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  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    na, never did math, just read the news quickly. Been reading up on it now, and seems like they shifted it too far. However, they mentioned they didn't want people to use the skill as it is currently (not what they intended to ship), which is an impossible request as a developer to players. Making it useless was a better option i guess. I honestly thought they'd make all mantras have a 20-25 second cool down instead of reducing the damage absorption values (and instead, increasing values w/ longer cooldown of use).

    Saw they fixed a regen bug w/ quickening too, where it'd proc off of cyclone crits. That'd explain why my build i was using seemed like it was working so well.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    They jacked my Demon Hunter's smoke screen up and now I can't really do much other than kite mobs, ping them for 1 hit every 3-5 seconds and hope they don't 1 shot me with some instagib ranged attack.

    Not liking D3 nearly as much as I liked D2. It's pretty I'll give it that. Just feels like a whole "TERA" situation to me where the game is gorgeous but the gameplay is just stupid.

    I wasn't really looking forward to Torchlight 2 cause I thought this would keep me playing for a long time. But now I am. And Orcs Must Die 2 with co-op. I'm not usually one to bitch about a video game but come on, 10 years in the making and you can't just take what Diablo 2: LoD had and expand on it, you have to go and test the waters with all these new gigantic game changes like the skills system, terrible itemization and this ub3r 1337 difficulty where all you do is get 1-2 shot.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ceebee wrote: »
    They jacked my Demon Hunter's smoke screen up and now I can't really do much other than kite mobs, ping them for 1 hit every 3-5 seconds and hope they don't 1 shot me with some instagib ranged attack.

  • System
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    System admin
    ceebee, why is Tera's gameplay stupid? In both TERA and Diablo3 i'd say theyve done a fucking good job of implementing skillshots and things you can dodge, putting control into the PLAYERS hands and not purely items.

    Also, you're a KITING class everything from the ground up about your character points to the fact you should run away... i'm in the same boat as you when it comes to getting 1-2 shot, hell... monk is almost purely melee abilities yet i'm forced to kite even with above average gear.

    The "fixes" that i'd like to see made would be to continue having it skill based, as is there are elements like;

    Vortex > no spell animation, nothing to dodge and therefore instant random death
    Fast + chains/aura > anti kite and anti skill.
    invunerable minions > Whats the fucking point.

    As is its more about luck and not getting those packs in order to proceed, blizzard can argue that they want to make it hard till the cows come home, and for that argument to be true they need to give those afflix to all packs, not randomly... otherwise its not "hard" its "lucky".

    Edit; Understanding what game mechanics are should be mandatory for people working in the industry.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8CBbeSAjVo"]Issues With Diablo 3: Poor Implementation Of Difficulty - YouTube[/ame]
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I couldn't help but chuckle last night that in a game with such a variety of loot of I had two of the EXACT same item (name and stats). Wait, I lie. One had durability of 50, the other of 40.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    What I think of Diablo 3.

    Wall of text incoming.

    My first impressions of Diablo 3 were not that good. I got a quest pass from a friend so I could try it out before I actually bought the game, I rolled a wizard since I just played sorc in Diablo 2 and figured they would be alike and would be the perfect character to MF those tasty legendary/set items with. I just played until half of act 2 and I found the combat to be really dull and boring as a wizard. All I did was stand still holding mouse 1 or 2 trying to kill something (sure it got better late game.) It took me all my mana to just kill a single enemy.

    You should know that I'm talking about this game from the perspective of a demon hunter, I named her the pink lady.


    Combat: I rerolled as demon hunter and found the combat at the start to be much more interesting and alive then that of the wizard. Thanks to the Hungering Arrow spell I could do hit and runs and still hit the mobs like a boss. As I progressed trough the game I found out that the combat got a lot more dull and boring the further we got. I found myself holding down shift much longer and just standing there unleashing arrow after arrow, when my rage meter was full I used rapid fire and then back to unleashing arrows.

