When trying to copy skin weights from juggernauts model, then export them, I run into this error.
I'm still fairly new to this, could anyone give me a heads up of what I'm doing wrong?
I can bind to that bone if I use imported smd that I extracted straight from the game, but the bones from the model provided seem to give issues.
You probably can rig your hood the same way his sides are rigged, don't give up!
Right, but the problem is that new head slot "items" could clip horribly through the hood no matter how I rig it, and it clips too much through the default cloak to go in the head slot instead. I guess it all depends on how important it is to valve that certain cosmetic items can clip through other cosmetic items. I know that there's already some out there that have that issue, like the ship's wheel and the shark that go right through each other on tide.
I think I'm just going to continue with the set as is and hope for the best, I'll have the hood and cloak in the back slot, and I'll make a complete head with the mask for the "face". It's possible people will come up with new head shapes that stick through the hood but I'm not going to worry about that for now, it's wide enough to fit anything that way and I'll leave the hood shape in such a way that anything like the current topknot can still go through it without looking awkward.
Uh, can't you just like... put your hood and mask in the head slot?
I could, but it would clip through the side things on the default cloak that wrap around his head, and also a bit on the chest and on his back. Maybe if I changed my design a bit I could get it to work, I'm going to experiment with a bunch of stuff and see what works.
Also, about the Team Polycount team. There have been so many request to join the team. Bronto-Thunder came up with a great idea to have them broken down into region. So we can have a Team Polycount-NA, Team Polycount-EU, and Team Polycount-AUS. It might be better this way since picking a server won't be an issue and more people can join a team.
Yep, so I'll set up the Polycount AU team - lemme know if you want in!
I'll organize it tomorrow.
I'll coordinate the NA team.
And a really wild thought, if we had a forth team. We can have a tourney, get one of the casters to broadcast it, and have giveaways for the community! Maybe I'm getting too ambitious!
We call it... "A Weekend of Cosmetics!" Watch the creators of the cosmetics you know and love battle it out... to the death!
I mainly play in the mornings in Au time.. which is like lunch time West Coast time. So I can be in either Au or NA... hahah
Also Mega grats CA, BT and vlad! So glad that CM set got in! I may have to buy it all up
Also Does anyone know if you can paint vertex colours on couriers? I wanna do some AO gradation on shagbarks leaves and I was hoping to just do that with vert colour rather that texture space.
I had a omni set concepted out with a floating halo behind it.
Never really made it cause I don't got the skills, but I think the idea is pretty kick-ass.
C or A aivanov, both look great, although everyone else seems to be leaning towards C.
Chaemirix, that set looks great, if you do nothing else try making the halo at least, it's all basic geometry which should make it fairly easy.
Ok, so now that my mask is separated from the back slot I have a lot more wiggle room with my poly's and texture space, so I might try to fix the different silhouette problem this set has.
I already tested this concept in-game with basic geometry and it works with the cloak bones. The question is does it look better this way? Is it too busy? I might try only doing the two on the sides and deleting the back two, or removing some of the detail underneath the shoulders on the back two. Or I could try removing the detailing/purple altogether and instead keeping it plain like the wrap around the staff.
On the other hand it might look less busy in-game than it does in the concept art...
BTW, does anyone have an idea on how to test this ingame, I got the .mdl Files and .vtf ready in the test client, but there is no way to get the item ingame
@Paskie: The scepter is looking really great, but as mentioned plz do something about the lightning of your full character shot, add some light from the bottom, so the details pop out a bit more.
@Aivonov: wow great concepts, started making some for KoL as well but they are too bad to show at the moment I would go for A, with the collar of C.
@Nannou: If you are going to make the EU team, I would love to join!
BTW, does anyone have an idea on how to test this ingame, I got the .mdl Files and .vtf ready in the test client, but there is no way to get the item ingame
@Paskie: The scepter is looking really great, but as mentioned plz do something about the lightning of your full character shot, add some light from the bottom, so the details pop out a bit more.
