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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    Wow Anuxi, that looks great! Not sure how big the courier will be, but isn't there a bit too much detail? One thing they keep nagging around at the workshop is that when its too detailed, it becomes noisy.

    I've almost finished my 'Tree of Life" for Tiny. Is there a way to test this in the test client? Can i make it as an item and then attach it to the Tiny model? There's no existing model to overwrite...

  • Paskie
    Bout bloody time
    also animations work
    also please excuse the texture quality, dota turned my settings down to medium for some reason

    Looking forward to this one!:thumbup:

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    krflol wrote: »
    Ronin Jug WIP
    feedback appreciated

    That shape isn't going to work at all

    notice something about hero item sets, specifically juggernaut
    all his item sets in a thumbnail view all look vaguely the same
    this is where a lot of item sets fall short, they look nothing like the existing character sets or their default items
    there are always exceptions but looking at Juggernauts existing items I highly doubt finishing that set will be worth the effort
  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    That shape isn't going to work at all

    notice something about hero item sets, specifically juggernaut
    all his item sets in a thumbnail view all look vaguely the same
    this is where a lot of item sets fall short, they look nothing like the existing character sets or their default items
    there are always exceptions but looking at Juggernauts existing items I highly doubt finishing that set will be worth the effort

    And you say that just as I started thinking about making a set for him :S

    I'm not sure I'll start this right away but here it goes:

    What do you think about the colors? Or should I try something else instead of the bandages?
  • darkartsofneko
    marul wrote: »
    And you say that just as I started thinking about making a set for him :S

    I'm not sure I'll start this right away but here it goes:

    What do you think about the colors? Or should I try something else instead of the bandages?

    I like the dark ones on the arm because I think it matches with the outfit more, but I prefer the light one on the chest because it stands out, the dark one blends in too much with the other pieces and is lost.
  • Zhaie
    Hello all.
    I work on quick silhouettes and try to make concepts for Naga Siren.
    I don't realy know which one will be the most attractive or/and your favorite.
    I need other opinion on that.

    thanks :)

  • PoPcorn
    My favourite is probably the Dawn of Slithereen. I really like the headpiece on this but I think maybe the weapon could use something a little extra.
  • Zhaie
    Rhanks for the Answer.
    Of course it's just Research. I push it for the best one :)
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14

    Got the shaggybark courier highpoly done... Texture is gonna be fun... :<

    This is seriously epic Anuxi, lol do thos little birds on his horns fly him around for the flying version?
  • walt
    blocking out a helmet for kotl.
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    marul wrote: »
    And you say that just as I started thinking about making a set for him :S

    I'm not sure I'll start this right away but here it goes:

    What do you think about the colors? Or should I try something else instead of the bandages?

    That looks great, and it's immediately recognizable as juggernaut, so you shouldn't have a problem there.

    Zhaie wrote: »
    Hello all.
    I work on quick silhouettes and try to make concepts for Naga Siren.
    I don't realy know which one will be the most attractive or/and your favorite.
    I need other opinion on that.

    thanks :)

    I agree with popcorn that dawn of the slithereen looks the best, but I also think someone has submitted something similar before: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=111496925 Make sure you differentiate it if you go with that design.

    So after experimenting with a bunch of stuff I decided to made some slight noise/color adjustments to the cloak texture and add the same lining that the default cloak has.

    I tried making the gold color reflect like the default shoulders but it's definitely impossible, there's definitely some kind of vmt magic going on behind the scenes to make that extra gold shimmer.

    I also tried raising the orbs like vlad suggested but it looks a little odd with the particle effect, it makes the effect look shorter and stubby, I could raise the orbs but lower the entire top of the staff so that the particle effect comes out at the same place but that looks a little odd too, so I'm keeping it as it was before.

    I think I'm satisfied with it, just gotta finish the lod1's and work a bit on the presentation.
  • Jackson31
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    Jackson31 polygon
    OK, Despite not having control over the material due to the new Import tool I uploaded my courier to the workshop!!
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE05-JOvo8E&quot;]Larval Faerie Dragon - Dota 2 Courier - YouTube[/ame]




    Upvotes would be greatly appreciated guys!
    Here's the workshop link; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126834727
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys, I'm seeing a lot of people creating items which completely cover a hero's head or covers them to a point where they're indistinguishable. You really should avoid doing this. There face has so much detail in it and the head slot of an item (unless it's Void, SK or someone else whose head slot completely replaces the head) will never be able to match that detail so it will only serve to make the portrait view lower quality.

