This kind of saddens me a bit, I was looking forward to going to war for polycount. Now I'll have to see how good the topic is for this contest before I decide on doing the PC competition or doing DW with another forum ^_^
what a shame. Pulling out is all fair and good - Dom War is a mess. But as I've said before, I think running a parallel competition will kick up alot of drama between forums.
...But fuck, an environment competition? Fuck yes.
If there are any prizes, they will be small. We don't make art for t-shirts & gift cards, we do it because we love what we do and a community collaboration of this caliber of talent is priceless.
But as I've said before, I think running a parallel competition will kick up alot of drama between forums.
Yes indeed, parallel competition are not realy healthy for friendly environment. (for the first one its ok, because we know the reason. But in the future you shoulddefinatly do it at a time where is no other huge competition around. This will create only alot of dissing and hating among the other comunitys. So if you choose nice dates and it will be fantastic
I'm not surprised, even without all the drama, the DW competition is just to unstable for people to stay in. But really glad to see that we don't just drop out but try to get something running.
Something I was wondering is if the contest theme might be featuring sides for people to join, like it would be forum vs forum. So fantasy=Necromancer vs Paladins ect? So we can pick a side and compete against the other 'team'.
The way this whole thing has been handled is really fantastic. There's a lot of professionalism and respect to it, and it's great being a part of such a community.
Looking forward to more contest details, and the resulting artwork even more so.
Thank Christ! I am in! Not to knock dominance war, but all the BS to that went on to START the competition is only beginning of a long drawn out process of uncertain drama.
Knowing that there is a competition that will run smoothly and professionally as an alternative by polycount is fantastic! THANK YOU!
if it's some env' stuff again , and we can do team ups again im all for it...lord knows ive been talking privately to some people about small team ups for a while now..
Seriously leave it to polycount to cause a shit storm for the other forums....wonder how many hatters were gonna get joing our forum once we announce this?
PC pulling out of Dom War sucks, but honestly I can fully understand why... and I have to say, if this is comp is the one I heard about at GDC from an admin that will go unnamed... it will be EPIC.
Well, I was going to participate in DW solely to motivate me to finish some personal art with hard deadlines, so this will work out just as well. Especially since I was going to fight for PC anyway, since this is really the only art forum on which I post.
I have this superstitious feeling that I caused the death of the Dominance War. Every year I kept talking about joining then pussing out. The one year I was all geared up to compete, it all but dies. o.O
I personally really appreciate Adam's respect and professionalism when announcing this. And I applaud PC for not just talkin the talk, but actually walkin the walk!
I was talking with a friend about theme ideas for this and the prospect of entering a well run competition through polycount got me pretty excited! can't wait for the challenge!
This is my first post here on Polycount, so hey everyone I registered on GA and PC for my first dominance war and as an impartial observer I've got to say from what I can tell this may be for the best. Trying to be as constructive as possible, fuzzy deadlines on either side have no place in this industry. Hopefully this won't be the downfall of dominance war though. So yeah, bring it on, with a bit of luck I'll be able to compete in both
Cheeky question to the admin, can we enter the same character in Dom War and the polycount challenge? :shifty:
Cheeky answer, why are you such a dang rascal! Seeing as Polycount isn't associated with DW anymore I doubt it. You'd be submitting the same thing to the DW competition under a different forum/community. I don't think there are any hard rules on this, but still that's a rascal move.
Yeah, I'd say entering both comps with the same thing would be rather a bit of a jerk move, myself. After all, it's not like people from PC aren't gonna at least keep an eye on what's going on at DW (if it happens)...
Which is why I asked the question first before attempting to do so. Better to get it out of the way now then the controversy it would cause if it happened. :poly124:
Drama? I thought PC were just making their own competition because they couldn't be bothered waiting for DW to start and because they want to have more control :S
Note to competition organisers: Make sure it starts when you say it going to start.
Would be might embarrassing to have a delay, eh. :P
Haha, no kidding!
That said, I hope they get it started soon. I've been all psyched up for entering DW for the last couple weeks and now I just want to get started on something.
Just to give you guys a heads up, some of the guys over at 3dtotal are running their mouths about us. Not that it matters but i thought you guys would want to know
How big is the chance the PC competition is going to be here before DW. Appereantly it takes quite some time to set up such a big comp? I'll join whichever is first, my hands are itching to get started on something ^^
oh and thanks for putting in the effort to make a PC competition man
...But fuck, an environment competition? Fuck yes.
Erm... this is gonna be both 2D and 3D for both character and environment, right?
Yes indeed, parallel competition are not realy healthy for friendly environment. (for the first one its ok, because we know the reason. But in the future you shoulddefinatly do it at a time where is no other huge competition around. This will create only alot of dissing and hating among the other comunitys. So if you choose nice dates and it will be fantastic
the dw situation is sad.. i was so pumped for it but not any more..
Something I was wondering is if the contest theme might be featuring sides for people to join, like it would be forum vs forum. So fantasy=Necromancer vs Paladins ect? So we can pick a side and compete against the other 'team'.
Looking forward to more contest details, and the resulting artwork even more so.
This. Oh well.
Polycount Battle Royale!
Knowing that there is a competition that will run smoothly and professionally as an alternative by polycount is fantastic! THANK YOU!
It had amazing art and it's been left neglected like a pensioners garden.
Time for some extreme mowing of the CG competition landscape.
You should tie in with Threedy at some point and pull off the heist of the decade!
that's amazing.
Seriously leave it to polycount to cause a shit storm for the other forums....wonder how many hatters were gonna get joing our forum once we announce this?
Oh well , polycount just keep winning
I have this superstitious feeling that I caused the death of the Dominance War. Every year I kept talking about joining then pussing out. The one year I was all geared up to compete, it all but dies. o.O
Excited to see the official brief!
Cheeky answer, why are you such a dang rascal! Seeing as Polycount isn't associated with DW anymore I doubt it. You'd be submitting the same thing to the DW competition under a different forum/community. I don't think there are any hard rules on this, but still that's a rascal move.
2. ???
Can't wait.
Note to competition organisers: Make sure it starts when you say it going to start.
Would be might embarrassing to have a delay, eh. :P
Haha, no kidding!
That said, I hope they get it started soon. I've been all psyched up for entering DW for the last couple weeks and now I just want to get started on something.