If anyone could help me cross the finish line here on fixing the scaling of my courier, that would be awesome.
I don't know how to do the compiling/decompiling. Do I use the dota 2 clients importer? I know that when you use that, it creates a bunch of files in this dir, \dota 2 beta\content\dota\models\items\courier\0x0196b6c4\testcour_008 . In here is a .qc file, and a bunch of .dmx files, as well as a .zip with even more files.
If anyone could help me cross the finish line here on fixing the scaling of my courier, that would be awesome.
I don't know how to do the compiling/decompiling. Do I use the dota 2 clients importer? I know that when you use that, it creates a bunch of files in this dir, \dota 2 beta\content\dota\models\items\courier\0x0196b6c4\testcour_008 . In here is a .qc file, and a bunch of .dmx files, as well as a .zip with even more files.
strip out the rig from your 3d package and export a DAE FBX, then import that into a new scene, and save THAT as a FBX, import FBX files in the Dota 2 importer in the game
Just wanted to ask again whether anyone could help me getting the alpha channel working for my couriers color map. In particular I need help with changing the .VTM file which is created after importing my courier. I have tried editing it and then re importing however IT just gets changed back to its original values. This is the final hurdle I need to overcome before I can launch it so I would be very greatfull for any help.
I'm pretty disappointed to notice how Steam deals with the DMCA repots.
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
I'm pretty disappointed to notice how Steam deals with the DMCA repots.
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
That really does suck motenai, which item are you having trouble with?
That's really fucking odd... Did you also try to write on the dev forums? And that's a stupid policy, that means everybody can claim it was stolen without specific proof and just take random shit down... The fuck
I know Onilolz and Zaphyk had a problem with their batrider set also getting a DMCA complaint and takedown, it's since been fixed and is back on the workshop, you could try asking them what they did?
I'm pretty disappointed to notice how Steam deals with the DMCA repots.
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
That's fucked up. What could the problem have even been? Definitely ask on the Dev forum.
I'm pretty disappointed to notice how Steam deals with the DMCA repots.
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
That's ridiculous. Don't give up! Didn't Onilolz and Zaphk deal with a similar issue? Might want to talk to them.
strip out the rig from your 3d package and export a DAE FBX, then import that into a new scene, and save THAT as a FBX, import FBX files in the Dota 2 importer in the game
I tried this when .fbx was giving me errors in the dota 2 importer, so unfortunately I don't think that's an option =/. How would that address the scale issue if I'm not changing the scale of anything?
Just wanted to ask again whether anyone could help me getting the alpha channel working for my couriers color map. In particular I need help with changing the .VTM file which is created after importing my courier. I have tried editing it and then re importing however IT just gets changed back to its original values. This is the final hurdle I need to overcome before I can launch it so I would be very greatfull for any help.
You can't change the VTV, partly because it'll be useless, because volvo reimports your stuff using source files. Just do the alpha and import as usual.
I'm pretty disappointed to notice how Steam deals with the DMCA repots.
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
Shouldn't you be able you provide a counter-argument? Keep at it, there should be a way for you to fix this.
I tried this when .fbx was giving me errors in the dota 2 importer, so unfortunately I don't think that's an option =/. How would that address the scale issue if I'm not changing the scale of anything?
Hm... Looks pretty cool, but that bison seems like it's not really on the shoulder, it looks like it's just above the shoulder, almost floating.
I think you are right, thanks for the feedback!
Does anyone have any tips on importing custom animation? A friend of mine is going to be creating the animations for the Beastmaster critters and I'm not sure if there are any specific things to avoid as there is no animation guide yet. Thanks!
So we, Oroboros, Bounchfx, and myself, can finally announce that we've been working along with Nexon on a few projects, the sotdae ward being the first of many to come!
Working on some base colors but I'm not great at it, something seems off but I can't tell quite what it is, maybe my palette is too large?
Gotta find a good color guide/theory site outside of the steam tutorials
I think its the size of the shawl and robe. Maybe you should make it a little smaller.
This is my brewmaster bamboo staff. I can't decide whether to make it yellow or green. I still haven't figured out how to rig this properly so can anyone share some insight? I can provide the files to anyone who wants to help me.
Hi guys. I'm making my fist Dota 2 item(a morph set) and i have some doubts. I created a mask but she have more triangles than LoD0 and LoD1 limit. You think its better I make the retopology before or after I add details on mudbox?
Great ward guys! Looking forward to the other projects you have going on with Nexon.
@alexxrafael, You should retopo after you are done in mudbox. This way you have more freedom when you sculpt. If you have trouble getting inside the poly budget you should only focusing on getting the silhouette down first.
