So a tournament rather than a contest? Start with a huge ladder and slowly vote out the winners?
Pretty much. Though I think it could add a lot to the actual participation in the contest if people picked somebody they were going to partner with/compete against directly because they could then give more focused critiques and such to somebody they know is listening.
Officially, they're your rival. Unofficially, they're the person you're helping the most. Maybe it could even be set up so each pair of people has their own thread instead of having threads for single people.
A lot of love floating around in here. It's intoxicating
As for this Civil War contest discussion. Can we start a proper thread so ideas dont get lost in with the other BS going on.
Tournament sounds great. Pairing off opponents is adding pressure on individuals to finish a model. Which is a good thing but its also has downsides. Like people not finishing and there being no contest. Anyhoo.
p.s. Civil war happens all other the world not just the US. So can people stop asking for it not to be call civil war. It doesnt automatically mean Yanks and the Deep South. It just means we are going to have a rumble within Polycountselvania.
I like the Tournament Idea but we´d have to group people in tiers or it could basically be like Belgium declaring war on Russia if you know what I mean.
If you do an elimination-style tournament, wouldn't it take months and months to resolve? What's the condition for one person winning and moving up a bracket?
Just wanted to say I hardly ever visit here. I usually frequent GA and 3Dtotal, but after all this I like how you guys are handling this and am going to join your fine community. I am just disappointed all this happened because this is my first DW.
If you do an elimination-style tournament, wouldn't it take months and months to resolve? What's the condition for one person winning and moving up a bracket?
You could have one big page with all the finalists on it. Beneath each finalist would be a radio button that you'd click to choose that entry as the winner of the two. The winners of the pairings move on to the next round where the same thing happens. If one person from a pair left the competition, their counterpart automatically makes it to the next round, but that just means they're competing against somebody else once it comes time to vote.
Granted, it would still probably take a week or two to get the final results in, but it wouldn't take as long as scoring each pair individually.
These questions shouldnt be so hard to answer right? Or is he writing ten pages per question?
EDIT: Just thinking that if GA and Dom war is his livelyhood and all that he'd want it sorted out as soon as possible, not stay quiet for so long letting things get worse.
Yeah the tournament style thing would have to be set up after all entries are submited, because too many people won't be able to finish(and for good reasons) so we wouldn't want to make it into a "SO AND SO RUINED IT BY NOT FINISHING" sort of thing.
Calling it a Polycount Civil war is appropriate.
Americans making reference to the American Civil War is also appropriate.
Europeans making reference to XXXX Civil War is also appropriate.
Making reference to relevant topics that you're educated in is also appropriate, for us Americans its very easy to find the references to the US Civil war and use that for imagery and inspiration for a contest, nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean we're saying the US Civil War is the "only" civil war.
You could have one big page with all the finalists on it. Beneath each finalist would be a radio button that you'd click to choose that entry as the winner of the two. The winners of the pairings move on to the next round where the same thing happens. If one person from a pair left the competition, their counterpart automatically makes it to the next round, but that just means they're competing against somebody else once it comes time to vote.
Granted, it would still probably take a week or two to get the final results in, but it wouldn't take as long as scoring each pair individually.
Ohh, so you mean it's a regular competition, but the judging happens in a tournament style.
All current submitted entries will be deleted from the system and the current Pre-DomWar challenge will be extended by an additional week. The new deadline is Wednesday, 11:59 eastern time, December 15th. All questions will be answered Monday, 13th of December, and the submission system will re-open at this time. You will have until Wednesday to resubmit your work.
My 2 cents is that he means 13th of December 2011.
Each competitor creates a character for their army. When they are finished we role the stats so its random. The teams can chose which card get what stats etc, so that the stats match the character....We can work that out later. The cool thing about combat cards is that all the packs could be mixed together so dwarf could fight the chaos packs, etc.
Then....(and this is the genius part) we get them printed!! I know theres a top trumps style company prints off custom packs. A friend of mine was going to do a pack once.
Categories should be fun as well as the normal strength, agility, flatulence, etc. But it doesnt need to be complex. 5 categories is enough.
I'd friggin love a PC combat card set! Especially if my character was in the set...
we'd still have to find a way to Judge a winner overall though.
