Hello Polycounters!
I've made a promise to myself at the beginning of this year. I said that I will do at least 1 pinup sculpt per week. Its a personal goal of mine to specialize in female characters because personally for me, they are a lot more challenging than a male character. As well as to build up a part of my portfolio for the collectible industry aside from the video game stuff. Hopefully by the end of this year I will have at least 52 pinup sculpts.
concept by Stephane Roux
week of 1/1

Poison Ivy
weekend 1/5

Harley Quinn
concept by Artgerm
weekend 1/12

keyshot render

awesome program, definitely thinking about buying it.
This week...Black Canary.
weekend of 1/19
pose based off concept by Warren Louw
the height mugshot thing is kind of strange though. you have them all around 7 feet tall?
Do one from PapaNinja
There is 1 minor point in you last sculpt (the first pose), her hand that is angled to her face, the skin around the hand and wrist is going inwards. Skin stretches over it in real life, closing the gab. It is just that point that looks wrong but for the rest, DAMN!
Good job and good luck
@LRoy- yea, I didn't noticed I had it all at 7 feet until someone pointed it out to me a week ago, lol
@butt_sahib- soon
@Aardschok- thanks for the feedback! I hate sculpting hands, mostly because I suck at them lol, but this will be a good way to force me to sculpt hands in a pose.
@Di$array- Thanks! also because of your avatar, I automatically read your post in Dr. Orpheus' voice, lol.
Black Canary is probably my favourite so far, with Catwoman not far behind. I'll be watching this thread for sure and look forward to weekly updates.
Hope your other WIPs aren't completely dead though! lol
Lol, my other WIPs aren't dead but I did put them on hold because the Cghub Bioware challenge is waaayyy too good for me to let pass by
10 more days and I'll be able to continue them again
going live in 10 minutes
Trying to push the difficulty each week
The only thing i could add is that it seems you just transposed her after sculpting. Id suggest makknig minor changes with asymm after posing. Makes the character look more grounded and realistic.Eg you could have exaggerated the tendon on her left thigh (the adductor muscle group).
So.. are you going to do a livestream more now you've done it once?
Yea this was a challenging one, I may return to Vampirella later to push the asymmetric more. Yes, I think I may do more livestreaming for these pinups.
Here is a time lapse of the livestream
Lady Death
Hopefully I'll be posting a new one tonight.
Its def a long time goal of mine to sculpt one of those Marvel toy sculpts, they're ssooo awesome!
lol, I gotta get back to Corpse/Mayhem and Felicia...and than Melona ;D
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose(that name is a mouthful lol)
That was a good run of Deathly Vixens
I'm feeling the next batch should be Skullgirls!
I feel the urge to practice something very stylized.
Cerebella The Show Stopper!!!!
Let me know if this works smoothly for you guys
click on the image for Turntable
Great interpretation
Only thing that is bugging me is the fold on the back of her skirt, it doesn't look as natural as the rest.
I would also love to see an expression on these girls other than a blank stare. it has a tendency to make them look like statues
(though the turntable doesnt work)
Yea, cartoony characters aren't really my forte, so I gotta push more on the faces.
@Mind Traveler-What did you get when you tried to view the turntable?
Here are some test
These are awesome!
Now that you mention it, I see it lol
I rendered Cerebella in Keyshot; There is a library of preset materials ranging from velvet fabrics to human skin. I mainly chose from the paint materials since I want them to look like figurines. After that I just touch up the image in photoshop.
Its a great program, a little wonky on setting things up but the results are fantastic.
Thought about doing Peacock? she looks like a challenge. Or Ms. Fortune looks fun as well
I don't think I'll do Peacock, but I do have plans for Ms. Fortune.
I'm probably gonna do one more Skullgirl before moving on
Since I'm kinda burnt out on Skullgirls...I'm moving on to another subject
Heres whats comin'
watch on full screen 720
testing out the annotation for commentary
Nice work you've been really pumping them out, nice to see the process in the youtube vid, music is not so bad either.
@D4V1DC- Thanks!
Here is another video, posing blockout and refinement