@Manuca _ I think you're right. Credit for the texture goes to Rada though. Although I had to modify the UVs a bit and that ended up changing those parts you mention but I'll get it fixed.
Is the metal band thing across the forehead a generic ninja mask thing or is it a Naruto thing? I'd be worried that if it is derived that closely from something it might limit it from making it into game (same goes for the rocketeer hat a few pages back).
Some referential stuff has made it in (Tough Guy's Toque being Jayne's hat from Firefly) but it's got to be 'right'.
They aren't too difficult to set up so long as you position the bone axes correctly. Sometimes they can act pretty funky, though, so you might have to mess with the variables a bit.
@JZeeba, I like the helm a lot, but the bands are too yellow and the texture is sloppy. The yellow bits should be really sharp and crisp even though the painting style of TF2 is 'splotchy'. While splotchy in colors textures are strill really clean and nice.
I think the arc holding the hair should be all yellow, or all grey too, being the only part that looks darker than the rest is out of place and blends too much with the hair.
The top/bottom brim and the neckline thing should be all yellow/brass imo.
I dig the snipe hat, even better without flower. But still seems a bit over saturated.
Is the metal band thing across the forehead a generic ninja mask thing or is it a Naruto thing? I'd be worried that if it is derived that closely from something it might limit it from making it into game (same goes for the rocketeer hat a few pages back).
Some referential stuff has made it in (Tough Guy's Toque being Jayne's hat from Firefly) but it's got to be 'right'.
In the picture above, compare your brass texture with the brass texture on the bugle.
The naruto is more like a plate and this one is a band. But it certainly looks like too much of a naruto design. I'll make it thinner and more like that of kagemaru from virtua fighter. Thanks for the input. I'd love more input while I plan my design on version 2.
something i started today alongside my glass shard shank. its kinda a triple monacle/watch maker's magnifier. i intend to add hinges to the second 2 pieces, the screenshots make it all kind of hard to see. Also i know i already submitted my mailbox but just wondering do you guys think it was ready? or is there something i should do and submit an updated version?.
Just making random weapons... Strangely my MDL Decompiler isn't working, says some error like "0x0000005" or something. I tried reinstalling it; doesn't work. Any help?
Anyways, I've just made this Ninjato, took me like several hours, mostly for practice, anything I can improve on?
Also made a Lever Action RIfle replacement for the Scout, also cant try it out because MDL is thrown off <
Awhile back I made a Steampunkish Sentry gun, just for practice, came out okay... I think...
And that is my load of random models I have done, most of them at least a month old, because I was either lazy or was uhm... "working" on my "collection" of hats. Thanks for watching, sorry if the images came out big :P
make sure you uncheck all the tickboxes on the decompiler and make sure your paths are proper.
also make sure that you edit the mdl you're decompiling to read DST,(etc) instead of DST0 or any other 4th character
Just making random weapons... Strangely my MDL Decompiler isn't working, says some error like "0x0000005" or something. I tried reinstalling it; doesn't work. Any help?
Anyways, I've just made this Ninjato, took me like several hours, mostly for practice, anything I can improve on?
Also made a Lever Action RIfle replacement for the Scout, also cant try it out because MDL is thrown off <
Awhile back I made a Steampunkish Sentry gun, just for practice, came out okay... I think...
And that is my load of random models I have done, most of them at least a month old, because I was either lazy or was uhm... "working" on my "collection" of hats. Thanks for watching, sorry if the images came out big :P
Most of them at least a month old? wow. I'm surprised you're showing them, since you're not afraid anyone will steal your ideas.
just before i finish my model. can someone tell me again what i need in order to hand in my design to valve? I mean, say it does get put in game and i'm not even sure if people are still making money off their models in game, but if some of you guys are actually making a profit off your models in game, what exactly do you need to collect your money? : P
just before i finish my model. can someone tell me again what i need in order to hand in my design to valve? I mean, say it does get put in game and i'm not even sure if people are still making money off their models in game, but if some of you guys are actually making a profit off your models in game, what exactly do you need to collect your money? : P
When your item is put into the store they'll e-mail you with a form of information to fill out. They require you to fill in some bank information now so if the payment is too big for Paypal they'll send it straight to your bank account. There are also a few tax forms to fill out and if you don't live in the U.S. those can get kind of tricky. You'll need to fill out some extra forms and it may take a month for some of them to go through but once it's all sorted out you'll get all of the money you've made from the item over the time you were setting up the payment stuff.