    For the enemy's combat mechanics I was glad that their arrows were not homing and you could actually avoid their spells/arrows if you move away from their path. This made the game much more alive and refreshing, sadly melee enemies does not have the same feature. They will hit you even if you are behind them, even if I used my Vault to try to escape their hit they would magically hit me. It feels like if they have gotten to X point in their attack animation they will always hit.

    Now I came in to this excepting better combat mechanics then TERA has. I expected something that would blew my mind. My jaws would simply drop the to floor. This is Blizzard I my exceptions are trough the roof whenever they make a game. Did they deliver? No, it's the same combat mechanic that we had in Diablo 2.

    Abilities: You can't avoid all information about a game, especially if it's a game like Diablo 3 that everyone wanna talk about. I heard about this rune system that you could use to enhance your spells. My mind was blown, talent tree + runes to enhance your abilities, Blizzard you have done it again. But as I found out in disappointment there was no talent tree, but hey the rune system gotta still be in (now you gotta understand, when I first heard about the rune system I thought it would be epic runes that you found on your quest and they were legendary drops that would raise your abilities to heaven.)

    I figured that instead of a talent tree we would be getting our abilities like in WoW, I was really okay with this, don't know how many times I wanted to try out a different build in Diablo 2 but I had to create a new character to do so. So when I found out that runes were simply upgrades for your abilities I was kinda disappointed. I figured runes were the one thing to make the players unique. Still wasn't that bad. Every ability had 5 runes that most of the time completely changed the spell. I figured Blizzard wanted us to change play style in the middle of battle accordingly how it went. We needed more defense? I could just get my shield turret out. Sadly there were cooldowns when switching out an ability, which prevented you to do stuff like switching out abilities in the middle of combat.

    When I hit 60 I found out that we got a buff for killing elite packs and it made my day. Sadly I also found out that you can't switch abilities cause if you do you will loose this buff. It was then made clear for me, there is no switching out abilities at all. There's no point in doing that at all, you will loose your buff and said ability will go on cooldown so you basically loose one during combat. Blizzard don't want you to switch out abilities and there is only 1 kind of set of usable abilities anyway.

    I rarely switched out any of my abilities I used at all, I tested upgrades for the ones I were using to test if they were any better but that was rarely they case at all. I used they same fucking abilities trough the entire fucking game. Hungering Arrow/Shatter Shoot - Rapid Fire/Fire Support - Shadow Power/Night Bane - Companion/Bat Companion - Multi Shoot/Full Broadside and Marked for Death/Mortal Enemy. The rest of my arsenal of abilities/runes WERE F**KING CRAP and as I got to the inferno difficulti I found out that I have been using the wrong fucking abilities because you can't beat it without abusing Smoke Screen and Preparation.

    That's not the worst thing about it, oh no. Welcome ELECTIVE MODE, you can now choose abilities freely. WHY THE F**K DID I NOT GET ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS IN THE GAME? I hope whoever thought this was a good idea over at Blizzard falls over and dies, just die you mother f**ker, i hope your home burns down, cause I hate you. Before I found out about this I forced myself to pick some shitty ability to have in a slot. How in the world is it that elective mode is not a standard? What were you thinking?

    Graphics: It's Blizzard, good graphics comes as a standard. The only thing I can complain about is that models sometimes blocks the view of enemies so you can get killed without knowing it, cause you can't see them.

    Story: I don't give a shit about the story. Demons come, I kill Diablo bla bla bla.

    Loot: The most important part about a game like Diablo 3 is the loot. Now I didn't buy Diablo 2 the moment it the the stores, I bought it when LoD came out. So I never had problems with bad loot like others apparently did who who bought Diablo 2. I always found epic and fun stuff in D2, most of the items found could be used/traded in some kind of way and when you found that set item or legendary item you knew it was a fucking epic item. Didn't even need to identify it to know it was good.