    Also, so much work has been put into facial animations and dialogue which would just be entirely erased if their head is covered.

    This is just a heads up, it's something you should avoid.
  • darkartsofneko

    I updated my Crystal Maiden textures for the arms. The fur is lighter so it matches the rest of it more, and I added a lighter blue texture. I also did all of the masks for her today, so as soon as I finish the high poly version, it'll be all set for uploading.

    Any thoughts or suggestions for anything that I should change before I start working on another piece?
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Every bloody time I use the dota 2 importer weights are always an issue
    even after pruning the vertex limit to 3 bones the wings continue to crash like this
    it's as if the importer changes the bone weights or something god
    does anyone know anything about this because the last time I asked about it on Dev Dota I got no answer

    Why can't I just have one import that doesn't do this
    I don't want to submit this with broken as hell wings
  • Junglehermit

    Just wrapped up my first item set for Riki. Hoping my next set will go a little smoother. Feedback and criticism is welcome :)




    Steam Workshop link here!
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Well, ran into a snag, and I'm stumped.


    It appears that when the orbs on both the staff and shoulders are in the dark they light up fine (self-illumination) but if they're in direct light they go completely black (the light source is on the left).

    I've tried using a blank normal map, didn't fix it, and my mask1 and mask2 files are using identical colors as the green orbs on rubick's body textures. Not sure what could be causing this.
  • SandmanSeven
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    SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
    I've been working on a set for Huskar, I like to think of it as his Resurrection Armor. In his lore its said he when he was killed he was suppose to become a god, but the gods brought him back to fight their battles. Well I think he deserves some godly armor for that!

    I'm hand painted all of the armor, and its my first time trying it. I'm creating a spear and sword for this set as well but the textures aren't started yet. I'm also having some issues with my models, they seem to want to import all over the place, does anyone know how to fix this?
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    Well, ran into a snag, and I'm stumped.

    It appears that when the orbs on both the staff and shoulders are in the dark they light up fine (self-illumination) but if they're in direct light they go completely black (the light source is on the left).

    I've tried using a blank normal map, didn't fix it, and my mask1 and mask2 files are using identical colors as the green orbs on rubick's body textures. Not sure what could be causing this.

    It does look like the lightning (reflections) are causing it, it's only happening when directly into the sun (lightning) What did you do whith the mask2 Alpha?? I think your problem is there.. Make sure that part is not white in the mask 2 alpha, or black not sure but I thought it was one of those..
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14
    Well, ran into a snag, and I'm stumped.


    It appears that when the orbs on both the staff and shoulders are in the dark they light up fine (self-illumination) but if they're in direct light they go completely black (the light source is on the left).

    I've tried using a blank normal map, didn't fix it, and my mask1 and mask2 files are using identical colors as the green orbs on rubick's body textures. Not sure what could be causing this.

    I'm not 100% sure whats causing this but if i had the problem i would check the metalness mask, it has a way of blowing out to full black if you push the values to high.

    Another possible cause could be the gem is floating geo that isn't airtight? i get some weird shadowing in situations like that. Although im not convinced it would cause this problem particularly on the staff.

    Also it looks like its present at night just not as apparent?
  • Zhaie
    Awww the "Larval Faerie Dragons" is realy cute.
    I like it on Steam ;)
  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 11

    Stole some time today to work on this. Just had to get something in-game and see what's what... Surprisingly, it turned out pretty well (maybe I learned something from making Lina and CM sets after all...). There are some issues to fix, but they don't seem like anything major. It looks like I'm gonna have to adjust the LOD1 UVs a bit for the weapons and head. I can't figure out what's going on with the specular on the crab's eyes (I wonder if that's being caused by a lack of geometry in the area... I'm thinking I'll just have to paint a specular in there.)... Got a few weighting issues to iron out...

