You need to give the textures a good shading/highlighting and a gradient of some sort, it looks extremely flat as of yet.
Also, you should consider matching the colors with the character - that yellow must be less green and more red in value, and the straps should be darker too, just look for similar colors in the base model.
I finished the base multimesh for my new OD set, ready for sculpting:
It reminds me a lot of CK. Maybe a bit too much. I don't really get that OD feel from it at all. Maybe try to incorporate the crystal/rock material he is made off in the design and it would be better.
Even if I'm not much a fan of all those protrusions, the details are astonishing, really digging the way you wrapped the concept together - and learned from it, as it really made me look back to my own Sven set and see where I could've done better.
Turned out great Jeremy! And don't let the trolls get you down! Hopefully this gets accepted and could be my first Dota purchase
thanks Sukotto. the trolls don't bother me much. I find the stupid shit they say more amusing than anything, i got a good chuckle out of the guy that said my doom helmet looked like an ugly clown helm. I just make the best stuff i can and people are free to say whatever they want about it, hopefully positively.
Holy shit JeremyKlein! That Sven set should be default! Incredible stuff. And thanks for the tips on making better UV mapping that you posted earlier. Made me rethink and pushed me to make better ones with better results.
Yay, finally! Though I gotta agree with ike, this came out a lot darker than it looked originally, which takes away some of the theme for me. What did you render the turntable in because it looks fucking gorgeous!
@Neox that is overwhelming. Masterpiece. I really like the presentation - is it Marmoset? I like those clean screenshots. Five instances and health bars turned of are made with help of some commands or composed in PS? (damn so lame questions sorry for that). I will definitely upvote that all the way as soon as I will be on steam
One critics that I could make is that bottom bear pelt look on the first glance like pair of KOTL legs. Maybe because its so black and thus really stand out from white area around. Anything else is just perfect. Keep it up!
i need help:c i have a problem whis xnormal, i have problem whis bake, i can't see model on 3d view, so hard make bigger cages:c anyone know how fix this problem and reset tools on 3d view? i so bad made tools whan try fix my problem and now don't know how reset tools ;c later all be okay i able to see model but for now i don't know what's going on;c help me please ;c Whan i bake it in blender its all okay.
Here some screens :c
Hey guys, just wrapped up the marketing piece for the Spirit Breaker set (Barathrum's Fury) myself and Bounch have been hard at work on and submitted this morning. Lost sleep, the good kind. Hope you guys like it.
@Jeremy That turned out so awesome. What I'm not really a fan of is how detailed the helmet is, I think you can turn down some of the details and it'll look better. But great job!
Working on a concept for Spectre, are the colors too bright perhaps? And now when i look at it from distance, the handle looks a bit too big compared to the blade.
Is it just me or did the Workshop bug out this morning? The pages of the Most Popular (This Week) field have been showing Mech's Void set, the Airborn Studios' Shadow Cat set from last week, and a lot of items from way back when like Anuxi's Luna set and that Na'Vi AM set.
In the meantime my DK sword seems to have completely disappeared. It's still in my workshop files but doesnt exist anywhere else on the workshop, even if I search for it. And the visibility is still set to Public. Not quite sure whats wrong.
--edit-- Oh wait. I changed the visibility to Friends Only, and back to public and now it's reappeared halfway up the front page, much higher than it should have been o_0 Does seem like a database bug or something.
Is it just me or did the Workshop bug out this morning? The pages of the Most Popular (This Week) field have been showing Mech's Void set, the Airborn Studios' Shadow Cat set from last week, and a lot of items from way back when like Anuxi's Luna set and that Na'Vi AM set.
In the meantime my DK sword seems to have completely disappeared. It's still in my workshop files but doesnt exist anywhere else on the workshop, even if I search for it. And the visibility is still set to Public. Not quite sure whats wrong.
--edit-- Oh wait. I changed the visibility to Friends Only, and back to public and now it's reappeared halfway up the front page, much higher than it should have been o_0 Does seem like a database bug or something.
same happened to me, literaly more than half my workshop items just vanished from the workshop and i had just submited a new set that was actually getting the best rates any of my stuff ever had, that kinda fucked it up...
Is it just me or did the Workshop bug out this morning? The pages of the Most Popular (This Week) field have been showing Mech's Void set, the Airborn Studios' Shadow Cat set from last week, and a lot of items from way back when like Anuxi's Luna set and that Na'Vi AM set.
In the meantime my DK sword seems to have completely disappeared. It's still in my workshop files but doesnt exist anywhere else on the workshop, even if I search for it. And the visibility is still set to Public. Not quite sure whats wrong.
