edit: Well it seems like a youngster decided to attack dayz servers with massive DDos attacks, It is impossile to connect ( and some who managed to actualy lost all theyr gear), both servers and websites are down.
My favorite part of the Day Z mod I survived for 2 days (didn't realize you could open the backpack) so I was doing pretty good, I let my friend play. I tell him don't stand next to the wall, he says ok. gets near wall, zombie attacks through wall....broken bones.
friend - "now what?"
me - "try bandaging up"
he moved forward right before the bandge went though or something because it just didn't work.
- friend "now what?"
- me "try to survive"
5 minutes later dead
not from a zombie mind you he kept on trying to walk on the broken bone and bleed internally.
So I respawned into the game tonight after a long hiatus. One fast question. I came in with just bandages and painkillers...thinking it was a glitch i logged out and went to another server.
Same thing (but i didnt respawn to do this). Then thinking the game had changed, I ran into Electro got into the church, found an M9 and a couple of mags, cokes etc, and ran out. Saw some zeds but didnt aggro anything, and the one survivor I ran into in the church didnt shoot me, which was good since I was unarmed.
Then to the market, ransacked.
Then out to the north.
So did they change the starting gear? I dont even have the extra pack.
Got to figure out the beta thing though. It was hard to find a server to log on.
So today was interesting. Logged in (servers are better at this now). (but i was at the ocean...I think everyone had this issue.)
Saw that I lost some of the stuff in my storgaes (cz rounds, cokes ect.)
Still had the beretta and a few other things.
Travelled through the woods and came to Pusta...no zeds around and the only survivor was 10M away, so I ran in, picked up a Lee Enfield, a crowbar more bandages and saw a 1911, but decided that 3 mags of 9 was better than 2 of .45.
I'm just north now of that place. One thing i noticed is that the textures are looking really great.
I'm betting that the deeper north I go, the tougher it will be.
I havent found any food yet and havent seen the need to drink or eat, so I'm guessing this has been modified.
well, just ended myself a few minutes ago after crawling around with a broken leg, a fracture and little blood, feeling sick from my heartbeat and blurry vision.
Respawned at Kamenka, a couple of seconds later as I look left I see smoke about 50m away up the road and hear an explosion. So I ran towards it to see what it was (and can hear a noise), a couple of seconds later I see a tank cruising down the road (in my general direction). So I hid in the grass.
Whenever I saw the loading screen I always though it would be cool to have a tank in this mod; apparently you can.
Yeah I tried that just in case, but I use sixupdater so I guess that bypasses steam (even though I got the game through steam).
We noticed when we died and respawned that it says where you are when you respawn, is this new or did we just not notice this before?
I think they need to drastically reduce the spawns of barb wire kits. It was frankly ridiculous the amount of wire people were putting down, blocking off buildings (and the wire doesn't even stop zombies).
Would be good to try and get a big polycount meetup going at some point. 30 players working together could be quite productive, repairing vehicles etc.
Nice read on social experiment. They are either a gang mentality or bullies, but since they didnt try to save anyone, just dispersed at the first sign of trouble, that tells me that the FU emote would work well here.
As for my progress, I'm off to a good start, crawled into Cherno and picked up supplies and a Lee Enfield a long the way. Got to the outside of the church and saw a survivor with an axe in his hand kneeled over the body of a dead recruit..(no weapon) Then he ducked back inside when the zed nearby started getting too close.
I logged in the tall grass and tree right near the door, so now it's a waiting game.
Damn barbed wire sucks...especially when they block the church door with it as i found on another server.
Was just playing with a couple of friends, one of them said you can vault barb wire (I tried before and it didn't work), but tried again and it did, so you can usually get past it at least.
**Just logged back into the church to find the door blocked with wire. For the life of me, I couldnt get over it...
We need a jump button.
***This morning I got out of Cherno loaded...it was a great feeling....made it to the woods but saw a barn and felt I needed a bit more food....heard the zeds, didnt see any, ran in got up to the landing...
Saw two..no three? come down.