Haha guys - don't get too far ahead of yourselves. We're a LONG way away from launching a proper contest. Worry about getting your asses in gear for DW.
Wow it's been over a day and still no answer! My guess is that theyre probably busy making a beautiful piece of 2d art for an announcement page with a date on which they will probably speakup (and then miss that date by a few weeks) :poly142:
I'm all for a Civil War here on Polycount, make it with just a few other communities and get back to the fun of working hard on something that is YOURS. Maybe we can talk and cghub in on it so we get the 2d, and of course see if something like animation mentor can join in the mix to have some of the animators have some fun. I am all for it, and like Gav said, we need to settle our challenge:) muwhahahah.
"There is evidence that group cohesiveness may be related to negative feelings about others," agrees Tom Buchanan, a psychologist at the University of Westminster in London. "Members of an online community might unite around a perceived attack on them or some aspect of their identity."
Cant help but be a little worried now on the outcome of all this. Its gonna take fred a week almost to write up something which should have been said yesterday in a few well written sentences before things got out of hand. All people wanna hear is 'everythings fine and dandy and sorry if I offended anyone'. Why make a thumbnail and sticky the caution thread on GA yesterday and today spend time creating an announcement page instead of spending 10 minutes setting the record straight. makes me worried something big is going on thats all.
Shame the GA page has started flaming on PC, Im on GA quite alot but slowly am turning to the green side I just find PC alot more professional and the amount of industry peeps and quality of artwork here really makes you work harder. Its also alot less cluttered and I love the news section. Most of all though is how awesome and helpful everyone is. If DW goes ahead Im definetly fighting in green this year
I just find PC alot more professional and the amount of industry peeps and quality of artwork here really makes you work harder.
Yeah, there is also a fucking huge amount of knowledge all over the forums and in the wiki! - this is why I love it here...if I have a question just use the forum search BAM! Answer found!
I'm all for a Civil War here on Polycount, make it with just a few other communities and get back to the fun of working hard on something that is YOURS. Maybe we can talk and cghub in on it so we get the 2d, and of course see if something like animation mentor can join in the mix to have some of the animators have some fun. I am all for it, and like Gav said, we need to settle our challenge:) muwhahahah.
Regarding your Animation Mentor suggestion, Spark...think it
will be hard to get involvement. Students would need fully rigged/weighted
characters (they don't teach rigging at AM) and already have a pretty big
work load if they are still at AM. Alumni may be interested, tho, but don't
know how AM would pitch to them. Basically, AM's 'community' exists for the
18 months for each graduating class as a unit (mostly) but dissolves to a
large degree as a class graduates. Worth a try, tho...just my take onnit.
Phew 10 pages... I was reading polycount one day, before I knew it I was playing the card game! Yay!
It might not be right what is going on, but look you guys gotta cut GA some slack for being so defensive on their threads on their forum, we would have done the same defending Adam here if a similar ''thing'' would happen. Fred is what Adam is to us. What happened could possible be handled much better or avoided completely, now lets wait until Monday to see what is posted and hopefully we will get better facts about what is going on before ranting away and making our-selfs look like fools.
I sincerely hope that by the end of the month all this is forgotten and cleared up and the Dominance war will return to what it should be, a huge and great competition bringing communities together.
I'm not complaining about the extension. I need it. :P
...but I don't see why it takes almost a week to answer a few simple questions. Like, I get needing proof-reading and such to ensure that there aren't (even more, I assume) misunderstandings, but really, if you actually ANSWER peoples' questions on your forum, you prevent all of this speculation and fail.
I'm sure they'll have some PR-friendly reasons (whether they're legitimate or not), but surely the wait only fans the flames? Just answer the questions right away on GA. If people misquote or misunderstand, you can correct them right away. Awesome, the whole thing's over in a few hours. Or it would've/could've been.
It's kind of a bummer that both communities are trash talking each other. I mean, I don't think we are arrogant Douche Bags as one of them said. And I don't think they are assholes. This is turning into something it shouldn't be. Come on. Aren't we, as a community of worldwide artist, better than this?
I'm not complaining about the extension. I need it. :P
...but I don't see why it takes almost a week to answer a few simple questions. Like, I get needing proof-reading and such to ensure that there aren't (even more, I assume) misunderstandings, but really, if you actually ANSWER peoples' questions on your forum, you prevent all of this speculation and fail.
