Something that occurred to me just've modeled it in the final pose from the very beginning, right? Is there any advantages of approaching a model this way? Didn't it make it hard to work with symmetry, not only while sculpting but also on retopology?
I'm new here, and new to Game Art & Design. I'm really grateful for this kind of inspiration. Do you have a blog or something? I'd love to look through your portfolio.
These pics make me chuckle a little as he has ended up looking like a miniature and I do intend to 3d print the model anyway.
So these are real time screen grabs from max using some post from Xoliul's shaders and a levels and colour balance in photoshop (but esentially the same crap that would be done in a game engine).
The only cheat is a fake sand gradient i quickly added because my sand sucked... everything is realtime.
This guy was an interesting experiment. A lot of the texturing was achieved from combinations of baked textures and photoshop combinations of layers. I used xnormal and max's render surface map a lot and although I never went in and detailed as much as I typically would I kind of like the over all feel.
I might do a little more to fix a few more issues but I am pretty exhausted with this guy and need to start a fresh.
Thanks for the encouragement.
rooster - got it
felipefrango - no benefit imho unless you have very defined cloth you want to include. I have sculpted characters in poses a few times now and although its an interesting experience as I cant rely on symmetry its not worth the time !
Probably reduce the spec on the sand and add a little self illumination to fake some sub surface scattering? It doesn't really matter that much what you do with the sand no one is really paying attention to it ha!
fuuuuu, the chromatic abberation is really strong, I would try to do 2 passes, one is a normal render, and one is the same shot but with the chromatic abberation on, then make 2 layers in PS, bottem one with the normal render, and the top one set to lighten. I think it would work much better!
Gaaaagghh so awesome, but the post effect is a bummer. I dig what its doing, but I really wish there were some parts of the image that were crisp- would make for some nice focal point direction
Fix up what mate? Looks stunning, call it a day and move on to fresh pastures instead of over thinking it maybe? I mean sure, we can always nit pick but... well, you know.
JonathanF - haha, I expect there will be plenty of awesome still to appear from that game
Kevin Johnstone, thanks Kevin. Of course you can go on forever but this guy was a weird experiment for me - so I haven't spent as much time texturing him as I would normally! The temption to go back is sssstrrrronngggggg
Rens yup!
crazyfool, Its a max screen grab with xoliel's shader. I had issue with the shadows and the blur so I rendered some layers and comp'd them in photoshop and did the colour correction and gradients/fake smoke there.
Sigh i hate to be the one to complain but i would like it if it was my model.i think id like honest feedback.Personally i think the body looks great but as for the head i think its small somehow.I took a look at the neck and it seems to have so much muscle.Yet the bottom jaw seems to be somewhat small.The eye also seems to be right at the top of the jawbone which seems a little unnatural.Also the horn thats the 2nd fartherst up on the model seems to have some muscles that dont really link to anythink id maybe drag those down toward the nose a little more.It might give the sense of a very keen sense of smell.
After looking threw all these pages i can say those monsters actually scare me.Im new to 3d modeling and i think the limits are only to your imagination.Geeze whys everyone working on snakes i hate snakes.
Flight of dragons inspired sketch Its fun to revisit childhood, especially around christmas !
haikai, thanks
Builder_Anthony, hey the honest feedback is good. I didnt take that model much further but I agree with some of your points! Snakes are awesome as they can create fun flowing lines. I wouldnt want to keep one but they are a lot of fun to design
Nice updates, the dog chow character came out great. I like the new concepts but the forearm in the foreground on the last drawing bugs me a lot Looks like he doesn't have any bones and it looks like some round tapering sack. I'm guilty off not spending much time on hands or feet in my concepts too... something I need to work on for sure.
By the way, what happened to the Nazi zombies you mentioned from a few pages back?
thanks Bryan, yeah the wrist forearm relationship doesnt read well at all. I amy do a fix on him, I just lost the love for it when I felt that it was overworked.
Nazi zombies.. yeah I keep meaning to do something but you know
The only thing that stands out for me is the thickness of the hair strands on the mutant's mohawk, but everyone knows mutant hair is thick and heavy, quite deadly when used in last resort!
I'd love to pick your brain a little, any chance you'd feel like pm'ing me some private info so we can chat?
