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What Are You Working On? 2011 Edition!


  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vESwwA616GE"]ninjagrl_wip5 - YouTube[/ame]

    did a first pass on the lipsync just now before going to bed..
    this will be the last anim I do on this character.. 3 should be enough, 2 felt kinda bad..3 is the magic number, as they say

    gonna give the lips another go tomorrow (giggidy), then give the hair a go..and just round shit out.. basic stuff is there though..

    girlfriend didn't really agree with the acting, of the character pointing at "her opponent" as it wasn't Japanese-like and she'd rather see her kind of whip her arm downwards.. but I wanted to do some pointing!!
    And yeah, I'll be able to do that eventually; I've not actually been able to get a handle on animation blending in Unity.
    good luck to you! I'd love to be able to get an animation statemachine running in unity (without having to buy that $100 or whatever it was pre-made one, even if it looks awesome!)
  • Chennault
    A friend of mine suggested I come here and post what I have been working on. New member and first time posting on this site so here goes nothing.

    Keep in mind it is still a WIP, but any critiques/suggestions are always welcome.

  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Fingus: Excellent job.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    @Nick Carver & jramauri

    Aww thank you guys :D


    As in what my process is?

    I'm using 3DCoat to texture, It has very solid built in painting tools and it does projection painting like a boss. I use the built in tools to lay down the major details and do some touchups and seaming, and I use projection painting to do most of the shading.

    Also I baked out a light pass to serve as a base to work from instead of painstakingly painting in all the shadows and dark areas. I know a lot of people like to bake out AO, but I think using a light source and a sky blue environment probe gives much nicer results (anyone who has taken a color theory class will know that shading with black and white is the devil!). I just blended it on top of my base color layer and then did some corrections and tweaks to make it look nicer before i merged the two and started working on top of them. 3Dcoat has a great layers system that's almost identical to Photoshop's so when projection painting it actually maintains the layers and blending modes you use which results in a nice non-destructive workflow. I fucking love 3DCoat. It has some of the best retopo tools as well in my opinion.

    edit: here's a picture of the baked light overlay.

  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    very nice fingus ^^

    small update on this sculpt

  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Fingus, what sort of lighting setup do you use? I tried such a thing in Blender once, but the result was a huge mess.
  • almighty_gir
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I would like some crtic on this. :)

  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    So I was able to knock out the skate board. This was a blast. I had always wanted to design my own playing card and skateboard, so I killed two birds with one stone. I attached a gif of my texturing process of the deck, hope you enjoy. LOL I just realized that I need to add bolts to the bottoms of the trucks.

    Tugsy's Skateboard


    Skate Board Design


    Deck Textureing Stages

    Love it but as mentoind the colour usally doesent fade off. And if the board is that worn the trucks and whels should be more worn unless he put newer stuff onto old board. And the wood looks new add som dirt, it usally stick pretty easy if you skated somewhere where its wax. :)
  • jmiles
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    jmiles interpolator
    Preview to a monster I'm workin on.. started from Dynamesh Sphere.. I have most of his body done, but the way I'm modeling it, it's not posed and a little weird for now.. also a concept I finished up last week


  • makecg
    nice work Fingus really loving that one.
  • thankupon
    MrNinjutsu wrote: »
    Awesome stuff! Using Unity? How's that going for you? It's a pretty awesome engine.

    @thankupon@ Add some grunge to it? Scratches and the like. PRobably make it more interesting. Good work so far though!

    @MrNinjutsu... tnx for the comment. will add some scratches and stuff and post it soon..Cheers :)
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Nice Danitchu really expressive pose
    and Ravenslayer I always love your faces, so loose.
    Gir I'm not liking those hands to much. I would put more pose into them. make them look a bit more natural. looking good though.

    keeping myself busy trying to get some more realism into my sculpting. trying to let go of anatomy a little and concetrate on making him looks like hes got some skin and fat
  • makecg
    Looks nice Bonebrew !
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    @Marshal Banana

    My lighting setup is super simple. It's just a point light and a sky blue environment probe for the ambient scattered light. I don't know how to set that up in Blender, but the way I do it in Maya is to set Mental Ray as my renderer and go into the Render Settings. Under the Indirect Lighting tab there is a button for creating Image Based Lighting. That creates an environment probe which I set to use a Texture instead of an Image, this allows me to just choose a color from a slider instead of using an HDR image file. It's possible to assign a procedural texture as well, so you can use a ramp to emulate the colors of a green ground and a blue sky. I didn't feel like getting that fancy so I just picked a sky blue color. In order for the blue color to scatter you need to have Final Gather activated. Final Gather is essentially Mental Ray's way of faking GI, it takes care of light bouncing and scattering without having to simulate a gazillion photons and such.