    I think I can do it.
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Well, ran into a snag, and I'm stumped.


    It appears that when the orbs on both the staff and shoulders are in the dark they light up fine (self-illumination) but if they're in direct light they go completely black (the light source is on the left).

    I've tried using a blank normal map, didn't fix it, and my mask1 and mask2 files are using identical colors as the green orbs on rubick's body textures. Not sure what could be causing this.
    Self-illum and spec are fighting each other. Remove all spec and self-illum and just leave the detail map. The add a bit of glow.

    Outworld Devourer got the same issue where his detail map adds glow by itself, and if you'll add self-illum it'll be black in the end.
  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    Every bloody time I use the dota 2 importer weights are always an issue
    even after pruning the vertex limit to 3 bones the wings continue to crash like this
    it's as if the importer changes the bone weights or something god
    does anyone know anything about this because the last time I asked about it on Dev Dota I got no answer

    Why can't I just have one import that doesn't do this
    I don't want to submit this with broken as hell wings

    I can't quite spot what the problem is here but just in case:

    a. Have you checked if there are vertices with very low weights? (like ~0.01)
    b. There may be a problem with flipped normals.

    Just those come to my mind, hope that helps.
  • PrOOf
    Made the surfboard for Tidehunter (it's a weapon).



    I'll submit it later.
  • Black_Stormy
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    Black_Stormy polycounter lvl 8
    I'm having trouble understanding the lod system of the new ingame compiler. I have two lod models that have poly counts matching the amounts on the dota 2 workshop requirements page, but the in game compiler keeps telling me I need to have my geometry at the level of the lod1 model. I thought that this was handled in the compiler by prefixing my lod1 model with lod1_ (so I have 'model.dmx' and 'lod1_model.dmx'). But this doesn't seem to work. I have tried a bunch of different prefixes and suffixes in the same vein, is there something I am missing here? I would really appreciate being able to write that qc...
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    The 'in-game' geometry is your lod1, so pick your lod1 source file for that field - the 'portrait' geometry field is your lod0.
  • Black_Stormy
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    Black_Stormy polycounter lvl 8
    Oh man, what an idiot I am. Always looking for the most complex solution. I guess that's a byproduct of working with source for so long.
  • Paskie
    Starting to get the texture done on the Demonheart Scepter for Lion. Not sure if the ash/black is too much on the heart.

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Paskie wrote: »
    Starting to get the texture done on the Demonheart Scepter for Lion. Not sure if the ash/black is too much on the heart.

    I think the heart should be more red, like you know, the heart. Or you can make it look like crystal hear, which will be ballin. If you won't go that way i think i'll jump on the crystal heart idea.
  • Paskie
    I think the heart should be more red, like you know, the heart. Or you can make it look like crystal hear, which will be ballin. If you won't go that way i think i'll jump on the crystal heart idea.

    This was actually the first draft before i added the ash. Better or worse?

  • Paskie
    Btw does it look ok with the rest of the items? Going to add custom shoulders later.

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Paskie wrote: »
    Btw does it look ok with the rest of the items? Going to add custom shoulders later.

    I think red heart looks way better, adds focus and keeps with the original value distribution. My vote - leave it like that.
    Although lighting in that shot is terrible, bunch of shadows creating a lot of noise, i'd suggest you to try and fit it all in the importer and test your set there.
  • vlad_the_implyer
  • Pina
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    Pina polycounter lvl 5
    Haven't had that much time to create anything after the Polycount contest, but managed to squeeze in an item for Centaur Warruner from a set that I had put on hold.


  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Pina wrote: »
    Haven't had that much time to create anything after the Polycount contest, but managed to squeeze in an item for Centaur Warruner from a set that I had put on hold.


    Double edge now deals -100% damage
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Pina wrote: »
    Haven't had that much time to create anything after the Polycount contest, but managed to squeeze in an item for Centaur Warruner from a set that I had put on hold.



    Everything looks great except that handle, it seems really out of place in my opinion. I mean, you have this really brutal hammer, then fit it with a very elegant spiral staff for a handle. Doesn't make much sense to me, especially for a character like Warrunner.
  • darkartsofneko
    I've been working on a set for Huskar, I like to think of it as his Resurrection Armor. In his lore its said he when he was killed he was suppose to become a god, but the gods brought him back to fight their battles. Well I think he deserves some godly armor for that!