--edit-- Oh wait. I changed the visibility to Friends Only, and back to public and now it's reappeared halfway up the front page, much higher than it should have been o_0 Does seem like a database bug or something.
Thanks for the tip about changing the visibility, have had a full day of downtime due to this same issue and this fixed it!
Thanks for the tip about changing the visibility, have had a full day of downtime due to this same issue and this fixed it!
Welcome! Love the Invoker helm btw. I thought that it looked a little too dark relative to the rest of his clothing, but in day time it looks about right.
@Prosomogy - The sculpt's pretty good, but I feel the textures are a missed opportunity. The yellow and orange bits don't look at all like they're glowing lava, and neither does the red crystal bit near the hilt have any sort of sheen, which is how I would have interpreted the concept.
Been a while since I posted something about that CK set I've been working with Stefco, but we're making progress.
Here's a GIF!
Would love some thoughts.
I'm also having some problems with the geometry in-game. It looks fine on the portrait and when CK is stationary, but that part under his helm that's kinda supposed to be his head isn't behaving properly. Here's what I mean:
It's pretty noticeable on his neck.
It's probably related to the rigging, but how do I fix it? I'm currently binding everything to head1. People who made CK heads, how did you rig it?
Guy's i can't understand... i taked 2 concepts done tham and after some time one who creat concept says that its for abaddon (but its unable import item at the moment) but ok i will wait whis done job. Second concept, i so long time wait for answer from his creator and what i get? i done this work, spend ~20 hours for it, and after some days creator of concept says that he didn't give me permission for make it "please remove it from workshop" but wtf, he says that need guy who will done his item, but i didn't get from him answer so long day's and i done it how like all make something whan wait for answer from creator for fast done it and now i need only remove it and its all...ah... realy... someone from you guys says me that i don't need make my concepts i can ask about get it from people who create it, i try 2 concept and nothing...
Prosomogy - In order to use someone's concept you need to get permission - end of story. Until you get permission, then don't bother wasting time on it! If they take a day, week or month you either wait or move on to something else.
If you don't get permission, then you'll have to create using your own idea. If you can't create a drawing concept, then write it down and use that. If it's in your own head, you can probably visualize it enough to make a model anyway!
One of the worst things to do in a community of artists is to use someone else work without permission. And it follows you around - that bad reputation. You need to make your own stuff man!
Edit: Looking at your work - its obvious you have the technical skill to make the items. Just be patient - it will come.
Been a while since I posted something about that CK set I've been working with Stefco, but we're making progress.
Here's a GIF!
Would love some thoughts.
I'm also having some problems with the geometry in-game. It looks fine on the portrait and when CK is stationary, but that part under his helm that's kinda supposed to be his head isn't behaving properly. Here's what I mean:
It's pretty noticeable on his neck.
It's probably related to the rigging, but how do I fix it? I'm currently binding everything to head1. People who made CK heads, how did you rig it?
Add some influence from what I believe would be either the neck or chest bone on the bottom verts of the neck, that should fix your issue. Looks really awesome, I really like the style of the helm!
I also think you also experiment with adding the animated textures to the frilly part at the top of the helm
If the concept is not yours, doesn't matter if you worked on modeling it for a year, it's not yours, period.
You're in no position of making demands, even more after using other people's works without permission as you did.
If you don't know how to do it, without practicing you'll never learn, and not knowing how to do it doesn't make you entitled to use other people's work in any way without their permission.
And I agree with Spudnik too. You don't need to write in perfect English, but ye gods, give your posts some love, they are almost illegible.
If the concept is not yours, doesn't matter if you worked on modeling it for a year, it's not yours, period.
You're in no position of making demands, even more after using other people's works without permission as you did.
If you don't know how to do it, without practicing you'll never learn, and not knowing how to do it doesn't make you entitled to use other people's work in any way without their permission.
And I agree with Spudnik too. You don't need to write in perfect English, but ye gods, give your posts some love, they are almost illegible.
Thank you! I'm a complete moron with anything related to rigging, but since I'm mostly doing this for learning, that's actually great! Just learned a lot about skinning and weights.
Hey guys~
what do you guys think of this? any feedbacks?
Currently I have only done the head and arms, left with legs and feelers, and somemore touch ups haha.
It reminds me a lot of CK. Maybe a bit too much. I don't really get that OD feel from it at all. Maybe try to incorporate the crystal/rock material he is made off in the design and it would be better.
I made a quick test applying his base colors to the model, and that perception changes a lot.