    When I first heard about inferno I heard it had it's own unique loot table that once you saw an item from inferno you knew it came from there directly. When I heard that my reaction was "yes, YES YEEES YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!" it made me smile like hell. Inferno gonna be hard as hell with it's own unique loot table. That's where I'm gonna farm ma shit up. But, I haven't found any unique loot in inferno yet, I'm still getting the same crap I got in nightmare. Now I did find a legendary bow. but it was complete crap and I would have lost half of my DPS with it. Even then the loot I have found so far is just boring and even more boring loot. I'm not even excited about getting loot anymore cause I know it will be complete crap.

    RMAH: Here's the big boss, the reason everything in Diablo 3 is so crap. The reason inferno will be hard to play in is cause the devs obviously don't want everyone to simply get there and get all the epics without considering buying stuff in the RMAH from some guy that took the time to actually farm stuff in Inferno ACT4. They want people who never got lucky and got some epic loot to go check the RMAH and buy an item to progress cause this game is not about skill, this game is all about stats.

    I missed a tons of stuff I wanted to say about this game, how rare packs become retarded in inferno difficult, how you will just grind away at their health or restart to get a new rare pack. How Blizzard hired the worst people in the world to test this game. How the launch was horrible and still is horrible. Balance issues on difficult, classes and items, etc, etc.

    For me this game had SO MUCH potential and it failed to deliver. But do I consider Diablo 3 to be a bad game? No it's a decent and fun game until you hit inferno. Once you hit that magical barrier you're better of throwing Diablo 3 out the window and preordering Torchlight 2 ( 20$ ) or support Path of Exile ( 10$ ) and get the game and play in the beta, you could have simply bought both of these games and still have 30$ left for other shit.

    Because it's not really worth to stay any longer unless you REALLY wanna make some money on RMAH. I rather play any of these games until Blizzard ships an expansion/DLC to fix this mess.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Loot is boring but the main issue is lack of skill switching. They need to bring back the F-key skill bindings and let you change your primary and secondary on the fly at least. As a wizard right now I find that I can grind through NM with no problems, but some blue/gold bosses will require a completely defensive playstyle which is not what my ordinary skills are set for. Also you can't run away from most of them so really the best way to win those fights is to go in and die so you can respawn and calmly restructure your skills for the particular fight. That's bullshit. The core problem with the design is that dying is seen as a necessity rather than a penalty, which is completely wrong. In D2 you didn't want to die or you'd lose XP and gold. In D3 dying is just something that happens four times while trying to kill a random molten vortex shielded unique.

    Also yeah, whoever thought elective mode should be an option rather than standard should drive to work in the shortbus.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Two seperate skillsets switchable via a hotkey would be very preferable, I'd even give away my ability to switch skills any other place than in town if I could have two sets.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    By Act II as a wizard I usually trigger explosive blast, run into the center of a mob, trigger frost nova, cast a few arcane orbs with the obliteration rune until explosive blast fires off.

    By then a large portion of the enemies are dead and the shatter rune on my frost nova means at least one or two of the enemies fired off another frost nova when they died. If there's anyone left over to threaten me I trigger wave of force.

    The only time I have trouble is against a single tough enemy. I've found some great synergies rolling with a Barbarian, especially the move that pulls everyone in, I just change up my tactics to not use wave of force unless the Barbarian is having trouble with some of the stragglers after the AoE death party.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Nice to see more unique loot coming out, it's promising to see items with specific bonuses to certain skills, could create some fun item builds.

    Hit 60 and suddenly feel like spending time in the auction house is a better way to grow in power than actually playing the game. I could play for an hour and maybe find a good item for my character or just refresh the item list and buy cheap and sell high, buying power. It's sort of a bummer. Miss having an open level cap to level 99 that gave an incentive to grind levels for months on end while farming for items. Inflation is also taking its toll, you gotta put up a good number of items and buy immediately after or your haul of money rapidly depletes in value. Integrating item trading has taken so much out of the item grind and made the game more about trading than playing.

