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Best Dating sites

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
Hey, this is general after all. What sites have you that have gone this route had the most luck on*?

-Match seems superficial with pictures being the main interest.

-Chemistry is spamming my box with at least 3 messages a day about joining and people looking at my profile (even though nothing really on it beyond the questionnaire/character type).

-Okcupid. Not much luck and really has become a poly place. Not I have a problem with polies, its just not my thing.

-Plenty of Fish wasn't well organized or had details.

Oh and before it's mentioned. Fuck Facebook. I'm not putting my info on that nor sucked into it.

*When I say luck, I don't mean getting laid. I mean at least finding people who might be more inclined to attempting relationships if they liked one another.


  • Joao Sapiro
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    DKK wrote: »
    What's a Poly? Because I would like to date Super Steet Fighter Chun Li.

    She'd kick your ass. :D

    polyamorous: multiple lovers
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Yeah I joined a dating site once and this person said I should meet them in a park where their trailer was. They promised me lots of candy and balloons :D

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I found a good physical trainer/southern chick on a.i.m. lots of fun on aim back in the days. lulz Though I get the feeling because of us they changed the whole setup of aim now so I don't know if I can recommend It anymore, but test your luck (It was free so, I went there, with no intention other than to kill time, lucky me.) They also had cam+audio available at the time.

    Everything has become about money, so pay AOL and get on those chats seems to be the only cheapest option. Haven't tried to snatch me another chick because I just dumped her 2 months ago, so (3 years later, L.D.R. just don't work). So make sure you snatch a local chick, less expensive & more fun. ;)

    Otherwise best of luck if your serious as I don't feel PC is the best place to be asking this but, maybe you won't get too many derailing posts.

    @DKK lol
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Polycount is a good dating site if you enjoy the taste of sausage.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    lol when I saw the title of this thread in the forum I thought it was something generated by a spam bot
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Let's face it, there is no good place to ask. So might as well ask with other artist who are more inclined to the nerd/geek/dork with their interests.

    And yep, they are funny posts though. :)

    EDIT: Oh and I'm getting a nickel for every click of those above sites. :D
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    met my gf on plenty of fish.. the site itself is crap, agreed. probably depends a lot on the luck of how many users are in your area and what they're like, but I guess thats dating sites all over isn't it :). my advice is to make a new hotmail or gmail, and just sign up to all the free ones. use a new email because they will spam the shit out of it
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    No hits yet, but I'm partial to okcupid for looking. As I'm someone who's got no interest in hooking up with a smoker or toker, it's good for filtering that. Also, the "two of us" thing is a great way to read into a person to see how the two of you match up with opinions. My only gripe with okcupid is the search distance. In the bay area, 25 miles is a friggin huge minimum radius to search within, and I get a lot of results that are way outside of the range (or locations) I'd be willing to travel to meet up with someone on a regular basis.

    Plenty of fish is somewhat better for searching, but the site's just so poorly set up that it's not worth the effort.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    i've actually met some cool people on okc.

    i've also met some really strange people, though...
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Polycount is a good dating site if you enjoy the taste of sausage.

    I've met some cool people on OkC too. It's neat!
    I think my dad uses PlentyOfFish. I call it PlentyOffish.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Polycount is a good dating site if you enjoy the taste of sausage.

    ah ah
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Met my GF on OKC. I'm a huge advocate for online dating now! I did have a few run ins with these "polys" you speak of. I think it's the nature of a free dating site. OKC tends to do a good job matching you, though. After awhile, you stop getting matched with people like that.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a fan of OKC. Though I definitely lucked out and got contacted by an awesome girl I've been seeing over a year now.
    I like their match, friend, enemy breakdown and the search filters. Plenty of people I find interesting on there, just waiting till I move a bit more south and urban to bother contacting others.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage

    Tits, contact information, a condensed history...that's basically all you need right?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I met my man off craigslist.
  • makecg
    ZacD wrote: »
    I met my man off craigslist.
    I love you
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I was being honest :shifty:
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Gav wrote: »

    Tits, contact information, a condensed history...that's basically all you need right?

    I feel dirty, like I've been abused without really knowing whats happened!!!
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    ZacD wrote: »
    I met my man off craigslist.

    makecg wrote: »
    I love you

    I thought you were mine Zac
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
  • EarthQuake
  • System
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    System admin
    eq, gav - menage a trois?
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    Seriously earthquake is right, grab your laptop and wacom (or pencil and sketchbook) go to a starbucks, ihop or something. draw, people become really interested and will stand behind u and watch, sometimes its creepy but eh, also if your feeling bawlsy paint or draw a picture of the cute waitress or some girl sitting a few tables over and rip it out of your sketchbook and leave it on her {table/with her tip} when your leaving, don't forget to put your number on it though. It does work.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I see eharmony commercials all the time... idk I just meet people at college, or friends of friends.... but idk google search or yahoo answers.
  • ZacD
  • bbob
  • Esprite
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    My buddy got laid by some girl he met on plenty of fish.

    Go get em big guy.

    There's always adultfinder, you sexy fuck. Don't you go telling me you ain't going out there for some action.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I met my wife on some pokemon forums. I was 13 at the time, she was 12.

