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What Are You Working On? 2010 Edition!



  • undoz
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    Neox wrote: »

    Dude, that's awesome!
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Ahaha thanks dudes, I didn't expect replies that fast (or at all really)
    so I took it into max and used xiolul shader (was using default max dx shader) and cranked the half lambert so the blacks werent so black ;)
    I didn't oversaturate it any, but, I did play with the colour of the spec map and it seems to have helped a lot. I even did a quick slap-on eye texture... I come back to polycount to check for feedback and it's like you guys were watching me the whole time ahah

    Since you mentioned colouring the shadows dado, i'm interested to see how he'd look with a zany psychadelic envmap used as a base for faked ambient illumination... Or even just some screencaps of the original environments.
    I actually really love the whole art style of cosmo, one of the best uses of the 16 colour palette for PC. Maybe i should make some little bits of environment...

    edit: looking again after spending a while looking at just the original sprites, i think i will crank the saturation as suggested

    edit2: crank'd dat
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Neox, that is so damn nice... really! its so vibrant!
  • Pierate
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    Pierate polycounter lvl 15
    wohoo go go (not so) secret project! ~800 tris not counting the placeholder head
    one of my first (succesful) character models and im liking how its turning out so far
    any tips for improving on it would be appreciated

    @Neox, awesome! big fan of all the Airborn stuff :poly121:
  • System
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    System admin
    Neox wrote: »
    playing around with some styles...

    this one needs definitely more polishing


    Hey Neox, he reminds me of a younger Guybrush Threepwood, is that where you got some inspiration from?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    erm no, i have to admit, i've never played any monkey island game, i've been more into dott or samnmax, the inspriations for airborn are mostly animes such as steamboy, laputa (and all the other miyazaki films), and on the game side, commander keen or zelda, but definitely no guybrush threepwood :)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Pierate - looks good so far. nice style
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    Neox: I like the first "style" more actually.

    ZBrush 3.5 has this nifty retopology feature that I explored.
  • System
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    System admin
    Neox wrote: »
    erm no, i have to admit, i've never played any monkey island game, i've been more into dott or samnmax, the inspriations for airborn are mostly animes such as steamboy, laputa (and all the other miyazaki films), and on the game side, commander keen or zelda, but definitely no guybrush threepwood :)

    Thanks for sharing that, the ideas of your project and characters seem fresh, I suppose we all like to familiarise when possible.

    I'm actually surprised you didn't play Monkey Island so in the immortal words of Guybrush I leave you with "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Half messing around, half trying to learn hand painting... UDK screenie

  • Yamo
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    Revisiting my Punisher head sculpt. Need to finish his ears/neck and then give him a proper body

  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    alexk wrote: »
    Half messing around, half trying to learn hand painting... UDK screenie


    looks like crash bandicoot
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    Neox, taking my hat off, thank you for these.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    thank you very much guys :)

    ok i'm almost done, no spec so far and some stickers and details missing, so yeah thats pretty much it


    evil editor fov >_<
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Messing around with Zbrush's 2.5d tools to create tiling textures. This is more of a test, I took a sphere and used the planar cut tools to turn it into an irregular geometric shape. I stamped it down all over the canvas and used the blur tool with zadd to blur the seams. Then I used some crack alphas to detail it.

    I'm still working out the kinks but once I'm done I'll see about putting up some video tutorials.


    edit: Neox - I love that guy, Airborne is coming along great!
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Neox - If I were you, I'd make the eyeballs somewhat whiter; they're fairly close to skin colour right now and tend to blur into the face a bit, when viewed from a distance.
  • larolaro
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    larolaro polycounter lvl 9
    Neox , great work man,

    I know its far too late but, that guy doesn't really have any characteristics of an old man at all apart from his face. While an old man could be chipper and energetic he would still have a hunched "old man" composure and veiny cobbley hands.

    If you cover up his face it looks like a 8-10 year old boy id say.


    While the technical aspect, modelling sculpting and texturing is absolutely top notch (and i mean that sincerely), there has been a whole lot lost in translation from the concept.

    Proportionally the character is a bit skewed too. The main character also seemed to suffer from this as i mentioned last time.


    Mentioning this stuff is pretty much useless since you're pretty much finished up with it, but i thought perhaps it might help to see it from a different perspective, i dunno :p
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    like it harry but I think the colours are still too subtle to give it the vibrant old school look. Im thinking more like this
  • smedjeback
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    smedjeback polycounter lvl 13
  • Rens
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    Still not posting very much.
    Im trying to bash my way through by working on my portfolio fulltime,
    Should have something to launch in a few months :)

    Hope to finish up this piece in the coming weeks

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    larolaro wrote: »

    First of all thank you for the feedback, so i take the time to give you a mor complex answer :)

    So let me explain some things, basicly he is using the same rig as another already made character, which was made 2.5 years ago, so i have to live with mistakes that have been done then, but changing the whole rig and changin all the animations that come with it is no option for me.
    The pose is just a bind pose, i see no use in already posing him hunched as every contrary movement will be a problem then. If there is an issue with the bindpose, it is the arms beeing rotated too much downwards, but for his range of movement its okayish, not perfect though.

    Posing him later with the animation, is definitely not problem, in fact, besides beeing still pretty energetic, this one is sitting on his chair most of the day, maybe we even let him be bound to the chair, not sure yet (the image before was just to test the skinning a bit), therefore he is pretty skinny, he doesn't move much, so he is not very muscular at all, to compensate that he is wearing pretty wide and saggy clothes. The opposite would have been to make him fat, would be very funny too but we couldn't reuse the rig, and some of his anims have already been done with the old character.