I'm sure they'll have some PR-friendly reasons (whether they're legitimate or not), but surely the wait only fans the flames? Just answer the questions right away on GA. If people misquote or misunderstand, you can correct them right away. Awesome, the whole thing's over in a few hours. Or it would've/could've been.
@crazyfool: Ah, I just saw that you said about the same thing earlier in the thread. :P
Anyway, two of my friends at work are proud supporters of GA, and they've been pretty down and feel betrayed themselves. I feel for 'em. I refrained from whispering "Join polycount" in their ears.
After all this, I kinda wish I had entered the DW mini on the PC side. I guess switching for the main comp is not allowed.
You might be able to get by on the technicality that you haven't submitted the Pre-comp finals as GA yet. post an update or two on this board then submit finals as PC.
I'd check the exact wording of the rules, but they took down the whole Dominance War site. I'm not sure why just putting the update in news wouldn't suffice *shrug*.
ErichWK, no one is trashtalking anyone here on PC. When I hear of rumors of 'rivalry between forums', it always comes from very new members of other forums. Anyone taking the time to observe things will notice that their is no such thing as a forum against another for the sake of pride, glory or reputation. At least here on PC, no one care about that. Maybe the whole 'War' and 'Dominance' thing got misinterpreted by noobs. All we care about down here on PC is penises anyways
BigJohn, who cares about the "rules". You're free to make any asset that you want with Black and Green colors in it and post it here on PnP - yeah, maybe your DW entry will be voild, but who cares? You'll end up with a cool portfolio piece to display in your folio nonetheless. Cant wait to see it btw!
awww this is such a let down. I remember being in school, and trying to enter the first dom war. It was such an exciting time.
Fast foward many years and many titles... the prospect of doing a art contest still seems fun, but if profit comes into the equation, i go all businessy mode. Hope PC can bring this back roots.
Got to say, none of this is about us and them, them and us. No need to get hyperbolic about everything. No need for forum war speak. Fred might need to get some clarification with sponsors and everything else that involves the DW.
Man, I would love to see a Polycount Civil War contest! That might be enough to bring me out of retirement (to lose embarrassingly, but so worth it.) I'd gladly kick in $100 or so to fund a contest if it resulted in a full-on penis militia battling for the black and green
Pretty much. Though I think it could add a lot to the actual participation in the contest if people picked somebody they were going to partner with/compete against directly because they could then give more focused critiques and such to somebody they know is listening.
Officially, they're your rival. Unofficially, they're the person you're helping the most. Maybe it could even be set up so each pair of people has their own thread instead of having threads for single people.
lol. awesome.
As for this Civil War contest discussion. Can we start a proper thread so ideas dont get lost in with the other BS going on.
Tournament sounds great. Pairing off opponents is adding pressure on individuals to finish a model. Which is a good thing but its also has downsides. Like people not finishing and there being no contest. Anyhoo.
p.s. Civil war happens all other the world not just the US. So can people stop asking for it not to be call civil war. It doesnt automatically mean Yanks and the Deep South. It just means we are going to have a rumble within Polycountselvania.
Feels like that could take a really long time. And with ppl already loosing alot of sleep just for their one DW entry, it might be overkill.
I guess it works well for CA with the last man standing comp though.
You could have one big page with all the finalists on it. Beneath each finalist would be a radio button that you'd click to choose that entry as the winner of the two. The winners of the pairings move on to the next round where the same thing happens. If one person from a pair left the competition, their counterpart automatically makes it to the next round, but that just means they're competing against somebody else once it comes time to vote.
Granted, it would still probably take a week or two to get the final results in, but it wouldn't take as long as scoring each pair individually.
These questions shouldnt be so hard to answer right? Or is he writing ten pages per question?
EDIT: Just thinking that if GA and Dom war is his livelyhood and all that he'd want it sorted out as soon as possible, not stay quiet for so long letting things get worse.
Calling it a Polycount Civil war is appropriate.
Americans making reference to the American Civil War is also appropriate.
Europeans making reference to XXXX Civil War is also appropriate.