    Boy oh boy do I love being able to tell that story.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I met my wife on some pokemon forums. I was 13 at the time, she was 12.

    Boy oh boy do I love being able to tell that story.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Kinda makes one wonder what one does wrong on okc to garner few responses. I mean, at least a serial killer would show a interest in you... Sure, you would possibly die, but it wouldn't be alone. :D

    Hell, maybe they would eat you afterwords, so you would become part of them.


    edit; oh and why Craigslist fails..

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    polycount is the best dating site EVER!!!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i met my first girlfriend on a BBS forum for a band's fansite when i was 16, she lived in holland so i had to fly out there to meet her. we were together for like 2 years (like, properly together).

    you can meet people literally ANYWHERE. the problem is you might be looking too hard.
  • xXm0RpH3usXx
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    xXm0RpH3usXx polycounter lvl 13
    if you find houses with red lights in the windows, go after it, doors are mostly open :)
    keep in mind that you do need a little money to make girls happy though...
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Kinda have to agree with EQ on this,Ive never given dating sites much credibility as they are all rigged around making money. The second thing is I find these sites are like picking a random person on a street and asking them to go out on a date.. so why don't you do just that ...

    Problem is these days theres seems to be no end of whats possible on the net and those that have been hiding behind a screen for a while think they can solve the loneliness problem through the internet.

    nothing beats getting out there meeting people, at first the majority seem like a waste of time or even assholes but it will get better over time as you get more accustomed to interacting with people. That was the problem that I had.

    good luck to ya
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    i'm not a big fan of dating sites anymore. i feel like the chance of success is much greater when you approach women outside. you have alot more women to chose from, and the women are alot less picky. and they will actually talk to you when you talk to them and can't just ignore you like they can online.
    just like when doing art, you should get out of your comfort zone every once in a while!
  • Tom Ellis
    +1 for 'getting out there'.

    Story time;

    I met my girl 6 years ago... on MySpace (keep reading!).

    Prior to that, I had been a meet a girl, have fun, lose interest type of guy and even then, I was never really super confident and meeting those girls just sort of came about from everyday life.I always wanted a proper relationship though.

    Then out of nowhere, I meet this girl on MySpace, just a random friend request. We get talking on IM, turns out she lives 5 minutes from me and our social network (the real life one) is pretty much connected already. I had friends that were friends with her friends etc, so if id have just been more social in the first place, id have met here eventually anyway!

    Anyway, 6 years later, we're engaged, got a house, going strong.

    Just don't look too hard, dont worry about it, and get out there. I guarantee, within a year you'll be settling down and all without the help of Mark Zuckerberg or eCupid or whatever else.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I was going to say 'Oxy, you cant be serious' but Im shocked at the number of people on here that have resorted to online dating. Im with EQ on this one.
    DKK wrote: »
    That's because you're gay, gay people can do that. It doesn't work for straight people, because you won't tell us any of the code words, so while looking for a nice bear or otter to fuck, I get to the meeting point and encounter hairy men, shit sux, I'm just going to the zoo next time.

    Seriously though I'm on Okcupid, and can anyone tell me how to get over the thought that every potential match is actually a serial killer?

    Uh-oh, you said the g-word! *gets in a poop-proof bunker*
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    I met my current girlfriend on Eharmony within the first two weeks, and we've been together or almost a year now. It cost 25 dollars for the month I was there, but I think it was worth the investment :)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I dunno, all these 'go out there' guys seem stuck in the past to me, online dating doesn't have the same stigma it used to, there are loads and loads of regular people on there. Its actually not just meeting random people, because you can check out their interests and personality. Then guess what, if you want to meet anyone you need to.. go outside. It's just a different way of finding people you're interested in.

    I know plenty of happy couples who met online, don't dismiss it if you havent tried it :)
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    perna wrote: »
    I've had great success with online dating and found my dream match on the first try. I encourage everyone else to have an open mind and try this site.

    Visit now - 100% Free website

    HAHAHAHAH. I love you Per.

    I met my husband on www.gayromeo.com but it doesn't really help women or straight men. I met a few nice dates through OKC as well. I think it's good to mix up online dating sites and going out to locations that you enjoy. Don't go to places that you dislike but think would be good to meet people, because the people you meet are most likely people who enjoy that place or type of thing. (IE, if you hate bars, don't go to one just to meet people, because chances are the ones you meet there really like the bar-scene)

    I dunno, people like going out into public for all sorts of reasons, and outside of 1:30 at a bar, you can't be sure people are looking for romance. So while it's perfectly possible to meet dates and eventual spouses in person, and I think everyone should be open to meeting people when they are out and about, I understand wanting to use sites where people can be much more specific and up front about whether they just want friends in life right now, or whether they want to get married and already have a dog/kid/house etc. Takes a lot of the stress out of dating if you can already see if any of your "deal-breakers" are present or not.

