So i finally decided to try out this game after reading this thread a few times.
Just installed the game and im about to try it. Any tips for a noob playing as a lone survivor ?
Yep. Don't get too attached to your toon or your equiptment right off the'll die a lot getting the hang of it.
Belly crawling can get you across wide open fields if there are zombies nearby, but they will spot you if you get within about 20 feet.
Being a solo myself, it sucks going at it alone.
You may become frustrated getting pk'd by other players...eventually that will lessen. I prefer lower population servers to avoid this and to get my toon geared up.
Dont waste alot of time going for the 'holy grails' i.e.helo crashes and the NW airport...make your way as you go, but making a beeline for those areas will mean starvation or an empty weapon by the time you arrive.
Weapons have alot of range...use it to kill a zombie (headshot if you can).
And loud weapons rings the dinner bell for nearby zombies, especially in the beginning when 'panic mode' sets in and your blasting away.
The very first server I joined I spawned next to a pretty big city. I think it was called electro or something. Anyways I went in from the dock side and crawled through some empty house hoping to find a weapon. All I found was some ammo so I decided to climb a ladder to the top of a warehouse to get a better view of the city. Just as I climbed onto the roof I aggroed some zombies from the ground and the ladder I came up was now cut off. I died as I tried a last resort jump off the building.
The second time I spawned right next to a bike (are they rare ?) and took a ride through the countryside to some warehouses a few miles down the road. I went in to weapons but again as I was belly crawling across the courtyard I turned a corner right into a zombie and he alerted his mates
So I guess what im asking is how the hell do I get a gun ?! (Also i love this game )
The very first server I joined I spawned next to a pretty big city. I think it was called electro or something. Anyways I went in from the dock side and crawled through some empty house hoping to find a weapon. All I found was some ammo so I decided to climb a ladder to the top of a warehouse to get a better view of the city. Just as I climbed onto the roof I aggroed some zombies from the ground and the ladder I came up was now cut off. I died as I tried a last resort jump off the building.
The second time I spawned right next to a bike (are they rare ?) and took a ride through the countryside to some warehouses a few miles down the road. I went in to weapons but again as I was belly crawling across the courtyard I turned a corner right into a zombie and he alerted his mates
So I guess what im asking is how the hell do I get a gun ?! (Also i love this game )
If you'd have stayed on the roof for a bit, the zombies would have given up and resumed shambling about
Guns are all over. They mostly spawn in supermarkets, churches, the houses that have the cafe's on the ground floor, churches, firestations etc.
It's a good idea to just explore on your first few goes, and get an idea for good, quick spots you can run to, to get some weapons, gear and supplies. Cherno is really good for sprinting around and grabbing gear, but it's also the biggest hotspot in the game, so your chances of running into people is high.
I tend to go into servers that have the maximum players set to 25, I think it's a pretty good amount because I can explore a bit more and survive. I went to Cherno once for a hour or so and did not encounter one person.
You found a bike? Yea they aren't a common item. If you have to leave a vehicle (and I assume this includes bikes) you have to save it. I havent found a vehicle, but as i understand it...if you dont it will disappear when you log.
types of weapons are generally located in specific areas...for instance you are more likely to find a military grade weapon in those areas, where as a shotgun, or older rifle, might be found in the areas that glynnsmith mentioned as well as barns.
If you are armed and you only have to deal with a few zombies, you can run into a building (but stay away from the outer walls), the zombies have to slow to a walk when the get to the doorway, giving you time to place a couple of well aimed shots.
Went in to a larger city where I found a lee enfield, a makarov, some food and water and a alice pack (Which was lucky cause my other backpack disolved when I took a dip in the ocean).
It was only on my way out of town I aggroed a pack of zombies and ran for it. About 6-7 of them followed my up north so I figured "what the hell" and tried to take them out. Spend pretty much all my makarov rounds and a few enfield mags but I took them out without losing too much blood.
I've read somewhere that you can get blood from other players but is it possible to regain it yourself ?
Went in to a larger city where I found a lee enfield, a makarov, some food and water and a alice pack (Which was lucky cause my other backpack disolved when I took a dip in the ocean).
It was only on my way out of town I aggroed a pack of zombies and ran for it. About 6-7 of them followed my up north so I figured "what the hell" and tried to take them out. Spend pretty much all my makarov rounds and a few enfield mags but I took them out without losing too much blood.