    It'd be great to see some "No Drop" items added to the game to promote the unbeatable feeling of trying to find the best items by killing enemies.
  • slipsius
    Nice to see more unique loot coming out, it's promising to see items with specific bonuses to certain skills, could create some fun item builds.

    Hit 60 and suddenly feel like spending time in the auction house is a better way to grow in power than actually playing the game. I could play for an hour and maybe find a good item for my character or just refresh the item list and buy cheap and sell high, buying power. It's sort of a bummer. Miss having an open level cap to level 99 that gave an incentive to grind levels for months on end while farming for items. Inflation is also taking its toll, you gotta put up a good number of items and buy immediately after or your haul of money rapidly depletes in value. Integrating item trading has taken so much out of the item grind and made the game more about trading than playing.

    It'd be great to see some "No Drop" items added to the game to promote the unbeatable feeling of trying to find the best items by killing enemies.

    Where'd you hear all this?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    We'd like to address some of the ongoing concerns from the Diablo® III community since the game went live last week, and go into more detail about how we plan to tackle some of the lingering post-launch issues so players can focus on what they want to be focused on -- playing Diablo III.

    Hotfixes, Upcoming Patch, and Ongoing Issues

    Since the game's launch, we’ve applied a number of hotfixes to address gameplay issues, made tweaks to improve our service stability, and performed occasional server maintenance when necessary to ensure that in the long term, players have the best gameplay experience possible. Moving forward, additional server maintenances will be required -- and sometime next week, we plan to release a game update in the form of a patch that will further address client issues and apply additional bug fixes.

    We also wanted to let you know that we're still looking into the best way to address the achievements that some players lost in the hours following the game’s release. While we don't have any concrete details to share with you just yet, we will have more information to share in the weeks ahead. We appreciate everyone's patience as we work to improve stability and usability for all players.

    Real-Money Auction House Coming Soon

    In light of the post-launch obstacles we've encountered, we have made the decision to move the launch of the real-money auction house beyond the previously estimated May time frame. As we mentioned in our original announcement, our goal has always been to ensure everyone has the smoothest experience possible when the real-money auction house launches, and we need a bit more time to iron out the existing general stability and gameplay issues before that feature goes live. While we don't have a new launch date to share just yet, we’ll have more information soon.

    Battle.net®/Diablo III Security Concerns

    Over the past couple of days, players have expressed concerns over the possibility of Battle.net® account compromises. First and foremost, we want to make it clear that the Battle.net and Diablo III servers have not been compromised. In addition, the number of Diablo III players who've contacted customer service to report a potential compromise of their personal account has been extremely small. In all of the individual Diablo III-related compromise cases we've investigated, none have occurred after a physical Battle.net Authenticator or Battle.net Mobile Authenticator app was attached to the player's account, and we have yet to find any situation where a Diablo III player's account was accessed outside of "traditional" compromise methods (i.e. someone logging using an account's login email and password).

    To that end, we've also seen discussions regarding the possibility of account compromises occurring in ways that didn’t involve these "traditional" methods -- for example, by "session spoofing" a player’s identity after he or she joins a public game. Regarding this specific example, we've looked into the issue and found no evidence to indicate compromises are occurring in this fashion, and we've determined the methods being suggested to do so are technically impossible. However, you have our assurance that we’ll continue to investigate reports such as these and keep you informed of important updates.

    The best defense against account theft still includes smart password management (e.g. using a unique password for every site/service and keeping your password to yourself) and scanning for malware and viruses regularly, as well as following additional preventative steps found here. In the end, while no security method is 100% foolproof, the physical Battle.net Authenticator and Battle.net Mobile Authenticator app are great ways to provide your account with an extra layer of protection.

    We hope this update has addressed some of the concerns you've had. In the end, we simply want all of our players to be able to fully enjoy Diablo III, and we've been working around the clock to address issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. We appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm, and we hope you and your friends are having a blast slaying Sanctuary's demons.

