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the *ART JAM* - please join in :)



  • Torch
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    afisher wrote: »
    Awesome stuff crazyfool, Lilith, Duncan, Mat & dchung!

    Here's my contribution for the comics theme. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for Bioware.

    That's it...you're not allowed to enter the art jam anymore Adam :poly127: Incredible! :thumbup:
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    Great stuff here.
    dchung please continue that looks promising!


    Been dicking around with this the last few weeks, so it wasn't really for here... approached the cloak entirely wrong I see now.
  • Dill-n
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    Dill-n polycounter lvl 6
    Lots of great art being jammed within this thread! Going to try and join in this week. Although, sadly, I have yet to play a bioware game.
  • Der Hollander
    So... scope was a problem with my idea this week. It's not what I'd like to have finished in an ideal situation, but situations are hardly ideal. Also, overdue for the Comic theme.TurokSketch.png
  • Lilith
    So much great stuff!!
    afisher, firestarter, dchung, crazyfool - AWESOME! mat - you`re sure need to finish it, turns out really nice
    Well here`s my Wonder woman, I`m calling it`s done, though it`s really not. I just really want to start to work on ESCAPE :)


    Turntable - YouTube
  • alifarsangi
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    alifarsangi polycounter lvl 12
    so many crazy Comicy works !

    afisher amazing work ! can i ask u, how u got that cool eyes ?

    here is mine ! i got a bit tired of working on it ! so i am gonna stop working on it !


  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    Late one but i hardly ever get to do characters so it was a nice change! rather relaxing..
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    @ afisher : YOU ARE THE GREATEST!
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    awespme work guys, shame i didn`t have time to make one myself but it saves me the embarrassment of looking like a noob next to some of these :D
  • terry1337
    Redone my older model of The green goblin :)
  • threedsquid
    Hi guys,
    I decided to join this art jam after stalking this forum for a very long time :)
    Hope I can learn from all of you here, and here's my little contribution
    crazyfool and afisher : really sick work :thumbup:
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    Torch: Thanks mate :)
    threedsquid, Lilith: Thanks!
    alifarsangi: Cheers. I used Zbro's eye reflection Matcap. (You can find it here http://luckilytip.blogspot.kr/)
    duncan: hahaha thanks buddy :P
  • skullmonkey
    @ afisher : Your Thanos is one of the greatest I've ever seen ! :thumbup: His Clint Eastwood likeness grounds him so much in reality ! And thank you again for sharing timelapse as it helps a lot to see how the pros uses ZBrush to get such awesome sculpts ! Can you explain your painting process ?
    @ crazyfool : Your catwoman kicks asses !
    @ duncan : Great Afro samurai you have here ! I hope you'll continue to work on it !
    @ Lillith : Your Wonder Woman looks hot ! Very dynamic sculpt ! She's got some likeness with an actress but I can't point which one...
    @ dchung : Great start with your samurai Wolverine ! Hope you'll continue it !

    Here's an update on my Batman. I Started to block out his armor. I'll continue to work on it untill I'm satisfied enough to put it in my portfolio.

    Hope you like it.
  • LordSebbington
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    LordSebbington polycounter lvl 6
    I was all ready to do some angry Dragon Age dragons - started sketching and ended up with this guy.

  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Crazyfool - Awesome piece of art mate. Especially loving that belt.
    - Love the redesign man. Cowabunga dude!
    nimlot26 - Great job on Wolverine. But he's missing his 5 o'clock shadow.
    mat - Nice job on Ivy. Any chance of an update?
    duncan - Top stuff man. Really loving that hair! There's enough planes to get lost in.
    dchung - Cannot get enough of Wolverine. Maybe a cool Death Mask would add to the piece. Though it might remove the whole Wolverine theme all together.
    afisher - God damn it Adam. There is no end to these amazing busts.
    firestarter - Really loving that profile of the cowl. Damn nice design.
    Der Hollander - Glad to see Turok is not forgotten. Really miss the original concept.
    Lilith - Great work so far. I hope you revisit it after the Escape comp.
    alifarsangi - Loving it man. Really captured the style. Hands seem a tad small though.
    Kazperstan - Now thats a Daredevil you wouldn't mess with. Good job!
    terry1337 - Love it. Get him rigged into a pose and you'll knock it out of the park!
    threedsquid - Love it mate. Just in time for Age of Ultron saga.
    skullmonkey - Great design. It seem to be going towards Batman Beyond appearance. But keep at it!
    LordSebbington - lol, would make a massive change to Dragon Age won't it. Have a giant tear drop coming out of one of the eyes.
    Update from me. I've sculted his torso armour which I will use when I come to creating a full charatcer of Cable instead of the temp one I have atm. But for the time been a bust will do. Hope you guys like it.