I've read somewhere that you can get blood from other players but is it possible to regain it yourself ?
You'd need a bloodbag, or they would need one at least, and they would have to perform the blood transfusion on you. It's better when someone you know gives it to you
Yeah, it says where you ware when you enter the game, so get the map up and see where you are and keep respawning.
My friends and I were getting some nasty aggro issues last night. At one point we logged out and back in to see if this would help, I spawned and was prone in the grass, then after a minute got aggro from a zombie about 75m away, and stuff like this kept happening .
gratz on the alice pack. I saw several, but for some reason, they wouldnt let me pick them up. Even when I dropped my other bag.
blood bags restore you to full health [12000]
if it's not letting you pick up a bag, pick up all the detritus around it. once it is the only thing on the ground you'll get the scroll-wheel menu to Take.
I suggest transferring all your crap into the new bag first, as sometimes your old bag can disappear when you make the switch.
Is there a way to tell if a server is night or day ? I've just joined my 6 server straight that was night and i'm not equiped with niether the in game items or the balls to handle that
The time of day in game is based on the time the server is set to. Look at the server name, they often have GMT or UTC + or - something. It's not always correct though as I've joined servers at 10pm GMT that claimed they were GMT-6 and it's been night time in game, but for the most part that's the way to go about it.
The time of day in game is based on the time the server is set to. Look at the server name, they often have GMT or UTC + or - something. It's not always correct though as I've joined servers at 10pm GMT that claimed they were GMT-6 and it's been night time in game, but for the most part that's the way to go about it.
or if you arent sure in game and you have a can check that to see how much daylight you have's been helpful.
I was up north from cherno looting a bulding across the hospital and I heard gunshots. I climbed to the roof and saw a guy sneaking around the hospital taking out some zombies. I watched him for a while waiting to see if he was gonna go away and I lost him for a minute but then he reappeared on the roof of the hospital. I think he spotted me when he came up the ladder and I wasnt about to take any chances.
So I decided to head out of cherno before i become sniper target practice but i don't really have an idea of where I'm going so I'm just kinda wandering around the woods.
Lol, for some reason, I have no idea why, I had the image of you shooting the guy and the next of you kneeling beside him, with your hands in the air, going "NOOOOOOOO!!!".
Lol, for some reason, I have no idea why, I had the image of you shooting the guy and the next of you kneeling beside him, with your hands in the air, going "NOOOOOOOO!!!".
Haha well i did feel a little bad for the guy but let's not get carried away here
After a week of editing I finally have a video of our most intense gameplay in Day Z so far, even though this happened over a month ago. We raided the NW airfield in the dead of night with no nightvision, sending one of our group running down the runway holding a flare:
Damn Dave, just watched the whole thing. It was the best vid yet. I like the new intro too. That was some cat and mouse firefight you guys got into.
* Well I was doing pretty well with the Tree Stand Raid thing. I found myself ultimately holed up in a barn with a broken leg, far from any hospital and down to 600 health.
I had no water and no food.
Red and black were the only colors I saw.
I killed some zombies and got a soda, but that can of beans never came.
I decided on one final desperate act, to throw a grenade close to the door and then take down the zeds in hope of getting some food.
I had several smoke grenades...the first one went to far out.
As I aimed my gun at an approaching hopper....I died.
Seemed I alerted someone to my presence with the grenade and came up from behind.
So first I found a czech bag so I transfered my stuff to it and then picked up the bag...nothing was in there...that sucked, then I went back to the hospital found a box, loaded up on meds, then found some coke ammo and pasta....then an Alice pack, this time I just "took" the pack and lo and behold everything was auto transfered...
So first I found a czech bag so I transfered my stuff to it and then picked up the bag...nothing was in there...that sucked, then I went back to the hospital found a box, loaded up on meds, then found some coke ammo and pasta....then an Alice pack, this time I just "took" the pack and lo and behold everything was auto transfered...
I think I got it now.
I've had it happen fine both ways, and I've lost everything in my bag both ways, too.
The one thing I haven't done is dropped my bag with my stuff in it before picking up the new one. I'm guessing it's a random bug.
Picked up the big coyote backpack earlier. Logged out, logged back in and it was gone.
I've survived for 4 days straight now until i was raiding some farms looking for a CZ550.
