Hey, welcome to our third unofficial dota 2 workshop friendly competition (because huge names are cool)
This month we will work with the 3 most voted heroes on the pool
"heroes that doesnt have any set"
the idea of the competition is to create item´s in a friend environment and with the feedback of the other participants get the best result possible
there is no prize, is just and excuse to work and get everyone motivated
everything that is accepted by the workshop could be part of this competitions: solo items, sets, couriers and wards (announcers?) (huds?)
-Solo item (dont need to be part of a set)
-newcomer item (just for the first submition on the workshop)
- open for teams of any size
- open for every acceptable item on the workshop
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works
- the final submition need to be based on one of the heroes on the list or be a wearable item for that hero
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59
*Venomancer was on the first winners but according to Valve the modes is going to be completely redesigned, so we are moving to the next one that won by one vote
[*]Phanton Assassin[*]Dark Seer[*]Ogre MagiFinished entriessolo itemsNightblade by penOr
Ghost Sentinel Blade by mihalceanu
Unkept hair of the Phantom Veil by Ross
Chitin by Crowntail
Club of the Fire God by mihalceanu
The Lucky Strike by DashXero
Swift Blade of the Veil by Hudston
Cape of Dexterity by Onilolz and Zaphk
Veiled Sang-Kau by Prophet9
Ion Dispersal Guard by Scuba Cat
Veil's Kiss by Scuba Cat
Scavenged Shield by Willypup
Crown of the Phantom by Willypup
Banded Haunch by Prophet9
Scythe of Sacrifice by Robo and Nannou
DarkSeer Armor of Renown- Shoulders by trow128
DarkSeer Armor of Renown - Helmet by trow128
Taliel by Crowntail
Winged Terror of the Veil by Pierate
The Origin by Paskie
Lucky Double Hoodie by Don Don
Mirror of Replica by Nannou and Robo
Gift of Damathryx by Robo and Nannou
Ghost sentinel blade by Mihalceanu
Spiked caster club by mihalceanu
Moltern Core club by mihalceanu
Hundred blades by mihalceanu
Shard of the Corrupted by Chiniara and Mango
Cload of Many Whispers by Sylei
Phantom Death Blade by Shellnut
Blades of Misery by Andyk125
setsExplorer of Ka´ja Nebula Set by Zalak
Rift Traveler by DailyDouble
The Brute by Mantra
Veil of the shadow assassin by Robbiek1000
Shards of the Crossing by ReverendFlacid
Veteran Tactician by Mihalcanu
Late submitions
Vestments of the Crypt Maiden by Rubus
now the SFM model viewer works with the dota shader, we can now have a much better feedback of the textures, fuck yeah, thanks valve =]]

Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game



the polycount logo over the aegis
Hope I can pull it off!!
We can do it Bronto!
gogogo guys! you have 30 days! =]
Also working on a set idea for Venomancer.
I tried it for Sven, opening the pak01_dir.vpk with GFScape then attempted to decompile the file sven.mdl with several versions of the decompiler found in the Source wiki, but I got an error every time - I installed all the Source SDKs and all, nothing worked.
Seeing how the pieces of equipment behave with the animations inside Blender without the export/import chore would be very handy.
Did you rename the dx90 to dx80?
But based in the error I got, the solution in all the forums I searched was to change the program to a folder that actually doesn't exists in my SDK folder, don't know why.
If this works it would be great, if not, thanks anyway
Started that ds set few days ago, i started with rough concept and later re-make it a little ( I decided to make a crystal as a single item later).
here is what i got from valve about the 2 characters
phantom assassin will have some slight changes on the face but we can continue using the actual model as reference
Venomancer will be COMPLETELY redesigned
so we better avoid it, do you guys agree with that?
the next one is Ogre magi that won by one vote???? omg
I'm curious to see what they do with him, though!
Also, thanks for finding that out Vidotto
That's good, thanks for taking the time to contact them
Just a bit curious, did they specify what kind of changes will they make in PA's face?
nop, but i asked if that could be a problem to use the default one as reference
they said that we can continue with the default one =]
I'm so out of practice that I forgot how to attach a material to an object T_T
Anyway, I've only played Dota a couple of times and I'm not too brushed up on the lore but I love the character designs, they look like so much fun to play with
I'm picking PA and doing a new hairstyle for her (I saw that she's getting a redesign but I still want to do her). I'm a bit worried that my initial direction is destroying her silhouette too much so I'd love any feedback- thanks guys
Started making some simple weapon sketches for PA. I noticed I forgot to attach the weapon in the reference pics..
Still WIP and I will try to make a few more concept.
I'm interested in seeing what they do with Venomancer, should be cool
Here's the model tested in game (just did lowpoly)
A tip for her weapon - her attacks are really fast ingame, so it wouldn't make sense to have a heavy/bulky weapon, definitely something more agile. I didn't consider that before getting this far =S
Hey I got one job in these monthly competition and someone always beats me to it.
(Thx for the ref)
awesome, welcome to our friendly competition =]
some suggestions
Andy, can you make it with a muted background like desaturated gray?
also can you take a picture of it with the high angle camera?
we still need the other chars =]]
if i get this one done with enough time to spare i'll try to do a couple of items for ogre..because i think he'd be a ton of fun.
we'll have to wait and see though...still unpacking...and i'm currently working without a desk chair.
This the rough untextured/masked base mesh I have compiled in to see if a concept sketch I did would look alright. Seems to work!
I'll save the sculpting and texturing for tomorrow.
Are there any other characters that are getting a redesign at this point? How can we find out that information?
Well I made a white background so it's easy to color pick and change the background color. If it is grey it's hard to pick and change, but If I get back home i will post some new ones together with a high angle view..
i dont know, i asked directly about those 2.
but the way people started asking that was a cleaver one, Phanton assassin have a lot of items on the workshop but they are not beeing added to the game very often and venon remembers too much an hydralisk.
so if a hero have a lot of items in game they will probably not change, like axe or furion =]
if what they said about PA is true we are one a good spot with her for this month
Not sure about the back of the helm and the hair, my original plan is below, I personally think it resembled the default too much (the back piece and the hair). Any suggestions?
(Yeah, my drawing sucks).
wow! that was quick =]
I'm still not sure about the design... Crits are welcome!
sorry if the crazy smoothing groups make it a littl hard to read. i was basically concepting in max on the fly as i went so i didn't really take the time to keep them in order.
I absolutely love this. But yeah, 350-450 tri limit on the shoulders is going to hurt
Small update on my weapon for PA.. The idea is to have some symbols in the middle, but not sure what kind of symbols.
Edit: Quick Paintover..
Zaphk: Love the design, only not completely sure about the belt, but the rest looks awesome. nice and clean work!