    I'm hand painted all of the armor, and its my first time trying it. I'm creating a spear and sword for this set as well but the textures aren't started yet. I'm also having some issues with my models, they seem to want to import all over the place, does anyone know how to fix this?

    I was having a similar problem. I'm not sure what program you're using, so I can't offer specialized help.
    But someone suggested that I extract the models directly from the game rather than using the ones Valve provided. It fixed all the problems I was having.
    This page has a great tutorial showing how to extract the models if you want to do that: http://wyksblog.com/getting-started-dota-2-cosmetics/
  • Pina
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    Pina polycounter lvl 5
    AndrewHelenek you might be right, what do you suggest?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Pina wrote: »
    AndrewHelenek you might be right, what do you suggest?

    You might want to try something that looks as brutal as the hammer, have the handle beaten up, straps that have been replaced multiple times over one another. Have it chipped or scratched up. Look at Huskars, or Warrunners default weapon for reference.

    The hammer is perfect, you just need a handle that mimics that same feel.
  • Zaubereis
  • Pina
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    Pina polycounter lvl 5
    Tks :) When I have more extra time will try a new handle.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    My Lion set is in the files with custom animations for his third eye :D

    Also, that other amazing CM set from the Polycount contest and an OD set.
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Self-illum and spec are fighting each other. Remove all spec and self-illum and just leave the detail map. The add a bit of glow.

    Outworld Devourer got the same issue where his detail map adds glow by itself, and if you'll add self-illum it'll be black in the end.

    Thanks vlad, and others for their suggestions, it was definitely a conflict between the glow on the detail map and self-illumination.

    Strange how they have both of those maxed out at pure white on the default eyes/orbs etc, I guess it doesn't cause problems because they're a flat texture instead of on their own geometry?

    And I was going to upload my finished set today too... haha... I wonder if valve following this thread and possible the facepunch thread too, because that timing is uncanny.

    Well, I've got more work to do but more freedom to do it in, I think. I just wish I knew about this yesterday because I spent a lot of time creating an lod1 last night with the cloak, hood, and mask all under the poly limit that I now don't need XD.
  • toby.rutter
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    toby.rutter polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys I've nearly finished my first DotA 2 submission and I'm currently previewing it in the workshop client to get a feeling for final improvements to textures, but I'm having some problems with different shaders not displaying. I can't seem to make self illumation or tint spec by colour show up correctly. Tint just displays the colour of the spec value. I wondered if anyone else had had any problems.

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    My Lion set is in the files with custom animations for his third eye :D

    Also, that other amazing CM set from the Polycount contest and an OD set.
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10

    Actually... it looks like the head slot just completely replaces his head... looks like my entire design I spent the last 6 weeks on is dead in the water... dammit =/.

    I can't make my hood part of the head slot because the default cloak would clip through it, and I can't make my hood part of the cloak slot because people will make all kinds of crazy heads that won't fit with the hood, and the reason I have a hood in the first place is because it works well with the mask, and the reason I had a smaller simpler cloak is because I needed to save poly's for the hood and mask, and the reason I made those unique shoulders is because they look great with a thinner cloak that doesn't cover it up from the front like rubick's default one.... and now it's all screwed up.


    Back to the drawing board =/ Maybe I can still use the staff, shoulders, and mask in another design somehow. Trying to think positive :poly141: .
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    New Cosmetics coming out tomorrow

    Most of you have probably already seen it. Congratulation.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Cool! Thanks, Vlad!

    Am I correct in assuming the Baconator OD set belongs to you and a particular sandwich?
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Cool! Thanks, Vlad!

    Am I correct in assuming the Baconator OD set belongs to you and a particular sandwich?
    Indeed it does. He'll be super happy when he wakes up, hah
    Back to the drawing board =/ Maybe I can still use the staff, shoulders, and mask in another design somehow. Trying to think positive :poly141: .
    You probably can rig your hood the same way his sides are rigged, don't give up!
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