This is really starting to take the piss! I fixed all my texture problems but now import keeps failing with CtargetMDL compile failed error even tho i used the exact same export settings that were working just a few hours ago WTF :S
I think you could make something to cover the bottom end of that strange purple gradient on her breasts, unless there's a way of removing it from the base model.
Howdy folks! Sam Noone here been lurking on the count for about 3 year This is my first real post. Been working with Bounchfx on a bounty hunter set! here is the concept I did. There were a few minor changes to fit the rig a little better. look for updates soon! we will be texturing this weekend. His bakes came out really clean XD
looking forward to learning more about this process and maybe even trying my hand at some 3d assets soon
Thanks for the comments, I was thinking about getting rid of the purple however i was reluctant because I don't know if Valve might categorize that as too risque or obscene, but I might just e-mail and ask.
hey guys, running into a really annoying problem, if anyone has any advice that'd be great.
All of a sudden none of my exporting seems to be working right - stuff that was working fine before now exports rotated 90 degrees from the origin. For my weapons normally at origin this means they are just sitting at 0 rotated 90 degrees. for stuff like my helmet it's rotated 90 degrees but it's the distance away from the origin as it would be translated upwards near the head. It's really, really frustrating and I've tried all my normal workarounds including a clean file and loading in a reference model. It's just very confusing to me because this stuff was working yesterday. Any ideas?
So apparently it's because I didn't have the bones selected at the same time as the object when I exported. I've never had to select them before, I don't know why it started behaving differently now. Cost me 4 hours but at least I have another way to troubleshoot.
Had to take my mind off my pumpkin spear for a while, the unwraps were garbage, and the in game model is trash, so lots of work on that. While mucking around i made this Ghost Scepter inspired spear, lots of texture work to do:
alright, the set is done! just need to do all the craploads of presentation stuff we have to do if we want to get any attention XD. thumbnails, screenshots, videos, and a banner will hopefully be ready sometime tomorrow night. Hope you guys dig it!
alright, the set is done! just need to do all the craploads of presentation stuff we have to do if we want to get any attention XD. thumbnails, screenshots, videos, and a banner will hopefully be ready sometime tomorrow night. Hope you guys dig it!
That BH set looks brilliant! Love the green accents.
Would love some feedback on the sculpt. I don't want to exaggerate on details since it's going to be seen from a distance in-game and Stefco will be painting the textures.
Is anyone having problems with the Particle Placement in the Dota previewer? Trying to change the particle location in a Skywrath Staff I'm working on but nothing seems to change. It keeps showing the default ones instead of the ones I'm importing.
I'm guessing it's an importer problem because, if I am importing a my own ones, logic thing should be that it either works fine, or they appear somewhere else they shouldn't, or don't appear at all, but It definetely shouldn't show me the default ones, right?
@ T_Vidotto - I think a scythe would look pretty awesome on her, as long as her animations are conductive to it.. or maybe they would give her new ones?
@ Soldeus - I had a similar issue, where some of my particle fx meshes are appearing offset from the actual mesh. It didn't seem like where I placed and froze them mattered for 2 out of the 3 I made. On that note, I also wish there was a way to toggle the particles on or off, since for some heroes the particles only turn on occasionally. I haven't seen any of the original particle fx mesh show over my items though.. damn I don't think that was helpful at all. sorry!!
Prosomogy, how did you get the Skywrath staff particles working? Do you mind giving me a small step-by-step in how you did it? I'm not sure in which one am I failing xD
Really nice modeling and texturing improvement, btw
Prosomogy, how did you get the Skywrath staff particles working? Do you mind giving me a small step-by-step in how you did it? I'm not sure in which one am I failing xD
Really nice modeling and texturing improvement, btw
Doing a concept for PA trying to take off that helmet =]
Do you guys think an scythe is too much of a change for her?
Are those feathers on her head / shoulder? If you greyscale it all the shoulder / head looks like something windrunner, and the scythe is probably the most PA like.