Alright, some of you might remember this hat I made for the Polycount Contest.
I decided to go back to it and try to make some refinements. Sunglasses were redone, bullets, the pin and the band holding them together had their proportions altered. Base of the hat remained intact. Hat alone is 1064 tris, glasses are 514. Here's how it looks now. Pretty good I think and certainly better than it used to be.
Now a bit of a backstory: it was made by taking several items from the Mad Max movie and putting them together, as the pack's theme was that very movie. However, seeing as it is going to be contributed as a single item and not a part of a themed pack, I'm not sure if the pin for example is fully justified. Basically, I don't know whether to make this hat as a Mad Max reference, named originally the Night Rider. Taking the pin away in my opinion would make it just a hat with some bullets and optionally sunglasses (no idea if Valve will bother making it work properly), yet leaving a possibility for a nice name such as Rifleman's Reserve for example.
When your item is put into the store they'll e-mail you with a form of information to fill out. They require you to fill in some bank information now so if the payment is too big for Paypal they'll send it straight to your bank account. There are also a few tax forms to fill out and if you don't live in the U.S. those can get kind of tricky. You'll need to fill out some extra forms and it may take a month for some of them to go through but once it's all sorted out you'll get all of the money you've made from the item over the time you were setting up the payment stuff.
I fairly sure they won't. If they make the exception for one person and start sending him/her checks then they'd have to do it for everyone who asks and that would really complicate things for them. Wouldn't hurt to ask though.
@ Mad Mike, like the hat so far, although a bit blocky. Valve has been accepting hats with a higher tricount than what is stated on the contribute page recently.
Also, been experimenting with my Alien Hat. Right now I have something that looks nicer IMO but now it is getting hard to recognize as a Flying saucer. If it wasn't for the alien in the cockpit it probably wouldn't fly. This is turning out to be harder to texture to TF2 style than I thought. A bit too many small details for a hat. Any input to help would be appreciated.
Also, been experimenting with my Alien Hat. Right now I have something that looks nicer IMO but now it is getting hard to recognize as a Flying saucer. If it wasn't for the alien in the cockpit it probably wouldn't fly. This is turning out to be harder to texture to TF2 style than I thought. A bit too many small details for a hat. Any input to help would be appreciated.
i liked the chrome/silverish version more, honestly. i think that plays a lot more on the lore of the actual roswell incident.
Update on my ninja spy hat. Now less Naruto-ness and even less tris (584 last count) i now have a lot of room to add some practical and sensible details like a tie at the back of the head. (maybe a long, jiggleboned tie, dunno how to make it though) and some cuts and tears like in my previous version. Crits and comments are welcome.
Sort of related to the payment issue, I've been wondering about something. If you submitted an item made using educational software that prohibits commercial use, and then the item got accepted, would it then become "commercial work" and violate the license terms? I really doubt Valve would ask any questions, and I doubt it's something Autodesk would care about, but I can't help but be curious.
'cause lets face it guys: Spy NEEDS a ninja mask like Scout needs a Mercury Helmet (I still don't know why they haven't accepted ant's yet)
Sort of related to the payment issue, I've been wondering about something. If you submitted an item made using educational software that prohibits commercial use, and then the item got accepted, would it then become "commercial work" and violate the license terms? I really doubt Valve would ask any questions, and I doubt it's something Autodesk would care about, but I can't help but be curious.
i doubt valve would look into it and i doubt autodesk would care and you could prolly fight it as fair use.