@Aivonov: wow great concepts, started making some for KoL as well but they are too bad to show at the moment I would go for A, with the collar of C.
@Nannou: If you are going to make the EU team, I would love to join!
Yeah i know That is a render with from the cgfx shader which do not accept lightning or am i doing something wrong? I have no idea how to do renders with all the masks present without the cgfx shader If someone have some info on how to accomplish that i would be really happy! How do you guys render your promomaterial? Or do you upload them to verold or sketchfab? Any help would be appreciated.
Yeah i know That is a render with from the cgfx shader which do not accept lightning or am i doing something wrong? I have no idea how to do renders with all the masks present without the cgfx shader If someone have some info on how to accomplish that i would be really happy! How do you guys render your promomaterial? Or do you upload them to verold or sketchfab? Any help would be appreciated.
Well to be honost i don't use the masks at all for presenting promotion shots, I just do a quick 3 point lightning setup for the shots, with just diffuse and normal texture. For some models I used Marmoset to make shots, I then use a simple spec map.
Before polycount explodes with KoL items, here's my concept so far for his staff. Not sure if I'm doing a complete set for him. the colors are very wip.
Ok so i've started to think about custom animation for my creations...and i don't have a clue of how to proceed...is there anyone with a big enough heart to give me some hint?
Usually i save my objects in FBX...so is there a way to add animation into those files? and how would the engine recognize what animation i've edited? Is Valve gonna take the animation and put it in the right place or the right file? Do i have to create a totally different file with exporting tools that i still didn't even consider? Is there a way to import the original animation into max?
Feel free to answer these and other questions i didn't think about
When trying to copy skin weights from juggernauts model, then export them, I run into this error.
I'm still fairly new to this, could anyone give me a heads up of what I'm doing wrong?
I can bind to that bone if I use imported smd that I extracted straight from the game, but the bones from the model provided seem to give issues.
I don't know what this is. What software are you using?
PS: The models from the workshop page are outdated. It's better to use decompiled models from the game files.
Back to the drawing board =/ Maybe I can still use the staff, shoulders, and mask in another design somehow. Trying to think positive :poly141: .
I´m new to this, but can´t you just make the original head part of the set?
Maybe integrate the mask into the head and do a complete head replacement.
The problem is more or less on how to weight the cloak so it follows correctly.
Are you only allowed to make stuff that stacks onto the base mesh, or are you allowed to completely change silhouette and colors aswell?
I don't know what this is. What software are you using?
PS: The models from the workshop page are outdated. It's better to use decompiled models from the game files.
Whoops sorry. That's from Maya 2012 trying to export my model as an fbx after skinning it. It's a non issue as long as I used the smd files I decompiled from the game instead of the ones provided, I was just curious as to what exactly would cause that issue.
Hello there! So I have been dreaming for months and months about making something for the Dota 2 workshop, but I have been so intimidated by all the amazing stuff that's been made and didn't think I stood a chance. Anyway, I finally just bit the bullet and started conceptualizing for Lich. I was going for a more mage-like outfit for him, might call it "Ethreain's Vestments" or something like that since it was his mage name. Anyway, I planned on having his main chain link still on him but was lazy and only put it in the front view. However I might make the links a little thinner/lighter colored to match my sketch. Please, any and every thought you have is welcome - this is my first time doing this so I have no idea if I'm on the right track or not!
Ok so i've started to think about custom animation for my creations...and i don't have a clue of how to proceed...is there anyone with a big enough heart to give me some hint?
Usually i save my objects in FBX...so is there a way to add animation into those files? and how would the engine recognize what animation i've edited? Is Valve gonna take the animation and put it in the right place or the right file? Do i have to create a totally different file with exporting tools that i still didn't even consider? Is there a way to import the original animation into max?
Feel free to answer these and other questions i didn't think about
I would imagine you would have to do the animation and export the skeleton as an SMD, then to test it I guess you can decompile the character, edit the .qc and put your animation in the recompiled character. Then send it all to valve maybe? Either that or just send the .smd of the animation to valve.