Got off a couple of shots with the revolver and then..
it became the dog pile...
and I was on the bottom.
All for some beans...that I never even saw if they were there.
Yeah I've noticed recently they are sometimes in buildings, where I never saw them before.
Two friends and I had an interesting night. After quite some time just trying to group up we eventually managed, then found an AK and headed inland, found a few bits here and there. Found some tents and got a bunch of stuff from them
Were just inside a town and got in to a gunfight with a couple of bandits (we won) then as we were inside the building dealing the zombies that were attracted by the noise, more kept coming. One of the guys saw the zombies spawning outside and heading in. We each took down about 15-25 zombies (massive mess). Then rawn outside to log off for the night (zombies were still spawning too).
Things are finally going ok for me. I made it all the way up to Pogorevka without firing a shot...well the gun I found, turned out to be empty when i went to kill a zombie I aggroed, in a barn.
At my feet, was a CZ 550, but I was panicking not realizing that I had never looked to see if the win that i had been carrying was loaded...Stupid.
I logged to save my ass...should have just stayed calm.
Eventually I made my way to a church where I was able to "upgrade', if you could call it that, to a Lee, so at least I have 4 or 5 clips right now..
biggest problem is food, only found one can of beans in my travels...
I just found a hatchet and I have some matches, so I think I have that problem solved...
new problem is there are no livestock around? WTF? lol
I passed a lot coming north...thinking they were farmed?
I'm in crashed helo country now too...I just want to see the north before I die...I'll consider that a successful life.
Guess what? Today I died after 3 days of surviving, a bandits killed me, i left behind " NVG, sniper DRM, GPS, ghili suit, PDW, a few nice surviving tools and a lot of ammos , " cool story bro " you might say? I agree, but please Keep reading plz
But the best is yet to come, 1 hour after watching videos on youtube to calm my frustration, i decided to play again.
So I went to my camp spot, took some weapons to raid a military camp when a friend of mine ask me to come and play with him on his server.
Fine by me. I disconect from my server, connect on his, and what can i see right in front of me? a tent on the same spot as mine but on a diferent server. Yep, NVG, M9 silenced and an AS50 sniper rifle and a lot of blood bag etc... Lady luck does exist ( too bad it wasn't a DRM tho, i can't snipe in the dark with this.
* Well I died tonight. Belly crawling my way north. I lost track of where I was, thinking I was more east, but I came up on a military fenceline and guard towers.
Then I saw the airfield.
Making my way through some trees, my presence activated the zeds in a big way.
I aggroed a soldier zombie through the door of what i think was an outer barracks building and he knocked me down on the first hit, which sucked. I had to shoot.
Which made things worse. I ran to the door (which was unfortunatly closed (so I couldnt see what was on the other side.
Several more being blocked by a bench, which they broke through.
And i had some on my back.
I got off alot of rounds, but the panic/bleeding mode was engaged and it's just impossible to maintain calm.
The directions as to where the bandits were was screwing you guys up. Nice gun to lose. It's a shame.
Niiiiice, I never even noticed that when editing. Yeah, there were 3 really similar barns in that compound and we got separated right when the bandits showed up. Terrible timing, but we learned some lessons!
Really interesting stuff. I like the game so far. Very entertaining. I don't agree with the guy that says that games are not fun. To me he looses all vision to what the true definition of games are. They need to be fun. Sure, Dayz is stresses you out. So did Resident Evil 4. But that was the fun. You have 2 hrs of scavenging and not running into anybody and then in 2 mins everything turns on you, you meet bandits, it goes to hell and someone dies. Phew... the first reaction you get on most videos was. THAT WAS FUN! games are fun, and just discarding that, to me at least, leads to bad games.
If I remember from the reading as long as you save it, it should be waiting for you...congratz...did you check to make sure the engine was repaired too? A lot of times, vehicles will run, but not go far....I have yet to find a vehicle, crashed helo...hell I'd settle for a bike.
