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Polycount is out of the Dominance War contest, doing our own contest



  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    In my country, sharing blingy, shiny, girly metal gloves is a sign of submission.
  • ArminChaudhry
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    ArminChaudhry polycounter lvl 7
    in my country this a sign of to chllange sombody to a duell
  • dregoloth
    in my country it means table under a shiny glove
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    'Ya know, I think I'm fine with embracing the dark side! Arise Darth Polycount!

  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    Dropping the glove is like dropping the soap:

    You're just asking for supprise buttsex.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    in soviet russia, gauntlet throws you
  • sathe
    Dropping the glove is like dropping the soap:

    You're just asking for supprise buttsex.

    Hey yah don say that!
  • sathe
    How it happened....
  • yeman
    Polycount has always been and will always be a bunch of punks. Acting like the delays are what is stopping them, be honest, man up, tell the truth. Your scared that Threedy is going to TEABAG you.

    Well guess what, your getting tea bagged, anyway. As soon as you fall alsleep, I'm resting my sack upon the polycount forehead, I'm taking a picture, and I'm posting it on the www's. You can't run from this, it's happening.

    All you can do is close your eyes and enjoy the warmth that is BiG ToE.

    Looks like someone just can't wait to test out who's sharper, his meaty flappy ball sacks or those green little teeth of ours~~~:poly142:
  • EarthQuake
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Sounds good. Count me in. I need to get my real skills de-rusted and not do any spreadsheets of scripts for this mother! :D
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    sathe wrote: »
    Hey yah don say that!

    I was reading your comments on 3dtotal... you pretty much control that forum ahahahah.

    How it happened in my mind.

    -FUCK PC
    -Good thing people like Fred here too
    -PC is kinda cool
    -PC and 3DT <3

  • profchaos354
    sathe wrote: »
    How it happened....

    I guess this means that polycount also has the worst romance in film history... But who will get to play the part of Padme?
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Current DW bash/chat page counts...

    PC: 7
    3DT: 14
    GA: uhm...43
  • profchaos354
    Hboybowen wrote: »

    lol, I would love to force choke cgtalk :D
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jeezus just had a gander at the 3D total thread... being a tad abusive aren't they?
  • Enderstaley
    Oh yea, they are not amused
  • Digital Cantina
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    Digital Cantina polycounter lvl 11
    They want a cross forum comp like DW
  • profchaos354
  • sathe
    Different levels of tolerance.
    You guys snapped 6 months ago, those that where still standing just don't have it in them to brace for the next fatboy.

    I'd much rather fight directly against the enemy then sit at home waiting for information for a week.

    I just feel like running down the street screaming DERPPP DDUUU
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I don't understand what you are saying...are you for or against PC doing their own comp? :P
  • sathe
    I'm saying we are abusive because you have been the bad guys for the last 6 months and weather you like it or not, PC's post, scissor kicking Fred personally is seen as the decisive factor in why D-War was delayed. (No need to argue, I'm aware it was a cross forum decision)

    So now here I am, in the same situation you guys where in 6 months ago where I'm thinking WTF is this guy doing and how are things so bad?

    So yes, I'm in for PC doing their own comp but like I suggested on threedy why can't participants represent a forum (We still all post updates on PC) but just tag ourselves with the forum we represent.
  • profchaos354
    I think the only problem with that, sathe, would be that then PC would be seen as trying to replace Dominance War completely. A lot of drama would come from that :(
  • sathe
    I think the only problem with that, sathe, would be that then PC would be seen as trying to replace Dominance War completely. A lot of drama would come from that :(

    If there was more drama than what this delay has caused I'd happily fly myself first class to your house and let you uppercut me in the fucken head.

    What fuels the internet?

    Servers, hardware?

    ...or Drama...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I don't think PC were the bad guys, Emil wrote that post himself, he doesn't represent everybody, he only represents himself and the admin team, not that I disagree with it, someone had to stand up and call bullshit on FredH's shenanigans.

