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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Xpload
    add a belt that holds the pieces and weight paint them
  • murphy7
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    I tried to submit a weapon for juggernaut I've been working on today, but the publishing tool gives me the following error:

    Starting compile of Sword...
    CTargetMDL::Compile - GetOutputPath failed
    WARNING: CTargetZIP::Compile - Target 0 Compile Failed

    I'm guessing the output filename must be some kind of file path, but that doesn't work either, so i'm kind of grabbing in the dark here, can anyone help me with this? I'm sure it's a stupid mistake, but I can't see it
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14
    MaVCArt i havnt run into that problem but i would consider checking your naming conventions and file paths.

    Mirroring the directory structure found in the reference models provided by Valve has worked fine so far for me.

    And from the dota art guide

    "Items should be named "slotname_itemname_lodlevel". So for example, "helmet_viking_lod0" or "weapon_ogreclub_lod1". There is no need to add hero name to each item because you are already following the directory structure above."
  • miura
    Hey guys, I got some items in the workshop already, but after a couple of days i tried uploading new stuff... and i get "Submit Error" could not prepare content file. this is driving me crazy since i got some new items that I want to upload asap and cant. Tried changing the structure of files, sizes, even the winzip versions. any idea how to fix this?
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    I created a video tutorial to help you along the compiling process from Maya to DOTA 2.

    There's also a section at 2:30 that goes over what all the mask channels will do.
  • lancemaker
    Hi guys !! ty so much for all the help. My axe is on the steamworkshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=87616192
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Working on a druid hood:

  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    lancemaker wrote: »
    Hi guys !! ty so much for all the help. My axe is on the steamworkshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=87616192


    @tanka - really nice looking hood =]
  • Me1ch
    Hi guys, I'm trying to get into 3D Modeling and am willing to put much time into it.
    I started doing some random things for Dota but just got stuck at some points in modeling.

    So here I am asking you if there are any specific modeling tutorials that may get me into it ... any help is apreciated!

    Sry if that thread is not the right one but I want to do Dota2 modeling :)
  • SinAmos
    When I finish some animation for another project, I would like to come back and take a stab at making a courier. Modeling, texturing, and rigging is not a problem, but because I'm using Maya, I'm not sure how to go about saving each animation or what the animation requirements are as far as frames and technique. Also, I don't know if they want me to follow their bone naming. Have they offered up a courier yet as an example in .ma format? I don't think they have. Originally, I didn't compile, but I would be able to use the maya smd plugins this time around for this attempt

    @ Tvidotto

    For some reason I feel like you are one of the workshop 3D studio max users, so correct me if I'm wrong, so you might not be able to answer this question. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

    I really need some info for this, so I can contribute a courier. Thanks.
  • KingUNREAL
    Finished my set, let me know what you all think and vote etc

  • Largs
    someone knows how to add particles to your model?
    my particles are ready but I don't know how to apply it =S
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    Largs wrote: »
    someone knows how to add particles to your model?
    my particles are ready but I don't know how to apply it =S

    You can't yet, Zoid emailed me about this and there is a tool in the works, but for now make your particle in Alien Swarm and then put the particlesystem file in the .zip you send them.
  • Largs
    Qwiggalo wrote: »
    You can't yet, Zoid emailed me about this and there is a tool in the works, but for now make your particle in Alien Swarm and then put the particlesystem file in the .zip you send them.

    Thanks my item is ready I think
  • System
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    You can attach the particles to your model if you use the "old" submission way, you need to write your own qc file. It's not achievable with the current way.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    SinAmos wrote: »
    When I finish some animation for another project, I would like to come back and take a stab at making a courier. Modeling, texturing, and rigging is not a problem, but because I'm using Maya, I'm not sure how to go about saving each animation or what the animation requirements are as far as frames and technique. Also, I don't know if they want me to follow their bone naming. Have they offered up a courier yet as an example in .ma format? I don't think they have. Originally, I didn't compile, but I would be able to use the maya smd plugins this time around for this attempt

    @ Tvidotto

    For some reason I feel like you are one of the workshop 3D studio max users, so correct me if I'm wrong, so you might not be able to answer this question. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

    I really need some info for this, so I can contribute a courier. Thanks.

    Hey SinAmos, nice to see someone else with this crazy idea

    answering your questions

    1 you dont need to follow his naming convention

    2 - they HAVE offered a courier on .ma format, the donkey. its on the NPC page

    3- i work on 3dmax in one of my jobs, but i really dont like max for animation, my courier i did on maya, i preffer much more to animate on maya =]

    one animator from Valve helped me on my qc file, i think i know almost everything to do on a courier now. Feel free to ask anything else, i will gladly help =]
  • SinAmos
    Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction and all the help you have given this forum's users. Respect.

    P.S. I will keep the board updated to my progress.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Got this one finished and submitted. Crits?

    Click to vote.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Frump wrote: »
    Got this one finished and submitted. Crits?

    Click to vote.

    you need to ask for critiques before submitting, not after =]

    i like it, specially the green light effect
    SinAmos wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction and all the help you have given this forum's users. Respect.