Making reference to relevant topics that you're educated in is also appropriate, for us Americans its very easy to find the references to the US Civil war and use that for imagery and inspiration for a contest, nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean we're saying the US Civil War is the "only" civil war.
Ohh, so you mean it's a regular competition, but the judging happens in a tournament style.
My 2 cents is that he means 13th of December 2011.
hardcore porn civil war???
that sounds awesome!
Minotaur0: ouch!
Lets make a Polycount Top Trumps or better yet, Combat Cards!
(I still have the Chaos set. Its Awesome!!!! Someday i'll try and re-buy the other packs.)
Each competitor creates a character for their army. When they are finished we role the stats so its random. The teams can chose which card get what stats etc, so that the stats match the character....We can work that out later. The cool thing about combat cards is that all the packs could be mixed together so dwarf could fight the chaos packs, etc.
Then....(and this is the genius part) we get them printed!! I know theres a top trumps style company prints off custom packs. A friend of mine was going to do a pack once.
Categories should be fun as well as the normal strength, agility, flatulence, etc. But it doesnt need to be complex. 5 categories is enough.
I'd friggin love a PC combat card set! Especially if my character was in the set...
we'd still have to find a way to Judge a winner overall though.
Edit: haha omg, they actually did this!
"There is evidence that group cohesiveness may be related to negative feelings about others," agrees Tom Buchanan, a psychologist at the University of Westminster in London. "Members of an online community might unite around a perceived attack on them or some aspect of their identity."
Shame the GA page has started flaming on PC, Im on GA quite alot but slowly am turning to the green side
Yeah, there is also a fucking huge amount of knowledge all over the forums and in the wiki! - this is why I love it here...if I have a question just use the forum search BAM! Answer found!
will be hard to get involvement. Students would need fully rigged/weighted
characters (they don't teach rigging at AM) and already have a pretty big
work load if they are still at AM. Alumni may be interested, tho, but don't
know how AM would pitch to them. Basically, AM's 'community' exists for the
18 months for each graduating class as a unit (mostly) but dissolves to a
large degree as a class graduates. Worth a try, tho...just my take onnit.
It might not be right what is going on, but look you guys gotta cut GA some slack for being so defensive on their threads on their forum, we would have done the same defending Adam here if a similar ''thing'' would happen. Fred is what Adam is to us. What happened could possible be handled much better or avoided completely, now lets wait until Monday to see what is posted and hopefully we will get better facts about what is going on before ranting away and making our-selfs look like fools.
I sincerely hope that by the end of the month all this is forgotten and cleared up and the Dominance war will return to what it should be, a huge and great competition bringing communities together.
...but I don't see why it takes almost a week to answer a few simple questions. Like, I get needing proof-reading and such to ensure that there aren't (even more, I assume) misunderstandings, but really, if you actually ANSWER peoples' questions on your forum, you prevent all of this speculation and fail.
I'm sure they'll have some PR-friendly reasons (whether they're legitimate or not), but surely the wait only fans the flames? Just answer the questions right away on GA. If people misquote or misunderstand, you can correct them right away. Awesome, the whole thing's over in a few hours. Or it would've/could've been.
I completely agree.
Anyway, two of my friends at work are proud supporters of GA, and they've been pretty down and feel betrayed themselves. I feel for 'em. I refrained from whispering "Join polycount" in their ears.
you just can't resist.
You might be able to get by on the technicality that you haven't submitted the Pre-comp finals as GA yet. post an update or two on this board then submit finals as PC.
I'd check the exact wording of the rules, but they took down the whole Dominance War site. I'm not sure why just putting the update in news wouldn't suffice *shrug*.
BigJohn, who cares about the "rules". You're free to make any asset that you want with Black and Green colors in it and post it here on PnP - yeah, maybe your DW entry will be voild, but who cares? You'll end up with a cool portfolio piece to display in your folio nonetheless. Cant wait to see it btw!
clearly you didn't see the Goggles thread
That right there is the VERY DEFINITION of professionalism my friend.
Fast foward many years and many titles... the prospect of doing a art contest still seems fun, but if profit comes into the equation, i go all businessy mode. Hope PC can bring this back roots.
Keep on it guys. kudos for speaking up.
Awesome tune, got it on 12"