So we, Oroboros, Bounchfx, and myself, can finally announce that we've been working along with Nexon on a few projects, the sotdae ward being the first of many to come!
You can't change the VTV, partly because it'll be useless, because volvo reimports your stuff using source files. Just do the alpha and import as usual.[/url]
sure you can and it happened often enough, our waldi for instance has a "custom" material, as the original courier material creates strange purple spec and has no control over a lot of masks you usually can use.
I think its the size of the shawl and robe. Maybe you should make it a little smaller.
This is my brewmaster bamboo staff. I can't decide whether to make it yellow or green. I still haven't figured out how to rig this properly so can anyone share some insight? I can provide the files to anyone who wants to help me.
Andrew, i love the work your team produce but don't you feel the above .gif is somewhat ironic, seeing as though your latest release has Nexon branding, right on the promo image?
Andrew, i love the work your team produce but don't you feel the above .gif is somewhat ironic, seeing as though your latest release has Nexon branding, right on the promo image?
The marketing a personal item, and creating an item specifically designed for organization are two different beasts.
The marketing a personal item, and creating an item specifically designed for organization are two different beasts.
Just thought i would wrap this up by saying me and Andrew cleared this up over steam chat, ended up being a really good conversation about item marketing and promotion as a whole
Hello there polycounters! Long time lurker, infrequent poster here.
I've just recently started to model my first workshop-ready model; in fact, it's almost finished! I've been going off and on it for a while but recent circumstances (job layoff incoming in 2 and some months) have pushed me to start working on models full-throttle and get something going.
So, I have a bit of an issue and some questions concerning all of this. As a forenote, I have been following Lennyagonys' guide (thanks Lenny, it was quite an interesting learning experience) to get my item on its way, and as a result I have a few things that are left unanswered.
First, the issue:
The model in this image is quite big (I specifically exaggerated the size here) and is intended to be this size in-game and portrait-wise.
As can be seen after importing the model successfully, the size is considerably smaller (though, the shadow of it seems to be the correct size?). It looks more like a scepter than a staff!.
Just for clarification, I have imported the crystal maiden model needed to attach the bone to the staff as anFBX (!I did not link the FBX to the scene though, I imported it as a "non-native file" if that makes any difference!), rather than SMD. Could this be why the size is different? I find that with my version of Max (2013) the SMD plugin does not seem to work; likely since it's not supported. What am I to do in this case? Is there an alternative, or am I doing something wrong? If you need more information please ask, if I may be missing information in this post that you may need to know.
Also note that I have indeed tried resizing the models and resetting xforms (as should be done) without success or any difference when it is imported into DOTA 2.
Because Crystal Maiden requires two LoD models, I assumed I needed to created two separate models (with near-identical topology [due to ~400 tri difference] and silhouette). Since the guide follows Pudge's Offhand (which both Lod0 and 1 require the same tri count), I did not get any help regarding this and had to improvise.
So... I may have made a mistake by changing the UVW unwrapping between the 2 models (I was learning UVW unwrapping as I was creating these models and so my optimization changed between the low and high-poly/Lod0 and Lod1 versions) and thus had to make 2 differently mapped normal bakes (and color/mask textures). The majority of the details in the 2 textures/bakes are the same, it is just that they are mapped differently on the UV space; so one version cannot fundamentally be used on the other, essentially.
So the questions are: do I need 1 separate texture set for both LoDs? I assumed I did and so I had created a set for both BUT when importing into the workshop, it only allows me to select one set of textures (either one for LoD0 or one for LoD1). And thus, I am now thinking that I should have just stuck with one set? I know the portrait is optional but was wondering if there is a way to have both versions uploaded and have both their textures align properly (if they have different UVW mapping); otherwise I assume I have to essentially have the same UV unwrap for both versions and sacrifice detail for one? Or remake one version of my model (possibly the LoD1 version which would be easier to optimize).
Also, (sorry for the long post!.. but) does it make a difference if I resize my textures to 256x256 before importing rather than using my 1024x1024 source textures? I'd wager that the publisher has it's own - possibly crummy - way of optimizing the textures to 256x256?
Anyways, thanks for reading and hopefully I can get this into the workshop at some point!
Just as an aside: I am also working on an announcer pack but have not been getting any luck trying to publish it in the workshop under "Other". Anyone have any insight into why I cannot publish it (it gives me an error saying the item could not be found or was removed by the author [I've done Google searches on this with no success; as well as trying to get help at the Dota 2 Dev forum; also with no success or answer])? If not, that's fine.