    Here's a screenshot of where to find stuff:


    As for baking it to a texture I use the Batch Bake function. It allows you to bake down all sorts of stuff. Ambient Occlusion, Global Illumination, complicated light and shader setups, procedural textures, etc. It essentially takes whatever is in your Render View and transfers it to a texture map. You can also bake to Vertex Color which is much faster, so that's a nice option if you don't worry too much about fine detail and if your mesh has enough topology to support it. I only really need the lighting information so I set it to Only Light and make sure that it also grabs the shadows.

    Here's another screenshot showing you where to find things:


    Hope this is helpful to y'all.


    Thank you kindly good sir. :)

    I'll get to work on it again now so I'll probably post an update in a few hours time. Screw spending fridays drinking and having sex with girls, I have textures to paint damnit!
  • offbeatgeek
    This is my first content post. Frankly I am quite sure none of this will "wow" anybody but here goes :)


    This is the first image from my development thread on the subject. I have never worked with A 3D modeling package though I have made a few successful maps on the backs of the game assets. This will be first attempt at 100% custom content. Ambitious? Yeah more than likely. The picture was meant to show end result along with a scale test. I'll post more pictures as I progress!

    Keep up the great posts! Such superb level of quality and am truly in awe. I only hope my meager showings don't devalue the quality too much! :)
  • offbeatgeek
    danitchu wrote: »
    Hi all!! Amazing works here, i love this place :)
    This is my last work for my speedsculpt series.



    holy mother of .....!

    That is awesome man!
  • offbeatgeek
    jmiles wrote: »

    That ship reminds me of the Tempest Series from "Magic The Gathering". If I recall correctly Corvax and Gerard's Ships had very similar look and feel to them.

    Nice work man!

    Edit: Sorry for the Multi posts! I'll be sure to edit the last post in future.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Some of the concept artists here are really making me super jealous. :(

    Trying to work on my own rock brushes, it's really tough figuring these things out. Anyone have some good tips for environment oriented brushes?

  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    While I'm not much of a concept artist myself I've noticed a lot of them seem to make their brushes on a per project basis. It's tough to make a one size fits all brush so it makes sense to doodle out whatever fits the scope and style of the current piece and then work with that. My friend Johan has Define Brush Preset set to a hotkey so that says something I guess...
    Personally I've become a fan of the shape in the clouds technique where you slap down a ton of quick noise, turn down the opacity, and then pick out the most interesting forms and details you can see in the mess. One of the most valuable things I've learned from my internship is the 15 min method where you roughly and exaggeratedly knock out the most basic elements of what you want to do in 15 minutes and then spend the rest of the time refining and toning it down.
  • Talbot
    Finished this a couple weeks ago for class. I know it isn't low poly but maybe someday I'll touch it up and bake it out to a low poly. who knows.

    Anyway I spent a lot of time and learned a ton. I hope you like it. :)

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Fingus wrote: »
    While I'm not much of a concept artist myself I've noticed a lot of them seem to make their brushes on a per project basis. It's tough to make a one size fits all brush so it makes sense to doodle out whatever fits the scope and style of the current piece and then work with that. My friend Johan has Define Brush Preset set to a hotkey so that says something I guess...
    Personally I've become a fan of the shape in the clouds technique where you slap down a ton of quick noise, turn down the opacity, and then pick out the most interesting forms and details you can see in the mess. One of the most valuable things I've learned from my internship is the 15 min method where you roughly and exaggeratedly knock out the most basic elements of what you want to do in 15 minutes and then spend the rest of the time refining and toning it down.

    Thanks for the tip, man! It really helps to know how often brushes are made (usually specifically for a project), the fact that you mentioned that little blip completely took me in a good direction. I think I'll keep at this! Looks like a good start anyway

  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah that looks pretty damn nice man! Makes me want to pick up digital painting again. :)

    Here's tonight's update, kinda lackluster as I had some technical problems. Just got some work done on the arms and pants, plus some tweaks and touchups here and there.

  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Makkon: I don't know if you already saw that, but this guy made his brush set available and man, it's very, very useful. It has different brush sets that help you to draw, paint and produce a lot of different FX and textures. I strongly recomend.