    I'd have no problem with threedy joining PC's effort if that meant they also dropped out of DW, but I think Adam just wants to keep it low key at least this time? Maybe? Who knows. I am seeing a lot of posts in that surprisingly vicious thread on 3dtotal that suggest to me anyway that they all have their panties in a bunch because they didn't get invited to the house party.

    It's not even funny how far away from just doing some art with a brief this has gotten... in like half a day... from threedy's reaction alone. If people would just step away from their computers and leave the house for a bit they'd see how retarded and small all this back and forth is.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    You're already a member of this forum, the other can join if they want... no point in making it cross-forum really.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Adam, great move, and totally appropriate.

    I must admit I don't get most of the recent talk surrounding DomWar. It really seems like some folks take the words "dominance" and "war" way too seriously, genuinely thinking that there is such a thing as forum "rivalry" or something. I mean ... it's just a bunch of websites after all.

    So yeah, great move. One forum, making it's own art comp - so nice and simple! (please please don't put "war" or anything similar in the name tho - fanboys would go wild!)

    Can't wait!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    I must admit I don't get most of the recent talk surrounding DomWar. It really seems like some folks take the words "dominance" and "war" way too seriously, genuinely thinking that there is such a thing as forum "rivalry" or something.

    Hmm yeah I think you have a point... hope this new challenge is called something more neutral, and has a stupidly long name like Borat's full title :P

    Ugh, its 2:00AM here. Time for bed.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    It was kind of fun snooping around other (language) forums like a ninja, looking at their work and then posting it here and stuff :(...

    Now I haz a sad :(
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    Andreas wrote: »
    I don't think PC were the bad guys, Emil wrote that post himself, he doesn't represent everybody, he only represents himself and the admin team, not that I disagree with it, someone had to stand up and call bullshit on FredH's shenanigans.

    I'd have no problem with threedy joining PC's effort if that meant they also dropped out of DW, but I think Adam just wants to keep it low key at least this time? Maybe? Who knows. I am seeing a lot of posts in that surprisingly vicious thread on 3dtotal that suggest to me anyway that they all have their panties in a bunch because they didn't get invited to the house party.

    It's not even funny how far away from just doing some art with a brief this has gotten... in like half a day... from threedy's reaction alone. If people would just step away from their computers and leave the house for a bit they'd see how retarded and small all this back and forth is.

    would be nice if someone could point out where a member of 3dtotal said "awwww PC is doing their own thing and we didn't get invited"

    Vicious thread???

    we go back to the point you made yourself...everybody is not to be accounted for what a few might have said and you find "vicious"

    In my opinion this is getting way out of hand and some of us are just giving it the attention it doesn't call for. Lets pick up those wacoms and start making some art. poly120.gifpoly120.gifpoly120.gif
  • sathe
    Unlike real war where the outcomes are negative, the rivalries in D-War produce positive results...That is why I personally feel it's great.

    95% of the wipper snappers entering D-War are probably first year school students with alot of energy but for us more burnt out entrants its FUCKING HARD to build up the will power to make a new character, so the atmsophere that D-War creates pushes that.

    That's why I want it cross forum....
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    i dont see why everyone is so quick to assume that fred has an obligation to set all this up? i mean, yeah it would have been nice to not get toyed around with "false promises" but in the end he was the one who stepped up and brought us all the previous dominance war events. its too bad that all of this nonsense is causing so much chatter back and forth, but like sathe said, drama does pretty much fuel the internet.

    all in all its a good decision for polycount to do what everyones been wanting, and i hope there are not too many terrible feelings between all of the members involved. when it comes down to it, and you look past the computer screens, we are all just people.

    anyway, im looking forward to the polycount contest and i wish all that are entering the best of luck :thumbup:
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I have this friend who keeps saying 3D Total is amazing, but
    Really? I mean, it's hilarious but, really? I guess I'll stay away from that forum :P