    P.S. I will keep the board updated to my progress.

    Thanks for the kind words =]


    guys, i started a new courier and would like to share for some suggestion/critiques

    the main idea is: i dont like to simple add wings to something to make it fly, like the donkey, yak, juggernaut dog, the new treasure chest... i think its a lazy solution =]

    the badger for example is an awesome idea

    this one im planning to do the ground version just the cat and on the flying version it will be carried by the owl (and when dying the owl will let the cat fall and fly away =])

    concept (got and illustration from my girlfriend and a owl picture)

    early low poly version

    early zbrush model

    still need to block the saddle bag on the cat, i had some ideas but im not sure

    what you guys think? any critique will be appreciated
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    cat/owl courier stuff


    The shoulder blade sits above the front legs, yours is set too far forward.
  • Carbonated_Soda
    Hey guys, so I'm really new to the whole modelling scene though I've always been interested and DotA 2 (and time over the summer) just gave me the motivation I needed.

    Started using Maya about 2 weeks ago and got started making an item as soon as I could. It was a struggle sometimes trying to figure out what exactly needed to be done and I had to redo the model and textures but this forum and thread have helped me a lot :)


    Tell me what you guys think and please rate up if you like it :)
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Qwiggalo wrote: »

    The shoulder blade sits above the front legs, yours is set too far forward.

    awesome! thanks for the help, i will adjust that

    how is your courier?
  • System
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    Okay. I too love PA, and in fact, my one successful weapon I made for her! I like this, the idea is neat, but I have a few criticise;

    Here's my ideas:

    I think the outer blades shouldn't be held to the inner circle by a sharpened blade. It looks really weak and flimsy, like it could break at anytime. It also would blend out when in game, and look sort of detached. By making the darker blue across there, and making it thick, it gives the weapon some "weight" as well as integrity.

    A part of designing fantasy stuff is suspension of disbeleif. You want to believe that the character is wielding the weapon. A real weapon like this wouldn't have sharpened blades in the inner circle, especially not around the hands. When hitting or slicing people, those blades would never be used, so it just seems silly.

    I also think you should move the outer blades in, but you stated you're going to scale it down so this point is probably moot.

    I hope that helps. I like the idea. You look to have a good grasp on modelling already, so keep at it!
  • Zuks
    Anyone know why my model isn't casting shadows on itself?
    is it something with the masks and self illuminate and such? My mask 1 and 2 are totally black, copied mask 1 from default sword which was black as well, the mask 2 i have no idea how to use.
  • Carbonated_Soda
    @Eleryn Thanks for the feedback! :)

    Thanks for pointing that out, yeah sometimes you just get carried away with thinking what looks cool or interesting and not practical. I agree having it a bit more bulky would make it look more stable. What was going through my mind is, PA isn't that big I don't want to strap a huge fat blade to her. so I guess I just got carried away XD

    Yeah I also saw that and I moved them in it looks a lot more balanced now.
  • techbrain
    Guys wtf?
    Import model in .smd cuz if i'm import in .dmx, it doesn't be on hero.
  • SinAmos

    I see you are stepping up your game. I love the concept. Funny enough, it has similar qualities to my courier, which I won't start for another few days. I love the owl/cat idea. You are definitely thinking outside the box.
  • RaYfIre
    Hey Guys im working on this axe weapon ..well i need the chakra thing to spin in-game when axe attacks can i do that and how exactly just a animation will do? ..........HR3SE.jpg
  • DimakSerpg
    Hello all!
    Need help)
    Sword for Kunkka
    Texture H128xW256
    32 bit
  • RaYfIre
    did you upload normal , mask1 and mask2?
  • techbrain

    Pls help.

    All download. All sizes are normal for Obsidian. Bones have from original model. Normal, color, mask 1-2 has.
  • kragniz
    The motherboard on my desktop blew up, so I'm doodling some concepts.


  • DimakSerpg
    RaYfIre wrote: »
    did you upload normal , mask1 and mask2?

  • Dukefleed
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    Dukefleed polycounter lvl 7
    Does anyone know how to properly attach particles to pudge hook. I did it by qc-command in 'keyvalues' section, it works fine, but every time pudge throws his hook, particles effect stays near pudge model and doesn't go with hook. It happens because of replacement hook model when it is launched. May be particles should be destroyed, before hook ability, or i should use qc-command 'AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT' for every animation, except 'ACT_DOTA_CHANNEL_ABILITY_1'. I'll be glad for any help.
  • Carbonated_Soda
    @Dukefleed If the hook is being replaced when he throws it, what's most likely happening is that the normal hook is being hidden while the new one is created for the ability so then what you would need to do is create/attach the particle sequence to the ability hook and hide/destroy the ones on the regular hook until the ability is over otherwise you would still have the particle near pudge and flying with the new hook if that makes any sense.