@ Jzeeba: the grey metal parts look too much like paint imo, and the brushstrokes are too obvious. its fine for painted stuff, but not for unpainted polished roman helmet. again, imo.
I decided to make two versions of the camouflage hat, The first one is the version shown previously but with the suggestions of @Doughnut Bear and @Larate (I will post soon), and the second version is this version on the pictures, I took of the flower, put some stones and changed the colors in order to match the colors of Dustbow, Goldrush, etc. I'm thinking of doing a snow style and a green vegatation style too.
Please do, I love them both and if you could find a way of making them automatically detect the map and change accordingly I would love you, I'm not one to buy hats from the in game store but I'll get my hands on it and somehow repay you with online love and bitch work if you need any
EDIT: to the last thing posted on the last page, I don't really like it :? they don't fit into TF2 at all me thinks, too far from anything TF2 related to work. looks very fallout which just doesn't suit
I think it's looking better for sure. Can't say I prefer the grey or yellow better for that piece. I think it looks good either way.
But I think you should try to make the yellow bits look more like brass. A touch more brown in them, less saturated.
The brass of of the Merryweather would look awesome on it (would also tie it into that catagory a bit better)
Thanks for all your comments, still need to modify the yellow color but cleaned up the texture a bit...
does the crest holder look better grey or yellow?
i like it so far but i think you should work abit on the metal texture. you should the strokes more subtle right now the brush strokes are just way too in your face besides that i think its looking good
I'm pretty sure it's all on Valve's end for setting those up. If you provide multiple skins, submodels, complete models, whatever, I would think they should be able to make Styles out of them. Just be sure to specify in the submission notes what you intend.
@Manuca _ I think you're right. Credit for the texture goes to Rada though. Although I had to modify the UVs a bit and that ended up changing those parts you mention but I'll get it fixed.
I don't know if there are other tutorials around, but this one worked for me when I needed to add jigglebones to a hat
Is the metal band thing across the forehead a generic ninja mask thing or is it a Naruto thing? I'd be worried that if it is derived that closely from something it might limit it from making it into game (same goes for the rocketeer hat a few pages back).
Some referential stuff has made it in (Tough Guy's Toque being Jayne's hat from Firefly) but it's got to be 'right'.
@ - JZeeba
In the picture above, compare your brass texture with the brass texture on the bugle.
Thanks for the link! It Will be my next challenge.
They aren't too difficult to set up so long as you position the bone axes correctly. Sometimes they can act pretty funky, though, so you might have to mess with the variables a bit.
I think the arc holding the hair should be all yellow, or all grey too, being the only part that looks darker than the rest is out of place and blends too much with the hair.
The top/bottom brim and the neckline thing should be all yellow/brass imo.
I dig the snipe hat, even better without flower. But still seems a bit over saturated.
The naruto is more like a plate and this one is a band. But it certainly looks like too much of a naruto design. I'll make it thinner and more like that of kagemaru from virtua fighter. Thanks for the input. I'd love more input while I plan my design on version 2.
something i started today alongside my glass shard shank. its kinda a triple monacle/watch maker's magnifier. i intend to add hinges to the second 2 pieces, the screenshots make it all kind of hard to see. Also i know i already submitted my mailbox but just wondering do you guys think it was ready? or is there something i should do and submit an updated version?.
well that wasnt very nice....
Anyways, I've just made this Ninjato, took me like several hours, mostly for practice, anything I can improve on?
Also made a Lever Action RIfle replacement for the Scout, also cant try it out because MDL is thrown off
Awhile back I made a Steampunkish Sentry gun, just for practice, came out okay... I think...
And that is my load of random models I have done, most of them at least a month old, because I was either lazy or was uhm... "working" on my "collection" of hats. Thanks for watching, sorry if the images came out big :P
also make sure that you edit the mdl you're decompiling to read DST,(etc) instead of DST0 or any other 4th character
Wow, I don't see you doing anything. Why don't you try to go and model something.