    Fucking hilarious. Tell whoever created this they have a home at Polycount if they ever want to play with the big boys and put balls on peoples chins. (Little do they know, we enjoy ballsacks over here.) So thank you! Haha, I know its a dig towards us but I love this picture <3
  • sathe
    So...basically what you are saying is. Now that we have teabagged eachother. we are friends?

    works for me.
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    Totally understandable point Mike, the only problem is people need to realize when they have more on their plate than they can eat...if that is the case, then you should either seek help or just step down and not just let it get worst.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Also, I've been drinking tonight. Anyone want to take bets if I can keep up my amazingly good typing skills? Sorry, skillz?

    I'm glad you guys are digging the decision to do our own thing from here on out. It's unfortunate that some people at other forums think it was childish for us to do this. While I respect their passion for their own individual communities, I do believe it shows how little they've been involved in GameArtisan contests when compared to how long we've been in the thick of it. And just to reiterate, we 100% support anyone who wants to enter the contests. But my effort, Drews effort, Emil's effort and Ryan's effort will not be put towards GameArtisans any longer. Really, that is the gist of whats happening here.

    As I've stated now on numerous occasions our focus at Polycount is 100% on the community, you guys. When they are delays that are out of our control its a terrible situation to be in. We cannot divulge the reasons as to why third-party contests are delayed unless told otherwise which leaves us in quite the bind. Especially when there's very little communication over what the troubles are. By having Polycount go its own way, not only can we tackle any issues that arise over a contest ourselves, we can be straight forward with you guys over it the moment it comes up.

    Hopefully you guys respect such transparency so we can continue to offer it.

    Now then, professional hat OFF, awesome drunk hat ON.

    Whaddya think our contest is about? Characters + environments that mesh well together and would support a contest atmosphere? Hmmm...

    (And NO you dink's its not a Simpson's themed contest!)
  • bbob
    adam wrote: »
    Now then, professional hat OFF, awesome drunk hat ON.

    Whaddya think our contest is about? Characters + environments that mesh well together and would support a contest atmosphere? Hmmm...

    Sounds promising, care to elaborate? :D
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    adam wrote: »
    our focus at Polycount is 100% on the community, you guys.

    You really know, (*tear), how to treat a man right.

    I think you should have the character fit in the environment so in the end we can show the winning entry's together in an epic *winning, scene.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    And because I love teasing you guys...

    ...I just saw the WIP promo-art Ryan's put together for this contest and let's just say I'm typing this reply with my boner. The dude has seriously outdone himself.
  • sathe
    Cool, I'm not entering D-war.

    This calls for Defqon Uganda after party!

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I think you should have the character fit in the environment so in the end we can show the winning entry's together in an epic *winning, scene.

  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    adam wrote: »
    And because I love teasing you guys...

    ...I just saw the WIP promo-art Ryan's put together for this contest and let's just say I'm typing this reply with my boner.


    not of the promo
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    adam wrote: »

    What if the environment IS the character?! HOLY SHIT.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    TDub wrote: »
    What if the environment IS the character?! HOLY SHIT.

    I think you, sir


    crossed the line

    *jots down idea on paper

    Just to take it a step further, since I'm already on this side of the line, what if the character is the environment in a character... which is also, as you said, a characterenvoirnment character.

  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    adam wrote:
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    TDub wrote: »
    What if the environment IS the character?! HOLY SHIT.

    He's not in the bus he IS the bus.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    He's not in the bus he IS the bus.

    ATHF quote just made this thread happen for me. Well played Matt. And well played Adam. Can't wait to see what happens with this, I'll throw down if I have the time throw something worthwhile.
  • sathe
  • Digital Cantina
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    Digital Cantina polycounter lvl 11
    adam wrote: »

    This is what I love about Polycount, Admin interaction and challenge transparency. You guys are awesome.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    OMG, Adam just confirmed 102% for sure that this competition is Simpsons-themed. I'm doing a steampunk Bart. Gonna go spread the word.
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