    Have a profile on the sites you enjoy, but don't stress out about them or push meeting through them.
    Go out and be open to new personal relationships with people you interact with, but don't be desperate.
    Best of all, let your friends know that you are single and interested in no longer being single, and they might know people who would make a good match, if even for just a single coffee date.
  • System
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    System admin
    Oh yeah, my experience of online dating is that it sucks. If you like hot skinny women you have to use a credit card. Seriously though, the best thing ever and I don't believe anyone has mentioned this yet is to GET YOURSELF DOWN TO THE SUPERMARKET!!! There are plenty of single milfs and horny women alike down there, it's great trust me and less pressure than other social settings.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Nothing wrong with finding partners online. Thats how I found my beatch (dont tell her I said that rich). We chatted as friends online at first. Then after we met we became a couple.

    Theres also a few dating sites that art artist specific. Although I think its probably limiting your choice in a way. But a good way to find like minded creatives maybe.

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    DKK wrote: »
    so while looking for a nice bear or otter to fuck, I get to the meeting point and encounter hairy men, shit sux, I'm just going to the zoo next time.

    Fucking lol!
    DKK wrote: »
    Nothing is wrong with either bear, It's just when you think you're going to get a hot encounter with a Kodiak, and you end up with some man named frank, it's just disappointing.

    Wow gay people have a lot of secret codes.

    (you sure seem to know a lot of the codes though.)
    DKK wrote: »

    Seriously though I'm on Okcupid, and can anyone tell me how to get over the thought that every potential match is actually a serial killer?

    Yes. Meet a few, but always ALWAYS meet in a public space in a way that's easy to excuse your way out of. Lunchtime works well because you can always use "oh shit work called" as an excuse to duck out early if you need to. I normally try to set up a lunch date where my evening is free, and use it just as a way to quickly make sure the person is 1. accurate to what they portrayed in their profile (photos, personality description, etc) and 2. Not a serial killer. If I have a good time, I can extend the date longer, or ask if they want to meet up again that evening.
  • maze
    "real life" is the best dating site, followed by wherever the f#@$ there is nice women and good music...
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    DKK wrote: »
    Seriously though I'm on Okcupid, and can anyone tell me how to get over the thought that every potential match is actually a serial killer?

    You will definitely meet some creepers on there. I went through a small handful of women that were 'okay' at first, but then quickly jumped to talking about nothing but sex, how many men they've been with, their entire sexual past, etc. I managed to luck out and find someone who, quite frankly, makes every other woman I've been with just seem like a waste of time.

    Those of you hating on online dating should probably be a little more open minded. I was very skeptical about it, at first. However, I had just moved to a new area, left all of my friends behind, my girl at the time cheated, 'shitstorm' etc. I've never been one to go to bars alone. I go to bars, sure... with friends. The likelihood of finding a meaningful relationship out of a bar meet is unlikely, in my eyes.

    Online dating allows you to get to know a lot of the facts (if they're honest) about a person, before even sparking up a conversation. i.e. "I would probably not get along with this person, because she's a religious zealot." or "Yeah, stoner, nothnx."

    I dunno... worked out for me and many other people I've known. Hell, I know people who have started their family from online dating. It's a new world! :)

    tl;dr? online dating rocks. also... penis.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    My sister and I both met our spouses via dating sites. She met her husband on Eharmony, which has a system I didn't care for. In theory, it does all the work of figuring out who you're compatible with and sending you the most likely matches - I didn't want that, but she's incredibly happy with her guy.

    I met my wife via Match, which I agree is very image-oriented. I really wanted that, though - I'm a guy, I know what I like, and it was easier to sort out the tons of girls I wasn't interested in than getting involved in an online relationship before finding out she didn't do it for me. The system also requires people to fill out their own profiles, which I liked - you can get a good sense of how smart someone is, or what their sense of humor is like, by reading their own words. And like Geezus said, it keeps you (and them) from wasting time trying to start a relationship with someone who has incompatible philosophies/lifestyles/whatever.

    My experience is from back in 2006, so it might have changed a bit, but probably not much. The best thing about online dating IMO is that you already know that anyone you have contact with is also looking for a relationship. Hanging out in bars and clubs specifically trying to meet girls gets you in front of a lot of girls who are already dating, who aren't interested in a realtionship, etc. I'm not much for that kind of "let's find a mate" socializing anyway, so having a system where girls were as interested in meeting me as I was in meeting them was a big plus.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I met a girl on a dating site once, she seemed cool so I agreed to a date. The first day I show up to her place, she COMPLETELY looked different than the birds eye bathroom glamour photo's I seen. I wanted to puke.

    I didn't want to be a dick, so I gave her roses, bought her dinner, told her my stomach hurt, and GTFO.

    Never bothered with dating sites after that.
  • maze
    what I dont like about dating sites is that there is no "spontaneity" moment. Like when you met a girl randomly somewhere in the beach, concert, backpacking, school, etc...and bang it just clicks... going to a date with someone I already know what she likes, what she eats, if she drinks or not, if she wants or not children, what movies she likes..etc... I dont want to know that I want to find it out or not...if it turns to work out. I think thats whats cool about life, you fail and you try until you meet someone really special. Dont have nothing against dating sites neither or people who use them, I am acutally happy for you, but thats the way I see them myself.

    hey Kaburan...hahaha thats a good one mate!
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