We'll see how will the sculpt go, as most of the rocky surface will be done there
Kyle did the concept and the awesome banner illustration.
here are a few shots of it in max with game-res textures, just for shits and giggles.
and another crappy gif of Gods Strength:
That's awesome, technically impeccable.
Even if I'm not much a fan of all those protrusions, the details are astonishing, really digging the way you wrapped the concept together - and learned from it, as it really made me look back to my own Sven set and see where I could've done better.
Bravo, sir!
thanks Sukotto. the trolls don't bother me much. I find the stupid shit they say more amusing than anything, i got a good chuckle out of the guy that said my doom helmet looked like an ugly clown helm. I just make the best stuff i can and people are free to say whatever they want about it, hopefully positively.
thanks Rubus, i appreciate it
The Keeper of the Northlight
Yay, finally! Though I gotta agree with ike, this came out a lot darker than it looked originally, which takes away some of the theme for me. What did you render the turntable in because it looks fucking gorgeous!
One critics that I could make is that bottom bear pelt look on the first glance like pair of KOTL legs. Maybe because its so black and thus really stand out from white area around. Anything else is just perfect. Keep it up!
Here some screens :c
Hey guys, just wrapped up the marketing piece for the Spirit Breaker set (Barathrum's Fury) myself and Bounch have been hard at work on and submitted this morning.
@Neox Amazing job as always
I love this. Well done!
Been kicking around my Chen sculpt this past week, still need to get the weapon and bridal modeled up from their concepts to round out the set.
critics are welcome
hope you like em
Icewrath Pack
In the meantime my DK sword seems to have completely disappeared. It's still in my workshop files but doesnt exist anywhere else on the workshop, even if I search for it. And the visibility is still set to Public. Not quite sure whats wrong.
--edit-- Oh wait. I changed the visibility to Friends Only, and back to public and now it's reappeared halfway up the front page, much higher than it should have been o_0 Does seem like a database bug or something.
same happened to me, literaly more than half my workshop items just vanished from the workshop and i had just submited a new set that was actually getting the best rates any of my stuff ever had, that kinda fucked it up...
Thanks for the tip about changing the visibility, have had a full day of downtime due to this same issue and this fixed it!
Welcome! Love the Invoker helm btw. I thought that it looked a little too dark relative to the rest of his clothing, but in day time it looks about right.
@Prosomogy - The sculpt's pretty good, but I feel the textures are a missed opportunity. The yellow and orange bits don't look at all like they're glowing lava, and neither does the red crystal bit near the hilt have any sort of sheen, which is how I would have interpreted the concept.
Here's a GIF!
Would love some thoughts.
I'm also having some problems with the geometry in-game. It looks fine on the portrait and when CK is stationary, but that part under his helm that's kinda supposed to be his head isn't behaving properly. Here's what I mean:
It's pretty noticeable on his neck.
It's probably related to the rigging, but how do I fix it? I'm currently binding everything to head1. People who made CK heads, how did you rig it?
If you don't get permission, then you'll have to create using your own idea. If you can't create a drawing concept, then write it down and use that. If it's in your own head, you can probably visualize it enough to make a model anyway!
One of the worst things to do in a community of artists is to use someone else work without permission. And it follows you around - that bad reputation. You need to make your own stuff man!
Edit: Looking at your work - its obvious you have the technical skill to make the items. Just be patient - it will come.
Good luck.
What Prophet9 said. Right now you sound entitled and childish, at least put some time into your writing and make sure it's legible.
Add some influence from what I believe would be either the neck or chest bone on the bottom verts of the neck, that should fix your issue. Looks really awesome, I really like the style of the helm!
I also think you also experiment with adding the animated textures to the frilly part at the top of the helm
If the concept is not yours, doesn't matter if you worked on modeling it for a year, it's not yours, period.
You're in no position of making demands, even more after using other people's works without permission as you did.
If you don't know how to do it, without practicing you'll never learn, and not knowing how to do it doesn't make you entitled to use other people's work in any way without their permission.
And I agree with Spudnik too. You don't need to write in perfect English, but ye gods, give your posts some love, they are almost illegible.
My Armoured Flesh Golem friend also speaks truth.
Umbrage and OH by Vayne4800 and Stefco
I guess it's a bug.
Noice :P
Thank you! I'm a complete moron with anything related to rigging, but since I'm mostly doing this for learning, that's actually great! Just learned a lot about skinning and weights.
It's fixed!
(ignore the texture, I'm working on some masks)
Again, thank you!
Quick edit:
Everything is pretty much ironed out:
what do you guys think of this? any feedbacks?
Currently I have only done the head and arms, left with legs and feelers, and somemore touch ups haha.