    The hands are just taken from that other character, that one is walkin with a stick ingame, and his hands are not very energetic posed, they are not very skinny boney either, so i could agree with you on that, the question in that area was more of, how much detail (polygon and texturewise) i should put into the hands.

    The biggest part of his hands is covered by a glove, and won't be seen upcloase at all, so i decided back then (3 years ago, so i have to live with mistakes that have been done back then also ;) ) not to put too much detail onto his hands, they have the same pixel ratio as everything else on the 1k texturesheet, so making it veiny is not much of an issue.

    however here is a closeup shot of his hand


    so i don't think it has to have much more veins and cobbles, also cobbles are a thing that stylewise is a bit of an issue, i don't want to end up with super wobbly characters like the old ones in some of the ghibli films. So what i could do instead is work in a bit more agespots and a few more wrinkles around the joints, but i doubt it will be that visible, but i'll do that.

    Ok next the proportions, as said before he wears pretty thick, too big and saggy clothes, so let me show you another image. Another part is definitely the stupid UT in Editor Fov, if pretty hard to get a good shot of a character within the editor, i don't know how to change it, inagme we have another less distorted FOV and in Sequences special cams with even less distortion.

    sidenote: armposition is a bit more upwards as there was a glitch with the rig, the clavicles on the grandpa rig are rotated a bit upwards, so its not totally the same as the porportioned basemesh

    As you see the character itself is rather small, no really around 8-10 years but also not a 8 heads standatized humanoid, the soldiers have that size, they are all larger then the townfolks are. Also to emphasize their position in the world. besides the overall bigger scaled head, the soldiers are pretty much the most human sized characters

    As for Pi
  • Miche
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    He turned out really nice Neox... I just love that propeller xD

    A wip from me.. A hummer m242 bushmaster.. The turret on the top is just basic colored so far.. working those scratches :P A lot of feedback would be awesome :)

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15

    a bit of progress. That holograph is pretty weak.. it'll be remade sometime soon. Meanwhile I'm trying to think up stuff stuff for filler.
  • ES_139
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    looking good miche but i think those headlights could use a few more sides if they are meant to be round :s
  • rooster
  • almighty_gir
  • Advancebo
  • Mladen Jovicic

    wip of punk/post-apocalyptic dude.
    most thangs are placeholders

  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Some results of one of my projects. Decided to make a desktop (which I won't use). Gotta kick out an animation of them. Who here has anaglyph 3D glasses?

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Rooster: Give it another set of wheels and Moon Patrol baby!
    Mladen: Lookin good! I like the knifey-spikes.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10

    Here's some Maya viewport screengrabs of a katana I recently made. The far right is a Marmoset screengrab. Final polycount was just under 3K tris with 2K diffuse, spec and normal maps.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Great work Rapture... awesome stuff!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    neox, that stuff looks beautiful. Love the painting work on the plane! really great stuff.

    mladen & rapture: !!!! sickness!!!

    rapture, my only comment would be to suggest maybe more lacquer on the sheath-case-thingie? seems a bit dull. love the details though, the wrappings are awesome.
  • DerDude
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    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
    very nice proportions Mladen Jovicic
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Ged wrote: »
    like it harry but I think the colours are still too subtle to give it the vibrant old school look. Im thinking more like this
    Totally agree on this! :D Right now it kind of has that 'gray normal map' issue...
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    More or less done. Might tweak and retouch some areas if I put it into UDK... which I think I'll do.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/469564/brutusjr5.jpg - a bit different material.
  • Yamo
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    Notorious: Awesome - glad you got rid of the skull hehe
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    what happened to the skull thing on the front of the magazine PIG?!? that was the hottness!
    dude... yamo... WHAT?!? i loved that skulll......... maaaaaaaaaaan.... :(
    nice result man... real slick
  • Envelope
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    I agree with Yamo ;)
  • g0th
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    g0th triangle
    Had a go at Bram Eulaers stone wall tutorial, the diff and spec is just something I throw on. Ended up with 882 tris with a 1024 tex.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Got a little spare time to finish this bad boy, Almost done on the sculpt side, next is texturing :D

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    NASTRASH polycounter lvl 10
    @EricV - i was just working on exactly the same shotgun for last couple days.

  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, this is just a quick head sculpt made with Zbrush, from a simple box. This is the first time I really use polypainting :

  • woogity
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    nice one crazyfool!
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    More or less done. Might tweak and retouch some areas if I put it into UDK... which I think I'll do.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/469564/brutusjr5.jpg - a bit different material.

    hey piggy, very nice work. What's the size of that map?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    hey guys, I made a little temp portfolio last night to show off the works I've made that I like. I'm not actively looking for a job yet (since i'm employed), but if you guys have any suggestions on what's not up to par, feel free to chime in.

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    NASTRASH wrote: »
    @EricV - i was just working on exactly the same shotgun for last couple days.


    ha! nice1 man...I did a double take there for a sec...I thought it was mine, but at the same time knew I didnt post any more shots
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Mountain and terrain by Epic games.. still messing around with making little platformer props and trying to hand paint

  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Finally got around to making the low poly and started on the textures of my gun...

  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    Something Doomish ( particularly liking Kenneth Scotts´ Style) i work on during lunchbreaks ..

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