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DAY Z : Mod for ARMA II (Zombie Apocalypse Survivalist FPS/RPG)


  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Yea that would piss me off. You had a troll hacker...someone was watching you and hacking the game.

    There is a similar one on you tube where a guy gets pulled out of his body and is turned into a goat multiple times...

    It's too bad this game is so easily manipulated.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Damn steam sales! Now I ended up in the zombie hoard as well...found a m4, but haven't dared to fire it yet.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    They are load..use the F key to toggle fire rates.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Got arma finally because of the steam sales...
    First launch of dayZ, everything black.. Does this mean it is just nigh time? Or is the night still somewhat visible?

    Left that server joined another, where I could actually see....
    But had no clue what to do. Just walked in a random direction then quit.
    Kind of boring.

    There are wayyyy to many controls to memorize... Which ones are actually useful?
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    VPrime wrote: »
    Got arma finally because of the steam sales...
    First launch of dayZ, everything black.. Does this mean it is just nigh time? Or is the night still somewhat visible?

    Left that server joined another, where I could actually see....
    But had no clue what to do. Just walked in a random direction then quit.
    Kind of boring.

    There are wayyyy to many controls to memorize... Which ones are actually useful?

    Yes, Blackness means you joined a night server. Get to know the world timezones and join a server that is at daytime. Servers run on a realtime night and day clock.

    Lol. Play through the Arma2 tutorials if you're struggling. DayZ isn't meant to be easy but tbh the controls are just like any other FPS sim. Obviously there's a bit more to learn than walk forward and mouse look.

    Anyhoo...Give the game a chance. If you want excitement go into a large town allong the coast. You'll get more than enough there.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I lost half my blood because I had no idea how to get bandages to work. Finally figure out that you had to rightclick it in your inventory (not the list) and use it. :P Was going so well too, and now everything is grey.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Played it a bit more today........ So apparently running around like a madman is not a good way to play..
    I ws being chased by like 20 zombies. Then I thought I was clever so I jumped in the water to escape them. Little did I know they can swim! So they followed me for like 20 minutes straight while I am running across the map. Eventually got bitten and started losing lots of blood and everything went blurry.

    Finally escaped down some mountain slopes and went prone and the zombies never found me

    But then I saw a shack and decided to go there looking for supplies, when I was ambushed by another zombie. Let it kill me because I had no chance.

    I must say, the most excitement I ever had in a game in a very long time.
  • 3DLee
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 13
    Man me and my friend have no luck. My friend happened to randomly fall through the roof on the apartments and break his legs , having only one morphine, I used it on him and we went on our way heading to some tents, we were getting chased by around 10-15 zombies, and I decided to turn around and take care of them because the moaning was bothering me lol, I was backpedaling to shoot them I somehow broke my legs.... amazing. My friend had to reach Starry to try and find morphine and he was shot and killed. I was laying there with broken legs hoping to find morphine while crawling to the nearest cabin... got mauled by zombies. :(
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I had a pretty good run...and by run I mean RUN-ARGH-ZOMBIES-ARGH-NO!-MORE-ZOMBIES-run, and it didn't help that I had a flashing thirst icon bugging me, plus I had no weapons. So I just ran into this big town I found, just to see how a town looked like before I got eaten.
    As I was running, I ran around a building and then saw another building which had an open door, and ran into it and dropped into a crawl, and the zombies lost me! Weee! Even better, then building was a supermarket...with food and drink! Found a crossbow as well (and I could hit shit with that, later on). And within the next 15 minutes I found a watch, binoculars, pistol and a map. :)

    I climbed this big tower, and could see two people crawling around, tried to use the directional chat? to talk with them, but got no reply. At that point I only had the crossbow with no arrows, so couldn't even have any fun. Logged out after I found the map and heard someone shooting with a rifle. Will see what happens later.
  • zicoV
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    So I had an AS50 with lots of mags, a SD PWD, Alice pack and night vision. Everything was going my way until I head into cherno -.- I did a night raid on the supermarket cause I didnt really have any food or drinks and I then decided to check out the firestation. Bad move. I get in there and the server I'm playing on crashes. I find then find another server that looks to be night but when I spawn in it is day and there is a survivor right behind me with a hatchet. Didn't even manage to get off a shot...

  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    zicoV wrote: »
    So I had an AS50 with lots of mags, a SD PWD, Alice pack and night vision. Everything was going my way until I head into cherno -.- I did a night raid on the supermarket cause I didnt really have any food or drinks and I then decided to check out the firestation. Bad move. I get in there and the server I'm playing on crashes. I find then find another server that looks to be night but when I spawn in it is day and there is a survivor right behind me with a hatchet. Didn't even manage to get off a shot...


    Sorry man, but I can't help, but chuckle at this...there's a great cartoon there...:)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    after i shot down his spawned helicopter into a demonstrative fireball, a hacker teleported the entire server to the inaccessible roof of the tallest building in Cherno and commanded us to fight to the death. I am last man standing, and now I live up there with the ghosts. And my SVD CAMO.

    And a grudge.
  • glynnsmith
  • 3DLee
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    glynnsmith wrote: »
    What timezone?