It looks quality, just not a fan of feathers for mortred.
@ T_Vidotto - I think a scythe would look pretty awesome on her, as long as her animations are conductive to it.. or maybe they would give her new ones?
hhmhm thats pretty too much necrolyte style .. but how about a double sided scythe ?
hmm, maybe is a good idea, worth the try
it is sad on necrolite that he doesnt uses his scythe, could be anything else and still work to shoot magic balls =]
Are those feathers on her head / shoulder? If you greyscale it all the shoulder / head looks like something windrunner, and the scythe is probably the most PA like.
It looks quality, just not a fan of feathers for mortred.
The idea of the feather is kind of they are trying to hide the blades on the sholder and maybe on the hair (didnt decide if im going with blade for the hair too)
The original model its all dark and have that torn cape, i wanted to make something less used in battle, like she is some kind of high class assassin, maybe an assassin queen.
Ah, i also moved the daggers from the hip, that is not a good place to have naked daggers if you are running around =]
Still so much new awesome all the time. Soldeus I am loving where that staff is going. Some progress! Sadly done for the night, early morning SCCM training tomorrow :poly122:
bounchfx - that BH set is looking awesome!
soldeus - looking good!
tvidotto - nice work! will you do custom animations for the scythe?
mrpresident - well done! came out great
Technoviking> I think if you darkened the manta blades themselves, the red glowies will pop more. The contrast would make it look a lot nicer, imo.
Soldeus> I LOVE YOU
HntrLuc > The staff is amazing. Love the set. Good job!
Hi there ) I tried making it darker but it was getting lost among CKs grays... I tried a "black" version too and it looked good, but the hilt was already black and it would seem all the same... I kept this color to resemble at least a little bit the original manta and for it to stand out more )
bounchfx - that BH set is looking awesome!
soldeus - looking good!
tvidotto - nice work! will you do custom animations for the scythe?
mrpresident - well done! came out great
dont bother you how stiff are the OD wings? i never play the character because of that, same with skywrath but on the opposite side =]
about the questions on the animations, that is what im planning, new animations for a 2 handed weapon, ad after people can work on their own sets based on my animations (if it get accepted in game, of course =] )
Working progress for my Touareg WD set... I'm glad you like it @Godzy
The set is well made and I love the relic on his side, but I don't feel like the staff design really sells the set. I imagine the staff is supposed to be the focal point along with the turban, and right now its a pretty boring shape and has a lot of repetitive small detail, but no interesting large detail. Also, maybe re-using the eye design on the relic as a brooch on the turban would be cool
I've been struggling the past few days to get my items to import correctly - in blender, the shoulders (and sleeves, not shown for clarity) fit like a glove. When it gets imported in game, there's a gap between the item and the model, and it floats above her shoulders.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The item is bound to the clavicle (front), shoulder (top), and spine (back). This is my first 3d model, and I'm not sure if the problem is with my model, the rigging, or the import/export process. @.@ Any help would be appreciated!
I've been struggling the past few days to get my items to import correctly - in blender, the shoulders (and sleeves, not shown for clarity) fit like a glove. When it gets imported in game, there's a gap between the item and the model, and it floats above her shoulders.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The item is bound to the clavicle (front), shoulder (top), and spine (back). This is my first 3d model, and I'm not sure if the problem is with my model, the rigging, or the import/export process. @.@ Any help would be appreciated!
What ref model are you using? it may be out of date, decompile a more up to date mdl, and rig it again and see if that fixes the issue.
Fox: the model files might be bigger than the model in-game. Did you manually decompile them? I remember on an earlier post that a guy made riki items that were off from his mesh because he used outdated files that valve provided.
Anybody know if the importer is still messed up? I have a death animation on my juggernaut ward that has some offset issues. Should I just submit the item regardless of the death animation offset?
The reference model I'm using is the one off of the workshop requirements page - thanks for the advice, I'll try decompiling a new model when I get the chance tonight. Hope that fixes the issues!