This is something I'm trying to figure out myself since I plan on giving juggernaut a full animation set for duel wielding one day.
I would imagine you would have to do the animation and export the skeleton as an SMD, then to test it I guess you can decompile the character, edit the .qc and put your animation in the recompiled character. Then send it all to valve maybe? Either that or just send the .smd of the animation to valve.
This is something I'm trying to figure out myself since I plan on giving juggernaut a full animation set for duel wielding one day.
Juggernaut already has custom animations for odachi and Windrunner for Sparrowhawk set (i think) and you must have already found them if you decompiled the files. Just adding the custom animations to the model's zip files (located in steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\content\dota\etc.) in SMD format should suffice. (Like adding dual wielding animations for a dual-katana item maybe)
Edit: Nope, I don't think it would work like that but I think they are planning to release intructions on that (and taunts) so we will probably have to wait a bit.
I´m new to this, but can´t you just make the original head part of the set?
Maybe integrate the mask into the head and do a complete head replacement.
The problem is more or less on how to weight the cloak so it follows correctly.
Are you only allowed to make stuff that stacks onto the base mesh, or are you allowed to completely change silhouette and colors aswell?
I can't because people can use custom heads, and what happens when I put the mask on top of those custom heads and it doesn't work? The set needs to be mostly compatible with other items.
I thought about making the mask and hood part of the head slot, but the hood clips through items in the cloak slot too much. So I'm turning the mask into a complete standalone head slot item and the hood will be part of the cloak. The only worry is that other head slot items people make might clip through the hood, but I think it's big enough it should work for all but the most extreme examples.
Just started working on a Chakram for PA.
Will probably make it look a bit smaller. I used her standard weapon colors but it feels so... bland with those color. Then again she is a very bland character from a color standpoint so, I guess it fits?
Just started working on a Chakram for PA.
Will probably make it look a bit smaller. I used her standard weapon colors but it feels so... bland with those color. Then again she is a very bland character from a color standpoint so, I guess it fits?
I do think it fits! Especially if you are going to make it a standalone item and not part of a set. I do agree on your statement that it should be a bit smaller though. Maybe make the design on the handle a bit brighter, closer in color to that on her bracers so that it stands out a little more in game? I am new to this, so take my words with a grain of salt.
Hi everyone. Here's some work I've been doing for a Dark Seer set. I've been having some problems getting the textures to display inside the client as they do in viewport. I've just started using the dota2 hero shader 2.0 instead of a previous cgfx shader that wasn't giving very accurate results. Comparing the existing dark seer textures in viewport and client I can tell its not a lighting issue so it must be something wrong within my shader masks presumably. But I've tried various combinations of different masks to try and isolate one which is causing the effect, but I've been met with a consistant result every time (I've also tried this with other items in the set and had the same result). Right now I can't see whats causing the problem, if anyone has any suggestions they would be massively appreciated. Also and thoughts or criticisms are always welcome. Thank you in advance.
It has been a while since ive done any work, getting introduced to Dota didn't help!
The workshop is awesome though and i would love to start making some items.
Here is a beginning, speedsculpt concept for SK. Just the head and messy claws for now. (the red parts are little rubies)
Thinking about making crown horns more menacing.
Advice and Crit very welcome.
It has been a while since ive done any work, getting introduced to Dota didn't help!
The workshop is awesome though and i would love to start making some items.
Here is a beginning, speedsculpt concept for SK. Just the head and messy claws for now. (the red parts are little rubies)
Thinking about making crown horns more menacing.
Advice and Crit very welcome.
Please. God. No. Ringblade (Chakram) for PA. Ringblade is signature weapon for Venge and Spectre (even though they changed it but leave room for cosmetic). Do you even play the game and consider the item in game perspective? To be honest it looks good and fits the hero design but it doen't fit the game aesthetic.
I guess you never played the original dota, I think it looks great and fits the character perfectly.