  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 17
    briliant work guys, I decided to cut some sleep and get something done, at least a sketch for now
    2 or 3 hours in

    EDIT: 5 hours in now
  • TGY
    Hi! My friend threedsquid told me about this challenge, so i decided to give a shot. This was for last week's topic, comic characters.


    Always been a fan of kakashi, dont want it to be too fanart so redesigned the costume. Thanks for looking!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Great stuff everyone, Sorry been a bit quiet on here as Ive been crazy busy and getting over a cold :( was thinking of doing the 'Escape' challenge alongside this but I just dont have the time haha. So Art Jam here we goes :) I got an illusive man on the way hehe

    mat - looks great, those ivy leaves look like they were painful to put up, you could quickly pop in some pupil polypaint to help shape the eyes
    duncan - haha hes so butch, looks awesome man
    dchung - hope you finish him, hes looking great
    afisher - hes fantastic mate :) you get bonus points for a vid too hehe
    firestarter - thats a really cool interpretation, I would like to see where you take the face if you return to it
    der hollander - yea maybe a bit much for a week haha, looks good though, the rex' eyes look a little low and possibly a bit too big to me
    lilith - she turned out great, cant believe you did that without symmetry, you a mad man!!!! poseable symmetry in zbrush may of helped if you didnt use it already, she came out great though.
    alifarsangi - great job in getting the style right
    kazperstan - looking good, I think the bottom lipcould do with less bulge underneath, planes of the face may help
    terry1337 - good to see you return to him, he does look alot better, might be worth studying a bit of leg anatomy
    threedsquid - great ultron,
    skullmonkey - looking good, I think his man bits need pronouncing more though, I always get told to tone mine down as I compensate too much haha
    lordsebbington - I swear my aunt has a statue of that haha, great job
    di$array - great job on cable, I like his face, in the next one you could possibly try to work the details in subtley so you have no hard edges to the forms, this way the light picks them up and you will end up with a natural looking face, still looks awesome though, you beat my brother....lazy sod haha
    wizo - looking good, maybe be careful of the neck, its a bit thick to what is usually quite a thin chappy, hope you keep going though, loved gambit growing up....in a manly way :)

    Ever so slight change of themes aswell, just trying to iron out some so we have more fun and add in some suggestions from fellower art jammers. Ive changed the nintendo/sega one to gaming legends so we can do all sorts of gaming icons throughout the ages. And Pets has run away to be replaced by borderlands as its been highly requested. Ive also added a final topic of movies.

    heres the new schedule;

    8th March - Cartoon shows
    15th March - the world of Bioshock (In time for Bioshock Infinite)
    22nd March - Gaming Legends
    29th March - Beat em ups
    5th April - Creature Box
    12th April - Borderlands
    19th April - Brink
    26th April - Movies

    again PM me or ask on here if you have any ideas on themes etc.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Posting some ideas use what you like:
    Pixel games turned current gen/next gen

    Animals turned into vehicles - lookalike (think voltrons/tigers )

    Your favorite game character/s turned chibi ?

    Make an original Pokemon

    Envision what you would look like in a game, are you the hero? a wanderer, the Villian? You could be a robot, anything and everything put a personal trait into the design. Such as, if you drink too much coffee put something that we will get, pizza maniac like Michelangelo? use cheese sauce, bread some where in your design.

    Hopefully more people come chime in for you so this can continue.