    Tutorial link: http://www.cgsociety.org/index.php/CGSFeatures/CGSFeatureSpecial/tower_of_evil

    The direct link for brushes: http://features.cgsociety.org/stories/2009_07/tower_or_evil/images/Blur's%20good%20brush4.0%20pro%20en.rar
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Fingus: Thanks, bro! And wow, seriously one of the best stylized characters I've seen in ages!

    jramauri: APOGHADOGLDAGADGLAGADG HOLY HANNA MONTANA THAT'S GOD TIER AWESOME. Thank you so much for showing this to me!
  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Haha, glad you like it! :) Don't forget to read the manual that goes together with the brushes. It's enlightening.
  • yodude87
  • wildmax
    really lovely Fingus :thumbup: made me try if I could get longer than just make a model and stop before texture :poly122:

    Makkon allways nice to see your work.. allways make me want to go and open Photoshop up.. he

    Here is my test inspired by Fingus lovely model..

    2d concept by me.

  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    FINGUS! dude that looks really AWESOME!
  • sinistergfx
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    Still dooling away on my pooping bird - the brown thing attacks the poooping bird ;)
    iOS game in the works - not sure when or where this will go down.
    Kinda new to the whole 2d thing but I really enjoy to see where I was 1 year ago and see how I only need half the time now to gather something half-mediocre. Since I'm no fulltimeartist, this is kinda fullfilling work in my freetime :)

  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    Planning on doing the whole engine in seperate parts..

    This is just a bake for the sake of baking :p

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    working on the face...

  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Gir, his eyes are a bit too lcose together I think, he's feeling a bit crosseyed.
  • Puppet
    Hi guy's this is my first post over here and hopefully not my last. I’ve been watching this forum for a long time now and finally decided to post, yaah :D
    This is a capsule I’m working on (concept by Fruiz) and here’s a wip on the normals/AO
    I’m currently looking for an internship so I can really use the comments

  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    makkon, dang you're really rockin these rocks man!
  • sketchzombie
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    sketchzombie polycounter lvl 8
    Great thread lots of inspiring work here.
    These are some freestyle concepts done in
    Sculptris...all range a lil over 1 million
    tris each...c&c welcomed
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator

    Rigged this guy today. Gonna throw him in the Crysis default level just to see how he looks soon.
  • scotthomer
    Free_Fall wrote: »
    Planning on doing the whole engine in seperate parts..

    This is just a bake for the sake of baking :p


    You should totally do an entire RX-7 engine bay! Love the Wankel rotary.
  • Free_Fall
    Offline / Send Message
    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    scotthomer wrote: »
    You should totally do an entire RX-7 engine bay! Love the Wankel rotary.
    I'll stick to the engine for now though, Don't wanna get side tracked, lol
  • maze
    Makkon those rock studies are awesome man!

    Heres a bike concept I ve been doing offwork... light still a bit blasting, I ll need to fix that.

  • erroldynamic
    Offline / Send Message
    erroldynamic polycounter lvl 18
    Great thread lots of inspiring work here.
    These are some freestyle concepts done in
    Sculptris...all range a lil over 1 million
    tris each...c&c welcomed

    Super awesomeness! Love these, especially the third guy... cool style.
  • tobehfaic
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    tobehfaic polycounter lvl 12
    Though not quite in the same ballpark as some of the previous posts, I'm going over older projects unfinished, and giving them a more thorough onceover using tips and stuff ive picked up since I made them. For example re-topologising and re-unwrapping my Benelli M1014 FCAM I originally did for CSS. And then some baking and HP fun?

  • maze
    here ia another angle:


    and a dof version
  • Stertman
    Modelled this yesterday. a few things left to do on the HP before moving on..
  • Fewes
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    Fewes polycounter lvl 8
    That looks really cool! However, it looks a bit odd with the scratch on the helmet continuing into the holes, but maybe that's something you're planning on fixing while doing the texture.

    Still trying to get a hang of this whole high poly business. A little bit more satisfied with how this one came out, and I learned a great deal (mostly how not to do things...).

  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    last update before sleep...

  • sketchzombie
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    sketchzombie polycounter lvl 8
    thanx Rion411...im digging the lil night charater Stertman
  • RedRogueXIII
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    RedRogueXIII polycounter lvl 16
    @fewes The extremely small indents on the knobs and screws will require a very large resolution to bake properly to. To make it more bake friendly use larger details, even if it doesn't exactly match the ref, you'll get better results with a lower resolution texture map. Also with the mounting rail the proportions are off, it's either much too high or too thin.
This discussion has been closed.