Please. God. No. Ringblade (Chakram) for PA. Ringblade is signature weapon for Venge and Spectre (even though they changed it but leave room for cosmetic). Do you even play the game and consider the item in game perspective? To be honest it looks good and fits the hero design but it doen't fit the game aesthetic.
No need to get zealous over it. It's a throwback to WC3 Dota; She had one there, although it was much more... "rendy".
Spectre doesn't even have one anymore, and Vengeful is small enough that it doesn't really stand out on the hero.
That being said, you could have said the same thing about giving Skeleton King a shield (also a WC3 throwback) but that was fine.
I'm still fairly new to this, could anyone give me a heads up of what I'm doing wrong?
I can bind to that bone if I use imported smd that I extracted straight from the game, but the bones from the model provided seem to give issues.
Right, but the problem is that new head slot "items" could clip horribly through the hood no matter how I rig it, and it clips too much through the default cloak to go in the head slot instead. I guess it all depends on how important it is to valve that certain cosmetic items can clip through other cosmetic items. I know that there's already some out there that have that issue, like the ship's wheel and the shark that go right through each other on tide.
I think I'm just going to continue with the set as is and hope for the best, I'll have the hood and cloak in the back slot, and I'll make a complete head with the mask for the "face". It's possible people will come up with new head shapes that stick through the hood but I'm not going to worry about that for now, it's wide enough to fit anything that way and I'll leave the hood shape in such a way that anything like the current topknot can still go through it without looking awkward.
Just uploaded the scepter. Thx vlad for the suggestions! Now i just have to finish the shoulders
Captured some video from ingame too.
Looks great!
The lighting in that picture could really use some work. It looks pretty bad at the moment.
I could, but it would clip through the side things on the default cloak that wrap around his head, and also a bit on the chest and on his back. Maybe if I changed my design a bit I could get it to work, I'm going to experiment with a bunch of stuff and see what works.
I'm working away on my bounty hunter, got quite a bit of work done on the shuriken highpoly:
Larger Image
And here's the full and probably final concept picture for the set: Link
Got a few things to tweak on the highpoly before moving on.
Also, about the Team Polycount team. There have been so many request to join the team. Bronto-Thunder came up with a great idea to have them broken down into region. So we can have a Team Polycount-NA, Team Polycount-EU, and Team Polycount-AUS. It might be better this way since picking a server won't be an issue and more people can join a team.
I'll organize it tomorrow.
I'll coordinate the NA team.
And a really wild thought, if we had a forth team. We can have a tourney, get one of the casters to broadcast it, and have giveaways for the community! Maybe I'm getting too ambitious!
We call it... "A Weekend of Cosmetics!" Watch the creators of the cosmetics you know and love battle it out... to the death!
Also Mega grats CA, BT and vlad! So glad that CM set got in! I may have to buy it all up
Also Does anyone know if you can paint vertex colours on couriers? I wanna do some AO gradation on shagbarks leaves and I was hoping to just do that with vert colour rather that texture space.
i have to test out my self made :>
Oh man you're making me excited to work on my own kotl set.
Never really made it cause I don't got the skills, but I think the idea is pretty kick-ass.
This totally!
Man I hope kotl is the next monthly comp
Also no vert colours makes me sad
Chaemirix, that set looks great, if you do nothing else try making the halo at least, it's all basic geometry which should make it fairly easy.
Ok, so now that my mask is separated from the back slot I have a lot more wiggle room with my poly's and texture space, so I might try to fix the different silhouette problem this set has.
I already tested this concept in-game with basic geometry and it works with the cloak bones. The question is does it look better this way? Is it too busy? I might try only doing the two on the sides and deleting the back two, or removing some of the detail underneath the shoulders on the back two. Or I could try removing the detailing/purple altogether and instead keeping it plain like the wrap around the staff.
On the other hand it might look less busy in-game than it does in the concept art...
Thx for the nice comment Helenek!
BTW, does anyone have an idea on how to test this ingame, I got the .mdl Files and .vtf ready in the test client, but there is no way to get the item ingame
@Paskie: The scepter is looking really great, but as mentioned plz do something about the lightning of your full character shot, add some light from the bottom, so the details pop out a bit more.