I smell some jealousy....:)
i think he is just trying to piss you off. i personally love the mobster pack, especially the minigun which is really top-notch
Most of them at least a month old? wow. I'm surprised you're showing them, since you're not afraid anyone will steal your ideas.
just before i finish my model. can someone tell me again what i need in order to hand in my design to valve? I mean, say it does get put in game and i'm not even sure if people are still making money off their models in game, but if some of you guys are actually making a profit off your models in game, what exactly do you need to collect your money? : P
ie: american citizenship?
i think you just need a paypal account
I smell some jealousy...:)
lol, that's exactly what I thought when I read that post.
I think the Gansta Heavy is a pretty classy pack and fits the 'time period' pretty well.
I decided to go back to it and try to make some refinements. Sunglasses were redone, bullets, the pin and the band holding them together had their proportions altered. Base of the hat remained intact. Hat alone is 1064 tris, glasses are 514. Here's how it looks now. Pretty good I think and certainly better than it used to be.
Now a bit of a backstory: it was made by taking several items from the Mad Max movie and putting them together, as the pack's theme was that very movie. However, seeing as it is going to be contributed as a single item and not a part of a themed pack, I'm not sure if the pin for example is fully justified. Basically, I don't know whether to make this hat as a Mad Max reference, named originally the Night Rider. Taking the pin away in my opinion would make it just a hat with some bullets and optionally sunglasses (no idea if Valve will bother making it work properly), yet leaving a possibility for a nice name such as Rifleman's Reserve for example.
I'm open to your criticism and suggestions.
Is it possible for them to mail a check?
I fairly sure they won't. If they make the exception for one person and start sending him/her checks then they'd have to do it for everyone who asks and that would really complicate things for them. Wouldn't hurt to ask though.
Also, been experimenting with my Alien Hat. Right now I have something that looks nicer IMO but now it is getting hard to recognize as a Flying saucer. If it wasn't for the alien in the cockpit it probably wouldn't fly. This is turning out to be harder to texture to TF2 style than I thought. A bit too many small details for a hat. Any input to help would be appreciated.
Update on my ninja spy hat. Now less Naruto-ness and even less tris (584 last count) i now have a lot of room to add some practical and sensible details like a tie at the back of the head. (maybe a long, jiggleboned tie, dunno how to make it though) and some cuts and tears like in my previous version. Crits and comments are welcome.
Updated. Again your insight is much appreciated. May need help attaching jigglebones on the ribbon
'cause lets face it guys: Spy NEEDS a ninja mask like Scout needs a Mercury Helmet (I still don't know why they haven't accepted ant's yet)
i doubt valve would look into it and i doubt autodesk would care and you could prolly fight it as fair use.
does the crest holder look better grey or yellow?
You might want to fix how it clips with the Bandolier. Not bad though.
Please do, I love them both and if you could find a way of making them automatically detect the map and change accordingly I would love you, I'm not one to buy hats from the in game store but I'll get my hands on it
EDIT: to the last thing posted on the last page, I don't really like it :? they don't fit into TF2 at all me thinks, too far from anything TF2 related to work. looks very fallout which just doesn't suit
I think it's looking better for sure. Can't say I prefer the grey or yellow better for that piece. I think it looks good either way.
But I think you should try to make the yellow bits look more like brass. A touch more brown in them, less saturated.
The brass of of the Merryweather would look awesome on it (would also tie it into that catagory a bit better)
i like it so far but i think you should work abit on the metal texture. you should the strokes more subtle right now the brush strokes are just way too in your face besides that i think its looking good
I'm pretty sure it's all on Valve's end for setting those up. If you provide multiple skins, submodels, complete models, whatever, I would think they should be able to make Styles out of them. Just be sure to specify in the submission notes what you intend.
I don't have much information about this, but all items that i've seem with diferent styles were just skin variations.