Fox: the model files might be bigger than the model in-game. Did you manually decompile them? I remember on an earlier post that a guy made riki items that were off from his mesh because he used outdated files that valve provided.
Anybody know if the importer is still messed up? I have a death animation on my juggernaut ward that has some offset issues. Should I just submit the item regardless of the death animation offset?
Have you checked in Dota2 test? Some other offset issues seem to no happen in Dota2 test
The reference model I'm using is the one off of the workshop requirements page - thanks for the advice, I'll try decompiling a new model when I get the chance tonight. Hope that fixes the issues!
Those are hella out dated, I would suggest to never use them and just decompile what ever you need.
Have you checked in Dota2 test? Some other offset issues seem to no happen in Dota2 test
I used dota2 test and the dota 2 client, both have the offset issue for me. I tried re-exporting, all animations work fine except for the death animation. I also made another animation to see if the animation was at fault, and the other animation i made also was offsetted. The animation is fine in blender but not in dota
I've been struggling the past few days to get my items to import correctly - in blender, the shoulders (and sleeves, not shown for clarity) fit like a glove. When it gets imported in game, there's a gap between the item and the model, and it floats above her shoulders.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The item is bound to the clavicle (front), shoulder (top), and spine (back). This is my first 3d model, and I'm not sure if the problem is with my model, the rigging, or the import/export process. @.@ Any help would be appreciated!
I can confirm that crystal maiden's workshop files are actually the wrong size compared to the in-game model, shrink the entire model to around 85% of what it is now and that should do it. Anuxi had a fixed version uploaded somewhere but I can't find it.
I don't know if this is a wip or not, but I'l mention it for the heck of it.
1- Where is the ward eye ? the yellow eye is the most important thing.
2- is it gonna be all white like that ? or were they wip textures ? white textures are not allowed as far as i know ...
Anyone know whats causing this CTargetmdl error?
Looking fantastic!
I think you could make something to cover the bottom end of that strange purple gradient on her breasts, unless there's a way of removing it from the base model.
Otherwise, it's looking damn smexy.
I really liked the sights, and the overall shape of the rifle, but the barrel feels too empty.
Maybe try adding some parallel creases, nothing too fancy, just to break the eveness of the texture.
Soulstone Blade
gorgeous concepts
Thanks for input!
Thanks for the comments, I was thinking about getting rid of the purple however i was reluctant because I don't know if Valve might categorize that as too risque or obscene, but I might just e-mail and ask.
All of a sudden none of my exporting seems to be working right - stuff that was working fine before now exports rotated 90 degrees from the origin. For my weapons normally at origin this means they are just sitting at 0 rotated 90 degrees. for stuff like my helmet it's rotated 90 degrees but it's the distance away from the origin as it would be translated upwards near the head. It's really, really frustrating and I've tried all my normal workarounds including a clean file and loading in a reference model. It's just very confusing to me because this stuff was working yesterday. Any ideas?
So apparently it's because I didn't have the bones selected at the same time as the object when I exported. I've never had to select them before, I don't know why it started behaving differently now. Cost me 4 hours but at least I have another way to troubleshoot.
back to texturing..
Handplane did a good job on the normal bake
he looks really badass with it
good job!
Finally finished this set, been working on for quite some time now.
So here is the set I am designing at the moment. I will also redo staff, when I will finalise character to a point where I am happy.
That BH set looks brilliant! Love the green accents.
Doing a concept for PA trying to take off that helmet =]
Do you guys think an scythe is too much of a change for her?
I'm guessing it's an importer problem because, if I am importing a my own ones, logic thing should be that it either works fine, or they appear somewhere else they shouldn't, or don't appear at all, but It definetely shouldn't show me the default ones, right?
Here is the staff, hope you like it ^^
@ T_Vidotto - I think a scythe would look pretty awesome on her, as long as her animations are conductive to it.. or maybe they would give her new ones?