Just artist to artist, I'm always looking for some like-minded people to feel less lonely on this blue ball..
These pics make me chuckle a little as he has ended up looking like a miniature and I do intend to 3d print the model anyway.
So these are real time screen grabs from max using some post from Xoliul's shaders and a levels and colour balance in photoshop (but esentially the same crap that would be done in a game engine).
The only cheat is a fake sand gradient i quickly added because my sand sucked... everything is realtime.
This guy was an interesting experiment. A lot of the texturing was achieved from combinations of baked textures and photoshop combinations of layers. I used xnormal and max's render surface map a lot and although I never went in and detailed as much as I typically would I kind of like the over all feel.
I might do a little more to fix a few more issues but I am pretty exhausted with this guy and need to start a fresh.
Thanks for the encouragement.
rooster - got it
felipefrango - no benefit imho unless you have very defined cloth you want to include. I have sculpted characters in poses a few times now and although its an interesting experience as I cant rely on symmetry its not worth the time !
About the sand, I think you need to work some sharper peaks into it or some drifting around some of the objects?
Maybe add a wind swept pattern?
Probably reduce the spec on the sand and add a little self illumination to fake some sub surface scattering? It doesn't really matter that much what you do with the sand no one is really paying attention to it ha!
Same here.
looking awesome as usual.
Nice update man!
You should give him a pair of MoP's Gestapo Strangler gloves before you call him done
I think I will also do one last material pass on this guy to fix up some issues.
metalliandy - I'll save MoP's Gestapo gloves for when I eventually get round to making a Nazi Zombie
I will be waiting
*edit* what EVIL said ^
Havent had the time to fix up any of the issues with the textures yet, or the sand but I did play with a new look.
EVIL,konstruct, yes noob mistake
ae.Torch,SimonT, thanks peeps!
Johny, WipEout , thanks guys!
JonathanF - haha, I expect there will be plenty of awesome still to appear from that game
Kevin Johnstone, thanks Kevin. Of course you can go on forever but this guy was a weird experiment for me - so I haven't spent as much time texturing him as I would normally! The temption to go back is sssstrrrronngggggg
Rens yup!
crazyfool, Its a max screen grab with xoliel's shader. I had issue with the shadows and the blur so I rendered some layers and comp'd them in photoshop and did the colour correction and gradients/fake smoke there.
StefanH, thanks ! glad it better
Sigh i hate to be the one to complain but i would like it if it was my model.i think id like honest feedback.Personally i think the body looks great but as for the head i think its small somehow.I took a look at the neck and it seems to have so much muscle.Yet the bottom jaw seems to be somewhat small.The eye also seems to be right at the top of the jawbone which seems a little unnatural.Also the horn thats the 2nd fartherst up on the model seems to have some muscles that dont really link to anythink id maybe drag those down toward the nose a little more.It might give the sense of a very keen sense of smell.
After looking threw all these pages i can say those monsters actually scare me.Im new to 3d modeling and i think the limits are only to your imagination.Geeze whys everyone working on snakes i hate snakes.
haikai, thanks
Builder_Anthony, hey the honest feedback is good. I didnt take that model much further but I agree with some of your points! Snakes are awesome as they can create fun flowing lines. I wouldnt want to keep one but they are a lot of fun to design
pior,Hboybowen,StefanH,catstyle Thanks yo'
I think I over worked this once I started to add colour. Its definitely something I be working on in future pics.
stimpack, I think I threw in a few frowns too
RJBonner, yeah perhaps eventually I'm not sure yet what I'll model next.
By the way, what happened to the Nazi zombies you mentioned from a few pages back?
thanks Bryan, yeah the wrist forearm relationship doesnt read well at all. I amy do a fix on him, I just lost the love for it when I felt that it was overworked.
Nazi zombies.. yeah I keep meaning to do something but you know
I have also been noodling a new pic
The only thing that stands out for me is the thickness of the hair strands on the mutant's mohawk, but everyone knows mutant hair is thick and heavy, quite deadly when used in last resort!
just a little on the intimadating side Tim.
cool work there monkey, loving what you do!
I'd love to pick your brain a little, any chance you'd feel like pm'ing me some private info so we can chat?
Just artist to artist, I'm always looking for some like-minded people to feel less lonely on this blue ball..
..this is me
anyways, loving it