I'm sure it's just because the file size may be too small (since I essentially only have the one .zip-ed master sound file with all the dialogue and the marketing portrait at the moment, instead of each individual dialogue file) and can just add what is needed and try again then (it wouldn't let me upload for almost 2 months now I think?). If anyone is interested, the link to hear the bare-bones (hehe) version of the announcer is [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsRlowpldBY"]here[/ame]
(sorry if this seems like shameless plugging :P I've been itching to get this pack some feedback for around 2 months now...!)
i just flew over this so forgive me if i forgot something:
yes .FBX often has scaling issues, try using .SMD
i think the smd plugin should work under max 2013, its definetly working in max 2012 and that isn´t supported either.
obviously lod0 and lod1 use the same texture, so yep you need the same UV´s.
easiest way to handle the lods is to make the lod0 first and bake everything on there, and then just remove some verts until you hit the lod1 limit.
and while removing, always have your texture displayed on the model, so you don´t screw up the uv´s.
Ah, thanks! This was giving me somewhat of a headache, thank you for clearing it up! Anyways, I'll work on my model and post an update sometime tomorrow.
Halo guys... newbie here. I just finished my 1st set for Invoker and submit them to the workshop.
Thanks to Lennyagonyfor his time explaining the compiling and other things.
Stunning work, this may be my fav CK set...:thumbup:
I made some changes to the cloak
Hope you guys dig it!
I like it!
The problem is that my mesh keeps having an offset. (this happens to me frequently, can someone explain this to me?)
This is my model
This is valves
This is scale representation of both items. (they stack just fine). I did remember to export while the mesh was at 0,0,0
I've also decompiled the mesh myself. If anyone wants to take a look, I can send them the files.
You have my :thumbup: and favs! I love this thing!
sleeves and stuff since shoulder pads are overrated
I don't know how to do the compiling/decompiling. Do I use the dota 2 clients importer? I know that when you use that, it creates a bunch of files in this dir, \dota 2 beta\content\dota\models\items\courier\0x0196b6c4\testcour_008 . In here is a .qc file, and a bunch of .dmx files, as well as a .zip with even more files.
I just have no idea what to do...
If you can help, here is my steam
strip out the rig from your 3d package and export a DAE FBX, then import that into a new scene, and save THAT as a FBX, import FBX files in the Dota 2 importer in the game
Special thanks to Vlad for helping me fix the normals and the UV
SLIMEface and myself would appreciate your thumbs up
"Due to reporting of content that violates the Steam Terms of Service, the content in question has been removed from the Steam Community.
It is our policy not to provide specific feedback on removed content."
After asking fur further information on what i've been accused to copy, and bringing as proves the concept drawn by my colleague and on which i worked on, i received exaclty the same email, with no chance of dialogue at all.
So the end result is that the item is gonna be taken down, with no idea of who filed the DMCA or why...
Sorry to take my frustration here, but this is kinda f***ing ridiculous, and makes me wanna give up with the workshop.
That really does suck motenai, which item are you having trouble with?
EDIT: Looks like a valve employee eventually contacted them to say DMCA complaint was mistaken and the banner was removed? http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117863&page=5
That's fucked up. What could the problem have even been? Definitely ask on the Dev forum.
That's ridiculous. Don't give up! Didn't Onilolz and Zaphk deal with a similar issue? Might want to talk to them.
I tried this when .fbx was giving me errors in the dota 2 importer, so unfortunately I don't think that's an option =/. How would that address the scale issue if I'm not changing the scale of anything?
I'm using Valve's SMD plugin atm.
Shouldn't you be able you provide a counter-argument? Keep at it, there should be a way for you to fix this.
If you're using Max, use this one http://www.chaosincarnate.net/cannonfodder/3dsmax.php
I think you are right, thanks for the feedback!
Does anyone have any tips on importing custom animation? A friend of mine is going to be creating the animations for the Beastmaster critters and I'm not sure if there are any specific things to avoid as there is no animation guide yet. Thanks!
Working on some base colors but I'm not great at it, something seems off but I can't tell quite what it is, maybe my palette is too large?
Gotta find a good color guide/theory site outside of the steam tutorials
I think its the size of the shawl and robe. Maybe you should make it a little smaller.
This is my brewmaster bamboo staff. I can't decide whether to make it yellow or green. I still haven't figured out how to rig this properly so can anyone share some insight? I can provide the files to anyone who wants to help me.
(English isn't my native language, sorry)
@alexxrafael, You should retopo after you are done in mudbox. This way you have more freedom when you sculpt. If you have trouble getting inside the poly budget you should only focusing on getting the silhouette down first.
hahaha one of the best wards ever :thumbup:
sure you can and it happened often enough, our waldi for instance has a "custom" material, as the original courier material creates strange purple spec and has no control over a lot of masks you usually can use.