    I'm not very proficient in this sort of stuff at all but I'v done some game development so that's my best guess, hope it helps :)
  • roninsmastermix
    Please rate up our items if you like them. Thanks for your support.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    @Techbrain: I had that at first, usually it's because your SMD model didn't export correctly. If so, make sure you export it with a standard material applied, and that the polycount is a bit below the limit. for some reason the compiler counts polygons on bones as well as the polygons on the object.

    can anyone explain this, should this happen or am I doing something wrong?

    also, I'm having trouble myself.
    I've managed to get my sword in the compiler, no problem, but for some reason the pivot is off. i've reset xForm, i've zero'd the pivot point, skinned the object to just the sword_01 bone where before it was skinned on jiggle bones that didn't work... nothing helps. Kinda getting frustrated here, so some help would be great appreciated :)
  • fierce
    i can't see the effects of my normal map when i import my files into the dota 2 client but i can see it just fine in maya

    any advice?
  • System
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    kragniz wrote: »
    The motherboard on my desktop blew up, so I'm doodling some concepts.


    I really like it! It's an awesome new hair style...A hair style is something I havn't been able to come up with for my Lanaya set, this is great! I think maybe the braid could be thicker, but apart from that, it's nice!
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14
    Zuks wrote: »
    Anyone know why my model isn't casting shadows on itself?
    is it something with the masks and self illuminate and such? My mask 1 and 2 are totally black, copied mask 1 from default sword which was black as well, the mask 2 i have no idea how to use.
    fierce wrote: »
    i can't see the effects of my normal map when i import my files into the dota 2 client but i can see it just fine in maya

    any advice?

    your _mask1 alpha channel needs at least some information. put a small grey dot in the corner.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    fierce wrote: »
    i can't see the effects of my normal map when i import my files into the dota 2 client but i can see it just fine in maya

    any advice?

    what is the shader that you are using on the vmt?

    i got this problem wen i tried sfm and then returned to alien swarm sdk

    the generic vertex lit shader doesnt support normal maps, you need to use the CustomHero

    check if it is the one you are using
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    RaYfIre wrote: »
    Hey Guys im working on this axe weapon ..well i need the chakra thing to spin in-game when axe attacks can i do that and how exactly just a animation will do? ..........

    the animation is easy, the problem is that i need to be triggered when it attacks...

    i dont know a way to do that..
  • Zuks
    Lennyagony wrote: »
    your _mask1 alpha channel needs at least some information. put a small grey dot in the corner.

    Thank you my good sir! it is looking much better.
    here is the link to the submission http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=87964096

    time to think of new stuff :p
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Zuks wrote: »
    Thank you my good sir! it is looking much better.
    here is the link to the submission http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=87964096

    time to think of new stuff :p

    Hey Zuks, if i may suggest, get a better work on the image on the workshop

    you spent a lot of time doing the model and destroyed it on one single pixelated picture =]

    spent a couple hours on a render or a better preview, you can get a lot of bad reviews because people cant see well your model

    the pictures are the only thing that they will see for now =]
  • Zuks
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    Hey Zuks, if i may suggest, get a better work on the image on the workshop

    you spent a lot of time doing the model and destroyed it on one single pixelated picture =]

    spent a couple hours on a render or a better preview, you can get a lot of bad reviews because people cant see well your model

    the pictures are the only thing that they will see for now =]

    Downloading SFM atm, will try to make something to make my model justice.
    Or might try a render, but the normal doesnt appear to be working on max last time i tried, it does a slight bump nothing major.
    could also use the high poly.

    i shall decide after the results but ill follow ur advice.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Zuks wrote: »
    Downloading SFM atm, will try to make something to make my model justice.
    Or might try a render, but the normal doesnt appear to be working on max last time i tried, it does a slight bump nothing major.
    could also use the high poly.

    i shall decide after the results but ill follow ur advice.

    SFM doesnt work with the CustomHero Shader that dota uses, you will only be able to see the color map

    you can use the Alienswarm SDK and scale the model to get a better image

    but if you can render it, using just the color, normal and a specular will increase a lot your result

    my silly dragon was rendered on maya, i tried the toolbag marmoset too but didnt like the result...

    hope that help =]
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    I managed to solve the pivot point problem I was having;

    when exporting a model, make sure the pivot point of the model is set to 0,0,0

    make sure the root bone is on the origin position as well

    make sure the model's pivot point is aligned and orientated the same as the pivot of the bone it's skinned/linked to.

    lastly, apply a reset xForm.

    just thought i'd share it with you guys; I cursed over this for two hours yesterday
  • RaYfIre
    MaVCArt wrote: »
    I managed to solve the pivot point problem I was having;

    when exporting a model, make sure the pivot point of the model is set to 0,0,0

    make sure the root bone is on the origin position as well

    make sure the model's pivot point is aligned and orientated the same as the pivot of the bone it's skinned/linked to.

    lastly, apply a reset xForm.

    just thought i'd share it with you guys; I cursed over this for two hours yesterday
    Well i have the same problem ,do you know how to solve it in blender
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    RaYfIre wrote: »
    Well i have the same problem ,do you know how to solve it in blender

    that depends on whether or not you can move/rotate the pivot point of your model in blender. if so, just align it with the pivot of the bone you're skinning to
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