    Also ace work all, nice updates keep on trucking.
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    I really like the pixel art turned next gen idea
  • Dill-n
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    Dill-n polycounter lvl 6
    Here's what I've got thus far on the Bioware theme. Just a version of female Shepard. I don't think the armor reads "Mass Effect" just yet though.

  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hey Dill-n, nice looking work so far :)

    @ D4V1DC some nice ideas there, I was thinking something to do with animals and pokemon too.

    Also wanted to add: Oddworld Inhabitants and Beat em up's to the mix.
  • lixiongcg
    Hi all

    Great stuff from everyone!

    Thought of contributing something to the forum after lurking for ages :poly136:

    Here's one for the comic theme

  • Hery-ArtMaja
    Hello Guys,
    This is my first post in Polycount, trying to participate the doodle weekly.
    Thx to threedsquid to bring me here.
    threedsquid, TGY: good to see u guys here :))
    Still in Comic Theme, Evangelion: Ayanami Rei


  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Im thinking half ecorche might be a good one, so like half with all the skin on and then the other half with just muscle and bone definition. Only problem is it would only really apply to character artists though, unless people want to do some mechanical dissection maybe?
  • Madzia
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    Madzia polycounter lvl 8
    My BioWare theme :) I remember myself playing Neverwinter Nights 1 a lot, they had these gorgeous character portraits (I was a kid, they were awesome for me then :D) My artistic journey begins with making my own NWN portraits, I was under great influence of NWN and D&D handbooks, lot of good memories!
    So here's my pure fantasy, elfish portrait, nothing like these in NWN! yeah
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Just gonna throw out a theme idea for a while down the road.

    Star Trek, to coincide with the release of the next film.

    I want any excuse to make some Star Trek fan art. :)

    Crazyfool: A dissection theme sounds cool. I'm almost more interested to see mechanical cutaways. You could also do fictional/cartoony character anatomical things like this or this.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I Totally second the idea for a Pokemon week. I think it would a lot of fun, or even as D4V1DC suggests make an original one. Plus there's so much to choose from!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    thanks for the suggestions everyone, pokemon sounds like a good one :)

    so new theme time
    Cartoon Shows!!!!

    again if you have previous theme stuff going on please post it up still :)
  • dchung
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    dchung polycounter lvl 11
    Here's my take on morrigan for the Bioware theme , spent way too much time tweaking the face as i always do with females :| .Hopefully will get to refine her later on .

    For suggestions maybe a zelda theme ? But that might be covered by Gaming legends.

  • alifarsangi
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    alifarsangi polycounter lvl 12
    Hery-ArtMaja amazing work ! i love that hair shape ! can i ask u how u made that crazy hair ?!

    dchung very cool work ! i also wanted to do that chick in beginning but i changed my mind later !

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    dchung very nice indeed I really like her, nice work.
    madzia beatiful image :) really like her eyes and that jewelry.
    Hery-Artmaja Whoa she looks great you should go ahead and make more of her since you have so much already done, really nice work.
    lixiongcg nice to see a lurker come out of the shadows ;) not bad at all, you should post more.
    dill-n looking good keep on going.
    Torch thanks man, I wanted to contribute something, hopefully some ideas to keep this up for a few more Fridays at least.

    Guess I'll start the cartoon theme, I am glad we have a chance to work with that as it's one of my favorite things to work on.
  • Hery-ArtMaja
    crazyfool : Thx for created such us this awesome thread crazyfool!

    lixiongcg : Nice to see u around men, He is a good choice for this comic theme. You`ve got multiple pieces of dynamesh there men, will try it out for bioware theme. Lets roll!

    dchung : She`s looks awesome! Love her face n stylish sillhouette. Dont u think the calf`s ankle a little to big for her?

    alifarsangi : No, nothing fancy going on in there actually :D, Just sculpt the hair directly on the head mesh, after that I used "Slide Brush" to pulled some selected hair`s tip to give volume n sillhouette on 360 views, cheap trick. Need to allign the Point of View on certain position to get the pulled mesh goes to the right direction (hairflow) tho. Try it once/twice and for sure you`ll know how`s this brush behaved.