    It's gonna be EST (-4 GMT). I'll post on here when we're getting set up.

    In the mean time, this is why we don't let Joel drive:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzVrVe2-Txs&t=28s"]Day Z Survivor Diaries 3 - Episode 4: We repair our first car, and then let Joel drive... - YouTube[/ame]
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    When low of blood, out of food and only a clip left in your AK...death by Zombie seems like an honorable way to go...

    ..And I took a few with me.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Played for a bit, checked out a small village with a friend, went into a house, found items, started exiting when I saw zombies coming towards me, backed into the house again slowly, got stuck on the door, zombies noticed me, somehow switched to throwing glowsticks instead of fiering my fucking weapon (what.) get mauled relentlessly by zombie as I chuck glowsticks at him, friend saves me as I lie bleeding with a broken limb.
    Eventually I got on my feet, 1500 blood left and everything is in black and white, right before this happened my friend had given a me a blood bag too, rage.

    We kept wandering north, looking for supplies, found everything but a blood bag. Finally, loaded up on ammo and supplies, with me still in the black and whites and fainting every goddamned minute over every stupid little thing, we made to exit the town we had just looted, my friend aggors a few zombies and runs towards where I was waiting for him, I shoot the zombies behind wait for him to get closer.

    Just as he arrives next to me, a zombie pops out of nowhere, I aim to shoot it, have one of those heartbeat things that puts my aim completely off the fucking wall and I gun down my friend with one shot to the head.

    A few moments of silence follow, he had kept this character for a while, since before I started playing, so, yeah, that kind of sucked. I spent the rest of the session using up all our ammo on zombies (so no one else could get it) before switching to a hatchet and killing as many zombies as possible before they killed me.

    And that was my first proper experience with DayZ.

    What I know so far is: The glitchy jittering of zombies along with the shitty UI and item management is really offputting, as is the constant fainting when low on blood, that's not realistic, it's annoying. If I can run like a damned champ with 300 blood but can't open my damned backpack without fainting, something is wrong.

    Other than that, I like it. I like that you get hungry and thirsty and that your life is measured in blood, it just needs a LOT of polish.
    And preferably not be mod, but a standalone game built from the ground up to do what it's supposed to. Oh well, it's free and pre-alpha and I'll keep playing it anyway.

    TL;DR: I killed my friends good character by accident, game is glitchy as fuck and it's beyond aggravating at times, but I'll keep playing.
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    Really loving Dayz, its a shame its sooo hard to find people to play with.

    Playing solo is really nasty.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I cant get my revolver to lower...2xctrl right?
  • Pierate
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    Pierate polycounter lvl 15
    I don't think you can lower pistols? I could be mistaken though, been a while since I played.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Yea I just saw it only worked with the rifle...np. thx.
  • 3DLee
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    The church service starts in about 2 hours if anyone of you guys want to come along for the ceremony, most likely followed by the chaos. :) About 25,000 people have seen the invitations, so this will be interesting.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4gn085AAak"]Day Z: You are invited to services at the Last Church of Elektrozavodsk on Sunday, July 29th - YouTube[/ame]
  • zicoV
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    Lee are you planning on doing this on a US server ?
  • 3DLee
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    zicoV wrote: »
    Lee are you planning on doing this on a US server ?

    Probably, although we haven't made a final server choice yet.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 18
    3DLee, this is a really great idea. I fear you will get mass killed by a hack though =/
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    This is going to be a nightmare...I am reminded of that funeral that was held in WoW, where the rule was not to have weapons...and of course a guild came in and wiped them out.

    But if this is the last act of a desperate life, then I'll guard the door.:)
  • zicoV
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    3DLee wrote: »
    Probably, although we haven't made a final server choice yet.

    Well I will try to be there anyway if the ping isnt too horrible for me to join :)
  • 3DLee
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    3DLee, this is a really great idea. I fear you will get mass killed by a hack though =/

    Yeah, I'm not worried about the bandits, I'm prepared to die, but I am a bit concerned about hackers.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Wouldn't that be considered 'devine intervention'?

    Still a hacker seems fitting, though a bit of a sad fate...
  • 3DLee
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    katana wrote: »
    Wouldn't that be considered 'devine intervention'?

    Still a hacker seems fitting, though a bit of a sad fate...

    We'll just call it "The Rapture." :)
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    BTW I cant find my mic, so I won't be on Voip, but I'm already in the church with LE lowered.
  • 3DLee
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    Server: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdv-jR3NuOo"]Day Z: Church Service Server Announcement (LIVE EVENT!) - YouTube[/ame]
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I guess I'll be waiting for the movie to come out...bummer.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    must...must resist
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Here is someones elses recording of the church event


    you might want to see Dave's video first when he gets it up :)

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_yQ19o8RYw&feature=g-all-lik"]Last Church of Chernogorsk on Sunday, July 29th - My Eulogy - YouTube[/ame]

    And here is another awesome video of the event:

  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    so i spawn without a weapon...hunt around. sneak into a shed and find a hatchet. kill a zombie or two and find a double barrell shotgun with 6 rounds.
    i spent those looking in buildings that had nothing but car parts, empty cans and more hatchets.
    with about 4000 blood and no food I make a desperate raid on a powerstation populated by 3 zeds...hoping to find a can of friggin beans.

    kill them with the hatchet.
    3 more spawn on top of me.
    kill them with the hatchet.
    rinse, repeat.
    When i went in I had 6 kills. when I died i had 16.
    either the zombie respawn has to be fixed or they need to start you with a friggin pistol again - 3 more incarnations and i haven't found a single gun yet. I just keep getting into marathon races with zig-zagging zombies.
  • zicoV
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    reverendK, I agree that they need to make you spawn with a gun again. 4 out of 5 times I spawn as a new character I end up dying before I even get my hands on a gun. Just a makarov with one spare clip can get you a long way.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I like spawning without a weapon, on principle that it makes it a bit more realistic, and really makes you focus until you're able to find one.

    I absolutely agree with the never-ending respawning zombies that seem to have come about in the last patch. If you're stuck with a loud weapon like an Enfield, and you're trapped in a building, you end up running out of ammo and dying because they never stop coming. Not really a balanced part of the game now, by any means.

    Infact, that's how I almost died, recently. Up at the NW airfield in the southern barracks, was chased in by zoms and they wouldn't stop coming. After a while, and after using up all of my ammo, they came through and beat the crap out of me.

    I somehow managed to get bandaged up with about 600 blood left. Ate the canned food I had on me to bring me up to 1200. I was still fainting, so I crawled out into the nearby forest, where I fainted twice, out of the perimeter, and went on the lookout for animals to whoop.

    Found two sheep, and got my health back up to about 9-10k. Saw a cow, that fucking disappeared on me when I got close. Then I was heading into Pushtoshka, when a zombie did some kind of Bruce Lee move on me and knocked me to the ground with one strike.

    I bled out before I could get back up.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Spawning without a gun is one of the best changes he's made.

    Hatchets are everywhere. Sometimes three in the same room. I generally wrack up around 20 zed kills before I bother switching to a gun. Or if I spawn near a city, I sneak up and murder a sniper.

    The Enfield is also known as The Dinner Bell for good reason. Don't use that gun unless you have an exit strategy. Drop it and pick up an axe.

    Ignore the crowbar.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Rumours say this may be going standalone / retail.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Not sure an axe is a great idea for when zombies are able to hit you to the ground with one punch, and then bring their mates over to beat you to death before you're able to get up again.
  • zicoV
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    I dont mind using the axe and sometimes I will prefer it to a lee enfield just cause of the noise. But even though they are super common you can be unlucky and just not find one untill you slip up and aggro a few walkers and then you're pretty much fucked unless there's some buildings around you can loose them in.

    So maybe they just need to increase the places hatches can spawn. Stuck in a log for example or just lying around on the beach.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I just wish that doors was actually working. Running into a building and close the door behind you, just to see the zombies walking though them, is kinda annoying. At least let them beat on the door for a bit before 'breaking' it and get in.
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    Ive gone into a barn with a hatchet , desperately needing a gun only to find 4 hatchets (quite often)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    If only you could throw the hatchets.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I have found that you can zig zag past zombies instead of belly crawling everywhere, just to get into a decent building.

    Then of course, you take advantage of them slowing down at the door to pick them off.

    Doors should stay open, you dont want to have to stop to open a door while you are being chased.

    I also look for certain types of buildings for specific needs. It's a good idea to be able to get the knowledge as to what an apartment building, cafe, office building...ect..looks like, so you dont run to a building that has a sealed door.

    If you dont have a gun, just run into an apartment building with all the zeds behind you. Once you are safe inside. take a quick look around. If you see nothing, log before getting bit, then go to another server.

    I know that server hoping is frowned upon for escaping death, thats fine, but gearing up is the same as if you were staying for several days waiting for the loot to respawn.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Spawning without a gun is one of the best changes he's made.

    Hatchets are everywhere. Sometimes three in the same room. I generally wrack up around 20 zed kills before I bother switching to a gun. Or if I spawn near a city, I sneak up and murder a sniper.

    I wouldn't mind not having a gun and being an axe-murderer if they didn't spawn as fast as i killed them. The problem was that in order to clear an area to loot I had to stand right in the spawn - if it's a small area you can't kill them faster than they reappear with that damn axe and before you know it there's six dead zombies at your feet and six angry ones at your throat.
    I'll try getting into a bigger city and just running into a building and hoping there's something decent in there before they manage to follow me in - and check the building types in the wiki. Up to this point i've been avoiding heavily populated areas as i didn't have a decent weapon.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    I've gotten real good at outrunning the bastards though. I tried just getting 5 or six in an area on my tail and then losing them on a hillside or the coastline, then doubling back to see what i could find.
    what i found was 5 or 6 new zombies...and i hadn't even killed the old ones.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, running works quite well sometimes, it save me once where I didn't expect to live, just ran because I wanted to see things. :) But I can imagine this might happen sometimes:

  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    i have had almost no luck with crawling around myself since they beefed up the zombies line of sight. might as well just make a break for it.
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