I was belly crawling away from some walkers when a guy popped his head out of a bush and shoot me. First time i lost a character that survived long enough to get a gun. Kinda sucks
Also i never encountered someone who didnt try to murder me for my baked beans. Is that just the way things are in DayZ ?
Edit: Well it seems that it wasnt the worst thing that could have happens because after cooling dowm with some dota i logged back in and 5 mins after respawning i found a survivor corpse with a AS50 Sniper rifle and a Silenced PDW side arm. Unfortunately when i tried to take his coyote backpack his corpse disappeared.
But still im counting it as a win
We'd had a camper van for the last few days. We'd fully repaired it and had it packed with loads of good stuff.
Parked it at gas station, so my teammate could get the jerry cans out. Then the game glitched.
I was teleported out of the van into a standing position. Then into water where I died almost instantly. The van completely disapeared, and I could hear my teammate on TeamSpeak asking where the fuck I'd gone with the van.
Respawned back at the gas station equiped all of the gear I had. My old body still dead, with all his stuff too.
I got to say, I'm really starting to like the Lee...:)
Just installed the game and im about to try it. Any tips for a noob playing as a lone survivor ?
Yep. Don't get too attached to your toon or your equiptment right off the'll die a lot getting the hang of it.
Belly crawling can get you across wide open fields if there are zombies nearby, but they will spot you if you get within about 20 feet.
Being a solo myself, it sucks going at it alone.
You may become frustrated getting pk'd by other players...eventually that will lessen. I prefer lower population servers to avoid this and to get my toon geared up.
Dont waste alot of time going for the 'holy grails' i.e.helo crashes and the NW airport...make your way as you go, but making a beeline for those areas will mean starvation or an empty weapon by the time you arrive.
Weapons have alot of range...use it to kill a zombie (headshot if you can).
And loud weapons rings the dinner bell for nearby zombies, especially in the beginning when 'panic mode' sets in and your blasting away.
The very first server I joined I spawned next to a pretty big city. I think it was called electro or something. Anyways I went in from the dock side and crawled through some empty house hoping to find a weapon. All I found was some ammo so I decided to climb a ladder to the top of a warehouse to get a better view of the city. Just as I climbed onto the roof I aggroed some zombies from the ground and the ladder I came up was now cut off. I died as I tried a last resort jump off the building.
The second time I spawned right next to a bike (are they rare ?) and took a ride through the countryside to some warehouses a few miles down the road. I went in to weapons but again as I was belly crawling across the courtyard I turned a corner right into a zombie and he alerted his mates
So I guess what im asking is how the hell do I get a gun ?! (Also i love this game
If you'd have stayed on the roof for a bit, the zombies would have given up and resumed shambling about
Guns are all over. They mostly spawn in supermarkets, churches, the houses that have the cafe's on the ground floor, churches, firestations etc.
It's a good idea to just explore on your first few goes, and get an idea for good, quick spots you can run to, to get some weapons, gear and supplies. Cherno is really good for sprinting around and grabbing gear, but it's also the biggest hotspot in the game, so your chances of running into people is high.
types of weapons are generally located in specific areas...for instance you are more likely to find a military grade weapon in those areas, where as a shotgun, or older rifle, might be found in the areas that glynnsmith mentioned as well as barns.
If you are armed and you only have to deal with a few zombies, you can run into a building (but stay away from the outer walls), the zombies have to slow to a walk when the get to the doorway, giving you time to place a couple of well aimed shots.
The more you fire though, the more will hear...
Went in to a larger city where I found a lee enfield, a makarov, some food and water and a alice pack (Which was lucky cause my other backpack disolved when I took a dip in the ocean).
It was only on my way out of town I aggroed a pack of zombies and ran for it. About 6-7 of them followed my up north so I figured "what the hell" and tried to take them out. Spend pretty much all my makarov rounds and a few enfield mags but I took them out without losing too much blood.
I've read somewhere that you can get blood from other players but is it possible to regain it yourself ?
to get a cooked meat, you need
matches and wood for a fire.
wood can be found or if you have a hatchet you can get it from trees.
You need a hunting knife to gut an animal.
animals will give you 1 to 4 meats depending on type of animal.
players can use bloodpacks on you..not sure what they restore though.
