sets that are very questionable) kind of make me doubt them.
Yup, it's because the workshope page CM model is outdated. The cm model in-game is a little slimmer. I don't believe it's a uniform scaling from the neck up, but in your case your item probably won't be affected by that.
Edit: Updated images
Why it allows everyone to participate, you feel extra bummed out to spend some time to try and make everything look not-pixely. But in the end they're right, the player pays for what he sees, topology does not concern him at all, not to say that a lot of people play on very low settings and everything is pixelated and smudged anyway.
So if the set doesn't look too bad, has tons of positive ratings (though i think people voted for "badass" video first, which raises another question about usage of promo materials), it's pretty much okay to go with the league/tournament.
Perhaps the answer to that is doing a CK set to show how's shit done right, I'm off to see if I'm up to the task.
Its an ability modifier.
please give us some thumbs if you dig it, thanks for looking!
The set turned out great, and i think giving the traditional colors the finger was the right call on this one
I have finally finished up my Sniper set!
How long should animations be (frames/sec)? I never found anything specifies the duration of animations.
Can't you just decompile the stock mdl and view the animation that way? Or try loading the mdl in the SFM or CS:GO hlmv to view the default animation. You should match what Valve has included for the default to avoid the looping before the full death cycle finishes.
Look, thats my brothers set and I do agree that the horse has some uv space issues, but comparing it to the penguin is too far of an over-exaggeration, and you are just being rude. To be quite frank, I think the resolution on the horse is borderline acceptable to fit in the dota 2 realm. and not to mention, the resolution on every other slot seems flawless to me. From what I see, nobody is having a problem with this set besides you, a lot of people seem to be buying it as its #1 on top sellers.
The problem I feel most people are having with the set is the fact that its old and the reason it got in (most likely) is that its attached to a tournament/team/whatever and was effectively put in only because of that connection. If Valve wanted to put a CK set in there are better choices IMO. The quality isn't really an issue, but the comparison between the two items is the same. The penguin was put in because it was attached to a team and not because it was a high quality piece, there are some amazing couriers still in the Workshop. Its a slippery slope that contributors don't want to be a part of...Its just concerning
The only comparison to the penquin that I made was the fact that both of the items were older items already presented on the workshop months ago. The quality isn't even the issue for me. Personally, I acutally like the set, it has a very cool bad ass feel that fits.
I was never being rude. My arguement is simply on the use of older items for esport orangizations and that in my opinion, feels cheap in comparison to working along with the content creators to create something designed specifically for it. And, personally, I feel it was and is a worthwhile and interesting discussion. And people have already brought up and shared fantastic points that have also slightly altered my own perspective on the issue.
They're isnt much information on the ablity ward. In reguards to couriers and wards, framecounts are never an issue. Ive had a 300 frame death animation, 1000 frame idle. 500 frame walk cycle.
As far as the ward goes, personally, I never saw any animations on any of them, I just assumed juggs ablity ward didn't support animation. Looks like its time to research the depths of dota.
Looks like someone was having this exact issue in July
Even if he was - I was - there's nothing rude in thinking a set is not in good quality standards, nobody was resorting to personal attacks nor making criticism in an unrespectful way.
I still think the set design is good, but judging by the outer source renders used in the promo material and the overall good quality of accepted items it could've looked way better.
Good to know that being attached to a third party event isn't a free pass to the Shop, though, that changes things a lot.
I missed a blue screen of death effect on that Windows one, though, haha.
Edit: Ninja edit'd
Hey, if you want to vote up my new set please feel free to do so. I always feel weird when people ask me to vote up their stuff and I don't actually like it very much - and then I pretend that I voted it up - or I just don't respond. Am I am ass? I can honestly say I have never given a down vote because I know how much that kills when you put so much time into something. I don't give up votes out like candy either - maybe I need to be a little more liberal.
Still cleaning up and refining the shape a bit more. Looking a lot more badass now, thanks to Stefco's help
Valve death animation : 13 frames
Death animation : 35 frame
Valve Idle : 60
My Idle : 60
Valve spawn: 60
My spawn: 60
According to the link you provided, the problem was the decompiler. Should I just submit it and let valve take care of it?
I give upvotes to items that look good in-game.
I only give down votes to people who changed the entire hero (style, color) just for their set (like that anti mage set that NaVi made).
Missed opportunity for a Linux launch courier.
Links to Workshop:
idea for omniknight's set
That's not an idea for an Omniknight set. That's a suggestion to copy a WoW set into Dota2.