Bit of a tip - If you climb up to the roof of the hospital, there are boxes of medical supplies up there. It's safer and attracts less zombies than going through the front window
Advancing further up the vehicle ladder, my squad and I found one of those personnel transport trucks. Again, it didn't need fixing, and had a shit-load of gear in it. We're going to use it to carry spare parts, so we can try to get a HUEY going.
Whilst I'm here: Does anyone have any recommendations for screen/audio capture that might work better than FRAPS?
The hatchet is actully pretty damn good I've found. Also, I'm Mishter Connery so if anyone sees me please don't shoot (not the face anyway).
edit: Well it seems like a youngster decided to attack dayz servers with massive DDos attacks, It is impossile to connect ( and some who managed to actualy lost all theyr gear), both servers and websites are down.
friend - "now what?"
me - "try bandaging up"
he moved forward right before the bandge went though or something because it just didn't work.
- friend "now what?"
- me "try to survive"
5 minutes later dead
not from a zombie mind you he kept on trying to walk on the broken bone and bleed internally.
Same thing (but i didnt respawn to do this). Then thinking the game had changed, I ran into Electro got into the church, found an M9 and a couple of mags, cokes etc, and ran out. Saw some zeds but didnt aggro anything, and the one survivor I ran into in the church didnt shoot me, which was good since I was unarmed.
Then to the market, ransacked.
Then out to the north.
So did they change the starting gear? I dont even have the extra pack.
Got to figure out the beta thing though. It was hard to find a server to log on.
1.7.1 - [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.
Will be down until around 4pm GMT, today
Saw that I lost some of the stuff in my storgaes (cz rounds, cokes ect.)
Still had the beretta and a few other things.
Travelled through the woods and came to Pusta...no zeds around and the only survivor was 10M away, so I ran in, picked up a Lee Enfield, a crowbar more bandages and saw a 1911, but decided that 3 mags of 9 was better than 2 of .45.
I'm just north now of that place. One thing i noticed is that the textures are looking really great.
I'm betting that the deeper north I go, the tougher it will be.
I havent found any food yet and havent seen the need to drink or eat, so I'm guessing this has been modified.
Respawned at Kamenka, a couple of seconds later as I look left I see smoke about 50m away up the road and hear an explosion. So I ran towards it to see what it was (and can hear a noise), a couple of seconds later I see a tank cruising down the road (in my general direction). So I hid in the grass.
Whenever I saw the loading screen I always though it would be cool to have a tank in this mod; apparently you can.
***The game itself apparently (google search here) doesnt support screenies...you need to have something like fraps running to do it....bummer.
When you exit the game you should get a nice window which directs you to the images. Otherwise they get saved in steamapps somewhere I think.
We noticed when we died and respawned that it says where you are when you respawn, is this new or did we just not notice this before?
I think they need to drastically reduce the spawns of barb wire kits. It was frankly ridiculous the amount of wire people were putting down, blocking off buildings (and the wire doesn't even stop zombies).
Would be good to try and get a big polycount meetup going at some point. 30 players working together could be quite productive, repairing vehicles etc.
What gives?
tweets: http://kotaku.com/5923400/dude-gets-kidnapped-in-dayz-tweets-the-whole-thing
Full story: http://games.on.net/stockholm-syndrome-how-six-men-kidnapped-me-in-dayz/
As for my progress, I'm off to a good start, crawled into Cherno and picked up supplies and a Lee Enfield a long the way. Got to the outside of the church and saw a survivor with an axe in his hand kneeled over the body of a dead recruit..(no weapon) Then he ducked back inside when the zed nearby started getting too close.
I logged in the tall grass and tree right near the door, so now it's a waiting game.
Damn barbed wire sucks...especially when they block the church door with it as i found on another server.
*Thanks...V it is.
**Just logged back into the church to find the door blocked with wire. For the life of me, I couldnt get over it...
We need a jump button.
***This morning I got out of Cherno loaded...it was a great feeling....made it to the woods but saw a barn and felt I needed a bit more food....heard the zeds, didnt see any, ran in got up to the landing...
Saw two..no three? come down.
Got off a couple of shots with the revolver and then..
it became the dog pile...
and I was on the bottom.