  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD: What is the point of copy and pasting a large chunk of text about patch updates without a commenting about them? People can just go to Diablofans.com or the official D3 site and read it themselves.

    Justin_Meisse: It's cool to see that you use a set of skills that I'm completely uninterested in :) On my Wizard I like using Arcane Torrent instead of Arcane Orb, and I personally hate that Living Bomb/Time Bomb skill. That's what I like about this game, people using things because they like it, not because theorycraft tells you you must.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    By Act II as a wizard I usually trigger explosive blast, run into the center of a mob, trigger frost nova, cast a few arcane orbs with the obliteration rune until explosive blast fires off.

    By then a large portion of the enemies are dead and the shatter rune on my frost nova means at least one or two of the enemies fired off another frost nova when they died. If there's anyone left over to threaten me I trigger wave of force.

    The only time I have trouble is against a single tough enemy. I've found some great synergies rolling with a Barbarian, especially the move that pulls everyone in, I just change up my tactics to not use wave of force unless the Barbarian is having trouble with some of the stragglers after the AoE death party.

    This really stops working in nightmare, what with monsters taking chunks of health out of you with impunity.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    I'm finding Nightmare just has easy if not easier than Normal, don't know if I landed lucky and got some great gear, but pretty much the only things I'm dying from are Unique and Champion demons that I sometimes run into unprepared.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    dfacto wrote: »
    This really stops working in nightmare, what with monsters taking chunks of health out of you with impunity.

    I was replying to Tekoppar - I'm assuming he was on act II normal mode and only using the wizard's primary and secondary skills
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    As I only had quest pass I could only play act 1 with the wizard, I'm on act 2 with my DH slowly restarting the game hoping to not get screwed up rares that one cannot beat and just abusing SS/prep and avoiding most mobs I can, so I can beat those easy boss battles.

    Is it just me or is Azmodan the worst boss in the entire game? The entire fight is just him sitting there shooting fireballs and pool of blood at you. According to me The Butcher is the ONLY good and fun boss fight in the game. Even Fiablo is easy, since the AI is just issuing move-attack commands you can actually lure Fiablo on top/bottom on one of the holes in the first battle area and he won't move cause the AI can't "find" you until he teleports.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I am a 58 Demon Hunter on Hell mode, can anybody maybe help me kill Belial? add me on battlenet :) aajohnny#1658
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    15, pshhhh

    got the "kill 30 enemies with one blow" version in act 3, 6 summoners + full minion spawns, sucked into my death trap ring of fire and a single roundhouse kick! haha was awesome :)

    Slowly slogging through Hell. Changed up a lot of how i was playing, enabled elective mode, and have been having a lot better luck. Love this fucking game. Was watching a monk solo Inferno Act 1 earlier, got me super excited for that. He also had a hoss weapon (800 1h damage), was getting 17k crits with normal attacks :o Not running it now, but the stream: http://www.twitch.tv/xtiming
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ZacD wrote: »
    Pew pew pew!


    lol, how many keyboards do you go through in a year man?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    So i'm trying to embrace the auction house as best I can and finding it very lucrative, figured I'd make a quick guide to getting rich on the auction house since i'm having a good bit of luck.

    If you're 60, you'll grow in power exponentially faster if you buy your items than try to loot them from playing.

    Anyway, here are some tips to make some money:

    1. Set the stat you're looking for on an item to vitality in the search, everyone wants this, give it a decent value like 50.

    2. Now do a search for a median price range, something like 200,000. Focus on one item slot at a time, gloves, chest, etc. Get a feel for what stats make a good item, and check lots of items to get a feel for what values of stats are worth a certain value. Once you're able to look at many items and instinctively guess their value you're ready to start prospecting.

