We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
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- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
Moon Lady sketch thing
gouache and photoshop:
Art dump, inspired by How to train your dragon 2
Yeah that one turned out so so :P
Thanks ^^
Here some more stuff:
Some alchemy/photoshop stuff
Messing around with stronger light sources than I'm used to. It's hard to post on this board sometimes with all the awesome art here already.
i prefer 17 and 20.
eriknilsson, awesome enviro pieces! the ones with the boat is really nice!
i think you make great progress, so i want to ask, how much time do you spend on drawing and painting? i mean, weekly for example?
anyway, cyberpunk is awesome, heres an inspired piece;
I'm trying my hand at the whole giant spaceship thing.
ErikNilsson: I love the look of your brush strokes for that robot.
just some alchemy warmup sketches
think i like this crop better
Did a weird glitch animation thingy for it aswell http://ullbors.deviantart.com/art/Cyborg-Glitch-473024885?ga_submit_new=10%253A1407148720
Thanks man! Ahh it varies, but I try to paint every week, you got some nice stuff yourself!
I've been wondering how come the pixel art thread is in the 3d section?
Dafunct: ohh nice palett! no clue about the pixel thread tho
"They landed"
Here's a piece i made for the Jenny LeClue fan art contest. Hope you enjoy