All for some beans...that I never even saw if they were there.
Two friends and I had an interesting night. After quite some time just trying to group up we eventually managed, then found an AK and headed inland, found a few bits here and there. Found some tents and got a bunch of stuff from them
Were just inside a town and got in to a gunfight with a couple of bandits (we won) then as we were inside the building dealing the zombies that were attracted by the noise, more kept coming. One of the guys saw the zombies spawning outside and heading in. We each took down about 15-25 zombies (massive mess). Then rawn outside to log off for the night (zombies were still spawning too).
Hectic, but fun.
At my feet, was a CZ 550, but I was panicking not realizing that I had never looked to see if the win that i had been carrying was loaded...Stupid.
I logged to save my ass...should have just stayed calm.
Eventually I made my way to a church where I was able to "upgrade', if you could call it that, to a Lee, so at least I have 4 or 5 clips right now..
biggest problem is food, only found one can of beans in my travels...
I just found a hatchet and I have some matches, so I think I have that problem solved...
new problem is there are no livestock around? WTF? lol
I passed a lot coming north...thinking they were farmed?
I'm in crashed helo country now too...I just want to see the north before I die...I'll consider that a successful life.
But the best is yet to come, 1 hour after watching videos on youtube to calm my frustration, i decided to play again.
So I went to my camp spot, took some weapons to raid a military camp when a friend of mine ask me to come and play with him on his server.
Fine by me. I disconect from my server, connect on his, and what can i see right in front of me? a tent on the same spot as mine but on a diferent server. Yep, NVG, M9 silenced and an AS50 sniper rifle and a lot of blood bag etc... Lady luck does exist ( too bad it wasn't a DRM tho, i can't snipe in the dark with this.
* Well I died tonight. Belly crawling my way north. I lost track of where I was, thinking I was more east, but I came up on a military fenceline and guard towers.
Then I saw the airfield.
Making my way through some trees, my presence activated the zeds in a big way.
I aggroed a soldier zombie through the door of what i think was an outer barracks building and he knocked me down on the first hit, which sucked. I had to shoot.
Which made things worse. I ran to the door (which was unfortunatly closed (so I couldnt see what was on the other side.
Several more being blocked by a bench, which they broke through.
And i had some on my back.
I got off alot of rounds, but the panic/bleeding mode was engaged and it's just impossible to maintain calm.
Well I took a few with me.
The directions as to where the bandits were was screwing you guys up. Nice gun to lose. It's a shame.
Niiiiice, I never even noticed that when editing. Yeah, there were 3 really similar barns in that compound and we got separated right when the bandits showed up. Terrible timing, but we learned some lessons!
Really interesting stuff. I like the game so far. Very entertaining. I don't agree with the guy that says that games are not fun. To me he looses all vision to what the true definition of games are. They need to be fun. Sure, Dayz is stresses you out. So did Resident Evil 4. But that was the fun. You have 2 hrs of scavenging and not running into anybody and then in 2 mins everything turns on you, you meet bandits, it goes to hell and someone dies. Phew... the first reaction you get on most videos was. THAT WAS FUN! games are fun, and just discarding that, to me at least, leads to bad games.
It's server relate and game code for the Multi, so there is very little the guy can do without some serious overhaul.
Also, he might be going standalone for the game in the future...
If I saved the vehicle, do I need to go back to the same server? Will it disappear if the server resets before I go back on?
got a jet the other day. leveled a city block, then blew myself up with a missile
Cheers guys.
Good to know...though isnt the jet a hacked in item?
Bit of a tip - If you climb up to the roof of the hospital, there are boxes of medical supplies up there. It's safer and attracts less zombies than going through the front window
Advancing further up the vehicle ladder, my squad and I found one of those personnel transport trucks. Again, it didn't need fixing, and had a shit-load of gear in it. We're going to use it to carry spare parts, so we can try to get a HUEY going.
Whilst I'm here: Does anyone have any recommendations for screen/audio capture that might work better than FRAPS?
We do go up on the roof in part two
I also where looking for something other than fraps, but in the end we had to go with that