@Aivonov: wow great concepts, started making some for KoL as well but they are too bad to show at the moment
@Nannou: If you are going to make the EU team, I would love to join!
Yeah i know
Well to be honost i don't use the masks at all for presenting promotion shots, I just do a quick 3 point lightning setup for the shots, with just diffuse and normal texture. For some models I used Marmoset to make shots, I then use a simple spec map.
Before polycount explodes with KoL items, here's my concept so far for his staff. Not sure if I'm doing a complete set for him. the colors are very wip.
Usually i save my objects in FBX...so is there a way to add animation into those files? and how would the engine recognize what animation i've edited? Is Valve gonna take the animation and put it in the right place or the right file? Do i have to create a totally different file with exporting tools that i still didn't even consider? Is there a way to import the original animation into max?
Feel free to answer these and other questions i didn't think about
I don't know what this is. What software are you using?
PS: The models from the workshop page are outdated. It's better to use decompiled models from the game files.
I´m new to this, but can´t you just make the original head part of the set?
Maybe integrate the mask into the head and do a complete head replacement.
The problem is more or less on how to weight the cloak so it follows correctly.
Are you only allowed to make stuff that stacks onto the base mesh, or are you allowed to completely change silhouette and colors aswell?
Whoops sorry. That's from Maya 2012 trying to export my model as an fbx after skinning it. It's a non issue as long as I used the smd files I decompiled from the game instead of the ones provided, I was just curious as to what exactly would cause that issue.
That lighting is a bajillion times better!
I would imagine you would have to do the animation and export the skeleton as an SMD, then to test it I guess you can decompile the character, edit the .qc and put your animation in the recompiled character. Then send it all to valve maybe? Either that or just send the .smd of the animation to valve.
This is something I'm trying to figure out myself since I plan on giving juggernaut a full animation set for duel wielding one day.
Juggernaut already has custom animations for odachi and Windrunner for Sparrowhawk set (i think) and you must have already found them if you decompiled the files. Just adding the custom animations to the model's zip files (located in steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\content\dota\etc.) in SMD format should suffice. (Like adding dual wielding animations for a dual-katana item maybe)
Edit: Nope, I don't think it would work like that but I think they are planning to release intructions on that (and taunts) so we will probably have to wait a bit.
I can't because people can use custom heads, and what happens when I put the mask on top of those custom heads and it doesn't work? The set needs to be mostly compatible with other items.
I thought about making the mask and hood part of the head slot, but the hood clips through items in the cloak slot too much. So I'm turning the mask into a complete standalone head slot item and the hood will be part of the cloak. The only worry is that other head slot items people make might clip through the hood, but I think it's big enough it should work for all but the most extreme examples.
Will probably make it look a bit smaller. I used her standard weapon colors but it feels so... bland with those color. Then again she is a very bland character from a color standpoint so, I guess it fits?
I do think it fits! Especially if you are going to make it a standalone item and not part of a set. I do agree on your statement that it should be a bit smaller though. Maybe make the design on the handle a bit brighter, closer in color to that on her bracers so that it stands out a little more in game? I am new to this, so take my words with a grain of salt.
The workshop is awesome though and i would love to start making some items.
Here is a beginning, speedsculpt concept for SK. Just the head and messy claws for now. (the red parts are little rubies)
Thinking about making crown horns more menacing.
Advice and Crit very welcome.
That face looks awesome
I guess you never played the original dota, I think it looks great and fits the character perfectly.
No need to get zealous over it. It's a throwback to WC3 Dota; She had one there, although it was much more... "rendy".
Spectre doesn't even have one anymore, and Vengeful is small enough that it doesn't really stand out on the hero.
That being said, you could have said the same thing about giving Skeleton King a shield (also a WC3 throwback) but that was fine.
With that being said, there are spots open on the American team, so if anyone is interested, toss me a message on steam.