Andrew, i love the work your team produce but don't you feel the above .gif is somewhat ironic, seeing as though your latest release has Nexon branding, right on the promo image?
The marketing a personal item, and creating an item specifically designed for organization are two different beasts.
Just thought i would wrap this up by saying me and Andrew cleared this up over steam chat, ended up being a really good conversation about item marketing and promotion as a whole
Hello there polycounters! Long time lurker, infrequent poster here.
I've just recently started to model my first workshop-ready model; in fact, it's almost finished! I've been going off and on it for a while but recent circumstances (job layoff incoming in 2 and some months) have pushed me to start working on models full-throttle and get something going.
So, I have a bit of an issue and some questions concerning all of this. As a forenote, I have been following Lennyagonys' guide (thanks Lenny, it was quite an interesting learning experience) to get my item on its way, and as a result I have a few things that are left unanswered.
First, the issue:
The model in this image is quite big (I specifically exaggerated the size here) and is intended to be this size in-game and portrait-wise.
As can be seen after importing the model successfully, the size is considerably smaller (though, the shadow of it seems to be the correct size?). It looks more like a scepter than a staff!.
Just for clarification, I have imported the crystal maiden model needed to attach the bone to the staff as an FBX (!I did not link the FBX to the scene though, I imported it as a "non-native file" if that makes any difference!), rather than SMD. Could this be why the size is different? I find that with my version of Max (2013) the SMD plugin does not seem to work; likely since it's not supported. What am I to do in this case? Is there an alternative, or am I doing something wrong? If you need more information please ask, if I may be missing information in this post that you may need to know.
Also note that I have indeed tried resizing the models and resetting xforms (as should be done) without success or any difference when it is imported into DOTA 2.
Because Crystal Maiden requires two LoD models, I assumed I needed to created two separate models (with near-identical topology [due to ~400 tri difference] and silhouette). Since the guide follows Pudge's Offhand (which both Lod0 and 1 require the same tri count), I did not get any help regarding this and had to improvise.
So... I may have made a mistake by changing the UVW unwrapping between the 2 models (I was learning UVW unwrapping as I was creating these models and so my optimization changed between the low and high-poly/Lod0 and Lod1 versions) and thus had to make 2 differently mapped normal bakes (and color/mask textures). The majority of the details in the 2 textures/bakes are the same, it is just that they are mapped differently on the UV space; so one version cannot fundamentally be used on the other, essentially.
So the questions are: do I need 1 separate texture set for both LoDs? I assumed I did and so I had created a set for both BUT when importing into the workshop, it only allows me to select one set of textures (either one for LoD0 or one for LoD1). And thus, I am now thinking that I should have just stuck with one set? I know the portrait is optional but was wondering if there is a way to have both versions uploaded and have both their textures align properly (if they have different UVW mapping); otherwise I assume I have to essentially have the same UV unwrap for both versions and sacrifice detail for one? Or remake one version of my model (possibly the LoD1 version which would be easier to optimize).
Also, (sorry for the long post!.. but) does it make a difference if I resize my textures to 256x256 before importing rather than using my 1024x1024 source textures? I'd wager that the publisher has it's own - possibly crummy - way of optimizing the textures to 256x256?
Anyways, thanks for reading and hopefully I can get this into the workshop at some point!
Just as an aside: I am also working on an announcer pack but have not been getting any luck trying to publish it in the workshop under "Other". Anyone have any insight into why I cannot publish it (it gives me an error saying the item could not be found or was removed by the author [I've done Google searches on this with no success; as well as trying to get help at the Dota 2 Dev forum; also with no success or answer])? If not, that's fine.
I'm sure it's just because the file size may be too small (since I essentially only have the one .zip-ed master sound file with all the dialogue and the marketing portrait at the moment, instead of each individual dialogue file) and can just add what is needed and try again then (it wouldn't let me upload for almost 2 months now I think?). If anyone is interested, the link to hear the bare-bones (hehe) version of the announcer is [ame="
(sorry if this seems like shameless plugging :P I've been itching to get this pack some feedback for around 2 months now...!)
yes .FBX often has scaling issues, try using .SMD
i think the smd plugin should work under max 2013, its definetly working in max 2012 and that isn´t supported either.
obviously lod0 and lod1 use the same texture, so yep you need the same UV´s.
easiest way to handle the lods is to make the lod0 first and bake everything on there, and then just remove some verts until you hit the lod1 limit.
and while removing, always have your texture displayed on the model, so you don´t screw up the uv´s.
Thanks to Lennyagony for his time explaining the compiling and other things.
I guess I can't blame artists for getting corporate sponsors.
I wonder if their computers have sponsor decals on them like race cars?