I use the wiki to find alot out.
gratz on the alice pack. I saw several, but for some reason, they wouldnt let me pick them up. Even when I dropped my other bag.
You'd need a bloodbag, or they would need one at least, and they would have to perform the blood transfusion on you. It's better when someone you know gives it to you
Keep respawning until you're both near the same town, find a landmark, and have the other person meet you there.
My friends and I were getting some nasty aggro issues last night. At one point we logged out and back in to see if this would help, I spawned and was prone in the grass, then after a minute got aggro from a zombie about 75m away, and stuff like this kept happening
A recent patch brought the detection radius down - It's made a lot of difference.
blood bags restore you to full health [12000]
if it's not letting you pick up a bag, pick up all the detritus around it. once it is the only thing on the ground you'll get the scroll-wheel menu to Take.
I suggest transferring all your crap into the new bag first, as sometimes your old bag can disappear when you make the switch.
Just curious what server Polycounter's are playing nice to get a group going.
my video card is trash and really wanna play this!!
i can run the arma 2 demo ok but if any thing big happens it just stutters......
cause!! ..... humm!
lol.. i'm just playing buddy... :poly142: also really jealous tho!!!!! :poly122:
It's like any War though, better to get it when you first get there, than to have to get it after your loaded up.
..and the servers are slow today. very unusual, they've been a lot better for awhile now with all the new ones to spread things out.
I'm currently stuck in a barn with no food or water (water is blinking). And the place is ransacked from server to server...:(
If you're running, make sure you have ArmaII Beta 94876.
The two newer ones seem to cause the infinite Waiting for Host.
or if you arent sure in game and you have a can check that to see how much daylight you have's been helpful.
But yea, better to know before you log on.
Oooooooooo! Will definitely have to try this, cheers.
Or just use the server browser I linked up above. It shows the approximate time of each server, among other features.
I was up north from cherno looting a bulding across the hospital and I heard gunshots. I climbed to the roof and saw a guy sneaking around the hospital taking out some zombies. I watched him for a while waiting to see if he was gonna go away and I lost him for a minute but then he reappeared on the roof of the hospital. I think he spotted me when he came up the ladder and I wasnt about to take any chances.
So I decided to head out of cherno before i become sniper target practice but i don't really have an idea of where I'm going so I'm just kinda wandering around the woods.
Any suggestions ?
Haha well i did feel a little bad for the guy but let's not get carried away here
* Well I was doing pretty well with the Tree Stand Raid thing. I found myself ultimately holed up in a barn with a broken leg, far from any hospital and down to 600 health.
I had no water and no food.
Red and black were the only colors I saw.
I killed some zombies and got a soda, but that can of beans never came.
I decided on one final desperate act, to throw a grenade close to the door and then take down the zeds in hope of getting some food.
I had several smoke grenades...the first one went to far out.
As I aimed my gun at an approaching hopper....I died.
Seemed I alerted someone to my presence with the grenade and came up from behind.
Oh well. It was a fun ride.
That room filled with body was fucking scary. Like you just stumbled into a wrong turn sort of horror movie. Good job coming out on top
I think I got it now.
I've had it happen fine both ways, and I've lost everything in my bag both ways, too.
The one thing I haven't done is dropped my bag with my stuff in it before picking up the new one. I'm guessing it's a random bug.
Picked up the big coyote backpack earlier. Logged out, logged back in and it was gone.
I hate stupid backpacks
I was belly crawling away from some walkers when a guy popped his head out of a bush and shoot me. First time i lost a character that survived long enough to get a gun. Kinda sucks
Also i never encountered someone who didnt try to murder me for my baked beans. Is that just the way things are in DayZ ?
Edit: Well it seems that it wasnt the worst thing that could have happens because after cooling dowm with some dota i logged back in and 5 mins after respawning i found a survivor corpse with a AS50 Sniper rifle and a Silenced PDW side arm. Unfortunately when i tried to take his coyote backpack his corpse disappeared.
But still im counting it as a win
Parked it at gas station, so my teammate could get the jerry cans out. Then the game glitched.
I was teleported out of the van into a standing position. Then into water where I died almost instantly. The van completely disapeared, and I could hear my teammate on TeamSpeak asking where the fuck I'd gone with the van.
Respawned back at the gas station equiped all of the gear I had. My old body still dead, with all his stuff too.
No van, though
Absolute fucking bastard game.