    3. Set your max buyout price far lower, something like 30,000. Start looking at items that have a 1 day, 23 hr buyout period, the good prices go fast and seconds can make a difference as to whether you get the item or not. Once you see an item that you think is a steel, buy out it.

    4. Compare items of similar stat values with the search tools to get an accurate median price. If you see the items generally aren't selling, you're going to have to lowball the price a bit, if they're selling like hotcakes and there aren't many up, don't be too afraid to match your items price similarly. Keep in mind high end armor values seem to sort higher on the auction than other items, so you can exploit that for high AC items with higher visibility and price them a bit higher.

    5. Go small, and go big. You only get 10 auction slots, if an item doesn't sell it's going to sit there for 2 days. If you're going for big money all the time you'll quickly run out of space and have to wait for them to run out. Try to save a few spots for surefire sales with moderate profit intake and a few you think you have a shot to go big on. I've had a few items bring in 1000% profit increases and others i've just had to take the hit on.

    Good luck lining your pockets guys, the auction house is actually sorta fun once you get into it.
  • slipsius
    I have 2 guest passes for the EU servers. Yes, they are locked to EU. First 2 people to PM me get them. Compliments of Ehnn. I gave him one of my guest passes, he gave me both of his. Little did we know, they are locked to the region you bought them in. *sad face*

    The guest pass lets you play as much as you want, up until the skeleton king. It's what the beta was. no time limit. You can get up to level 13 on all characters. If you buy the game after, your characters stay with you.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    slipsius wrote: »
    I have 2 guest passes for the EU servers. Yes, they are locked to EU. First 2 people to PM me get them. Compliments of Ehnn. I gave him one of my guest passes, he gave me both of his. Little did we know, they are locked to the region you bought them in. *sad face*

    The guest pass lets you play as much as you want, up until the skeleton king. It's what the beta was. no time limit. You can get up to level 13 on all characters. If you buy the game after, your characters stay with you.

    PM sent!
  • slipsius
    PM sent!
    code sent. 1 left
  • uncle
    I must say all those numbers on screen turn me off more than all negative reviews. Is there a way to turn them off so that it doesn't look like MU?\

    I'm having really hard time deciding if I am buying it or not...
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    uncle wrote: »
    I must say all those numbers on screen turn me off more than all negative reviews. Is there a way to turn them off so that it doesn't look like MU?\

    I'm having really hard time deciding if I am buying it or not...

    yup. you can turn them off. i leave the crits on just to know when a crit hits since Im trying to make my build around the crits
  • slipsius
    uncle wrote: »
    I must say all those numbers on screen turn me off more than all negative reviews. Is there a way to turn them off so that it doesn't look like MU?\

    I'm having really hard time deciding if I am buying it or not...

    Those numbers are actually turned off by default. Crit numbers are turned on by default.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    When you get into later difficulties it's kind of a good idea to have them on, though, so you know how much of a damage upgrade you need to deal with enemies :)

    I love seeing numbers explode on the screen, to each his own.

    Just got the Oscillating Sphere rune for Charged Bolt, love it!
  • slipsius

    This was stolen from the EU forums.....

    Hello! I had like 40 fps with stuttering, but then i tried changing the setting HardwareClass in the d3prefs.txt file to "1" (was 4). Now i got a stable 60 fps. Try it, worked for me. I've got a gt 540m card.

  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    What does that setting actually do?
  • uncle
    Thanks guys. I'm one step closer to D3 :)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea... what is the logic behind that? i sometimes get that lag... but over all my computer runs between 45 - 120 fps. With the occasional mega lag.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    uncle wrote: »
    Thanks guys. I'm one step closer to D3 :)

    Believe me Uncle, It's well worth your money and time. You try to say off but D3 just says, "one more quest". Then I say, "no. I have things to do". Then D3 says, "Come on". Then I say, "Ok!".