@ Soldeus - I had a similar issue, where some of my particle fx meshes are appearing offset from the actual mesh. It didn't seem like where I placed and froze them mattered for 2 out of the 3 I made. On that note, I also wish there was a way to toggle the particles on or off, since for some heroes the particles only turn on occasionally. I haven't seen any of the original particle fx mesh show over my items though..
Get fun with gifts
Really nice modeling and texturing improvement, btw
It's working now, I just had to use Dota 2 Test instead of normal Dota to import, thanks to prosomogy for pointing it out to me
link is:
Are those feathers on her head / shoulder? If you greyscale it all the shoulder / head looks like something windrunner, and the scythe is probably the most PA like.
It looks quality, just not a fan of feathers for mortred.
Well, it was a long journey, but the alchemist set for alliance mr. scrake and I made is finally in the workshop
hhmhm thats pretty too much necrolyte style .. but how about a double sided scythe ?
hmhm on the other hand no risk no fun?
that is the idea =]
This staff is looking amazing!
hmm, maybe is a good idea, worth the try
it is sad on necrolite that he doesnt uses his scythe, could be anything else and still work to shoot magic balls =]
The idea of the feather is kind of they are trying to hide the blades on the sholder and maybe on the hair (didnt decide if im going with blade for the hair too)
The original model its all dark and have that torn cape, i wanted to make something less used in battle, like she is some kind of high class assassin, maybe an assassin queen.
Ah, i also moved the daggers from the hip, that is not a good place to have naked daggers if you are running around =]
soldeus - looking good!
tvidotto - nice work! will you do custom animations for the scythe?
mrpresident - well done! came out great
I just finished up an OD set
Astral Armament Set
Soldeus> I LOVE YOU
HntrLuc > The staff is amazing. Love the set. Good job!
Hi there
woah finally some fresh ideas for WD! I love it!
finally managed to finish the work on a bs weapon that was started centuries ago >.>
great set as usual Hunter
dont bother you how stiff are the OD wings? i never play the character because of that, same with skywrath but on the opposite side =]
about the questions on the animations, that is what im planning, new animations for a 2 handed weapon, ad after people can work on their own sets based on my animations (if it get accepted in game, of course =] )
This set just keeps getting better. Keep it up :thumbup:
The set is well made and I love the relic on his side, but I don't feel like the staff design really sells the set. I imagine the staff is supposed to be the focal point along with the turban, and right now its a pretty boring shape and has a lot of repetitive small detail, but no interesting large detail. Also, maybe re-using the eye design on the relic as a brooch on the turban would be cool
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The item is bound to the clavicle (front), shoulder (top), and spine (back). This is my first 3d model, and I'm not sure if the problem is with my model, the rigging, or the import/export process. @.@ Any help would be appreciated!
What ref model are you using? it may be out of date, decompile a more up to date mdl, and rig it again and see if that fixes the issue.
Anybody know if the importer is still messed up? I have a death animation on my juggernaut ward that has some offset issues. Should I just submit the item regardless of the death animation offset?
Have you checked in Dota2 test? Some other offset issues seem to no happen in Dota2 test
Those are hella out dated, I would suggest to never use them and just decompile what ever you need.
I used dota2 test and the dota 2 client, both have the offset issue for me. I tried re-exporting, all animations work fine except for the death animation. I also made another animation to see if the animation was at fault, and the other animation i made also was offsetted. The animation is fine in blender but not in dota
I can confirm that crystal maiden's workshop files are actually the wrong size compared to the in-game model, shrink the entire model to around 85% of what it is now and that should do it. Anuxi had a fixed version uploaded somewhere but I can't find it.
Anything I should edit before I submit?
I don't know if this is a wip or not, but I'l mention it for the heck of it.
1- Where is the ward eye ? the yellow eye is the most important thing.
2- is it gonna be all white like that ? or were they wip textures ? white textures are not allowed as far as i know ...
anyways correct me if I'm wrong.