    D4V1DC : Thx for the kind words men :D, I made her on full body version actually but find the hard time to find the "ok" poses for her and framing the shot. So i decided to crop the img just for upper body only.
  • mat
    Hery-ArtMaja and Dchung both amazing pieces
  • dchung
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    dchung polycounter lvl 11
    ArtMaja - Good call :) ill probably have to make them less clunky there . THanks , the tips for the slide brush is interesting btw :D
  • dchung
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    dchung polycounter lvl 11
    D4V1DC Awesome ! Carebears ?

    I have a feeling this week might get some really cool entries .
  • Dill-n
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    Dill-n polycounter lvl 6
    Hery-ArtMaja awesome work, her suit looks great!

    dchung Very nice, like the pose. And I can relate to spending too much time tweaking faces when it comes to the ladies.

  • tehrobster2
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    tehrobster2 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys to join the cartoon art jam I started working on Batmans grappling gun from the animated series =D cJOSQHz.jpg
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    D4V1DC wrote: »
    dchung very nice indeed I really like her, nice work.
    madzia beatiful image :) really like her eyes and that jewelry.
    Hery-Artmaja Whoa she looks great you should go ahead and make more of her since you have so much already done, really nice work.
    lixiongcg nice to see a lurker come out of the shadows ;) not bad at all, you should post more.
    dill-n looking good keep on going.
    Torch thanks man, I wanted to contribute something, hopefully some ideas to keep this up for a few more Fridays at least.

    Guess I'll start the cartoon theme, I am glad we have a chance to work with that as it's one of my favorite things to work on.

    Gummi Bears?

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Close :)

    Yes sir! nice job, did you hunt him down. :)
    Was wondering if anyone forgot about these guys.

    Nice grappling hook robster, check out the technical section for some help with subD modeling might make your stuff pop out or sharper :) are you going to zbrush it?

    Here is some more work:
    Got to fix the shirts symmetry, zpheres for me seem out of wack when trying to get things symmetrical but I found a way to sort it out, luckily.

    I really wanted to try out the Escape contest and see how well I am at environment modeling which I already feel is going to be a huge headache, though I have a nice idea but I feel it is too much work for one person we will see I guess.. :)
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    D4V1DC: Recoognised him straight away, GummiBears are the bomb. :P
  • Dill-n
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    Dill-n polycounter lvl 6
    Here is where I ended up with the bioware theme. Scrapped the armor, thought this was a bit more "Mass Effecty"

  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 17
    more progress on gambit.. awesome work everyone, might try to squeeze in some time for next topic.


    different hair type and polish
  • spiderDude
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    spiderDude polycounter lvl 8
    Using this week's theme as an excuse to finish up a model I've been putting off
    Queen's Blade: Melona
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    dchung wrote: »
    Here's my take on morrigan for the Bioware theme , spent way too much time tweaking the face as i always do with females :| .Hopefully will get to refine her later on .

    For suggestions maybe a zelda theme ? But that might be covered by Gaming legends.


    This is fantastic man!!!! :)
  • Shadowplay
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    Shadowplay polycounter lvl 13
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    Hello Guys,
    This is my first post in Polycount, trying to participate the doodle weekly.
    Thx to threedsquid to bring me here.
    threedsquid, TGY: good to see u guys here :))
    Still in Comic Theme, Evangelion: Ayanami Rei


    Awesome work of Rei! Love the sculpt.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
  • threedsquid
    Di$array : thanks, nice cable :)

    wizo : cool work, second hair fits him better, the ankle looks very thin, perhaps you can reduce the fold there

    Hery-ArtMaja, TGY , lixiongcg : nice to see you guys! hery you never dissapoint, very impressive ! :)

    dchung : very cool!

    madzia : nice style!

    and here's my contribution for bioware..still don't have ideas for cartoon theme :poly142:

  • cgartland
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    cgartland polycounter lvl 11
    Damn there's some really amazing sculpts on here,

    Well here's the beginnings of my cartoon character theme

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