We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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This really is a great place to loosen up. http://www.quickposes.com/pages/challenges
It's good to do this on a tablet, because I am much stiffer on a tablet than my sketchbook.
A few recent pages from me and an imagination poop
Full image here (it's quite long): http://i.imgur.com/KGfyGse.jpg
I have been lurking around the site a bit and thought I should finally join and post something.
Sunday night sketching.
Trying out some new inking brushes in ps.
A few studies, 20 min each!
15-20 min
Daven: HHHHHHHHOOOLLLYY PISS that's an amazing character concept. Design wise, and execution.
Some recent character sketches, dinking around with stories and such. More information on them on my tumblr. http://tmblr.co/ZrZZpw1QnBxrn
This one is unrelated
Keepin busy
Great stuff everyone!
Zorn study..
I don't know if everyone is sick of these characters yet, but here's a study I did of Puckette. A more fleshed out version of the outfit to come after some research on bracers and stuff.
@Makkon: Could you (or anyone) please recommend a good resource for some gesture drawing theory? Specifically about splitting up the body into a collection of forms, as it were.
30 min speedy:
And proko is a great resource for understanding how to figure draw
Otherwise just a lot of observation from drawing the figure a lot. I use Quickposes.
A study of this sculpture:
maybe color was a bad idea.
Saw those sketches on artstation - pretty neat stuff, man!
Some studies and doodles.
Also, here's the brushes that I used for this and a few previous sketches, just 2 brushes. Use the with 100% opacity, and 10-25% flow. The first brush has a hard edge and a soft edge, use if for lines and for shading.
Is that about right or is there a lot of redoing/erasing/cleanup magic that's not evident in the show-worthy versions?
The last ones are realy cute! Especially the smaller one
Cool sketches, man!
Here's some studies done tonight:
Reference for that last one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Amerigo_Vespucci_-_marble_bust_by_Ceracchi_1815.jpg
hour practice.