    Pretty much rinse and repeat.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    I really like the graphics but im not enjoying the game itself that much, then again i seem to enjoy gaming all together less and less so thats probably my fault.

    my colleagues seem to be all hyped up and have completed it multiple times while i get tired of playing after and hour a day. im playing barbarian and im level 21 now. halfway through act two and the fights are just buttonsmashing all available and win for me. I know normal is nothing but i find it a strange thing to bore a player before giving the option to make it harder.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    @Slipsius, nice, that fixed screen tearing and frame rate on my lowly 670m. Lulz. Such a shoddy release.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Is leveling up the blacksmith worth it?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Is leveling up the blacksmith worth it?

    Very much!

    EDIT: But few items are rare so you really have to work on to get stuff for few items.
  • System
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    System admin
    Blacksmithing isn't worth it unless you plan on buying low level materials and rolling the dice for those items.

    If you actually add it up you're probably still better off just buying the decent gear off the auction house.

    Essentially blacksmithing is a gamble UNLESS You have a rare set pattern, ive found 2 epic patterns and wasted about 500k trying to get good stats and haven't succeeded yet. Just vendor all items besides level 60 epics (The crafting items sell better than than the items).
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I have to agree, doing MF runs was the only thing I really did late-game in D3. Once I hit 60 I will be less inclined to continue playing that character. Inferno sounds too crazy to be fun.

    They should have thought about more casual players that hit level cap.... what are they supposed to do?
  • DrunkShaman
  • Ahrkey
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    Ahrkey polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    Pew pew pew!



    Anyway, whats up with Blizzard? I've never seen them be this aggressive when it comes to nerfing. The've retorted to simply ninja deleting abilities rather than trying to fix them/the gameplay.

    Inferno is basicly a kiting-contest. It might be difficult and challenging ...but it's not fun.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    I strongly agree the ninja nerfing of stills is extremely lame, and could of gotten a hardcore character killed. I think they were trying to make every class equally viable in inferno, wizards and demon hunters were doing too well.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Not gonna dwell much in this thread to avoid spoilers, but among the many, many criticisms I have of this game, there's one I want to just quip on.

    Holy fuck, this game has the shittiest, trope-ridden writing I've seen in a long time. Any edginess or off-kilter unique feeling D1 and D2 had is completely gone. Cartoon villains, cheesy maniacal laughter from every chump, completely obvious plot twists. god fucking dammit.

    edit: When I say 'unique feeling' I should specify that I didn't ever really read into the lore of D1 or D2 and I'm instead talking about the hopeless, uncharted and dreadful atmosphere the earlier two games cultivated.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    The writing is very campy, it's true. Everything from this:

    to how every single enemy with any lines keeps telling you how YOU WILL MEET YOUR DOOM FOOLISH MORTAL. Bitch please, inform yourself. I just mowed down the entire front office of your demon organization, and last I checked Diablo was the lord of Terror, so he's the only one who gets to act fearless in front of a one-man destruction derby.

    I always contended that Diablo 1 was the best game in terms of presentation, and it's certainly looking better and better as it ages. It has all of the atmosphere and none of the fat, and goes to prove that less is almost always more with storytelling.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    mmh yeah. Diablo I. Now that I think about it I certainly agree. One single dungeon, one journey down into the abyss... I wonder if I should replay it.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Kwramm wrote: »
    mmh yeah. Diablo I. Now that I think about it I certainly agree. One single dungeon, one journey down into the abyss... I wonder if I should replay it.

    In a sense it is true, but then again, that's why people still play stuff like rogue.
  • slipsius
    Still have a EU friend code if anyone wants it. You can play it even if you`re in the US. But you are restricted to EU servers, so if you buy the game, your stuff wont transfer. That being said, you can regain what you lost in an hour or two
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Great the new patch crashes my game the minute I launch it. The joys of having a always online game.

    Also just noticed, for some reason I've ended up with gift passes for WOW instead of the D3 trial passes.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    How tempting it'd be to fall into this game after being disconnected for ages. They don't make you pay subscription do they?
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